A Gift in Disguise Ch. 16


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"You're really talking about a manifestation of what psychologists call extrasensory perception, Tom. I know you've heard of ESP, but too often what the public knows about it is learned from stage entertainment.

It's far more complicated than that, and there are schools of thought that suggest that many people, maybe even all of us, have some form of it that pops up occasionally or even frequently. I prefer the term 'sensory extension.'

Sensory extension is exactly what it sounds like. Instead of having some esoteric, difficult to comprehend skill, many people simply have extensions, add-ons, to their normal senses.

Misako's variation may be her ability to perfectly time the operation of a photographic shutter to capture a physical manifestation of a person's trait or characteristic that is physical but otherwise not visible to most people. Her ability to photograph the feminine you in contact with the physical male you while swimming is an example.

In Geri's drawings, her mind is the camera shutter. What is remarkable about her is that much like Misako, a part of Geri's mind can capture and record an image before the portion of her brain that registers vision, normal eyesight, even perceives it. The image is stored in her brain until that image is summoned up by the motor skills part of her brain which guides her muscles and nerves to produce her drawing.

Misako's and Geri's skills are testaments to the processing power and speed of the human brain, Tom." Lorraine answered simply.

"So, what are these last two drawings, Tom?"

"Lorraine, I'd rather you look at them and tell me what you see rather than have me tell you what I saw.

Geri made them immediately after she had completed her sketch from the last photo in Misako's book and had closed it. We were in her apartment, and I was seated in an armless chair across from Geri who was sitting on a couch while drawing. There was a coffee table between us. She had asked for me not to move or speak while she drew. She made the last two drawings that you'll be looking at as quickly as she did the preceding ones from Misako's photos."

Lorraine clicked on the next to the last drawing. Using descriptors very similar to what Sharon had used, she described the portrait of me sitting in the chair. She mentioned no one else in the drawing.

Lorraine clicked on the last drawing showing the nude feminine me with a penis standing next to the seated clothed male me with her hand on my shoulder.

"That's her," Lorraine said calmly. "That's your feminine alter ego, Tom. Some of her is in each of Misako's photos in the book. Assuming there was no collusion between Misako and Geri, and I'm sure there wasn't, Misako's photos captured what her brain saw swimming with you or floating above you. Geri's drawings captured the images of your feminine alter ego in Misako's photos."

Lorraine looked at me with little change in her expression. During this her second viewing of my photos and her first viewing of Geri's drawings, she had outwardly shown no indication of any sexual arousal at all.

"Lorraine, Sharon suggested I show the photo book and drawings to Mom. Do you think that is a good idea?"

"Sure, why not?" Lorraine responded. "Sharon already told her about the photo shoot you did with Misako. She knows Misako is a trans woman, a newhalf. Most important, Tom, Erika wants to see the photos. She's proud of you, as most mothers would be. And according to Sharon, Erika's also been sexually aroused by you while she was watching you masturbate. I think the photos will be a good ice-breaker to start the conversation between Erika and Tom rather than between mother and son."

Lorraine signaled that our professional meeting was over by changing the topic of discussion.

"Incidentally, Tom, Amanda has told Kim and me that our pubic hair overlays for our phalluses will be ready next week. I'd like to give you a personal demonstration of mine?"

"That would be my pleasure," I assured her.

"It better be," she said with mock sternness. "And by the way, Jamie told me Amanda's and Robyn's phalluses and overlays should also be available on Thursday," she continued. "Amanda's and Robyn's phalluses have the new upgrades you and Jamie designed, so I'm sure you'll want to check those out."

We talked for a few more minutes, then after thanking Lorraine, I started repacking the photo book and SD card. I had put the nylon zipper bag aside, and evidently Lorraine had not seen it until I started to repack it.

"That looks very very familiar," Lorraine said grinning.

I started to explain, "It's ..."

"Oh, I know what it is, Tom. At least I think I do. From a Maryland company, isn't it? Do you know Dr. Frank and Dr. Roxanne?"

"No, but evidently you do," I answered.

