A Replacement For The Old Man

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She didn’t realize she was replaceable.
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A Replacement For The Old Man

She Didn't Realize She Was Replaceable

"Mother!!!" Screamed the woman as she stormed into the living room. The music blared away as the 18-year-old pounded into the 65-year-old woman's pussy from behind.

Releasing his third load of the afternoon, he looked up and froze with fear as the woman walked into the room, yelling, "Put your fucking clothes on, dipshit," she spat.

He dressed in a nano-second. As he stood up, Kim grabbed his earlobe and put her mouth next to his ear, "Listen, you little fucker. And you better listen carefully to what I'm saying. If I hear one rumor that you cuckolded my father."

Cutting off her daughter in mid-sentence. The old woman blurted out, "Your Dad is not a cuckold."

Shaking her head and continuing to speak through her teeth, "Mother, the definition of a cuckold, is a woman who gets another man to satisfy her in bed because her husband can't get it done anymore.

"So, she makes a cuckold out of him." The old lady sat down in shock. She couldn't believe what was happening to her.

Her daughter turned back to a scared young man, "Robbie, what would you have done if I was a jealous husband with a gun? You'd be dead right now." Looking at the boy in disgust, "You might be anyway. Do you know my husband, John? "

Nervously he replied, nodding his head, "Yes, Ma'am."

"I thought so. He's a cop. Do you know how big he is, Robbie?"

Robbie slowly shook his head; no.

"He is six-six, two hundred and forty-five lbs. of muscle.

If he comes home and sees me crying over any rumor, you start. He will not be happy. And then you will not be happy. Do you understand what I am saying, Robbie?" Robbie slowly nodded his head.

She adjusted her body and kicked the next-door neighbor with the point of her shoe in the ass. He yelped as she yelled, "Get the fuck out of here!!!"

She turned to her Mom. "Well, you owe me now. I have you by the short hair. And you're going to help me with my problem, or I will show Dad the video of you fucking Robbie."

Her mother looked down at the floor and whispered, "What do you need me to do?"

"Do you remember Robert Parker from high school?" Kim asked.

Her mother looked at her, confused, "Yea. What about him?"

"Well, we've been talking. Do you remember that we didn't go to the prom together?" Her mother nodded yes.

"Well, if you remember, he went to the prom with Peggy Anderson, the biggest slut in the school. That was so he could get his first piece of ass. So lately, Robert and I have been sexting back and forth about "old times. And we want to get together and fuck.

We're having trouble finding a location where someone wouldn't recognize me or know John. So now, with this information I have on you, you will cover for me. We want to meet up here twice a week." Her mother sat in shock.

Kim continued, "This will be a short affair to see what we missed out on. Say for six months. By then, the newness will wear off. John and Robert's wife will never know, and we'll both have our fantasies fulfilled.

"See, this way, no one gets hurt. You know how I feel about John. I love that man to death. So what he doesn't know won't hurt him. And this is just about sex."

Her mother recovered from the shock. "Are you fucking stupid? John will know. For God's sake. Don't do this. Men have that gut feeling of theirs. That's why he's a good cop. He can interrogate you without you even knowing he's doing it.

"He has given you three beautiful children. He works overtime, so you can go on the cruises you want. God, that man worships the ground you walk on. It'll kill him.

"Have you forgotten what John did for you? I cried to his mother, Marge, my old college roommate, about Robert dumping you right before the prom. She and Luke had just moved back to the states from the west coast.

I cried and cried about how you couldn't go without a date. So, Marge called her son John and told him what she needed. That man never asked for a picture of you. You could have looked like a crossed-eye dog. All he knew was that there was a damsel in distress.

"His mother told me he never asked to know what you looked like, but you did. You were scared that he might be an embarrassment to you in front of your friends. You were so scared when you'd open the door to see a skinny, thick glass nerd standing there.

"But when you opened it, your jaw dropped. The Captain of the University of Alabama's defensive football team stood with a corsage and flowers smiling at you.

"Do you remember what you told me on your wedding day? You creamed your panties when you saw him the first time. Then, if I remember correctly, you told me all the girls at the prom were insanely jealous of your date. He was a fantastic dancer who wouldn't dance with anyone but you. They even voted you as homecoming queen by the kids. I think it was because of him.

