A New Song

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They found love. Can they find it again?
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Divas have a well-deserved reputation. I can attest to that. Almost four years ago, I became romantically involved with one. It all came about because I'm a songwriter. I'm fairly successful with a number of hits on my resume. Though my name is fairly well-known, few would ever recognise me as I never seek any publicity.

My agent Dawn Gibb and her music producer, Jack Hobbs set me up. I was going along to the studios with a number of new songs. Now I can't sing. I mean, I make cats sound good. I write the music and have a session singer do the vocals with a band. The track then goes to the producer who decides on the artist or bin. I was expecting a session singer however it turned out to be Leigh-Anne, one of the UK's biggest popstars. Leigh-Anne already had two big hits with my songs.

To say I was shocked would have been an understatement. She exuded warmth as she was so glad to finally meet me. She explained why she was so happy about the songs I'd given her to record. She was effusive over how my lyrics blended so well with her and the music invaded her so all her emotions came through in her voice. She hoped we could continue collaborating together. She was looking forward to the session as my songs always surprised her.

She then brought up that with our last hit having been shortlisted for the music awards, she wanted me alongside her as I was too talented to hide in the shadows. I refused. I explained I'm not so good with cameras and speaking to people I don't know. She understood as she had been so shy when she had started out. But, and it was a big BUT! The only way to gain that confidence is to go at it head on. She said, "You should think about it. It will be amazing for you and your family."

Yeah, family! I didn't say I didn't do that either.

I expected her to flounce off but she didn't. She'd agreed to be my session singer and she'd be that. She looked through the new songs and with the band, sang them. I made comments about how I thought the verses should sound, how the music levels should vary to enhance her vocals. The final one she sang: it was though it was tearing her soul out. It was about unrequited love, a very sad song. Yes, it was part autobiographical.

She turned to Jack, "Don't think of anyone other than me for those. Two or three more and we'll have an album."

She turned to me, "These all make you live the words. I had tears as I sang them. There seems to be a link. If you have others to go with them, the album will be immense."

I had the outline of three. I explained the concepts and showed them my basic notes. Dawn had ambushed me to be here. In my world, I would have waited until I had them all finished. She sang from those notes. Everyone was so enthusiastic about how they would turn out.

At the end of the session, she dragged me out for a meal along with some of her entourage. She made me speak about myself. I was so uncomfortable. I saw others look on in amazement as this ordinary guy was sat beside one of the most famous pop stars in the country. She did break down my barriers and made me feel easier. She explained about her early life. She was from a similar, working class, non-musical background. How she struggled at first, didn't feel she belonged.. It was worse when her agent revealed her stage costumes. She blushed as she explained her stage costumes weren't the real her. Her underwear at that time had more material. She had to overcome those fears by being on stage. Even today she often had to fight with herself to get on stage. While it was easier it still made her heart beat rise in fear.

She continued with how she felt inferior to so many she met as she had idolised them. She'd mostly overcome that now. She realised they were just like her. She'd been told to look positively at herself not negatively. I should focus on how good I was.

Over the next couple of months, as she was recording the album, I was dragged into the studios on many occasions. Far more than normal. I normally left it to the producer and the artist. Maybe add an opinion based on my copies of the rough recordings. She wanted me there so I could add my input, my thoughts on the direction of the song. After each day wrapped up she'd hint that "Maybe I should attend the awards ceremony?"

We became closer. I have to be honest and say, she stalked me. I was her prey. I never thought a star like her would be interested in me. I'm David, 5'10, slim, brown hair and eyes. I'm not muscular. I'm really shy, very private. I only smile when I'm comfortable. Many would say they've never seen me smile. I do have a slightly above average penis if the magazines are correct. I don't have much experience of women though I did learn early how to please a woman. It's simple. Look to find what turns her on and don't tell!

She had me meet her parents, Michael and Betty. They welcomed me as I was "normal" not show business, looking to be someone I wasn't, using/abusing their daughter to advance my career.

