A Man of Singular Talent - Redwing


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Despite the relatively large size of the strap-on dildo, Lucia is the first to 'bottom out'. Of course I can feel my dick sliding into Juliette in a way Lucia cannot. Which gives me an idea.

I reach into Lucia's mind and tinker carefully with certain parts of her nervous system. I then make some even more careful adjustments to my own (I almost never adjust myself mentally, but this is a very basic level adjustment so I feel reasonably confident in experimenting). This done, I pull an inch or so out of Juliette and watch Lucia's mind carefully. As I feel my dick rub against Juliette's anal walls, I see Lucia's pleasure zones light up. I smile broadly as I realize I have successfully mapped the responses of the nerves in my genitals to Lucia's. This is going to be fun.

On my command Lucia begins pumping the strap-on inside Redwing. At the same time I start properly fucking Juliette's ass, much to her vocal distress. Lucia's mind is instantly a storm of confusion, as she starts to feel sparks of pleasure rising from between her legs, corresponding with the motions of the plastic penis as it slides in and out of Redwing's ass. I have to reach in and soothe her mind a little to prevent her from deciding she has gone mad, but otherwise I let her try to reconcile the horror of her current position with the pleasure radiating from an impossible place. Unconsciously she has stepped up the pace of her thrusts; I have to increase my own speed to match.

While focusing on Lucia I have been using Juliette as little more than a prop, so I turn back to the slender goth teen and watch her as well. Juliette's hair is spread messily around her head and over her upper body. Her chest is flushed red, a color which extends to her neck and cheeks. Juliette's head is arched back, her mouth open as her body is jerked back and forth. I reach down and slap one of her breasts, causing her to gasp and lift her head up to look at me. Her wide-eyed expression of shock, strands of long black-purple hair lying across her face, almost makes me laugh in delight. I cup her breast for a moment before taking hold of her nipple and pulling, eliciting another gasp.

Meanwhile, Redwing has turned her head away from us. A quick mental command and her head is turned back to watch as I abuse Juliette's ass and breasts. Redwing's expression softens, and I sense a momentary bust of pity for Juliette from Redwing's mind, but such concern for others is quickly washed away by the feeling of having her own ass pummeled by Lucia. For fun I order Lucia to slap Redwing's ass, and soon the room is filled with the sharp sounds of flesh smacking flesh followed by gasps and squeals.

Lucia's reaction to the sensations flooding her mind is to continually increase the pace and ferocity of Redwing's assfucking, prompting me to increase my own efforts. It's a ferocious feedback loop, which quickly results in Lucia and I pistoning in and out of Redwing and Juliette, implacable to their screams as they are jerked back and forth like ragdolls. Juliette's breasts are glowing red from my slaps, pinches and squeezes; Redwing's pert ass has a pattern of red handprints, a new one appearing every time Lucia slams her palm down on the poor superhero with an audible crack.

The almost manic fucking brings me closer and closer to climax. When I feel my balls tingling I quickly withdraw from Juliette's ass and practically jump onto the bed. I straddle Juliette's chest and bend my knees just in time, as cum spurts from my dick and lands on Juliette's cheek. A minor adjustment to my aim and the next spurt tracks across her nose and reaches the corner of her eye. This has happened too fast for Juliette to recover and react; her mouth is still wide open and so becomes the next target for my ejaculation. I have no idea how this feels for Lucia, her pleasure centers linked to my mine; I hear Redwing utter a particularly guttural moan behind me but I don't look over to see. I am still in the throes of orgasm, delighting in the waves of pleasure washing over me as I coat Juliette's face in my cum. Eventually I calm down enough to look behind me. Lucia's eyes are tight shut, her hands so tightly gripped on Redwing's waist that the knuckles show white. The brunette's full weight is bearing down on the dildo which is buried deep inside Redwing's ass. Redwing herself has passed out, her body finally overloaded. In fact, as I watch Lucia her eyelids flutter, her body goes limp and she slumps over Redwing. Guess I have quite powerful orgasms.

I carefully disconnect the mental links between Lucia and I, noting with satisfaction that there seems to be no lasting changes in either of us. There will be lasting change in Redwing's asshole however, if I don't get that dildo out; I don't like to jump-start an unconscious mind, so I simply roll Lucia over onto the bed next to Redwing. The strap-on slides out and stands proudly in the air as Lucia lies on her back.

