A Hero's Duty

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A sworn knight is forced to serve in ways he never imagined.
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There was the sound of a woman giggling. Edward felt groggy and struggled to open his eyes. The world slowly came in to focus. He became aware that he was lying face up on the hard ground. He tried to bring his hands to his eyes to rub the sleep away, but found they were bound behind his back, digging in uncomfortably to the solid surface he was lying on. Oh-so-slowly, Edward's surroundings became more clear. The ceiling and walls were made of stone. Edward turned his head to the side. There was a pile of rugs and furs. And sitting on them was the princess Isabella. She was staring at him and giggling.

"Ooh, I think he's awake now!" she exclaimed, all the excitement of a schoolchild in her voice.

A different face appeared above Edward's now, and blocked the rest of his view.

"Looks like" said the man. He sounded very familiar. "Great, lets get started!" he said. Edward focused on the new face and it was like looking into an obscure mirror. It was his own face, but the colour was washed from it. His hair was almost silver-white. And the eyes were not blue, but red, seeming to glow in the dim light.

The princess squealed in delight. Edward was baffled. This is not how the princess behaved. She was reserved and haughty. And who was this man who had Edward's own likeness? He tried again to use his arms, but the binding was too secure. He couldn't remember getting here. He tried to sit up, but the man pushed him back to the ground before he was even halfway up. Edward's head hit the ground again with a small 'thunk'.

The princess approached Edward by shuffling on her knees. When she was close enough, she bent down on her hands and knees and leaned so her mouth was close to Edward's ear. He could feel her breath, and he felt the small hairs at the back of his neck stand on end.

"I've wanted this for so long. You've been asleep for ages Edward! Please indulge me now." she whispered in her highborn accent.

Edward blushed slightly, not having any idea what she was talking about. The princess grabbed his head with both of her hands and pulled her face close to his, and kissed him. Her tongue slipped past his lips and Edward felt his whole face, to the tips of his ears burn hot. He was too stunned to reciprocate. Before he could think of what he should do, she had pulled away. This was a dream. It had to be. This is not at all in her highness's character. Edward swallowed hard. He licked his licks subtly. She tasted sweet, and he felt ashamed for noticing such a thing. The princess giggled again. Something was very wrong here...

Again Edward tried to rise, not at all liking being so out-of-control of the situation. Again, the man pushed him down.

"Now, that's a bit rude. Her majesty has asked you to indulge her! Are you not sworn to serve her?" The man said with a sly grin. Edward flashed an angry glare at him. It was obvious now: He had bewitched her! Or drugged her! This man had stolen Edward's face and had done something cruel to the princess!

"Oh, Deon, don't be so harsh on him, he's only just woken up!" the princess chided the man. "But please, Edward, just stay still for now, ok?" she implored him, as she re-positioned herself.

The man, Deon, held Edward's shoulders down so that he couldn't rise again, and the princess swung a leg over Edward's chest. As she did, Edward noticed she was not wearing any undergarments. His face flushed anew and he strained to look away as she settled, straddling his chest. The princess gently stroked Edward's collarbone, and neck, up to under his chin. She guided his gaze back towards her and looked into his eyes. Edward saw her eyes were clear. No sign of bewitchment. A new curse perhaps? He frantically searched his mind for an opportunity to save her from this disaster.

"Stop it" whispered Deon in Edward's other ear. It sounded like he was talking to himself, the man had stolen his face and his voice! "I know you, I know your thoughts. Don't escape this. It'll be good for everyone." and Deon's hands intensified their force, ensuring Edward couldn't move his upper body.

The princess hitched up her skirts, and inched forward. Edward could smell her now. Clear and sweet, like the silent princess flowers that grew near fresh spring water, and just a little bit earthy. Edward tried to avert his eyes, and preserve the princess's dignity. She would be mortified once this spell was broken! She was so close that she was all he could see. Edward closed his eyes, shut them tightly, and suddenly he was smothered, his mouth covered. He opened his eyes in surprise The princess was sitting on his face. Her wet slit covering his mouth and almost his nose. He clamped his jaw shut tight, so as not to disrespect her majesty. She will be humiliated when this is resolved! She will never want to see my face again! Edward kicked out with his feet, bucking wildly. He had to get his arms free so he could defeat this insidious warlock!

