A Gift in Disguise Ch. 04


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The same would be true for a transsexual man, a biological woman who prefers and physically, emotionally, and when possible permanently assumes male sexual traits. His orgasm responses, if we were to chart them, would reflect those of a biological woman. And just to clarify that, I will tell you that Kim is indisputably a woman as defined by her orgasm pattern. Her bisexual behavior and her desire to experience sex as if she were a man with a penis are merely expressions of her breadth of sexuality as a woman, not a desire to change her gender."

Amanda glanced quickly at Jamie who nodded slightly.

"Jamie is a perfect example of how orgasm response patterns almost conclusively identify the person's gender. I will tell you with no hesitation or reservation that in spite of her having a fully developed penis and scrotum that responds exactly like a man's when sexually aroused, her orgasm responses confirm what every other test we've performed has shown: Jamie is a woman. Her anatomical anomaly has had remarkably little bearing on her psychological well-being or gender orientation. That by itself is unusual, because persons with primary sexual anomalies often experience unusual psychological issues. Jamie is one of the most well-adjusted women I have ever known."

I felt rather awkward when I looked at Jamie. Yes, I had been wondering. And I suppose I had secretly been hoping for that additional reassurance, though I had assumed it would come from Lorraine.

"Thank you, Amanda," Jamie said sincerely.

"Yes, thank you, Amanda. I do understand it, at least the broad view you've given me." I paused, then spoke again. "Now, what about Jamie's project?"

Jamie jumped right in, professionally and enthusiastically but with some obvious relief in her voice.

"Of course I've talked extensively with both Kim and Lorraine about their experiences and expectations for their respective phalluses. As you know, they had slightly different perspectives. Lorraine's interest, at least initially, was to simply use it as another tool to try and help Kim achieve orgasm.

Kim's interest was similar but a little more personally pleasurable as well. She wanted to once again have orgasms, but she also had a curiosity to know what it was like to have a penis and to experience sexual sensations as a man might. Wearing the phallus while having sex with Lorraine didn't help her cum, so that may have also influenced her initial skepticism toward the phallus."

"Interestingly enough," Jamie continued, now looking straight at me with a noticeable gleam in her eyes, "Both Lorraine and Kim experienced extremely satisfying orgasms wearing their respective phallus and having sex with Tom. After that, both have provided some very detailed and constructive suggestions for structural and technical improvements. But of course, their perspective is based on the pleasure they derived as women rather than as a man."

"Okay," I responded, "But even though your intention is to create a prosthetic penis that will allow a man to once again experience sexual pleasure and even functioning after surgery or injury, I don't think his partner's pleasure should or even can be discounted. Speaking as a man, if my manhood had to be replaced by a prosthetic and it helped me deliver as much sexual enjoyment as the real thing to my partner, that would be a tremendous psychological boost to me."

"Absolutely, Tom," Jamie answered. "And realistically, the prosthetic penis won't always be on a man, nor will its use be limited to prosthesis. My admittedly unscientific research has shown that a large number of strap-on dildos are bought and worn by women. Even though our prosthetic will be very costly and will have to be individually fitted and modified for each wearer, we can't reject the likelihood of wider use than just medical prosthesis."

"So Jamie," Amanda asked, "What did Lorraine and Kim suggest in the way of improvements?"

"As you might expect," Jamie responded with a straight face, "Both of them insisted that we develop a cloned Tom to go with each one."

She barely got it out before she started snickering, almost as if she had been waiting all day to deliver that line. Then we all dissolved into laughter.

"Seriously, though," she continued, "Both Lorraine and Kim thought that if there was a way to better design the phallus to externally stimulate a woman's G-spot if the wearer is a woman, or a man's prostate if the wearer is a man, that would be very useful. I don't know how we could do that, though, since both require penetration."

Something Jamie said caused my mind to recall fragments of an article I had read somewhere. At some point, Jamie or Amanda must have said something to which they expected me to respond. When I didn't ...

"Tom? Tom? Would you like to come back to planet earth?" Jamie asked.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't ignoring you, but I'm trying to remember something I read about the effect of low-frequency acoustic pressure on the human body."

"What does whatever you just said have to do with Jamie's project?" Amanda asked.

