A Fantasy about Love Pt. 11


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I was told to lie down; they would devote themselves to me and I could relax, but not too much. They shed their gowns and lay beside me; their hands started to stroll up and down my body. One slipped down and then the other, and suddenly George was very interested in their proposals.

"George, how about having some fun? Do you like having two girls adoring you?" And then was one tongue licking slowly up and down, and then another mouth taking him in and teasing him at the tip. George advised that he would really, really like to participate and asked for more and more until it was too much: I exploded into one mouth but not for long; a hand took him out and placed him into another mouth where he was sucked eagerly. At that moment I did not care; all I wanted to feel their caresses.

After a while I relaxed and looked at them; there was a very satisfied smile on both their faces and material proof what had happened: my sticky semen was generously distributed on their faces even as they had tried to swallow it all. A moment of silence and then Jenny popped up and started to clean Maureen's face, kissing her slowly from the top to her chin; Maureen did not hesitate and repeated the action. Licking their lips, they came up to me and offered their lips to mine; I hugged them tenderly and kissed them affectionately. Looking at them, my eyes teared up. My thoughts went back to the moments when we had met first, and when we had become lovers. They were giving me so much pleasure, and I knew that these feelings would go on forever!

There was an easy conversation on God and the world, but they were not really interested in it: they were tired. I asked myself how volatile women were: Half an hour ago I was promised the world (with smoked salmon and ice-cold vodka thrown in), and now they were asleep! Smiling and seemingly happy, but asleep! Well, what could I do? I kissed their lips and fell asleep also.

The following morning both seemed to be embarrassed. Maureen was first. "Darling, I don't know what happened last night, but I felt so happy and content that suddenly I was asleep. I had promised you myself; why did you not wake me up?" Jenny added "James, it happened to me, too. I'm very disappointed with you! All you needed was to kiss me and you could have had me as promised. You know that I keep my promises! IT'S YOUR FAULT!"

Why was I suddenly the guilty part? I wanted to get even, but knew that I never had a chance against those two.

"Do you promise to behave better this night?"

This was adding injury to insult, and I turned away. When I got up, Maureen held me back.

"My love, we were tired, and our best intentions faded when we were in your arms. Please forgive us, and we'll try tonight again!" Jenny added "With interest, my love!"

More kisses and we were ready for the day. Later in the afternoon, Maureen dragged us to the dealer to get her car; he had said 17.00 hours, but we were there at four o'clock already. Fortunately, the car was ready and after handing over the cheque and signing some documents, she was the proud owner of a red 640i BMW convertible. I told her to be careful when driving: this was a different cat from her little Mazda. She nodded (and I realized that she had heard not one word of what I had been saying), gave me a kiss and started the car. I told Jenny to sit beside her and control her, and followed her in my car. To my surprise, she behaved sensibly, and I started to breathe more easily.

At home she babbled and babbled about how easy it was to control the car, and she could not wait to try the self-parking app, and the radio was very good, and the seats adjusted to her body and she could program so that when she opened her car, it would automatically adjust the seat, the mirrors and whatever support she needed at her back, and ... I decided to kiss her; this seemed to be the only way to stop her. When she started again, asking for suggestions how she could name the car, I told her "BMW" and before she could hit me, went to the sitting room, poured myself a drink and picked up a book. At night, however, she was as enthusiastic making love as she had promised, and the car was forgotten for a moment.

The next morning, however, she invited us to come with her to see her car. We went down to the garage and she turned on the engine and took the hood down. Now there was a beautiful red-haired lady in a beautiful red car, and with a brilliant smile she drove off. Jenny looked at me. "Let us pray she comes home safe, my love." I nodded and that was my foremost thought at this moment. But she did.

Now it was my turn to become serious. It took me some time to find Mr. Simpson´s office. It was located in Haymarket, close to the central railway station.

It was in an old building, which seemed to appear a bit abandoned, but it was a huge area, with a front over a hundred fifty yards wide and extending at least twice that length. He must have bought it a very long time ago. I looked around and there were new expensive looking apartment buildings going up around the lot: that was interesting. I saw already one of our trucks coming out, ready for business.

