A Mother: Tempted and Seduced


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"My my, what an arresting sight, did you bring your handcuffs?"

"I never go anywhere without them."

"Mmm, in that case, I'll come quietly officer."

"Really, you don't seem the type to come quietly."

"Well let's just say that I'll try not to make too much noise."

"Have you thought about me much in the past week?"

"Yes, I've missed you, I got very close to you during those two weeks in court, not as close as I'd like to have been though."

"I've thought about you a lot, almost every night."


"Yes, in a very satisfying way, if you know what I mean."

"Yes, I think I do, I've thought about you in that way too."

"So what do you intend to do about it?" Said her client as she slowly uncrossed and crossed her legs again.

"Well, you've been a dream client in many ways, always willing to take my advice, perhaps you might continue in that spirit and do exactly as I say now?"

"This is new territory for me, being... 'advised' by a woman, so I'd be grateful for your guiding hand... wherever you want to put it."

"Good, I'm very happy to show you the ropes, but perhaps we'll leave ropes and handcuffs for another time, unless you insist otherwise of course?"

"Well I have gone to the trouble of bringing my handcuffs with me, I had hoped that they might come in useful this afternoon, it's always possible that, if I get over excited, I might need to be restrained at some point; it's something that I think I'd find deeply satisfying and rewarding if you know what I mean."

"Yes, of course, now you mention it, you do look a little excitable; the idea appeals to me immensely," said Fiona as a trickle of pussy juice seeped into her panty gusset.

"I hope you don't think that I'm being presumptuous."

"No, no not at all, I think we're thinking very much along the same lines. I hope you won't think it presumptuous of me that I've booked a room at the Crowne Plaza. We can't stay here, so we may as well be comfortable; a large busy hotel will be the safest bet. We must not, on any account, be seen together, the press would have a field day."

"Yes, it would cause quite a stir to say the least."

"Here, take this key card, it's room 411, it's booked in my daughter's name, I asked her to put a bottle of champagne in the fridge, she should also have left a couple of champagne flutes. Help yourself while you're waiting for me. I'll turn up fifteen minutes after you. Just go straight up to the room, but if you think anyone has recognised you, send me a message and I'll be especially careful."

"Don't worry, I'll be careful too."

"Not too careful when I arrive I hope? We've got the room for the night, but of course you can leave whenever you like."

"You won't mind if I leave tonight will you? I'd like to be home after... after we've, erm..."

"After I've fucked you?"

"Yes, this time at least, if I please you, perhaps we can get together again?"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, you'd better get your shapely backside over to the hotel and wait for me. Will you be able to open a bottle of champagne?"

"Yes, I've got strong hands."

"Mmm, in that case, I think we'll definitely need the handcuffs, if I'm to stand a chance of staying in control of a strong young woman like you."

"I'll be good, I promise."


Fiona arrived home just after ten-thirty. She'd messaged Annabelle from the hotel room to say that she was on her way. Her daughter had replied to say that she would be ready and waiting for her with open legs. Annabelle had enjoyed playing a small part in her mother's sexual conquest of her client. As she waited for her mother's return, she changed out of her jumper and leggings into hold ups, heels and a tight, short blue dress.

As soon as Fiona had closed the front door, Annabelle had her pressed up against it, kissing her face and lips, and running her tongue around her mouth. She'd insisted that her mother should not shower after sex with her client, because she wanted to smell and taste the woman's pussy on her. She was already aroused, but the scent of another woman on her mother was just as incredibly erotic as she had imagined it would be.

She wanted to pull her mother down onto the hallway floor, still in her long outdoor coat, and thrust her hands up her skirt, where her client's hands had been, to reclaim her territory. For now though, she resisted the urge, and, instead, helped Fiona remove her coat and suit jacket. Then she led her through to the lounge where she had dimmed the lights, and placed an open bottle of claret and two glasses on the small table next to the settee.

"So, how did it go mother? I want all the details, don't leave anything out," said Annabelle as she sat with her legs crossed, with her stocking tops on view, lifting the wine glass to her mouth.

Fiona draped herself sexily at the other end of the settee and crossed her legs. Her pinstriped pencil skirt rode up enough to show the underside of her shapely thigh, with just a hint of stocking top. Her blouse was unbuttoned to just below her cleavage, and her hair looked a little disheveled. She still looked slightly flushed, her whole appearance was that of a woman who had just indulged in vigorous sex and had come hard.

"Well, to borrow one of your phrases, it was awesome darling, and I've got a surprise for you," she said, as she opened her bag and pulled out her panties, her client's panties, and a pair of police issue handcuffs.

"Naughty mummy."

"I thought you'd enjoy seeing my trophies. We'll be able to have hours of fun with these," said Fiona, holding up the handcuffs, "but that's for another time."

"Please can I have her panties?"

"Well I can see that you're not wearing any so I suppose so."

Annabelle took the panties, held them to her nose and breathed in deeply, "She smells better than I had imagined, quite fragrant."

"Do you want mine as well?"