"Well, didn't someone say that in looking at our CT scans they saw some periodicity in them. It was visible but not pronounced."

"Yes, but I don't see..." Amanda interrupted.

"Jamie, you said Lorraine and Kim both thought that in addition to the external stimulation their phalluses provide, they also thought that it would help if the phallus could also stimulate the wearer's G-spot or prostate. I wonder if low-frequency acoustic pressure could be applied externally or internally or both to somehow stimulate a woman's G-spot and a man's prostate?"

"You mean, like, use sound to stimulate them?" Amanda had caught on quickly, and her interest was growing.

"Not exactly sound -- acoustic pressure. When it's in the range of human hearing, it's sound. But I'm not necessarily talking about audible energy. Whether a man or woman was wearing the phallus, it would have to be applied externally to stimulate the wearer. It could also be applied through the phallus's head or shaft to stimulate a woman during vaginal penetration. What do you think?"

Both Amanda and Jamie thought for some time before Amanda finally spoke.

"It seems to me the placement of the sound vibrator..."

"Transducer," I corrected. "A transducer changes electrical energy into another form, in this case, into a low-frequency pressure wave."

"Okay, transducer," Amanda continued. "Its placement on the wearer would probably have to be fairly individualized in order for the pressure waves to hit either the wearer's G-spot or the prostate from outside. And by the way, the entire G-spot theory is under reexamination. But regardless, it's an intriguing idea using acoustic pressure for internal or external sexual stimulation. It almost sounds like a high-tech variation of a plain old vibrator."

"Yeah," Jamie chimed in. "And in addition to frequency, the waveform and amplitude might also be significant factors. The good news is, because of my DoD contracts, I have a contact with the Navy who might loan us everything we'd need to test the theory."

"The Navy is into developing sexual stimulation devices?" I asked.

Without missing a beat, Jamie responded, "Whenever the fleet's in port, yeah!"

Then she continued, "Seriously, though, it's definitely into low-frequency acoustic testing for undersea warfare."

"So I suppose the phallus would have to be reshaped to look like a torpedo," Amanda chuckled. More laughter.

"Actually," Jamie continued, "I think it's worth a try. I'm guessing that both Kim and Lorraine would be willing to be guinea pigs. But I'm concerned about broadening the sphere of people who might somehow learn about Tom's 'gift.'"

"Well, I'd volunteer to be tested," Amanda answered. "I guess the only immediate concern I'd have is that the low-frequency sound not cause any harm to anyone."

"That's the beauty of the Navy's testing," Jamie said enthusiastically. "It's also testing the effects of undersea acoustics on human divers and marine mammals. The Navy's testing is already addressing your concern. The people I'd borrow the test equipment from will also give me the benefit of what they've learned to reduce chances of medical problems."

"When do you think you'd be able to borrow the test equipment?" I asked.

"Let's see. Today's Tuesday, so I should be able to get it by next Monday. Amanda, what would you prefer? Do you want to go first or would you rather Kim or Lorraine go first?"

"I'm assuming Jamie will be the one doing the testing, so if you've got it by next Monday and if Lorraine is available next Monday evening, maybe you could do it at her office where you could record the audio and video to get her reactions. If it doesn't work with her, then I could do it next Tuesday."

"That makes sense," I said. "If it isn't going to work at all, then we don't need to waste any more time with it."

"Tom, I don't want to offend you, but I think it would be better if you weren't there when the tests are being done," Amanda said.

Jamie agreed, saying that since we still don't know the exact method or strength of whatever it is that sexually synchronizes me with my partner, my being there where the test is done could skew the results.

Shortly after, Amanda and I got up to leave.

"Tom," Jamie said, "I'd like to show you some of the manufacturing processes that I'll be using in Kim's and Lorraine's new phalluses -- if you've got a few minutes. Amanda, you're welcome to look and listen as well."

"Thanks, Jamie," Amanda responded as she kept walking toward the door. "But I've got a pile of reports to wade through. It sounds more like engineering stuff that doctor stuff anyway. Before I go, though, Tom, I'd like to meet with you sometime to discuss something I've never seen or heard of in anyone else -- the phantom orgasm you experienced when you were masturbating Kim during her CT scan." She handed me her card. "Would you please give me a call so we can meet?"