"Why don't you sit back down and tell me how you learned about their products, Tom. Did Jamie suggest them?"

For the next half hour, I explained to Lorraine the Saturday I had spent with Emily, Kerri, and Karla. I left out no details including the time spent in bed with Kerri in Emily's guest room while Emily and Karla were in Emily's master bedroom.

I'm not sure how I expected Lorraine to respond, particularly to my disclosing that I'd had very pleasurable sex with a trans woman, Kerri Kavanaugh.

When I'd finished, Lorraine sat back in her chair, took a deep breath, then said, "Tom, I can't tell you how happy I am to hear that.

I should tell you that some time ago Emily introduced me to Kerri and Karla. Your impressions of them dovetail exactly with mine. They're very impressive women emotionally, intellectually, professionally, and physically. I'm so glad that you were able to spend the entire day with them and get to know them better.

A huge part of the success of their transitioning to become women was due to their parents who supported them both through the processes. Even with Dr. Frank and Dr. Roxanne, whose Baltimore program for transitioning is considered one of the finest and most successful in the world, Kerri's and Karla's families' unquestioning support and commitment were critical."

"I was concerned you might think ... Well, I'm not sure what I was concerned about," I stammered.

"You thought I might criticize your or think less of you because you enjoyed having sex with a trans woman who wouldn't have done that unless she really liked and respected you? Is that what you thought, Tom?" Lorraine actually laughed good-naturedly. "Good grief, Tom! I'm a bisexual woman who is a nurse turned psychologist who also has a prosthetic phallus and wanted pussy hair overlay. And you think I would be critical of you? Tom, I've probably got sexual kinks in places you don't even know there are places."

"Well, when you put it that way ..." I began.

"Tom, you didn't set out on Saturday to have sex with a trans woman. It happened because two very mature, nice people - that would be you and Kerri - hit it off, made the effort to get to know each other, developed respect for each other, and then found they were sexually attracted to each other. How many dates have you had that never made it past the 'hit it off' part?

If I know you, you were probably extremely impressed with both Karla and Kerri as much by the story of their transitions and their business aspirations as by their sexual attraction. Their story, including their commitment to practicing and promoting safe healthy sex, could easily be taught in sex education classes in middle and high schools.

I know you well enough to know that you had sex with Kerri because you were sexually attracted to her, not just because she's a trans woman. More importantly, Tom, I'm sure both Kerri and Karla know that, too, and I promise you, they both appreciate it. I hope you plan to stay in touch with both of them and maybe see them again either separately or together if your paths cross?"

"Of course I do. They're both really interesting women."

"But Tom, since you brought it up, do you plan on mentioning your Saturday with Kerri to Erika when you're talking with her?"

"If she asks, I will. Otherwise, we'll just have to see how the conversation develops. But I'm not going to go out of my way to hide it from her. Before, I would have kept it from her at all costs, but now ..."

"Good decision, Tom. Though a lot of people would disagree with me, I'll give you my professional opinion that there is absolutely nothing wrong with your relationship with Kerri. Any more than there is with Jamie.

Speaking of Jamie, have you shown her Geri's drawings of you, particularly the last one?"

"No, she's seen Misako's photo book, but she hasn't seen the drawings yet. Why?"

"I just thought that because of Jamie's unique physiology, she might have some interesting thoughts on the nude female you with a penis. I also wonder if she saw that figure, a different figure, or no figure at all other than you swimming in Misako's photos."

"I can answer part of that," I responded. "Jamie said she saw rather a rather filmy, vague figure in some of the photos but not all of them. She didn't any of them were clear enough to be identifiable, and she did not mention being able to see sexual characteristics. Or should I have said 'gender characteristics?' "

Lorraine laughed out loud and said, "Tom, don't get hung up on the efforts by the pop-psychologists to apply ultra precise terminology to every nuance of gender and sexuality. If you do, you'll get a headache, and you're also sure to be corrected by some clueless twit who's been spending too much time on social media."

We talked for a few more minutes, then I thanked Lorraine for her time, collected my photo book stuff, and headed for the door.