"And remember what else he did. He kicked the shit out of Robert after he came over and jerked you out of your seat. He was dragging you off as John came back with your refreshment. John stopped him, and Robert hit him in the face.

"After the next hit, Robert was carried out on a stretcher. The police took statements from all the witnesses. They verified Robert assaulted you first. And Robert threw the first punch. After that, they let you two go home.

"Poor John, his face was all over the media the next day for laying out a high school student. Even worse, he had to go to Nick Saban's office. Thank God for your Dad. If he hadn't intervened on John's behalf, he might have lost his scholarship

"Kim, do you remember how despondent he was over ruining your prom? You two sat out front in that car, steaming the windows until two o'clock in the morning; you were consoling him. Your Dad finally started flashing the porch lights to get you to come in."


Remembering that night, Kim couldn't let her mother see her smile on the inside. Instead, she remembered how she whispered to John, "I'm a virgin, and I want you."

But the man she married replied, "Kim, it would be an honor, but I can't do it. I've always heard that a woman should give it up to someone she hated or was in love with."

Kim replied, "What if we date and get married?"

John replied, smiling, "I'll get it anyway." She didn't make it to the wedding, a virgin.

"Kim," John said, "I'll be home in a few weeks for summer. I've got a job lined up to earn some extra cash so we can date.

"Then, I must return in July and report for conditioning, and August starts practice. I know you'll be starting in September. So, we can see where it goes there.

"I want you to know I only date exclusively. I had one girlfriend in high school. We broke up last Christmas. She went out with another guy and got pregnant. Even if she wasn't pregnant, we were through when I found out she cheated. There is no mercy for a cheater."

Kim smiled at John, "What's your old girlfriend's name? I want to send her a thank you card."

They became exclusive after that. John went on to graduate from Alabama with his Bachelor's in Business.

While waiting on Kim to graduate, John earned his Master's in criminal justice. And now is the Chief of Detectives for the city. Kim became an accountant.


Her mother snapped her out of her thoughts. "Kim, do you remember what you said when you walked into the house, closed the door, and leaned back against it? If you don't, I'll remind you. I just met my future husband. I'm going to be Mrs. John St. James?"

Back from her thoughts, Kim returned her attention to her Mom. She smiled and explained, "This won't hurt anyone. I heard Roberts is quite a stud with a big cock.

"You know I was a virgin when John and I married. (Knowing that was a lie.) John had one before me. So it'll level the field with him. Hell, maybe I'll learn something new to take to bed."

"No, I won't." Kim's mother admonished her. "I won't cover for you while you are out being a whore. I love John like he was my own child. I thought I taught you better. Where are your morrrrrralls? Her voice trailed off. She looked at her daughter. Kim had a WTF look on her face."

Her mother spoke softly, "You're not having an affair, are you?"

"No, mother, I'm not," snarled Kim. "But, for God's sake, get dressed. You're leaking on the couch. Her mother put her robe on. She started to head upstairs to her room when Kim grabbed her arm.

Gritting her teeth, "Mother, "Do you remember what you taught us? 'That adultery is the only sin in the Bible mentioned twice in the Ten Commandments, 'Once for doing it and once for even thinking about doing it.' Now sit down."

Her mother felt like a child being scolded by her mother.

"So, Mother. Mother! Look me in the eyes when I'm talking to you. So you sent Dad out to do chores for your friends on Saturdays so you could fuck that young kid. Nice plan. What are you planning on doing next month when you retire? Were you going to bring one in every day and turn this place into a whore house?"

"No, I wasn't," she sobbed, "I'm so sorry. But, your father can't satisfy me anymore. He can't get it up. And since I started those testosterone shots, I've been horny all the time."

Kim couldn't believe her bullshit and barked back at her, "Did Dad cheat on you for the five years previously when it was too painful for you to fuck when you dried out? No, he didn't. "

Sniffing, "I love your father very much. But he'll never know. And I'll make sure of it."

"Mom, why was Dad on a 30 ft latter cleaning out a bird's nest in Marge's house? Are you stupid? He's a 67-year-old man, for Christ's sake. He's too old to be doing that kind shit anymore."

Cutting Kim off. "He's not too old. He's been doing it for years."

"Mom, I love you. But you still think he's 30 years old. You view him today as he was when he was young. He's not anymore. You have him doing everything he did when he was younger.

"He never gets to sit and relax. Instead, you have a honey-do list for him to do a mile long.

