A Fantasy about Love Pt. 11


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She slowly relaxed against my chest and every little aftershock made her hold me tight. Finally, she lifted her head. "My love, this was wonderful. Now I can stand the thought of the week in front of us; staff and money problems, trucks breaking down, never to relax because I'm just a woman in their eyes." Then she started to grin. "My new car!"

Jenny looked in, "Five minutes. Do you need any help?" Maureen grinned. "A washcloth would be nice. James has filled me up completely and when I start to move..."

Jenny laughed. "I hope to have to resolve the same problem many times in my future!"

She came back with the cloth and Maureen got up; when my shaft popped out there was really a stream of white, creamy liquid flowing out. Jenny cleaned it, but a few drops escaped; they looked at each other and Maureen wiped a finger through her pussy and offered it to Jenny. She licked it clean and smiled. "You taste wonderful." Jenny did the same and offered her finger to Maureen who agreed. "We do taste wonderful."

I wondered aloud whether food would taste nice also and they hit me.

"Men! They take our body and then they want food! Where is the grateful acclamation of our beauty, the praise for our dedication, the tribute to our surrender to a man's desires? Hah! Food is all they want! Jenny, I know what Lysistrata would do: shall we punish this man as she did?"

Jenny looked at me and grinned. "Maureen, we could try, but I doubt that it would last a long time. Unfortunately, he has just to look at us and we fall into his arms. By the way, do you want dinner or not? It is served, Countess!"

We all laughed and when I sat them at the table, I bent and kissed Jenny first on her lips, then farther down on her areolae that were proudly present in the little baby doll she had changed into. She placed her hands under her breasts and presented them to me. "James, consider yourself punished for the disgraceful manner you behaved just now. Apologize!"

I did not know what she was talking about, but used the opportunity to nuzzle her breasts for a while until Maureen stopped it. "You two, I thought this was dinner and not a public display of licentious behavior. Jenny, you will have your turn in bed; now let's cool down and eat."

I tried to argue that it was not public, nor a display, nor was there anything licentious about it. I knew that I was apologizing for something unknown to me, but that I was certain she would tell me later what it was for.

We followed her order; a friend of mine in the States had shown me once a study with a sample of 100 married couples that seemed to prove that 98 of the husbands always followed orders of their wives, and that the other 2 had never been heard of again. I should add that she was married, but her husband had vanished in the past. I had learned my lesson! It was a nice dinner, however, with a bottle of a Pinot Noir to accompany the veal. Jenny had learned to cook and as with all other things she did, her effort was outstanding.

Later we put the dishes into the dish washer and retired to our bedroom. We passed through the bathroom and I lay between the two, Maureen on my right and Jenny on my left. It was a wonderful feeling to feel their warm bodies beside me, as they placed their heads on my chest. There was Jenny's black straight shining hair and Maureen's luscious red wavy hair tickling my chest, and their perfumes drifted into my nose; Celui and Balenciaga, producing a mixture of sweet and fresh scent that would always remind me of my loves. Maureen reached over and placed my hand on her breast. "My love, I want to talk about tomorrow, but feel free to exercise your fingers. I'm able of parallel processing!"

I laughed. "Do you remember when you said the same words and I proved that this is not true?"

She protested. "James, I can do it as long as you don´t touch me in certain places, and then rational thinking takes second place. I promise that I'll try tonight."

Jenny repeated her gesture and when my hand arrived on her breast, her nipples were already long and stiff. "I can do parallel, too, James. I'll show you!"

I decided to try their good intentions. Whilst I was stroking gently their areolae, I asked Maureen what she wanted to talk about. "Jenny will start tomorrow in the office. Do you realize that we have not discussed her status yet nor her remuneration? I want her to have the title of Executive Assistant, but you have to tell me what she should earn. Jenny, what do you want your salary to be?"

Jenny sat up, which destroyed my plans to test their endurance. "Maureen, my reward is to be with you every day of my life. My salary? You decide that and I accept whatever you decide."

Now Maureen sat up also and both looked at me. Well, there went my fun as talking about money destroyed whatever romantic ideas one had. I sat up, too. "Jenny, you received a salary increase recently before you left for the course and you were promised another increase on your promotion to a managerial position. Right?"

