A Randy Retirement Pt. 22: Ellie & Mina Ch. 02


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The two blondes stared at each other as Mina's breathing quickened and she moaned to her sister, "Oh my god, his cock is so fuckin' big."

"Oh, I know, believe me I know," Ellie concurred, her voice raspy, as if she had cum wrapped around her vocal cords.

The pace quickened yet again as Mina climbed closer to her apex, moving her ass on her own now with Ellie's hands just resting on her hips. Slowly their faces came closer, both of their mouths opened and they began to kiss; a deep, tongue-twirling match of egos as they both brought their arms up to embrace one another.

Suddenly, Ellie pushed down on Mina's hips until all of Randy's dick was deep inside her. Mina screamed, her head toward the blue, cloudless sky, but she did not resist as her younger sister began to forcefully grind her sister's ass onto Randy's cock.

Randy was dumbstruck. He had never imagined this behavior out of Ellie, but he had to admit, it was hot as hell, and he felt his balls start to well up.

His thoughts were diverted when Mina squealed and he saw that Ellie had started to suck on her sore nipples. And then something more amazing happened. Mina brought her hand up and held Ellie's head tightly to her breast.

He shivered and came at the sight of it, squirting three times deep in Mina's womb as she began to climax. Ellie freed herself and stood, exhorting her sister.

"That's it Mina, cum. Cum hard. Let it all out."

She did, her body quivering on Randy's cock as the waves of pleasure too her over. When she had finished, Ellie pulled her off the pole she was sitting on and into the pool, where they both sat on their butts, with only their heads and the tops of their shoulders visible.

Mina seemed uncomfortable, sitting there looking down at the water as the trio gathered their wits in silence.

Finally, Ellie spoke to her sister, "Sorry about that, I guess I got carried away in the moment."

Slowly, Mina's eyes rose to her sibling, the paper-thin smile on her face, "It's okay. Surprisingly, it was kinda nice."

Randy felt like he should leave them alone then, and announced, "I'm going to go make dinner," and he got up from the pool deck.

Ellie stopped him before he got too far, "We were talking before you came out and distracted us. We're leaving for home in the morning, so let's just do something quick and easy for dinner, so you can fuck us some more. I still need one to catch up," and she snickered.

He thought for just a moment and shrugged, "Okay. I have enough tavern ham and baked turkey to make us a decent sized sub apiece. That good with you Mina?" he asked.

"Oh yeah," she replied with a wayward smile that gave him pause for a moment.

"Alright then. Y'all come inside and make your own after you wash off," and he did an about-face and headed for the kitchen.

Randy set out the turkey & ham, cheddar and provolone cheese slices, lettuce, tomato, pickles, banana peppers, and condiments; along with 8" sub rolls. In a few minutes, the girls came in, still naked and drying themselves. They went right to work, each making their own sandwich. Randy went into the pantry and came back with some of the small, lunchbox bags of both barbeque flavored and regular potato chips, tossing them on the counter.

"Can we have some wine?" Mina asked him as she tore apart lettuce for both her and her sister.

"You want red or white?"

Mina looked to Ellie, who asked for concurrence, "Red?"

"Yeah, I think so," Mina agreed and turned to him, "Red please, Pinot Noir if you have it."

"Yep, got it. Coming right up," and he went to the cooler and pulled the cork on a chilled bottle. He was still digesting what had happened out in the pool and his mind was turning devious.

Randy set glasses and the bottle on the table and Mina noticed the slight condensation on the outside of the wine bottle.

"You have wine chilled, just waiting for us?"

Randy laughed and shook his head. "I have a wine cooler, about the size of a large refrigerator in the pantry. It has four sections, each with individual temperature controls. After this week I'm gonna hafta restock."

They both grinned and reached for their glass at the same time and Randy shook his head and went to get himself a bottled water.

He came back and made his own sandwich, telling the girls, "Take your time, there's no hurry. It's gonna be a long night, one way or the other. When you finish eating, I want you both to go use the anal douche in your bathroom, but be careful and don't wash off the suntan oil. Got it?"

The girls looked at each other, shrugged, and then started giggling.


They all reconvened in the playroom and the girls were still oiled up from sunbathing, so they had done a good job with what he had requested.