"Resist, and she suffers" Deon said softly into Edward's ear. Edward paused his struggle. "Better. Now, listen Mr Hero. Give her what she asks for, or I will scar her body til it is unrecognisable."

Edward realised he would have to time his moment. Deon's strength easily matched his own. In such a vulnerable position, Edward could never get the upper hand. He would have to wait for an opportunity.

"Princess!" Deon declared loudly "Your knight has assured me he will be cooperative! But to be safe," he continued, letting go of Edward's shoulders. Edward was excited that his moment to escape might have come so soon! But then he felt a weight on his stomach, and hands on his thighs. Deon had straddled him too, facing towards his feet it seemed, and was holding his legs down. With the princess immobilising his head, Edward was even more trapped than before. "To be safe, I'll handle this end. You take care of your business up there!" Deon finished. The pride in his voice evident.

"Mmmmh" was all the princess said in return. Edward breathed heavily through his nose, with only barely enough room for his nostrils to suck air in. the princess's pubic mound pressed against his face. She was still holding her skirts up high. Edward could see her navel, and above that, the bottom of her breasts swaying above him. He swallowed hard again, trying not to inhale the smell of her.

"I want you to taste me, Edward!" she said.

He was furious. The princess would never! His face burned hot. Was this some sort of test for him? Was Gaia testing his resolve? But Edward felt the grip on his thighs squeeze. He remembered Deon's threat. Slowly, unsure if he was failing his trial, Edward opened his mouth. It was so moist, and slippery. His lips moved against the princess's inner folds. He heard her whimper slightly and tried to look up to her face, to make sure she wasn't in pain, or feeling violated. But he couldn't see. She had turned her head up to the ceiling. The grip on his legs did not waver. Gaia forgive me, he thought. Tentatively he opened his mouth a bit wider, and probed the princess's wet slit with his tongue. Instead of a whimper, this time the princess let out a loud sigh.

"Yes, like that!" she said. The affirmation made Edward's heart beat twice as fast. At least he wasn't hurting her. He stroked up and down with his tongue, very slowly. He was still unsure that he was doing the right thing. But no, Deon was in a position to injure her very severely if Edward didn't cooperate. Even if the Princess was bewitched. Edward continued rhythmically licking with broad stokes. Unable to move his head, and breathing hard through his nostrils. The princess started to move her hips on top of his face, matching his rhythm. As she rocked back and forth, Edward was able to catch small glimpses of her face. Her eyes were closed and she truly looked like she was savouring the sensation. Encouraged, Edward probed his tongue deeper into the princess's depths. She responded with a gasp as his tongue slipped as far as it could into her pussy. Fearing he had hurt her, Edward retreated and ceased his efforts. His eyes opened wide and he tried to gauge her reaction. He couldn't see. The princess's skirts dropped over his eyes as she let go of them, and she grabbed fistfuls of his hair and pulled his face deeper into her.

"She wants more." Deon chimed in from behind her. How he knew what was happening, Edward didn't know. But then there was obviously foul magic at play, so perhaps that was it.

Edward couldn't breathe now. His nose completely blocked off by the princess's pubic mound. The small hairs tickled his face. She was rocking her hips back and forth over him. All he could smell was her, and he tasted her juices flowing freely.

"Please..." she said, and Deon flexed his fingers menacingly on Edward's thighs, reminding him again of the threat. Edward obliged the request. His tongue picked up the rhythm again, every fourth stroke he would go as deep as he could. The princess ground herself onto his face, allowing him a breath every few seconds. Her hands still holding his hair, she directed his tongue a bit higher, and Edward could feel a small nub with his tongue. He very gently flicked his tongue over it and the princess quivered.

"Yes! Edward!" she breathed. Distantly, Edward noticed Deon's hands relaxing sightly. Encouraged by the princess's positive response, and that escape might soon be possible, Edward repeated the flicking action. The princess tightened her grip on his hair, it was almost painful. His hands dug into his back still, and he couldn't see anything for the fabric of the royal garb covering his face. Deon's hands climbed higher, from his thighs to his hips. He's finally letting his guard down, Edward thought feverishly. He pushed the pain down, and he flashed his tongue gently over the princess's clit.