Inside trucks were being loaded, but it all seemed in a leisurely way, not the determined and speedy method I had seen at NT; half the boxes were closed, and people seemed to talk a lot to each other. I was shown to his office and an elderly lady told me to sit and wait until Mr. Simpson was free. I observed the movement in the office, and it was not different from what I had seen outside. The furniture looked used and the lady seemed to be a hag, dressed in black. People entered and left his office until I finally asked the lady whether I should come back another day. She glared at me, but got up and entered his office. After a while, she came back and ushered me in.

Mr. Simpson was sitting at his desk; it also was well used. He shook my hand and started immediately.

"Mr. Winter, I received you because Allan asked me. I know that you're out of a job and I don't want to waste your time since there's nothing here for you. My company is getting old, as am I, and I don't see a future for a young guy like you in this situation."

I was surprised, to say the least. "Mr. Simpson, your company is well regarded as are you and your knowledge of the industry is second to none. What happened?"

He looked at me for a long time and then started to tell me his story. He had started as a truck driver a long time ago, had married, had received a small inheritance, bought his own truck and with perseverance and luck built his own company. He was married to it and that disturbed his marriage and she divorced him, so he focused even more on growing his company until it was the biggest trucking firm in NSW. Five years ago, he had been offered close to a hundred million dollars to sell it, but he was too proud -- now somebody had offered forty-five million. He'd prefer to close the company than to sell it at that price. He did not see any future and did not know what he would or should do with the company and with himself.

"You see that there's nothing for you, Mr. Winter. We're losing customers and there's a young woman in the NT branch that is stealing my best customers, but I cannot bring myself to get back to battle for this. For whom? I'm on my own, have no children and enough money to last to my end. I didn't want to bother you with all these sordid details, but somehow it came out -- please forgive me."

Whilst he was talking, I had re-juggled the offer I was going to make. This seemed to be a good opportunity for us and for him.

"Mr. Simpson, you are right, I'm not working for a company at this time, but I've been doing consulting work and one of the companies that asked to develop a long-range plan was NT. I'm here not to look for a job, but to offer you one."

He looked surprised. "I beg your pardon?"

"Mr. Simpson, NT has looked at their future and has two options: stay in Queensland and stagnate or go out and battle the world. Mrs. Monahan decided to go for it. This means that she has to survive a fierce battle that costs a lot of money, or she can form an alliance. This is the reason why I'm here."

He sat a bit straighter -- now he was interested.

"Mr. Simpson, I'm authorized to offer you the following deal: NT will pay you twenty million dollars in whatever form you want; it wants you to stay on for at least a year to teach our managers the ropes and transfer your contacts, and you will be paid one million dollars for this work. If everything goes as we expect, there would be a bonus of another million dollars after one year. That was the financial part; now let's talk about non-monetary items. NT would be willing to fund the Jason Simpson Chair for Logistics at the University of Sydney with five million dollars under the condition that you would be a teacher at the university during the first two years. These are the basic points and I ask you: are you interested?"

He stared at me. "This is not what I expected. Are you serious?"

"Mr. Simpson, I'm deadly serious. There are details to resolve; our current manager in Sydney is a young woman who is doing very well, but she has to learn a lot. We would expect that you would advise and recommend, but that the final decision would be hers, for good or for bad. She has to swim on her own, but we want to help her reach the beach. That would be your job and ours. We also have another young woman who is frightfully intelligent, but she knows nothing about this industry. She's on our fast track and we would expect you to teach her. There is a consolation, however, both are quite beautiful, Mr. Simpson! And there would be other people who would come occasionally and ask for help, in addition to your time at the university. So you see, Mr. Simpson, you would be quite busy, and very useful for us, and certainly your life would not be boring."

He leaned back and continued to say nothing. After a while, he took a deep breath. "Mr. Winter, obviously this is an offer I have to think about it. What time will you give me?"