The next few hours pass very enjoyably for me; rather less so for the girls as they each experience different combinations of dick, vibrator and strap-on dildo. I have an approximate time for the return of the rest of the tour group, and well before then the girls have pushed the beds apart, tidied up here and there, redressed and returned to their beds. I reach into their sleeping minds one at a time, erasing all memory of the day's activities, before turning the lights out and retiring to the bathroom when I hear voices approaching in the hallway.

There's a knock on the door to the hotel room, which after a pause is repeated more loudly. The girls are in natural sleep, so eventually Marine (her Redwing costume long removed and her pajamas restored) wakes and gets the door. I hear Amelie's voice through the bathroom door, answered by a sleepy Marine.

"Ah, tu es là. Comment te sens-tu, Marine?"

"Je me sens bien... je crois..."

"as-tu dormis toute la journée?"

"Je... oui, je crois. Je me sens pourtant encore vraiment fatiguée."

Between the bathroom door and the door frame is a tiny crack, illuminated by the light from the hallway. By putting my eye against the crack I can see both Amelie and Marine.

"Tu n'es pas malade?"

"...Non, je ne crois pas."

"Très bien. Dors encore un peu, nous allons voir comment tu te sens demain matin."

"Oui, Mademoiselle Bustier.."

"Bonne nuit Marine."

"Bonne nuit Mademoiselle Bustier."

I had originally planned to make my exit after confirming my adventures had gone undetected. However, seeing the redhead teacher and her cute student together gives me another idea.

I take control of Amelie, removing her speaking ability. Marine is clearly expecting Amelie to leave; instead she lets out a squeak of surprise as Amelie puts her hand across Marine's mouth. Amelie's other hand reaches to open the bathroom door. I quickly retreat to the shower, closing the glass door just as Marine staggers backwards into the bathroom by Amelie. Through a clear patch in the smoked glass pattern of the shower door I can see Amelie pushing Marine against the sink. Marine is too preoccupied to notice, but Amelie's shocked expression makes it clear that the teacher is just as taken aback by her actions as her student.

"MMf! Qu-mmm!"

Marine is making a lot of noise as she struggles against Amelie. I reach into Marine's mind and lower the volume of her voice (in my imagination I picture a volume dial on a speaker). The next part is tricky; rather than simply order her body not to resist Amelie, I damp down the urgency of Marine's movements without completely removing her ability to make them. I have to constantly work to maintain this kind of control. Marine's movements become weaker, slower. Amelie is able to keep Marine in place despite the teen's feeble attempts to escape.

Amelie keeps one hand on Marine's mouth, holding her head up. The other hand finds the waistband of Marine's pajamas. Marine's voice rises an octave or two as Amelie pulls her pajama pants and panties down, managing to get them over her hips and down to the top of her legs. Amelie removes her hand from Marine's mouth, but I reduce Marine's voice further, so all the teen can manage is a whisper as Amelie lifts her up and sits her on the sink.

Oh! Que? Que faites vous? Mademoiselle Bustier? Ah!

Amelie rapidly tugs at Marine's pajamas and panties, pulling them down and off her body. Marine automatically opens her legs a little, and Amelie wastes no time in placing her hand on the teen girl's exposed pussy. On my mental orders, Marine begins to feel the warm glow of arousal from her pussy, as Amelie starts stroking her hand over the outer lips.

From my viewing position in the shower I can see Amelie's face reflected in the mirror above the sink. Her brow is furrowed in complete confusion, her eyes fixed forwards as she watches herself abuse the dark-haired teen. Marine's mouth opens in a gasp as her teacher pushes a finger into her tight pussy.

Watching the scene from a distance is fun, but my dick is straining against the fabric of my pants in its eagerness to get involved. I'm just about to take my own clothes off so I can emerge from the shower ready for action, when I hear a voice outside the bathroom.

"Mademoiselle Bustier? Je sais que vous êtes là, je vous ai vu entrer, quelqu'un a été dans ma chambre et je me demandais si vous... oh! "

A blonde teen girl enters the bathroom, her expression of outrage changing rapidly to surprise as she sees the scene before her. It only lasts a moment before she screams, turns tail and runs out.

I slam open the bathroom door and stumble out after the girl, ignoring Marine and Amelie. I hadn't gotten Amelie to close or lock the door to the hotel room. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

The girl is already in the corridor, raising hell.