"Uh... uh.... Uh..... Uh..... UNH.... UNHHH....." she moaned. Edward's face burned hot under her. He had never even dared to daydream about such a situation. Scarcely believing what was happening, he gasped for breath, and a small gush of sweet juice poured from the princess. She paused, paralysed for a few seconds.

'I just made the princess climax' Edward thought at the back of his mind. His tongue kept working diligently, instinctively trying to give her the best possible experience. Vaguely he realised this may have not been necessary, but it seemed the right thing to do at the time. Her thighs squeezing his head, and her hands pulling on his hair, Edward slowed his tongue flicking. The princess slowly relaxed, almost purring. After a few more seconds, Edward stopped entirely. He swallowed and closed his eyes. Chastising himself for enjoying the flavour. The princess sat back on his chest, drawing her skirts back as she did, and looking spent. Anxiously, Edward searched her face for a sign of anger, feeling he had betrayed his vow to protect her. She just sat on him, with her eyes closed, a feeling of oblivious bliss on her face.

"Well done." Deon said quietly. Edward had forgotten for a moment that he was also sitting on his abdomen. Anger flashed through him once again. And just as suddenly, it was replaced with shock and confusion. Deon had taken his hands from Edward's hips, and was fumbling with the fastenings of his trousers! It was this fumbling that made Edward realise the fabric of his trousers was pulled taut. He was so anxious and preoccupied with his ministrations on the princess, that he had failed to notice his own reaction to the situation. He was as hard as rock.

"What? Had you not realised?" Deon mocked him. "Your precious princess Isabella riding your face, any man would react like this!" he said as he struggled with the last knot. Deon gently stroked the bulge through the fabric. Edward saw the princess giggle slightly as she swayed, still straddling his chest and in her bliss. He was now acutely aware of the heat and throbbing at his groin.

Deon went on: "I must admit, you seem to have done a fine job with the first task." Edward tried again to buck Deon off him. His arms still dug painfully into his back. But Deon took a hold of his legs again, and held him to the floor. With the princess still on his chest, there was little he could do.

"I could use a hand here Isabella!" Deon said. Edward flinched at him using her name so casually. She was the Princess! But she did respond. She slowly climbed off Edward and crawled around to his legs. Edward could see the back of Deon, and his broad shoulders and white hair, identical to his own. He felt the princess climb on top of his thighs and straddle him again.

"Good, you deal with that, I need a word with our hero." the grey man told her. Edward felt the princess's nimble hands slowly undoing the last fastening of his pants. He willed his erection to go away. It was one thing to have brought her pleasure, but another thing entirely that the princess be faced with something so improper! He was meant to protect and serve her! But he was distracted by Deon. Deon had gotten up off Edward, and was on all fours now, hovering over Edward, face to face. The silvery hair dangled into Edward's face. The red eyes burned into his own blue ones.

"Edward, there a few more tasks we need your help with." Deon smiled evilly. "It could be good for you too, you know. But I know you will fight me the whole way." he almost rolled his eyes as he said this, and he leaned in closer, so his mouth was touching Edward's ear. He could feel that the princess had succeeded with his pants, and was now doing her best to take them off. Edward tried to make his lower half as heavy as possible, and resisted the princess's efforts, knowing that she only acted this way because of some curse or such. Deon ignored this and whispered menacingly "I promise, if you don't cooperate, I will end her life right here in this cavern. I will do it as painfully as possible. Endure what we ask, and I will let her go."

Edward ground his teeth. Deon turned towards Edward's face and slowly, purposefully, opened his mouth and dragged his tongue across Edward's cheek, grazing his clenched lips, even as Edward tried to turn away. His tongue felt warm. Deon leaned back up slightly so Edward could see him, and licked his own pale lips, and Edward realised he was tasting the residue left by the princess.

"HyyaaaAAAH!" Edward growled at him. Deon just laughed.

"I think he might be uncomfortable Dee, could we maybe take him to the rugs?" The princess piped up from somewhere behind Deon. She had given up trying to remove Edward's pants and Edward felt briefly triumphant as Deon stood up. A bitter feeling lodged in his throat hearing the princess use some sort of pet name for the villain though.

For a moment, as both Deon and the princess stood looking down at him, Edward felt a chance to stand and fight, but he remembered Deon's strength, and his threats. Edward swallowed the bitter feeling, planing to wait still for an opportunity.