"Mr. Simpson, I apologize, but we need a fast answer, not later than Wednesday. There'll be details to be resolved, but NT has a Board Meeting on Friday to decide what steps to take next. If you agree in principle, we'll get the lawyers in touch and you'll see that NT will act fast and reasonable. One point we want to discuss is how to deal with your employees; what I saw outside didn't give me the assurance that they are up to speed with as our people work. Nevertheless, that will be a decision between you and NT how to deal with this: who wants to leave will get a decent package, and the others will have to go through the NT new employees' course. We will not mistreat anyone."

He called his secretary and asked her to bring tea and she continued to glare at me. "You must excuse her; she has been with me for over thirty years and believes she has to defend me."

I nodded but decided that she was one person who had to leave: a new customer looking at her would just turn around and run to a competitor.

He asked me a lot of questions about NT, about Mrs. Monahan, about the woman he was supposed to teach, and I gave him an honest answer. It would not be easy for him to sit and see other people deciding and making mistakes that went against his grain, but this was life and he would have other interests making him live again. He was quiet for a time and then invited me for lunch in his club, one of these old stout institutions where the average age seemed to be over eighty. The food was solid and good, the wine excellent and the conversation interesting as he told me more about his past. He would be a good addition to our team.

In the end, he finished his glass of port. "Mr. Winter, I'm not a man who decides immediately. Let me talk to my lawyer, but I want to tell you that in principle, I'm tending to accept your offer. I'll call you tomorrow and thank you for an interesting morning."

I thanked him for a delicious lunch and complimented the restaurant on their wines; if he approved, I would bring my wife along one day because she knew her wines very well.

"Whenever you want, Mr. Winter. Just call me."

I drove home and waited for Maureen to come. She came quite late accompanied by a quiet Jenny.

"What happened?" Jenny was overwhelmed by the new position and dubious how she would deal with it. We told her that we would not have made the offer if we had not been convinced that she would shine brilliantly and finally she calmed down. They asked me how my meeting had gone, and I gave them a summary. "James, you went there with a completely different offer and were willing to spend between sixty and eighty million; so how did you get away with less than thirty?"

"Maureen, this is where you have to think on your feet. When he opened up about his past, he gave me arguments to restructure the offer, and finding a way to make life interesting again, made him listen and pointed him to a new path. He could be very useful for us and the two of you would learn a lot, and NT would save a lot of money."

Maureen grinned. "And you would have Mom wherever and as often?" Both laughed and started to give me some recommendation on where and how. At one point I looked at Jenny.

"Jenny, how could you even think of this?" She smirked. "Darling, I read a lot and if you want to practice tonight, feel free to do so...." Maureen had watched us. "Jenny, you have to be more assertive! What can he do? Put you on his knees and spank you?"

She grinned. "This is actually a brilliant idea! James, will you spank me if I do something wrong?" I got up and walked away; I would never win as soon as they started teasing me. I could handle perhaps one, but not the two.

All I heard was "Chicken!" and they started to giggle again.

We decided to tell Eileen only tomorrow about the result of the meeting, as it would be a nice birthday present. I just said that closure was probable, and the price would be below eighty million dollars. She asked: "Will you reach fifty? Remember the bonus!"

After dinner, we retired to our bedroom and when I finished my duties in the bathroom, I stopped for a moment at the door. The two were giggling! I heard Jenny "I told them that I have a very shy and timid boyfriend whom I want to seduce, but he hesitates all the time. I showed them my photograph of James and they all recommended that I became more active! It was fun to listen to them!"

Both laughed and when I entered, they giggled again. Jenny lay on her back, gloriously naked, and Maureen was turned to her. Shy and Timid? I would show her!

I stepped closer and they saw me, still laughing. I came close, Jenny opened her legs a bit and I knelt between them; then I started to tickle her. She screamed for help and when Maureen wanted to intervene, I growled at her.

"Stay away! I have to teach this woman a lesson and if you insist, you'll be the next! Shy and timid! Hah!"