Randy had turned on all the lights and set the dimmer switch to full, so that in the harsh lights the coconut oil on their tanned bodies glowed.

He went to the storage room and brought out two sets of silicone anal balls, each set twelve inches long with three 1½" diameter balls. He was twirling each set on a forefinger by their round pull-ring as he approached them.

"What are you gonna do with those?" Mina asked.

He stopped the twirling, holding each set up to them for a better view. "I'm not gonna do anything, it's what you two are gonna do. Now, put them in your ass, all the way," and he handed each sister one.

Randy watched as they each inspected the balls and then looked at each other. He squirted a small amount of lube onto his forefinger and rubbed it on the anal ring of each girl, giving them each a nice smack on the ass when he finished.

"Now, put 'em inside."

Ellie began to work the first ball into her asshole, widening her thighs and Mina took note and soon followed suit.

There was a silicone 'string' four inches long between each of the balls, as well as the pull-ring on the end. Ellie had made decent headway, but Mina struggled getting the first ball in and looked up to find her sister was already finished with all three of hers.

"Well, aren't we the little anal whore," the elder sister commented, her voice cracking.

Ellie ignored her as she flexed her knees, feeling the heft of the objects inside her and asked Randy, "Are these weighted?"

"Why yes they are," Randy told her as he walked behind her sister, grasped her upper arm and then took the second ball from her, pushing it up against her anal ring, "Here, let me give you an assist with this one," and Mina's mouth flew open as he roughly pushed it into her ass.

She gasped, a steamy gasp full of arousal, as her body reacted to the second invader.

"Liked that, did you sis?" Ellie teased back. "Guess the anal whoring runs in the family, huh?"

"Your mama certainly loved it," Randy chimed in as he pushed the third ball into Mina's puckered bunghole in one motion without stopping and then depositing it as deep as his fingers would allow, leaving just the pull-ring dangling outside. By feel he knew that the three balls were up against each other inside her, condensing the string. There was no way the first one was twelve inches deep.

The thin blonde had risen on her toes as he had seated the final orb in her gut, calling out, "Oh my god," in a rush of words as Randy and Ellie watched her body shake.

The two sisters stood there and looked at each other for a moment in silence, trying to get used to the feel of the balls that moved inside them, until Randy interrupted them.

"On the floor on your hands and knees and back your asses up to one another."

They both lowered themselves onto the blue yoga mat he had already placed, then backed up to each other, their ass cheeks touching, the two pull-rings fencing between them like a sword duel.

Randy kneeled down and attached a small, black zip tie around the two rings, securing them together, and then stood.

"Alright, here's how this is gonna go. You two are gonna have a tug of war to see who can get all three balls out of their ass first. Winner gets fucked first after the loser gets flogged. Understood?"

Mina's head turned quickly to him, shock on her face.

"Understood Mina?" he asked again.

"Yes," she answered, and despite what she may have thought about the contest, her voice revealed a certain determination.

He turned to Ellie, who was smiling at him, a glint in her eyes.

"Understood? Winner gets fucked; loser gets flogged."

"I understand completely," Ellie told him, emphasizing the last word.

Randy held her eyes for a second longer and at that moment he knew what was about to transpire and shook his head.

"Okay then. On my mark. Ready ... Set ... Go!"

Just as he thought, it wasn't much of a fight. Mina clenched her ass muscles and pulled, the first ball popping out of Ellie almost immediately. It took the thinner blonde a moment to realize she had to move away from her younger sister to take up the slack that was created by the first ball releasing, but she eventually did and crawled on her knees to tighten the string. Ellie put up some resistance on the second ball, both of them groaning as they strained, but it came out in Mina's favor after a minute or so longer. The third ball took just under three minutes and Ellie really made her sister work for it, but it came out with an audible plop. Mina fell to her chest on the floor from the sudden release, while Ellie popped up almost immediately and grinned at Randy.

He looked at her and shook his head in mock disgust, then went and helped Mina from the floor. He took her to the padded wooden box against the wall and handed her a 5" slim vibe, telling her to play with herself while he punished her sister. Mina looked at the vibe, then propped her feet flat on the box just outside her hips and leaned back against the wall. She turned the slim vibe on and started to run it over her clit and vulva.