She nodded. "I believe that you were promised a salary of A$ 60,000 plus some benefits. Right?" She nodded again. "Maureen, it is your decision; after all, you are the manager responsible for the Branch office, but I believe you should negotiate an annual salary of A$ 75,000 with her. If she accepts anything less, accept it and offer her a performance review in three months' time plus a possible salary increase. Select the appropriate benefits for the position, but it's your decision."

Both looked at me now.

"Look, Maureen, if I could do what I wanted, I would give her the world. She will work in a company and she will have colleagues who might, no, who would be jealous of any exaggeration. By the way, what is your salary now?"

She looked down. "James, it is A$ 50,000 plus a car allowance. I never thought about money; I enjoy my job and you support our home. In any case, I have more than enough money as my dividends come in."

I shook my head. "Maureen, this changes everything. I suggest strongly that you contract a company that does job evaluations and determines correct salary levels. I know HAY and have used them before, and they are OK. Here's a medium-term solution: You pay Jenny A$ 48,000 per year plus some benefits and re-arrange all salaries once you have the results of Hay or any other reliable company in your hands."

Maureen grinned. "You see, Jenny, when I wanted to give you a decent salary, the man who you believe loves you, cut it. What now? Still in love?"

Jenny smiled -- have I mentioned before that I had never seen so many smiles at home?

"Now and forever. I'm certain that if one day I needed money I shall have it, and if not, James or you will help out and I'll pay you back as soon as possible. I agree with James, however, pay me whatever is reasonable, and we'll do the survey he recommended. Then you can decide what my salary will be."

Maureen shook her head. "James, this woman is helplessly in love with you and has not a bit of common sense left as far as you are concerned. Never disappoint her!"

I promised this and took them into my arms; all thoughts of a romantic night had vanished. I kissed them, received their breasts to kiss as was my right, and we went to sleep, Maureen on my left placing my hand on her breast, and Jenny snuggling in behind me, holding me tight.

We woke up early, eager to start the week: Maureen to get a car, for Jenny a new job and I to negotiate a company. We had breakfast and went on our way to get the Countess a car...

Chapter 47: A Satisfying Negotiation

We slept well and, in the morning,, Maureen was excited: she would buy a car! While I had my shower, Maureen and Jenny prepared breakfast and as always it was a wonderful sight to enter the kitchen and to see not only one but two beautiful nude ladies waiting for me. I gave them my three good morning kisses and she showed me that she already did some planning and had set up three dealers: BMW, Audi, and Jaguar. She knew that I wanted options, and she showed me the details: The BMW 640i, the Jaguar XF, and the Audi S5 (but visibly her mind was set on the BMW and she pushed all buttons to show her preference!). We looked at all the publicity she had collected, and I suggested to take the Jaguar out of our little competition. The one car that looked really nice was the F type, but that was a sports car; admittedly very nice, but it was not designed for four people and we had already the Porsche that I loved dearly.

So off we were to see cars!

We had already agreed that the Jaguar was out, so we went first to the Audi dealer. A young, well-dressed salesman approached.

"May I help you? What car are you looking for?" He might have seen the Porsche when we arrived, but he was a good guy, not pushing, but giving his full attention. "We have the full line of the top end available. May I show you some of the models?"

We saw more than 15 cars, even the TT, but that was not what Maureen wanted. "I saw in your site that you have the S5 convertible -- can we see that?"

It was standing in a corner of the showroom: a beautiful car in deep blue, seven-speed transmission, all possible accessories installed including a Bang & Olufson sound system, and it did 0 to 100 in 5 seconds. It was not cheap: a bit more than A$ 145K but it was a nice car. The ladies liked it, too, but Maureen wanted a red car, and Jenny nodded her head emphatically. The salesman vanished and after a while came back that unfortunately, at this moment there was no red car in stock or at the other dealers in Sydney. He could try Melbourne if we wanted? We told him that we would go to a BMW dealer and perhaps come back. He hesitated, but then said that he had heard that customers were not always happy with the treatment they received at the dealer. They had beautiful cars but had not learned yet that customer satisfaction was more important than making a sale. He apologized for his comments, but he wanted to avoid that two so beautiful ladies would be disappointed.