"Sure, but do you see any problem in what happened?"

"Not really. Most young men experience wet dreams at some point, but the phantom orgasm you experienced was definitely not that. You said you actually felt as if a hand was stroking your penis and that you ejaculated. The video from above the scanner shows your erection clearly, but it also clearly shows no hand ever touched it. Not yours, not Kim's. And there was no ejaculate anywhere from you, so I'd like to try and figure out why you had that experience."

I agreed to call her.

After Amanda departed, Jamie took me back into the lab where she discussed some of her technical ideas for improving the phallus so the wearer could actually experience an erection, orgasm, and ejaculation while wearing it. But she also conceded that there were a large number of men and women, including transgenders, who would pay for it purely as a sex toy to enhance their own sexual experiences.

"Jamie, could you pull up the waveforms of Lorraine and me when she was wearing her phallus?"

"Sure, but why..."

"I want to see if I can mathematically define even roughly the frequency of the periodic waveform."

"Gotcha," she answered understandingly.

"And do you have a handheld calculator I can use to ...?" I asked.

"Geez, how seventies," she interrupted mockingly. "We can mouse-click some points on the waveform on the computer, and the computer will give us the waveform's frequency and even its algorithm."

She brought up several of the stored waveforms for both Lorraine and me.

After about ten minutes of tweaking the waveforms on the computer, we agreed that the waveform fundamental frequencies appeared to be about 6 Hertz, but that there were also second and third harmonic frequencies at lower amplitudes. The upshot of that was that we became confident we could easily re-create those waveforms for the tests, and we might even be able to simply cut, paste, and use the ones Jamie's equipment had captured to the computer. At the instant we came to that conclusion, Jamie smacked her head with the palm of her hand in one of those "I should've had a V-8" moments.

"What?" I asked.

"I don't even need to contact the Navy for anything other than the effect-on-health issues related to infrasound. I've already got everything we need from an earlier project. DoD had me using infrasound transducers to see if any of my prosthetic appendages could enhance remnant neural sensitivity. I've even got the computer program that will let me replicate your sexual synchronous waveform as a starting point. Crap! I wish I'd thought of that before Amanda left."

She looked at me with an odd expression, then said, "Lorraine and Kim and Amanda will be the female guinea pigs for the testing. Maybe you could be the male?"

Before I could respond, Jamie turned her attention to the material used to construct the phallus. She became genuinely excited when she started talking about a new material she had obtained from a former NASA contractor. It was a semiconductor material, very plastic, intrinsically safe, and non-reactive, that could be molded into various shapes with an electrical conductor and even other components embedded in it. Its physical properties caused it to expand and contract as electrical current was applied to and removed from the embedded conductor. The amount and directions of expansion depended on the form the electrical conductor was shaped into. It had been developed to be placed inside tubing on orbital manned space vehicles to instantly seal leaks in tubes faster, better, and safer than electro-mechanical valves.

Jamie had been experimenting with using the material inside her prosthetic phallus to emulate the natural erection and flaccidity of the penis in response to stimulation. In conjunction with the piezoelectric microgenerators and chip that sent sexually stimulating electrical signals to the wearer's own primary sexual organ or its remnants, the chip output was sent into a conductor formed as a coil inside the NASA material. When the current flowed through the coil, the material expanded according to the amount of current and the shape. That, in turn, caused the phallus to become erect and rigid.

Jamie's excitement was unconcealed now. She went on to explain that if my acoustic transducer idea was viable, one or more of them could be embedded in the phallus to further induce sexual stimulation. She added that Amanda was working on designing in a simple tube that would allow the wearer's normal urogenital fluids to be expelled through the phallus's head. Thus, in conjunction with the NASA sealant material, nearly all the functionality of a male penis could be replicated in the phallus.

With that, she went to a safe and removed a flaccid phallus mounted on a base that allowed it to sit upright on her bench.

"Watch this!" she exclaimed with unrestrained excitement. And she began to stroke the flaccid phallus as if it were real and she was masturbating it. As she did, it became more and more erect and rigid. In a few seconds, it was a fully erect cock.

Then she instructed me, "Feel it, Tom. Tell me how it feels."