Back to Ellie, Randy strapped wrist cuffs on her and attached them to the overhead hoist, just like he had done on Wednesday. When she was stretched on her toes, he centered himself in front of her and pinched her nipples hard. She drew air sharply, but held his eyes defiantly.

"You lost on purpose, didn't you?"


Randy squeezed harder, "Why?"

Ellie winced, "Because this is what I wanted. Besides, she couldn't handle it," and nodded behind Randy to her sister.

"Ahh, you love your sister. Good for you. I hope it's worth it, but you'd have probably lost anyway."

Her face showed anger for a moment, "Yeah, right. Why would I have lost?"

"Because I been fuckin' your ass right regular and much deeper than I've been fuckin' hers and she's tighter than you are because of it."

"Well, you need to fix that," Ellie responded.

"I been tryin' babe, I been tryin'," he told her and let go of her nipples, then turned her so she could watch Mina masturbate herself with the vibrator while he went to the storage room.

When he came back, Mina was moaning, the blue vibe buried deep in her snatch. Her eyes were closed, her mouth in a small 'o' as the first wave of an orgasm hit her.

Ellie watched Mina intently as she hung there, her ass facing Randy. He announced his presence with a full-on lash of her ass with the flogger. Ellie cried out sharply, her back arching in an effort to move her ass out of the line of fire. It was a waste of time. He began a series of hard strikes to the curve of her buttocks, giving Ellie no break as he fired off at least ten lashes in quick succession.

Her tanned body danced in response, shrieks and flinches accompanying the dance as she twisted with her hands bound above her head. When Randy stopped, Ellie was panting hard, almost like she could not catch her breath. He heard Mina sigh steamily from the other side and stepped around the hanging sister to find the elder one with the vibrator still buried in her pussy, her eyes fixated on her younger sibling, but also somewhat distant. He turned to Ellie as he stood just to the side of her.

"You good?"

Ellie took a deep breath, trying to keep the pressure off her shoulders by maintaining purchase to the floor with her toes; then nodded silently, biting her lower lip as she did so.

Randy shuddered visibly, but no one saw it. At that moment he wanted to fuck her about as bad as he ever had, but resisted the urge. Instead, he let her down until her feet were flat on the floor, then told her, "Spread your legs for me Ellie," and he gave her enough slack with the winch to follow his command.

She gave him the side-eye, like a dog would sometimes do to its owner. A split-second later it hit her, and she knew what was in store, but spread her legs anyway.

"Don't close them," Randy ordered, and went behind her again.

He could tell that she had steeled herself for the strike and waited her out, watching her hips and legs for the first sign of relaxation. Ellie fought with herself, trying to be prepared but not being able to maintain that vigilance indefinitely. When the time finally came that she had to relent, Randy struck like a rattler with an underhand swipe of the leather between her spread legs, the strands of the flogger finding home on her asshole, her inner thighs, and her pussy lips.

"Owww," she shrieked, her back arching as she fought to keep her legs open. The second shot found all of her labia with several strands of the flogger, and she cried out even sharper. The worst was when one of the strands found its way to her clit. Each individual lash was not that hard, in and of itself, but it was the cumulative effect of all the lashes and where exactly they were placed that got to her. The ones that hit her clit, however, were excruciating, no matter how soft they were.

Mina watched the action as she continued to get herself off. Randy looked past Ellie and saw that the flogging of her sister had really set Mina off as she was plunging the vibrator deep inside her cunt at a furious rate. The heat from the bright lights had her sweating and the vibrator in her snatch had her panting, but in her reverie, she still noticed Randy watching her. She had an intoxicated look to her as she pursed her lips into a seductive smile, removed the vibrator from her pussy and deep throated it, turning her head to the ceiling but leaving her eyes on him.

When she took it out of her mouth and dipped it back into her pussy, she ran her tongue across her front teeth and blew him a kiss, just like she had on the boat. Randy walked over and lightly feathered the strands of the flogger across her sex and Mina vehemently shook her head no with the slightest hint of fear. Randy smiled and laid the flogger across her stomach and turned back to Ellie. He told her to keep her legs spread as he rubbed some of the fire out of her reddened ass and then left her to hang as he went to grab something else from storage.

It was a metal chastity belt with two phalluses. They were each just smaller than his cock and already lubed as he forced them inside to her groans and secured the harness tightly. He had turned the vibes on high and they all could hear the buzzing. Randy stood beside Ellie and pulled her head back by her hair.