"Perhaps you might come back? And if I may add, I worked for BMW before and if you wanted a specific car, I could probably get it for you. But it's your choice, Sir."

I found his manners strange, but he was polite and knew his cars. At the BMW dealer, we had to wait for a little Beetle as it got into the parking lot we wanted, and we had to go back to the other side. When we entered the showroom there was nobody there: just a row of cars. We walked down the line and at the end there was the 640i convertible, the car the two had become excited about. It was in grey, beautifully designed with flowing lines that implied speed and grace and I knew why Maureen was excited. Finally, a salesman arrived and asked us what we wanted. He saw us looking at the 640i and mentioned that that car was probably out of our price range; it was expensive. Perhaps we preferred to see the 1 or 3 series, with a better price? I asked for the specifications of the 640i; he was not up-to-date on that car and looked around for the car documentation. Finally, he found it and gave it to me; this was the moment I decided that I would never buy a car with this dealer. The car was beautiful: eight-speed transmission, good sound system, internal computer with GPS and whatever one wanted, and it did 0 to 100 in 4.6 seconds! I thanked the guy (I didn't know for what) and as we left, another man came running up to us. "Can I help you? I am the sales manager."

I wondered what to do, but Jenny stepped in. "Sir, we came here to look at the 640i convertible. Your salesperson here was not here when we arrived; when he appeared after some minutes he told us that we had not enough money to buy that car, and when we asked about specifics, he didn't know any. So, we'll go back to the Audi dealer and have another look there - at least the person there was knowledgeable and polite. You lost a good sale! Goodbye!"

He stood rigid as we passed him and I saw him turning to his salesman, yelling at him. When we entered the Porsche, he came running apologizing and offered his personal services. I waved at him and drove off. The ladies decided to go back to the Audi guy and see what he could get us. He smiled when we arrived back so quickly and asked what happened. I told him that I did not want to talk about it and Maureen described what she wanted: the 640i convertible in red, a good sound system and the rest I would decide. Jenny added that she wanted beige nappe leather seats and the self-parking system. He looked at me and mentioned that it was a bit more expensive than the S5, but if we wanted the BMW, he would see what he could do. He vanished for five minutes and came back with the car as described, but in Sydney red was not available. He had found, however, the exact car in red with the self-parking system for the ladies in Melbourne, and if we wanted, he could have the car in Sydney the following day. He suggested, however, that I should first meet a friend of his who had that car, was very satisfied with it and let us use it for a test drive. He could be here in 15 minutes if we wanted this?

Maureen looked at Jenny and nodded: yes, we wanted it.

I realized that he was clever: he had not yet mentioned the price. We received coffee and a Danish, and then the guy showed up. It really was a beautiful car, even in grey, and Maureen's eyes glazed over. He offered her the steering wheel, we went all in and off she went; carefully at first, then, with more confidence, driving fast, but within the speed limits. When we got back, she looked at me. "I want that car, darling. I really want it. Pretty Please?"

The salesman thought that he had an easy prey, but Jenny stepped in. "Look, we are interested, but first we want to see the accessories this car has." He went through a long list of included items and a longer list of options. Jenny listened patiently and then sat down and went through the options. "We want this ... and this ... and the parking assistance ... and cameras in front ... and the beige nappe leather ... the red metallic color." When she stopped after a long while, the salesman was happy, but he didn't know Jenny.

"Now let's talk about price."

"Standard pricing is A$ 208K, plus this option and that one, and let's not forget the self-parking ... With a discount for the pretty ladies I can give you the car for an even A$235K."

Maureen wanted to say something, but Jenny stepped on her foot. "That's the list price I can get at any dealer. What is the price you can convince me to purchase through you?"

He looked at her with a pained expression "Ma'am, I'm giving you already a discount on the list price. What more do you want?"

"A better offer and we could pay cash. Would that help?"

He got up and spoke to someone and came back. "A$ 225K, Ma'am."

Jenny got up and thanked him for his efforts, but she was certain that in a BMW dealer in Sydney or another city she would get a better deal. "Remember that even if you make only 2000 dollars on this deal, it is 2000 dollars more than zero. But perhaps you are not interested? ... In any case, thank you for your help. You made our choice easier."