"Aaaah! Mademoiselle Bustier, Marine!? Je ne peux pas, c'est tout simplement... Urgh!"

Doors open and students poke their heads out as the blonde girl loudly tries to process what she has seen. Which of course means they also see me exiting Marine's room. I have to shut this down. Right now.

The blonde girl falls silent and stands still the instant I send the right mental commands. Sweeping my gaze across the hall I do the same for everyone I see - I cannot send a command to several people at once, so I have to do it one by one, as quick as I can. I am also unable to issue commands to people I cannot see, so the next step is to enter every room with an open door and prevent the occupants from escaping. It helps that my methods don't sound alarming - no shouting or screaming or running, just a bunch of people standing quietly in a corridor. Still, at least couple of times I catch a student just before they dial for help on their cellphones.

In this manner I work my way through every room on this corridor (scanning further shows no signs of concern from the other side of the elevators). I get to the last room. The door had been opened by a large male student which I had earlier ordered to motionlessness. As soon as I order him aside I hear a voice inside the room say:

"Snuk, transforme moi!"

I am hit by a wave of energy, identical in form to my earlier encounter with Redwing. This strike is shortly followed by being physically hit in the stomach by some thrown object, knocking the air out of me. I don't have the opportunity to see what it is before someone leaps out of the room and bowls me over. The carpet in the hallway is soft, which is just as well as my head thumps hard against it. My vision swims. When it clears I look up to see a blonde man clad in black leather, standing over me with his foot on my chest. I can sense power warping reality around him. Oh great, another superhero.

"Did you do this? What have you done to my friends?"

His English is strongly accented but clear enough. Judging by the black mask and cat ears I assume this is the male superhero I saw in Redwing's memories, "Cat Noir". I only defeated Redwing because I managed to damage her talents before she fully activated them; I have no such advantage against this one.

Cat Gris is looking around at the corridor full of frozen students.

"Kim? Nathaniel? Ivan? Secouez-vous les gars!"

He looks genuinely concerned for these people - of course, he must be one of the students. And he's a hero... okay, I can work with this.

I turn my head enough to look down the corridor and send commands to everyone I see. Half a dozen students turn and run towards us, their faces showing confusion and fear but their bodies obeying my commands.

"Quoi? Non, descends, maintenant!"

I feel the pressure on my chest relieved as the first student to reach us (the large male student from before) leaps and tackles Cat Gris with full force, knocking him off me. The superhero fends off the next attack, but is less lucky against the second student, who manages to land a kick on the back of one of Cat Gris's knees.

"Ow! Hé, stop! Je ne voulais pas lui faire ma.. Aïe!"

I drag myself to my hands and knees as Cat Gris disappears beneath a pile of students. He won't hurt his friends, but under my command they have no such qualms. Still, he will break free eventually. I adjust the orders I have given the students and they start tearing at Cat Noir's clothes, searching for his totem.

"Non, donnez-moi... ne tirez pas dessus, C'est mon.. hé!"

I feel reality snapping back into place as a black object comes flying out from the scuffle. In mid-air the illusion drops and Cat Gris's totem lands on the carpet a foot from me. Another cartoon-character doll, black this time but otherwise much the same as Redwing's. There's a ring as well; presumably the two items are related somehow. I struggle to my feet and pick up the totem and the ring. When doing so I notice my hands are shaking; the adrenalin rush is wearing off, leaving me simply anxious and fearful. The fear numbs my thinking, but does nothing to alleviate the pain rising from my various bruises and knocks. I close my fists around the objects until the jittering stops, and then throw them both down the hall.

Without his totem Cat Gris is powerless - actually, that isn't true but he believes it. So when I order the students to stop attacking and move off, I see a normal teenager, curled into a fetal position. Slim with short blonde hair, wearing a simple t-shirt and jeans, he doesn't look threatening at all. I order him to sleep, and his eyes close immediately. Sitting down next to him I wait a while until I feel well enough, then close my eyes and get to work.

I've learned my lesson from the last time, and so I am able to complete my task without triggering his mental defenses. Soon Louis Galet (Cat Gris's civilian identity) is no longer possessed of special talents. Nor does he remember ever being a superhero. Just a normal eighteen year old boy.