Leigh-Anne or really Elizabeth is gorgeous. Away from the stage show, her hair is brunette with a reddish tint. She's 5'5, knockout 36C breasts, slim, toned body and an awesome pussy. As Elizabeth she is kind of shy as well and would blush if anything sexual came up. It created a conundrum as she enjoys sex with a passion. When she seduced me, we had passionate if vanilla lovemaking, not that I ever complained or suggested anything else.

It was a fair fight but I never attended the awards ceremony. She won the main award. She praised my writing, how I was able to bring a vision along with the words. She let out, her new album was all mine with some of the best songs I'd ever written. By the time the album came out, I was living with her in her astounding home.

She'd tour and we'd get together whenever we could. While she was away, I stayed in my own flat writing. The album won every award the following year.

Once the tour was over we spent all our time together. I found the true Elizabeth was everything I wanted if only I could believe I was worthy of her.

The follow up album was a huge hit though not as big. She was concerned though I suspect that the words had been put to her by her agent Cass Jones. She's a bitch. Her parents and I told her, "She'd sold more records than any other female star. She'd the best-selling album of the year. The previous one was at number five for sales between 2010 and 2020. It had only been out for fifteen months not ten years. Give the newer one time."

I had been speaking to her about where we were heading. I loved her but I wanted to be more than someone she had to make time for. I wanted her to marry me, have the family we had discussed.

She was shocked and didn't know how to respond. She loved me but her career!

We discussed this but she never settled on a decision. I blamed her agent, Cass Jones looking after her bottom line. She always wanted her to do more, more records, more tours, generate more money for her. Her attitude to people annoyed me and we'd clashed on a number of occasions.

Jones and I had clashed badly about eight months before. Our lives had been turned upside down as Betty was diagnosed with breast cancer. Leigh-Anne told her fans she was taking time off to be with her mum. It brought her a lot of accolades. Jones blamed me. Okay, I had suggested she be there for her mum. They were very close.

For six months, Betty underwent the gruelling treatment but finally was declared free of cancer.

A couple of months later, Leigh-Anne and I were doing more arguing than looking to the future. During the last one she shouted out, "I haven't had a hit in over nine months. You're just a below average songwriter."

I spoke calmly but my annoyance would have been obvious to her, "You haven't recorded anything as you were with your mum where you should have been. Cass wants to split us up. She's the agent for arsehole Johnston. He said that on his interview about me. So, you're lapping up her poison."

She screamed, "It's true. He has new songs for me, far better than any of yours."

I laughed, "Has he sent the demos to you?" There was no answer.

I sighed, "Probably not then. I don't say you have to record me. Jack has many songs for you to review but Jones keeps you away from him. She sees you only as her golden whore, responsible for lining her pockets. You know what she's like yet you stay with her. Your parents, other friends and I have told you repeatedly to use an agent who has your interests at heart not theirs.

"If she had, how could she want you to work with Johnston. You know his reputation. He will try and fuck you so he can go on the late-night chat show circuit and boast about it. It would destroy your parents and your reputation. Why the fuck don't you leave her?"

This argument went on and on. Nothing I said was getting through to her, making her realise what Jones was orchestrating. Finally, I shouted out the bottom line, "If you are so scared of committing to me, tell me! If it is as it seems, you just want me out of your life, tell me!"

She looked at me, her anger clear, summoning her diva persona, she shouted, "Fuck off out of my life!"

I said quietly, "I will. Jones will be happy to be able to control you more easily. Johnston will be drooling at the chance to fuck you. She'll be encouraging him. Leigh-Anne might survive but will Elizabeth?."

I collected all my things and headed to my flat. In the morning, I collected all her things she kept there and took them to her parents. They were shocked. I explained I wasn't heading to her home as she could say I stole anything. Jones would put her up to it. They tried to get me to give her more time but I'd had enough of the constant arguments.

I went to my agent. Dawn listened and had a letter drawn up by her legal team. It prevents Johnston, Jones and any performer connected to them, directly or indirectly, from performing any of my songs unless they had previously recorded them. So, Leigh-Anne could not sing any of my new works.

Well, I'm a below average songwriter. I mean, nominated in each of the last six years, two single song awards and the last album of the year.