Maureen followed her very reluctantly, but I knew what would happen next.

"Ma'am, can I offer you another coffee while I talk once more to my friend? Please?"

She came back and accepted the cup of coffee. He vanished and came back. "A$ 220, Ma'am."

She was considering the offer and went back to all the accessories that were included in that price, and nodded. "A$ 219K?"

The salesman sighed. "Ma'am, I've gone down as far as I could. All I can do now is wish you luck with another dealer. But it was a pleasure dealing with you!"

Jenny glanced at me and I nodded slightly; she extended her hand. "A$ 220K it is. Delivery tomorrow, after 17.00 hours, here in this shop. Payment in a cashier's check."

He took a deep breath. "Thank you, Ma'am. You'll be satisfied with the car and my service. If I may say so, this is the hardest sell I've done in weeks! But may I also assume that you'll come back if you ever need another car?"

Jenny nodded, we shook hands and Maureen waited until we were back at the Porsche and yelled "Yes! Thank you, James - you get lots of brownie points, and you too, Jenny. You were wonderful. I'll drive now thinking about my new car."

I did not give her the keys. "My love, you will be so pleased that you will not pay attention. This is not a passenger car: it's a sports car with violent acceleration. Wait for tomorrow!"

Her answer was to pout trying to sulk, but it did not last long; she shrugged and grinned. "I'll not let you drive my new car either!"

I told her that my feelings would be hurt very much, but if that was the way she wanted it, that was the way it would be. Jenny laughed.

"Children, can you wait with your arguments at least until the car is here?"

At the flat, I asked them whether I could do anything useful; if not, I would finish my book and listen to some music. The answer was to go ahead, have a shower, change and do what I wanted. After a while, the noise in the kitchen abated and other noises came from the bedroom. Then it went back to the dining room and finally, I was called for dinner.

There were candles on the table, a bottle of white wine in a cooler and a bottle of a red one in a decanter. The food smelled delicious, and the Doulton bone china she had bought a few weeks ago made its first entrance, and my Rosenthal crystal glasses glittered. But what most attracted my attention was the two ladies: Maureen with a long completely transparent greenish silky gown, showing her pert breasts with her nipples already standing at attention, and her pretty pussy open for viewing. Jenny was beside her: different but as beautiful in another long transparent gown, this time in grey and her breasts exposed to my eyes. Her hair was hanging over one shoulder, hiding part of a breast and when she saw me looking at it, she smiled and brushed it aside to have her full breast visible again. Maureen's hair was made up high, emphasizing her thin neck and calling attention to her huge green eyes.

"Are we presentable, oh Lord and Master? Is there anything we can offer you? Us? Now or later? Food first? We decided that tonight we will make this a dream for you and we're at your disposal for whatever pleasures your mind or body wants."

I told them that food would be nice and that often the excitement of waiting for a gift, and they gave me most definitely a wondrous gift, was as pleasurable as getting it, and that I was looking forward to the evening.

"Perhaps we could have some food first? I assume that I will need all my forces later?"

They grinned and the response was that most definitively I would need all my forces during the night.

"If you feel really adventurous tonight, there's also some smoked salmon and a good French Champagne in the cooler, oh Lord and Master!"

The night promised to be exciting, but I tried to calm them a bit. "My two loves, please remember that we were not in a sexual competition; we're here to love each other and make each other happy!"

Maureen looked at me with a mischievous grin on her face. "We know this, darling. But don't you think that an occasional embellishment to our mutual desires would be very motivating?"

I had to agree, and we sat at the table, my two beauties at my side competing who could give me a nicer tidbit, fill my glass and principally rubbing her bodies against mine. Somehow Maureen's gown had slipped, and her breasts were as open to my touches as were Jenny's. Every time one got up to reach for an item on the other side of the table it seemed that the only way back was via a touch of her breasts on my cheeks and if there was any interest at all (and there was all the time) her nipples ended up in my mouth. Even closing my eyes, I knew who was pleasing me: the puffy areola of Maureen or the smaller one of Jenny were instantly recognized. After a while they were tired of playing around; now they wanted action. The table was cleared in record time and I was led to our bedroom.