"He gets tired, Mom; he needs to rest more. He doesn't get Sundays off anymore because you got things for him to do. And if not for you, for your friends.

"Every free moment he has off, you're volunteering him to help all your single girlfriends as their handyman. Then he works full time, and he never gets off. It's like you got off showing off his talents, huh?

"Owe, he's fine," she replied nonchalantly. "And I volunteer him anytime they ask. I am proud to show him off."

"Well, that's just great, Mom. "Next time, you can brag about cuckolding him. I am sure you and your friends will get a good laugh."

Sighing, "Honey, I would never do that to Mike, and you know it. I love your father. He just can't."

Cutting her off, "Fuck you, Mom. I know all the sayings. Oh, Mike hadn't given me it three times in one day in 30 years. You have gotten better over the last month. I'll give you my ass the next time we hook up. I've never given it to Mike."

Her Mom's jaw dropped. And silently asked, "Where did you hear that?"

Snarling, Kim replied, "The recording from Dad's phone."

Mom slowly closed her eyes as the pain rushed through her body. Then, she slowly rolled her head back and lay against the back of the couch. The vision of her husband of 44 years seeing her like that brought tears to her eyes. She felt her marriage going up in smoke.

"Mom," asked Kim. "Have you checked your phone lately?" Mary shook her head no.

Kim asked, "Where's your phone?

"In the kitchen," she replied.

Kim walked into the kitchen, picked the phone off the table, and handed it back to her mom.

Opening it up. Mom saw she had missed ten calls and countless texts from Mike's and Kim's phones. Also, Marge had called and left a few messages. So, she switched apps to read them.

"Don't bother Mom. I'll give you the cliff note version. Dad had gone to Marge's to do the chore you graciously volunteered him to do. Unfortunately, he was feeling dizzy and was afraid he would pass out on the ladder and fall.

"Next, he came home where he found you and shithead in your marital bed. Really, Mom, the place you and Dad conceived your children together. You defiled his bed. Well, he filmed it and left in shock.

"He wandered back over to Marges' house, where he climbed the ladder and blacked out.

Mom cried and sobbed as she realized her betrayal of the man she loved. Then she realized something. He blacked out on the ladder. She asked in a hushed tone. "Where's Mike?"

Kim replied bitingly, "I am glad you finally asked. "Well, when the ground finally broke, his fall. He had broken ribs, a clavicle, an arm, a leg, and a hip. Oh, I almost forgot, severe whiplash and concussion. I hope the price he paid for your fuck was worth it."

"Oh my God, I'll get dressed and go to him. Mike needs me," she wailed.

"No, Mom, he doesn't," spit Kim. "He's going to surgery and will be in intensive care for a few days. He made clear that he didn't want to see you."

"I have to see him," she sobbed. "I have to explain everything to him and make it right."

Kim shook her head slowly and replied, "Your delusional, Mom. You know Daddy, He'll never forgive you."

With a hopeful look, her mother replied, "I know the man. We've been married for over 40 years to him. So, I'll just explain why. I tell him I'm very sorry for what I did. And I'll make up to him."

"What are you going do, Mom? Are you going to bake an apple pie? Damn, Mom, chuckled Kim, "Will you please record that conversation? I want to hear you explain a month-long romp in your marital bed with a pimply ass punk with you telling him how he is better than Dad."

"Especially since you offered him your virgin ass. You need to write a book and explain how a woman can turn her husband into a cuckold and stay married. Good luck with that one."

Her Mom huffed, "That was just sex talk. I was trying to get him to cum. I wouldn't have given it to him"

Kim shook her head and threw up her hands, "I'm not the one you have to convince."

"Mom, in an exasperated tone. Kim asked, "Why didn't you come to me? I could have helped. Do you remember when John had to go to Afghanistan for 11 months? Then at the last minute, they extended it for another six months.

"I was in my sexual prime. When John Facetimed me to tell me the news about the extension I saw for the first time, he was scared, Mom. He was worried I would cheat or, even worse, leave him. My loving husband broke down crying. That was the first and only time I had ever seen him cry. He never said it, but I could see it in his eyes.

"I was also worried, Mom. If it hadn't been for you and Daddy allowing me to move home, I might have put myself in a bad situation. But my family's solid conservative moral support and liberal stock of Duracells saved me from myself.