Before she opened it to let me exit, Lorraine reminded me, "Keep some time next week open for another meeting here to privately critique my phallus with the new overlay. And Tom, I've got the engineering data for my prosthetic phallus, so as soon as you leave, I'm going to order some condoms and lube for it. We'll do some off-the-record testing."

Thank goodness there was no one on the street in front of Lorraine's office, or they would have seen the tent forming in my slacks.

"Let me get back to you on next week, Lorraine. I need to give Erika a call first."

Lorraine gave my response a huge smile and two thumbs up.

Thursday afternoon I got in a very relaxing two-hour workout swim at the University pool. My cell phone rang on my way home. It was Bethany reminding me about meeting her and Geri at 2:45 p.m. Saturday at The Pulp Mill bookstore. After I asked, she suggested I wear slacks and sport shirt rather than anything either more formal or more casual. I was grateful for her suggestion.

I spent Friday at Hertz Hall indexing and cataloging the information I had acquired for my master's research. Kim had suggested re-organizing it along the lines of the outline she and I had prepared for my meetings with the University regarding my PhD dissertation. It was going to take several days to complete it, but that was fine. There was no pressure now, but there would be plenty of if once I began working on my dissertation.

My cellphone rang at 7 p.m. It was Mom. After talking with Sharon on Wednesday, I had resolved to listen to Mom much more carefully. We talked for several minutes about nothing in particular. She sounded perfectly normal, no evidence of depression or anxiety.

"By the way, Tom, the County Library is looking for a library administrator. I'm thinking of applying."

Mom and Dad had met and married in college. Dad graduated in civil engineering; Mom graduated in history with a minor in library science. I was born during their junior year. After she and Dad graduated, Dad accepted a job which turned into a long and lucrative career as a civil engineer. Mom went on and got her MA in Library Science.

I responded enthusiastically to the news she was planning to apply, and then I went on to ask for the details about what the job would involve. Now, sounding more upbeat with every passing minute, she described exactly what her duties and responsibilities would be.

What she described sounded like she would be a good fit for the job.

Then, she said something that caused lights to start flashing in my head.

"Tom, since you've got some extra time now that your classwork is completed, would you mind contacting someone at the University Library there and asking about their Library Director Refresher Program? I've looked on the 'net at the University Library's website, but I can't find any reference to it at all. I've Bing'd and Google'd for it, but nothing. The retiring librarian suggested that applicants who have not been working in a library for a few years would want to take a look at this program."

If Mom can't find it on the internet, it isn't there. Just that simple. It's not that she's a geek or a nerd; it's that she's relentless and loves searching for obscure facts and factoids.

"Sure. I'll be glad to," I said happily. "It may be some time Monday when the admin offices at the Libe are open again, though. Will that be soon enough?"

She assured me it would.

If anyone would know about the Program, it would be Dr. Karen Matsumoto, the University Library's Director of Special Collections. I put an electronic memo in my smart phone to call her Monday morning.

Saturday afternoon promptly at 2:45 p.m. I met Bethany and Geri at The Pulp Mill bookstore. Fortunately I had arrived a bit early. The bookstore's medium-sized parking lot was full, and there were no available parking spots on the street. I parked two blocks away, then walked to the store.

"Big crowd," I observed to Geri and Bethany after greeting them.

"It is. I don't really know anything about the author. He's some sort of mystery or true crime writer. I figured the topic didn't matter much since we're here mainly to give you an idea of audience interaction with invited guest speakers, Tom. Hopefully you'll come away with an idea of the tenor and breadth of questions you might get from members and guests at The Club when you're talking about how you came to model for Misako and what the experience was like," Geri reminded me.

"And what I'll be looking for, Tom, is to get an idea of what you're seeing and hearing from audience members today compares or contrasts with what you're likely to get from The Club guests and members.

Of course, since we've never had an art exhibit at The Club, I'll be learning, too," Bethany added.

We went in and found three seats together in the rear. Evidently the bookstore had anticipated a large crowd and had put up a very adequate portable sound system so every audience member could hear the invited author.

Being an anal retentive engineer by education, I used my smart phone to make meticulous notes about the duration of the segments in the presentation.