"Yes please," she held her mother's panties to her nose and pushed the clients panties up between her legs and pressed them against her pussy, "tell me mother, tell me what happened,"

Fiona slid along the settee, sat close to her daughter, and stroked her the top of her shin. She spoke slowly, deliberately and seductively as she told her tale.

"Well, it was a week since we'd exchanged those drunken messages, so I wasn't sure whether she'd remembered, or maybe changed her mind. But as soon as Carol showed her into my office, I knew; she was wearing the blue dress and black stilettos that I'd told her to wear. When we sat down, she wasted no time letting me know that she was also wearing stockings and suspenders; another of my alcohol influenced requests."

"She's a bit of a tease then? said Annabelle as she pulled her mother's hand up onto her thigh above her knee."

"I'll say, I wanted her on top of my desk there and ten, but there was no way we could risk that. So I flirted with her until I was sure that Carol had left, then I told her to get a taxi to the hotel. I watched her from my office window as she got into a black cab; all long legs, heels and tight dress, it was a lovely sight."


"Yes, I thought so. Anyway, I set off to walk to the hotel, I knew that it would take me about fifteen minutes. When I got to the there, I took the staircase, a bit of climb to the fourth floor but much less chance of being seen. I tapped on the door and as soon as I saw her face, I could tell that she was nervous."

"So, not as sure of herself as she was in your office?"

"Quite, I told her to relax, but she said she didn't know what to do, so I stood close to her and asked her what she would do if she was meeting a man in a hotel room. Then I cupped her face in my hands, drew her towards me, and kissed her. It was so erotic, her kiss was soft and yielding, I haven't written men off completely, but it made me realise that I've started to prefer women."

"I've always said that you've got impeccable taste."

"Like I said, we kissed, but it was obvious that she wanted me to take the lead. So I unzipped her dress, then I sat down in an arm chair and told her to take it off and remove her bra. She looked so sexy as she wiggled and stepped out of her tight dress. Then I told her to come closer, she looked gorgeous in her stockings heels, suspenders and little panties; her breasts were like two small teardrops. When she was standing right next to the armchair, I reached out and pushed her panty gusset up into her wet hole, like this."

Fiona took her clients panties from her daughter and pushed the gusset up between her legs and into her hole. Another layer of cunt juice coated the already crusty material.

"Oh! Mother, oh my God, that's so... oh fuck."

"She thought so too, you should have heard her deep satisfied groan. So, I masturbated her for a while, she looked as though her legs would give way, so I told her to remove her panties. She watched me put her panties into my bag and she gave a little shudder of arousal. I pulled her down onto my lap and opened her legs; she was so wet, my fingers slid into her with ease."

Fiona discarded her client's panties and massaged her daughter's wet pussy as she continued with her erotic tale. They sat side by side on the settee, Annabelle on the right, with her legs open, Fiona on her left with the fingers of her right hand inside her daughter. Fiona pulled her daughter's left leg over her right thigh so that her naked pussy was spread wide and fully exposed. She played slowly and deliberately with her clitoris, then swept her fingers around Annabelle's slick wet labia.

"She made so much noise, and she came so quickly, I mean really quickly. Then she turned her head to look at me with her big doe eyes, and I just had to fuck her again. I told her to give me the handcuffs, then I cuffed her wrists behind her back; she was trembling. I'd told her that I didn't want her trying to escape while I got undressed, she loved it, the pretence I mean; I could tell she was really into role play. I made her stand at the end of the bed, while I stripped slowly, in front of her. When I got down to my heels, stockings and suspenders, I pushed her onto the bed, she was flat on her back and handcuffed, I'd never realised how hot it would be to have a woman in that position; helpless and at my mercy."

Annabelle whimpered with arousal.

"You should have seen her face when I pulled the strap on out of my bag, her eyes were like saucers, she kept urging me to fuck her as I strapped it place, I enjoyed it, so I knelt between her legs and simulated masturbation on the cock, it drove her wild, she was begging me to take her with it. I was really turned on, what with my end of the cock inside me, and her pleading. When I finally sank it inside her, she was so wet that it slid in and out of her with ease."

Annabelle grabbed her mother's upper arm with her left hand and put her right hand over her mother's hand and used it to masturbate herself. She pushed her mother's fingers inside her and played with her own clitoris as she rushed, headlong, towards an orgasm.

"I can tell that you're nearly there darling, so I'll tell you quickly that I was so turned on by fucking my helpless, handcuffed client, that I came so suddenly and so hard; my end of the dildo filled me as I thrust into her, she came hard too, but she still wanted more, so I turned her over and held her down as I took her from behind."

As her mother finished her erotic tale, Annabelle started to come. Her back arched, her hips thrust forward and she shoved her mother's fingers deep into her her cunt. Her pelvis jerked and juddered until she came to rest, she breathed deeply, and laid her head on her mother's shoulder.

"That was really kinky Mother, I loved it. Are you going to see her again?"