I must admit some unease when I took it in my hand. It felt almost exactly like my own cock when I was jacking off. The temperature, texture, skin movement, everything felt completely natural. I even stroked it myself a few times. Inwardly, I found myself wishing I could feel sexually the signals it would eventually send to its wearer.

"That is absolutely amazing!" was all I could say.

Jamie's satisfaction was unabashed. Then she said, "Now, Tom, take your hand away and watch it carefully."

I did, and within a minute, the phallus's rigidity began to slowly subside until the phallus was once again flaccid on the stand.

Now I couldn't even comment. I just stared at it. Then, I reached for it and began to stroke it myself. Again, just as when Jamie had stroked it, the phallus seemed to come to life. Again it became erect and rigid, appearing to be anatomically perfect. Then just as before, a while after removing my hand, it shrank back to the size and appearance of a normally flaccid penis.

I shook my head, unable to verbally express my amazement. Jamie continued.

"The biggest challenge I see now is to tell the phallus to become erect only in the presence of sexual stimulation. The embedded sensors can't distinguish between the various pressures from a hand, neural sexual stimulation, and normal movement. That would result in erections being generated at the wrong time. Normal walking and other movement or even too-tight clothes would generate enough pressure to maybe cause an erection.

But I think I may have a solution. The prosthetic phallus's scrotum is basically there just for show, so it could easily contain a chip and its associated circuitry as well as a small, long-life lithium battery. Essentially, the chip would measure the external stimuli on the phallus and count the number of them in any unit of time. The chip would store the impulses from the sensors, and when the chip sees the right number of impulses in a given amount of time, it would take that as the wearer's intention to generate a hard-on. The chip would then time-release the impulses back into the phallus and cause it to become an erection. Either masturbation or sexual rubbing as a prelude to fucking would supply the necessary information to keep it hard throughout. Once the stimuli stop, maybe because of orgasm, the signal would stop and the phallus would become flaccid.

What do you think, Tom? Would that work?"

"Just incredible!" I exclaimed again, nodding my head as I looked at Jamie, hoping she could see the admiration in my eyes that my words could not express. "Obviously you've found a way to recreate an erection. Now if we can just integrate the nano-sensors to let the wearer actually feel the sexual urges we experience when we're getting a hard-on..."

For only a few seconds, our eyes locked together, almost as they had when I had imagined her masturbating with me in my apartment's bedroom mirror.

"Tom," her voice was now different, the professional satisfaction and enthusiasm gone, replaced with a more womanly softness. "After you had sex with both Lorraine and Kim when they had been wearing their phalluses, you said you really hadn't felt their 'cock.' You felt the strong sexual attraction you have for both of them, but you said you didn't remember feeling their 'cock.'"

Now Jamie seemed a little unsure of herself as she continued.

"You also said that when your fraternity brothers set you up with your friend Stephanie, you and she had kissed and felt each other up. Up to that point you didn't know she was really a man, and you were becoming aroused. It wasn't until you put your hand on Stephanie's cock, expecting something else, that you realized he was a transsexual woman.

So you've never felt another real penis touching yours, have you Tom? Haven't you ever wondered if you would become aroused and maybe even cum if you had cock-to-cock sex? See, I know what it feels like to cum when my cock is rubbing against a man's. That's what helped me duplicate that exact feeling with the phallus's skin and texture. But I am a woman. When you rubbed your cock against Lorraine's and Kim's phalluses, you didn't really feel the same sexual sensations I did when I last had cock-to-cock sex with a man years ago in college. My concern is that until we can add that component of realism from a man's perspective, the phallus will not be as complete as it could be."

Jamie's comment caught me off guard, and undoubtedly she could see that. Now she wasn't smiling -- she was completely serious. I sensed what she was hinting at, but I didn't quite know how to respond.

Wordlessly, she walked to me, her gaze morphing from that of an impartial scientist to one of a woman wanting a man. She put her hands at the back of my head and pulled my face down to hers, then she began kissing me lightly and rather tentatively. I did not pull away or resist; her kiss lacked the subliminal strangeness I had experienced with Stephanie. Jamie persisted, and after a few of her kisses, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her tightly against me, hoping she would feel the hardness her kisses and bodily contact had begun to generate in me.