"After John came home, we didn't leave our hotel room for a week. Because of that, I walked bow-legged for two weeks.

"I'm heading for home. It would be best for you to think about how you will spend the rest of your life alone. So don't come over to the house for a while. Your not my favorite person right now."

"Oh, Mom, I just had a thought. I'll stop by Grammy's tonight and tell her what you did. Maybe your

mother can give you advice."

NOOO!!! Screamed her Mom, "She'll kill me." Kim snickered as she closed the door.


An hour later, at the General Mercy hospital. A lady walked up to the receptionist. "Excuse me, miss. I'm Mary Ford; my husband is in intensive care. His name is Mike Ford."

The receptionist smiled and typed the information into the computer. Then, she smiled and said, "Mrs. Ford. Please wait in the lobby; someone will come to get you."

Five minutes later, two security guards approached Mary. The man smiled and asked," Are you Mrs. Ford?"

Standing up and replying, "Yes, I am."

Sighing, the guard responded, "Mrs. Ford. Your husband has refused to see you. So you'll not be allowed to see him."

Mary sat down, stunned at her husband's request, and broke out in tears and cried.

The guard touched her shoulder. "Mrs. Ford. Please go home. Maybe he'll change his mind when he gets to feeling better." Mary wailed as she ran out the door.

Mary's phone buzzed. She grimaced when she saw the caller Id. It was her 87-year-old mother.


Mary arrived home to see an empty dark home. It was the first time in many years that she would be in her bed without Mike to hold and cuddle with her.

Dialing her phone. In a defeated tone, "Kim, it's mom." Mary broke down sobbing. "Your Dad refuses to see me."

Sighing, "Mom, I'm staying out of this. But Dad was adamant that he didn't want to see you. And we're forbidden from even talking about you. But, Mom, you were the one that threw away a 40-year marriage. So what did you think was going to happen if Dad found out? Especially in his bed, no less.

"You first need to get rid of that bed and redecorate the room. And I am not saying Dad will move back. But, if he does come home, you don't want him to see that bed.

"I also recommend you not retire. The way you go through money if Dad divorces you. You'll need the income.

"Even with your pension from the railroad and money from the split assets, you'll be broke in within six months. Why do you think Dad couldn't retire? He couldn't afford your lifestyle. I don't know what would have happened to our family if he hadn't inherited that properly from his Grandpa.

"Dad did all the work on your place, saving you hundreds of thousands of dollars in cost. I guess you didn't count that as earned money. But if Dad sold the house and the acreage, it would go for around a million dollars or probably more today.

"Mom, Dad gave up everything for you. I remember, as a kid, he wanted a new bass boat. That picture of the boat still hangs on the wall of his work shed he wanted, and he never got it.

"You always needed something for the house or for us kids we didn't have to have. Or the latest fashion and best makeup. You had your hair done professionally every two weeks. And then you had to have a manicure and a pedicure at least once a month.

"Dad has driven that old truck of his since I was in middle school. But, of course, he buys nothing for himself. But he loved you and didn't mind giving you everything you wanted. And I must admit you were a great mom and wife until now."

Mary was sobbing into the phone.

"I'm sorry, Mom, but I have no sympathy for you. And unfortunately, you're going to have to fix this yourself. And this time, Dad won't be there to bail you out. Instead, he'll be the one that'll be drilling holes in the bottom of your boat as you sink. Good luck; you're going to need it."

Six weeks later

Mary got a break when her best friend, Marge, sister, had to have hip replacement surgery. She walked into the hospital and asked for Carol Rogers.

"She is on the 4th floor," replied the receptionist. You can take the elevator that is behind her. She is in Room 431.

Mary visited Carol for the next 30 minutes. While visiting Carol, Mary became very friendly with Carol's RN each time she entered the room. Finally, after the RN's third time coming in to check up on Carol to take her vitals.

Mary approached her, smiling. Could you find out about another friend of the family, Mike Ford?"

The Nurse turned and said, "Come on, follow down to my desk. I'll check for you. "Mike Ford, Right?"

"Yes," replied Mary. Hoping she wouldn't ask her name.

The Nurse had hit the keyboard, tapping at the keys, and then gave a puzzled look. "I am sorry. Mr. Ford has checked out. I think they moved to rehab. Sorry Ma'am, he is no longer here. They probably took him to The Madonna Rehabilitation Center.