Maureen moved to the side of the bed, grinning. "Oh Lord and Master, I tremble with fear! Please do me next!"

Jenny tried to defend herself and the tickling became somewhat more sexual. She was good in her moves, but I was better, and all my years of martial practice paid off. I pinned her below me, with her arms stretched over her head and breathing rapidly, and she stared at me. She was aroused and her flushed face showed clearly her emotion. Suddenly she wrapped her legs around my hips and drew me into her. It was tight, but she was wet and willing. She was at the edge of her control and when I pushed into her, she exploded, taking me along. It was sudden, not planned, and very exciting. She pulled me tightly into her arms and pushed herself even deeper into me, and I responded eagerly. Pressing her lips together, she wailed and then, with a final push, she came and trembled as an orgasm seized and wracked her. She clamped her thighs hard around my hips and moved with a frenzy that was uncommon to her; her orgasm seemed to go on and on, and shocks ran through her body. I had come, too, and I felt myself easily gliding up and down in her very wet channel; she tried to respond, but she had spent her force and her hips slowly relaxed. Finally, the little tremors and quivers ceased, and she lowered her hips back. She lay there, her body limp and relaxed, eyes closed, still breathing in a labored fashion. I watched her and thought that there was nothing more beautiful than a woman experiencing the languorous afterglow of a gigantic orgasm.

Finally, she opened her eyes again. "Shy and Timid? Perhaps Bold and Daring might be more appropriate!"

Maureen started to grin. "Brave and Bodacious? Dashing and Dynamic? Daring and Dexterous? Fearless and Forward? Imperious and Impertinent?" She stopped for a moment. "Poised and Positive? Sanguine and Smart? Valiant and Vigorous?"

I stopped her before it went too far, but she asked: "James, do I get the same treatment as Jenny if I go on?" I leaned over and took her in my arms, kissing her to stop her babbling; her dominance over the English language was showing, but it was still babbling.

Jenny looked at us and before she could say anything, I prevented her to compete in this silliness.

"Jenny, this is enough. I know that you have a vast vocabulary, but enough is enough." She almost disobeyed, but at the last moment, she stopped. I slowly withdrew from her and there was the same problem again: who would clean up whom? There was a copious amount of our liquids dropping out of her pussy and Jenny copied what Maureen had done before. She wiped her finger through her pussy and offered it to Maureen. She licked it clean and smiled.

"You taste wonderful." Maureen did the same and offered her finger to Jenny who agreed. "We do taste wonderful."

There was enough fun for the rest of the night and we went blissfully asleep. In the morning they hurried out and I had work to do. I knew that if I wanted to have my facts right, I needed more information, so I called the university. Battling to go through the Academia bureaucracy to get through to a person who could give me the right introduction was tiring and once in a while, I thought some quite unpleasant thoughts about the person on the other side of the line, but at the end, I succeeded to talk to the Chancellor of the Economics Department.

He agreed to see me still this morning; the fact that a James, Count de Winter called, might have helped. When I was leaving the phone rang and it was Mr. Simpson´s secretary. He wanted to meet me today for lunch at his club. I accepted but knew that now my time was restrained. At the university, the Rector invited me into his office and when I sat, he looked expectantly at me.

"Professor Miller, thank you for receiving me. I need information; my company has decided to invest in research and would like to see how to do this in the most efficient way possible. We are talking about three to five million dollars for the first year and will decide after that year whether we would continue. We are in the transport industry and one of the biggest companies in this sector in Australia."

He was surprised: no pleasantries to start? but I did not have the time for this today. He asked for tea to be served; as always a good way to gain time to think. We discussed several options until he arrived where I wanted to go.

"Professor, if we would fund a Chair for Logistics and find the right man to plan and hold the first course, would the university prepared to look at this seriously?"

He hummed and hawed, but in the end, he agreed that this could be arranged as long as the university standards of research and teaching would be observed. I mentioned Jason Simpson and he had heard of him. "A good man, who knows everything about his industry and has very influential connections in NSW."