That was about two years ago.

I had one job I had to do. I spent four days in Edinburgh with a film company looking at refining the score for a new film. I'd had a rough copy of the film to work on. I'd done a lot of work before we met so we could fine tune my thoughts. It was gratifying to be told how they thought it enhanced the film. Not bad for a below average songwriter!

Afterwards, I needed some time for myself so I headed to my secluded hideaway in Sutherland. It has no wi-fi, phone or even mobile signal. I'd a forty-minute drive for my weekly shop.

I completed the film score in ten days.

I was lazing around enjoying the tranquillity when words came to me. The music seemed to come from the air around me. I wrote and wrote. By the end of two months, I'd over thirty songs. Once in mobile range, I called Dawn. She'd do what I had requested. She asked me to come straight in to see her. She had a lot to talk with me about.

I arrived back on the Tuesday. I saw Dawn.

She was laughing, "David, you have stirred up a hornet's nest. Jones didn't like being stopped from using your songs. I think they had dressed up some as from Johnston's stable of writers. She tried to make me change my instructions but I said, "You'd just go to another agent. Such below average writers are hard to find!"" I had to laugh. Dawn would have been theatrical but deadly.

"Your break-up is known and I've had the sharks circling to try and get you on their talk shows. I told them, you may consider it if they prove hell has frozen over. Not the town in America, the one Johnston and Jones should be in!

"Jacks Dobbs and I have spoken. He's told Jones to fuck off but not before reminding her he has a contract to do two more albums with Leigh-Anne. If she was thinking Johnston would produce his usual crap, he'd sue her. Leigh-Anne would be welcome but she'd better not be around." She smiled her cruel smile when she added, "That's the polite version.

"He has three session singers who could be almost as good as Leigh-Anne if given the chance. He's vetted them, they have no connection with Jones or Johnston. He'll have them available to demo your new songs. If you're happy he's suggested he'll record them.

"I had Rose go through all your accounts and she saw Jones hadn't paid over the royalties for the last three months. I sent her a reminder with a strongly worded letter. If I ended up in court suing her, I'd make it known how she fucked up. Other artists would remove themselves in case she doesn't pay them. The payment came in this morning.

"Michael and Betty have called a few times to enquire if you were okay. They're concerned about Leigh-Anne. Perhaps give them a call now you're back in civilisation."

I sighed sadly, "I think I preferred my hideaway. Okay to Jack. He's a good guy. I'll phone Michael and Betty. Let me know when the sessions are, I'll be there. I need a smallish orchestra to do a demo of the film score as well. The core pieces. Hopefully, we can expand it and have a local one on the film. The musicians here are just as good as London. I hate travelling there."

Once home and through the junk mail, I looked through my normal mail. I'd three letters from Jones, none complementary. I'd give them to Dawn for any appropriate action. There were two from a solicitor acting on behalf of Leigh-Anne about a non-disclosure agreement to protect her from me smearing her. I wrote back saying I wouldn't sign one as I had no intention of ever speaking to the media about us. If there were any such stories, sue them. I'd confirm I'd never spoken with them.

I did have some so-called journalists try but I never uttered a syllable they could change.

I called her parents and we chatted. They'd fallen out with Elizabeth over how she had been treating me. They had made sure she knew Jones and Johnston didn't have her interests at heart. They had gone as arranged to the music awards. Leigh-Anne wanted to show everyone her mum was well. Johnston was totally pissed off when Michael had told him, "I've heard about your reputation. Try anything on with her, I'll remove your balls and dick and stuff them down your throat!" Michael can be intimidating when he wishes.

Their opinion of Jones was even lower than before. They'd roasted her over the lack of new material which was supposed to have been for sale by then. Jones had said none matched what they were wishing to produce.

Betty had said, "We heard a lot of beautiful music when we popped into Jack's. He'd three albums worth laid aside for her but tells us, you want to rip up her contract with him for this good for nothing arsehole. You told us before she came down here the songs were waiting for her. More lies!"