The bookstore manager, obviously a veteran of these types of events, took only about five minutes to give a synopsis of the author's relevant educational and employment background that influenced his writings. The manager concluded by warmly introducing the guest author to the audience. It had been an effective warm-up.

Presumably that at The Club, it would be Michael or Bethany rather than I introducing Misako, but I made an e-note to be sure and confirm that with Bethany.

The author spoke for only about fifteen minutes, outlining very skillfully the key points in his new book. After concluding the pitch for his newest book, the author took audience questions for the next forty minutes. Exactly one hour after it had begun, the formal part of the presentation was over.

The author thanked everyone for attending and invited them to bring their purchased copies of his book to a small table for his signature. The table was visible from the speaking area, but its distance allowed the author to politely move to it rather than being cornered by customers.

Although Bethany, Geri, and I were not planning to remain at the bookstore, we looked toward the area of the store where the author's table had been set up and cordoned off with ropes and stanchions to subtly require the patrons to form a single line and get their books signed.

Cleverly, immediately after signing the book, the author handed it to an associate who carried it a short distance from the table to the recipient. The entire layout had been carefully arranged to keep the purchasers moving steadily through the signing area and then out of the area without suggesting they were being herded. Which they were.

The three of us had arrived separately in our own cars, so we drove separately to Bethany's house to talk.

Once we were together inside and seated in Bethany's living room, Geri started the review.

Bethany spoke up immediately.

"I am so glad that you and I are going to the Bay Area next week to see how Risa sets up an exhibition of Misako's art.

The kind of events we present at The Club are entirely different than what we saw this afternoon. They require a completely different planning process, much more subtle and refined. I'm really looking forward to learning everything I can from Risa since she's arranged several of these for Misako."

Geri nodded and asked, "Tom, what about you?"

"I did make a few notes ..." I began and held up my smart phone, its screen full of bullet points.

Geri gave an exaggerated look at the ceiling, then said with a grin, "Deliver us from obsessive-compulsive note-taking engineers!"

I looked at her and stuck out my tongue.

"Children ..." Bethany chided us good-naturedly.

I went through every question on my list. Geri seemed impressed that my questions were directly on point to the reason for us attending the book signing.

When I had finished, Bethany said, "Tom, would you mind emailing your questions to me before next week? I want to be sure we discuss them with Risa."

"Me too, please, Tom," Geri added.

Since we had all exchanged email addresses before, I tapped out a few keystrokes on my smart phone, then sent the email off to them with a flourish.

"Done," I announced proudly.

A few seconds later, both Bethany's and Geri's smart phones emitted musical ringtones to announce my email. I happen to like geezer music, so I immediately recognized Bethany's ringtone as David Rose's "The Stripper" and Geri's as Zez Confrey's "Dizzy Fingers."

It took maybe half an hour for us to exchange and comment on what we had learned from the visit today. Bethany and Geri were planning on flying in to SFO early Friday morning, driving up to Risa and Misako's in Santa Rosa, meeting with them at Misako's studio, then begin and complete the setup for the exhibition on Saturday afternoon. They had Sunday night flights back home.

"Have Risa and Misako already chosen the photos for the exhibit here?" Geri asked.

"They haven't finalized them yet," Bethany answered, "Because until we've settled on the final exhibition floor footprint at The Club, we won't know how many sets of photos they'll need. We have given them a not-to-exceed figure, though.

Risa's seen the exhibition room at The Club, and she has its dimensions. From that and their past experience at other exhibitions, she has a pretty good idea - subject to The Club's final approval - how many sets it will take. They've selected sets that have been the most consistently stimulating. She's relying on us, though, to know what will work at The Club," Bethany said. "They have the necessary paperwork from all the models to allow their photos to be displayed at The Club."

Bethany paused, then looked at me.

"Except for one," she said.

"Me? Bethany, neither they nor you even asked me. I thought I was only going to kind of warm up the audience for Misako's presentation.

And like you just said, since this is the first exhibit of this type at The Club, I'd think you'd want to use photos from models with a proven track record."