"It's probably about time, yeah." Deon agreed. All too easily, he hoisted Edward up and tossed him over his shoulder, barbarian style. Even while fighting the most insurmountable battles, Edward had never felt so helpless. His hands were still bound behind his back, so he tried to kick, but Deon just laughed and playfully swatted his backside. "Could you get the hands?" Deon asked.

The weight holding his wrists together vanished, but before Edward could muster his fists for a strike, his arms stretched up above his head. Deon tossed him on to the pile of rugs and Edward looked above him. His hands were suspended in shining discs of light. The light discs lowered to the floor and seemed to anchor themselves there, firmly holding his hands in place. Edward looked to the princess. Her eyes were closed and her hand was outstretched. She was controlling the light! She was the one restraining him! The princess opened her eyes and lowered her hand, and smiled innocently at him. Edward looked over to Deon, who simply returned his look with smug superiority. Edward struggled against his new bindings. But he knew there would be no escaping the princess's own magic. How dastardly to turn her own power against her! Edward swore under his breath to break the spell Deon had over her.

"Comfy now, my knight?" the princess came and sat next to Edward on the pile of furs. He was a lot less uncomfortable, now his hands weren't twisted behind him, and he was laying on a much softer surface, but nothing about this was comfortable. During the transition, his undone pants has fallen a few inches. His hard member still strained against his briefs. He thought for sure his anger should dull it a bit, but there was a throbbing ache fuelling the bulge.

The princess turned her face from Edward's eyes, down to his groin. He cringed, wishing he could hide.

"This is better!" Deon declared as he deftly flicked Edwards boots off and then removed his trousers within half a second.

The princess softly dabbed a dry cloth over Edward's face, drying off the parts that Deon hadn't licked clean. He felt the care she put into it for him, and his heart ached for how he wanted her to look at him like that when she was completely lucid. He'd felt that genuine kindness from her many times, just not quite this intimate.

Contrastingly, Deon's rougher hands now met Edward's belly. Renewed anger flashed through him, and Edward kicked his legs wildly.

"Uh -- uh!" Deon waved a finger threateningly.

"Edward, please, you're doing so well!" the princess said entreatingly, laying down next to him, her face resting on the inside of Edward's outstretched arm.

Reminded of her well-being, Edward reluctantly ceased his flailing. He decided to stoically endure whatever this bastard Deon did.

The pressure of Deon's hands on Edward's bulge made his dedication waver. Deon slipped the waistline of Edward's briefs down. He felt the tip of his cock peek out. He closed his eyes tightly. Seeing if by sheer willpower he could stop the blood-flow. But his body didn't cooperate.

"Try to relax." Isabella whispered to him unhelpfully. Her face was so close to his. He could feel her breath on his cheek. She gently stroked his other cheek with her hand. It was soothing. He longed to relax into her. But he couldn't allow it.

A warm fingertip touched the head of his cock. It traced a line over the tiny opening, and back down around the base of the head. Edward could tell he was leaking pre-cum, as it left a cool, wet trail where the finger went. How could his body betray him like this?

"It feels good doesn't it?" the princess continued to whisper. Edward squeezed his eyes shut even tighter. He tried to imagine fighting ghouls, or falling from the sky, or anything other than what he was feeling. But his mind kept conjuring the recent memory of the princess on his face. And her moans. And her taste. He was not helped by the fact that she was still breathing hotly into his ear, her gentle fingers stroking his face, and tracing circles on his lips. He tried to clench his mouth so she couldn't, but he was distracted by Deon pulling his briefs down further. He felt them tugged all the way down, and once they were to his knees, Deon must have flung them away, like the rest of his clothes. At least he still had his tunic on, he thought miserably. Edward didn't think he could bear the humiliation of complete nudity in front of the princess. He told himself that the folds of his tunic obscured the princess's line of sight, and that she couldn't see his erection throbbing and leaking, responding to the touch of this mirror-image man.

Deon's warm hand suddenly enveloped his hard member. It ached. Just what was Deon planning? One hand encompassing his girth, the other rubbing small, gentle circles on the tip with his flowing pre-cum. Edward found it impossible to think of anything else. He almost found his hips moving into the motion! But he very quickly stopped that. The princess must have noticed though.