Betty laughed, "Elizabeth was young when she started so we had to be guarantors for her. We're still technically on her management team. As that we've engaged forensic accountants to check Jones's books. If nothing else it will give her a scare."

I laughed, "Dawn caught she hadn't paid the royalties so threatened to sue. You may find something to get her out of Elizabeth's life."

Michael said sadly, "David, you've not asked about Elizabeth. It's so unlike you. You must be hurting."

I replied carefully, "I try and not think about her. I thought she wanted what I asked her for. A commitment, to have our children something she'd said she wanted. Once I asked, she turned away. I'm sure Jones was responsible."

I added sadly, "I suppose it was all just an impossible dream.

"Jones is pissed because I stopped any artist connected with her or Johnston performing my songs. She's not complementary about me. Elizabeth's solicitors wished me to sign a non-disclosure but I refused. I'll never talk publicly about our time together. She knows that. It's Jones's hand pulling the strings to make sure no one can help free her from the bitch."

After a fairly long time, we finished the call. I agreed to stay in touch with them.

Jack, Dawn and I attended the session singers try-outs. All were more than good. Their abilities were fantastic. Each had a different tone to their voices which brought you in, engaged with them. Jack and Dawn spent a lot of time in discussion as I guided the singers and the band. Over six days we did all the songs.

Jack said, "The girls voices picked the tracks as far as I'm concerned. Each could release a single and album from those songs. They will be hits. David, there are four songs which I'm sorry to say are made for Leigh-Anne. I intend, with Dawn's and your agreement to keep those for when she comes to her senses.

"Dawn has spoken with the girls and will become their representative. I have other songs, I can add to their albums which will maintain the emotion you've generated."

I smiled, "They did a wonderful job with the songs. I know the songs you're referring to. You're right. If another singer comes along who they work with we can consider that option. Dawn will look after the girls, not try and take over their life."

Three months later and the first album and single were released. It received a lot of airtime and both soon climbed high in the charts. Melanie became a star. One month later the second album and single followed. It took off. Sherry became a star. Two weeks later the third one came out. Linda became a star.

Dawn organised a tour involving all three. As stage performers they had little experience so she wanted each of them to support the others. It went down well all over the country and Europe. The stage finale was all three singing a few of their songs in harmony. It brought the house down each night.

By the time they returned, I had written more songs for their follow-up albums. When I know an artist, somehow I can write in a way which enhances them. All loved their new material. Jack had some more which fitted well.

Jack held some back as they were for Leigh-Anne's forthcoming, eventual album. I was confused but Dawn said, "David, they are for her, you know it. Something is going on with her. Michael and Betty are happy but won't say.

"These songs show that you still love her. Your pain is etched in much of the lyrics. Maybe there will be a resolution soon which works for you."

All three albums were up for the newcomer of the year music awards. Leigh-Anne had not recorded anything. The film score was on the Oscar shortlist. Not bad for a below average songwriter.

Just before the awards the industry was rocked when Jones appeared in court over defrauding her clients. Leigh-Anne had lost a considerable amount along with other artists she represented. Johnston appeared in an English court to answer charges relating to non-payment of fees and sexual assaults on women members of his staff. Once the first brick in the wall fell, more victims came out. I tried not to listen to the news about him as it was so nauseating.

Dawn called me and asked, "David, Michael and Betty have approached me to take on Leigh-Anne. I get on well with them. I will refuse if you have any problem with me representing her. As her representative I would be asking you to allow her to sing your songs.

"It wouldn't change how I work for you. I give you options, you decide."

I laughed, "Yes, the option is normally this works doesn't it!" I sighed as I took more than a few moments to consider the request. Dawn gave me space as she knew I'd have trouble with it. Eventually, I added, "Jack would be happy to do that album. If Jones and Johnston are out of the equation, okay."

Over the next few months, I knew little of what was happening as I deliberately kept away from the studios. Unfortunately, Dawn did say I was building a large backlog of songs so I'd need to at least drop them off with her to have them recorded as demos. She'd requests from over twelve stars wishing to speak about songs for them. Three film studios wanted to speak to me about film scores. Being successful seemed to mean everyone wanted a part of me.