Crisis over, I open my eyes and look around. What a mess. Students everywhere standing to attention, doors open - I'm very lucky there are no cameras around. My eyes alight on the female student who started this whole episode, still motionless in the corridor where I had left her. Medium height, slim build (are all French teenage girls this svelte?), she has honey blond hair pulled back into a ponytail. She is currently turned away from me, which has the disadvantage that I cannot see her face, but the advantage that I can see her pert round ass nicely filling out a pair of white capri pants. Reaching into her mind I am not surprised to find this is Carole Franc. Evidently she had noticed the missing Redwing costume and other, uh, items, and gone to complain to her teacher.

Carole can wait. I spend the next ten minutes shepherding the students into their rooms, setting them to sleep and editing their memories. I work as fast as I can, fear of discovery and further danger pushing me on - a bunch of people playing statues in the hotel corridor would be hard to explain. Fortunately I find some painkillers in one room, which alleviates my aching head.

I'm just finished when I remember Amelie and Marine. Looking back into the bathroom I find a nearly passed out Marine, still sitting on the bathroom sink, pinned against the wall by Amelie. I did not change my commands while I was busy dealing with the emergency, but most of the fight had gone out of Marine by then anyway. Amelie has been relentlessly plowing her fingers into Marine's sopping wet pussy for half an hour already. The redhead teacher has managed to get four fingers into the teen, who is limp with exhaustion at fighting her attacker. Both of them notice me in the bathroom doorway; two pairs of eyes look pleadingly at me to stop. I just smile and watch.

I extract some information from Amelie's mind without halting their performance. Apparently the tour group's plans for tomorrow are pretty simple; no-one would miss them for a day. Good; now that I don't have to sneak around as much I have plans for this group. But I'm not fit for anything without some rest. On my command Amelie disengages from Marine, who hops off the sink with a wince before being treated to the same memory wipe and sleep commands as the rest of the students. Everyone but Amelie and I are now sound asleep; I accompany the redhead teacher to her room. I barely have time to order her to sleep before half-collapsing into bed beside her and falling into deep slumber.

One long sleep later I feel like my old self again. Carole's room is feeling crowded, despite its size. Carole stands in the center of the bedroom, her light blue eyes looking fearfully around. She clearly takes care of her appearance; her looks are accentuated by blue eye shadow, nude lipstick and light peach blush. Her skin is lightly tanned. Her black and white striped shirt fits tight across her body. She is small-chested, probably a similar size to Juliette. I stand a couple of inches in front of her and look straight into her eyes; as she looks up at me her expression flits between fearful and indignant. Both looks are attractive in their own ways.

Surrounding us are a selection of people that I had pulled from other rooms. Four male students, including Louis; four female students - Juliette, Lucia, Marine and another called Aaliyah; and one redhead teacher. All have washed (the girls especially well in certain places), dressed and awaited further instructions as per my earlier commands. The remaining students will be having very long lie-ins today.

Carole flinches when I speak up.

"Carole Franc. You've caused me a lot of trouble. What are we to do with you..."

Now the crisis has passed and my adrenaline levels have returned to something like normal I realize I feel considerable anger towards this girl for bringing me so close to catastrophe. Not that she deserves such anger, of course, but at this moment I don't particularly care. I raise my arms and announce.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today's entertainment, Carole Franc!"

I release Carole's speaking ability at the same time as I send other commands to her. The blonde teen's hips start to sway as she slowly turns in place.

"Que? Que faites-vous, Je vous demande de me lacher! Savez-vous qui est mon père? Je Hé, Non! Je ne dis pas celà à... "

Carole is indignant at being made to dance in front of everyone, her tone becomes more strident when her hands grab the end of her shirt and start pulling it up over her head.

"Vous ne pouvez pas ne faire ça! Ce n'est pas juste! Arretez-le bande d'idiots, Je.., Non, s'il vous plait!"

Carole's top lands on the floor next to her, revealing a peach-colored lace bra. Very pretty, very easily removed. As Carole lowers her arms she crosses them over her stomach, pushing her small pert breasts up while still turning on the spot. Taking a quick mental scan around the room, I find the expected fear and panic, but also strong whiffs of satisfaction - it seems her fellow students strongly dislike poor Carole. Carole herself is terrified, but she is trying her best to hide it under a thin layer of outrage. Her cheeks are blushing furiously red, but her eyes are fixing on every person surrounding her as she turns, willing them to look away. I order her hands to start undoing her belt, and soon she is rolling her tight capri pants down her shapely legs.