"Yes, after I'd fucked her with the strap on, I unlocked the handcuffs and she had her first taste of another woman. She was good, she made me come again. Then we got into bed and fucked for several hours. I asked her if she'd enjoyed the bondage and she said 'yes' in such a meek little voice. Anyway, she agreed to dress in her police uniform next time. She promised to wear stockings and suspenders under her unflattering police issue black skirt, and to wear heels that would never pass a uniform inspection. She's going to pretend to arrest me, and I'm going to force her onto her knees and elbows, and take her from behind with her face on the floor and her lovely backside in the air."

"Fuck, Mother, that's so hot, when are you seeing her again?"

"We haven't fixed a date yet, but probably next month."

"You must promise to tell me all about it afterwards, like you did tonight."

"I will darling, I could see how much it turned you on, you're full of surprises my sexy little daughter."

"I just love the thought of you going with other women, then making me come while you tell me all about what you did with them."

"Do you know, I think I'd like that too. I'd really like to hear about you seducing a straight woman, you're so irresistible that I think you could seduce anyone, will you do that for me?"

"Do you have anyone in mind?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact I do. Your driving instructor, Paula, she's separated from her husband, no kids. Nice body, lovely light-brown eyes, sexy, I'd quite like to get my hands on her gear box."

"Mmm, she's was fifty last year though."

"Her age is irrelevant, she's hot and I'll bet she thinks you are too."

"Well she does keep telling me how attractive I am, and she looks at my legs a lot more than necessary."

"Seduce her, tell her she looks amazing for her age, does she know that you like ladies?"

"Yes, I talked about Sophie as my girlfriend."

"Well you're half way there, does she know you haven't got a girlfriend at the moment?"

"Yes, I told her we broke up."

"Good, now all you have to do is tell her that you like older women, make sure she realises you mean much older, say that you really fancy a celebrity the same age as her; someone like that newsreader you're always swooning over."

"Sofia Reywood?"

"Yes, lay it on thick, tell her she looks like her, tell her you feel more comfortable with older women, then ask her if she'll go for a drink with you; put your hand on her knee while you ask her."

"I know, I could pretend that I've forgotten to bring cash to pay the lesson fee, then I could offer to drop it off at her house later."

"That's it, you learn fast, wear your stilettos and tight jeans, she won't be able to keep her hands off you."

"Fuck Mother, you sexy bitch, you've really turned me on now."

Annabelle got up from the settee, delved into her mother's bag and pulled out the strap on cock. She gave it a sniff, turned to her mother and held her hand out.

"Mmm, it still smells of her. Come to bed with me Mummy, I want fantasise about Paula while I fuck you."

"Gladly darling, you can drive me anywhere you like."

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BriteroticBriterotic3 months agoAuthor

Thanks for all of your feedback Stockings_and_heels

Stockings_and_heelsStockings_and_heels4 months ago

First class story telling. The plot, the characters, the overall detail and the SEX and STOCKINGS, soo soo hot. Brilliant.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

That was lovely, sensual, and erotic, even if it wasn't incest. But, you have certainly laid the ground for some interesting sequels, like a second encounter with Fiona and her client, or Annabelle and her driving instructor Paula. Somewhere in this array of lovely ladies is a delightful Sapphic threesome. So many possibilities, so little time. Thank you for this tasty prelude.

Beejay3Beejay311 months ago

Such a Merry -go-Round..with ladies Cumming and going.in a mixed bag of sexual activities…mothers and daughters ,clients. and lawyers…Free-for -all!

Hard to keep ‘‘em straight!

Such pleasure to spread around!


ArkingArkingover 1 year ago

Once again you have done such a superb job of storytelling. I felt how you told the story showed real class, the denial, the knowing but not wanting to give in and then once Fiona realised her true feelings and overcame the concern about social conformity. They could move on from that and enjoy their lives together. I can see a long storyline developing with these two characters. Well done.

The passage that made the story memorable for me and now stands out for me and my taste in stories is on page 3, where at the pub when Fiona gets the message from Ms DuPont but instead of replying, ignoring her, making her wait. A true Mistress in the making. She or they could end up with a harem of willing women to satisfy their lustful libidos.

5 stars +

49WIZARD8849WIZARD88over 1 year ago

This was all time good and oh so fucking hot

BriteroticBriteroticover 1 year agoAuthor

Thanks for the feedback Anonymous. There was no reason for Annabelle to look at her mother’s phone, it didn’t occur to me that she would. The second point is interesting, in the first draft, I did identify Carol as the ‘target,’ but then changed my mind. I wanted to broaden the scope a little and introduce a new character who was older than Fiona. The thought of 18 year old Annabelle seducing a straight woman of fifty seemed really hot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

WoW. that was HOT. Like others I hope you give us more of this duo. I was surprised of two thigs though, 1) That annabelle didn't get two see the messages left by sylvie or the client. and the 2) that Fiona picked paula and not Carol her secretary. Great story. 5 stars!


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

That was pretty fucking hot. Please tell us you'll have further adventures of Annabelle and Fiona. I'd love to see Fiona's idea of Annabelle seducing straight women come to fruition. It would make an awesome series. 5/5 stars.

Dewey Cheatham

BoxcarbillBoxcarbillover 1 year ago

Hope you continue to expand on this story.

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