"Don't worry babe, I put fresh batteries in just this morning. Now, one more thing," and he presented her with a penis gag similar to what he had used on her sister. Without protest, Ellie opened her mouth and swallowed it, the head of the fake cock seating itself in place past the back of her throat. The difference between this gag and the other he had used was the base. It was a large, oval leather pad that covered all of Ellie's mouth and most of her cheeks and had a strap to buckle it in place that was as wide as one of Randy's belts.

She retched a little getting used to it, but otherwise handled it well. Randy used the winch to move her back up until just her big toes were touching the floor and then stood in between her and her sister and watched her body, on pointed toe like a ballerina, subtly vibrate in time with the humming inside her.

"You stay right there now and enjoy the show," he teased and turned to notify Mina, "You're turn blondie."

He walked to her and took away the slim vibe, setting it on the floor and then reaching to cup her ass and slide Mina off the box. Roughly, her turned her so that she faced her hanging sister and had to watch Ellie struggle with the ratchet inside continually clicking tighter.

Mina's body was relaxed as she stood, her hands hanging by her sides and Randy admired her pert, little ass from behind. It was nowhere near the size of Ellie's, but even though small, it had a nice round shape to it. He snaked his arms between her arms and her trunk and palmed both of her boobs as he came close behind her, the skin of his chest melding with her back as his erect cock rubbed the cleft of her ass.

Softly, he whispered in her ear, "Your sister is so close to cumming, I think if she sees you getting fucked, she'll go over the edge. Would you like to help push her over?"

Mina nodded slowly and Randy licked her ear, causing her to shiver.

He stepped back from her and prodded her with his feet to spread her legs, taking her ass in his hands and spreading it. Her pussy was soaked and he had less of a problem getting his cock inside than he did when she first came to him on Wednesday.

"Ohhh, yesss!" she exclaimed as he buried himself inside her, taking her hips and pulling her further onto his dick before grabbing her arms and holding her upright. He fucked her with slow strokes, pulling his cock out so that just the tip remained before slowly pushing it back inside.

"Ohhh," came the lustily moan each time he propelled his dick back inside her.

A muted scream permeated the room and they both looked to find Ellie, her feet off the floor and dangling as she pulled herself upwards by her hands and came hard, her body throbbing as she continued her muffled wail.

Randy let go of Mina's arms, "Put your hands behind your back," he ordered and she dutifully obeyed. He crossed them over her back and pinned both there with his right hand as she was forced to bend over. Randy buried his dick in her fully and her head rose as she grunted huskily. He took the opportunity to fill his left hand with her tresses and forced her head to stay up and turned toward her sister. Ellie's big toes had found the floor once again, but they moved shakily as she was already building another climax.

"Ahwl ... ahwl ... ahwl," Mina moaned every time his huge dick stuffed her pussy, the air making noises as it escaped when it could. Without warning, he began to pummel her, the pussy farts turning to wet, slapping sounds as his cock found bottom inside her.

Mina was delirious, her voice involuntarily huffing, "Uh ... uhh ... uhh ... ahhh-uh-ahhh," in a deep, throaty wail.

"Uhhh ... fu ... uu ... uu ... uu ... ukkkk! Ahh ... fuuuukkkkk!!!" she moaned and then her ass bucked as she squirted and came. It was one long howl as the pleasure that she desired so much flooded her body and her consciousness left her momentarily. Her legs collapsed and Randy allowed her to slowly slide to a twitching heap on the floor as he stood there winded with her squirt dripping from his groin.

He noticed Ellie's eyes on her sister as she was being continually rocked in her situation and wondered how much she actually saw through the fog of her brain.

Giving Mina a few minutes to recover, he finally pulled her to her feet and walked her over to Ellie.

"Comfort your sister while I let her down."

Mina lightly put her hands on Ellie's waist and then hesitantly licked her nipples as Randy took out the penis gag. He then lowered Ellie's hands and removed the cuffs from them, standing back for an instant and watching as the younger sister pulled up the elder's face and started to kiss her passionately. Mina obviously wasn't too sure about the situation in the beginning, but slowly began to kiss Ellie back and soon their hands were all over each other's bodies.