A Rey of Sunshine Ch. 03


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"Ah, makes sense. So you've just been left here alone?" Felicity asked.

"I mean, yeah. I'm not in the movie so I had to just come over here. You two are the only people I even know here too. So, glad I saw you!" I said with a laugh as I shifted from side to side.

"Yeah, don't worry about that. We can get you inside safe and sound from the press." Emilia said with a smile as she moved to my other side. Feeling like I was being led, the three of us walked from the red carpet and over towards the main theatre that we would be seeing the newest Star Wars movie in. Walking up the large marble steps I could already see that a lot of people, interviewers and photographers were loitering around the inside of the theatre and I could already see Daisy standing inside the foyer talking to Mark Hamil and Adam Driver. The two men seemed to be happily chatting with each other and as Daisy laughed, she looked around and out eyes met again. She flashed me a smile and excused herself from the conversation, walking away from the group and over to me. Her lips were stretched into a permanent smile over to me while she came closer to me.

"Have you had fun so far?" She asked, looking up at me.

"It's been wild so far!" I said with a laugh. "I met Felicity again though! She's with Emilia Clarke over there somewhere." I said, gesturing behind me and prompting Daisy to look over my shoulder towards where both Emilia and Felicity were standing to the side, talking to one of the executive bigwigs but both seemed to be smiling at the conversation as well. Daisy smiled and leaned up to kiss me on the cheek.

"You've done really well all night. I just hope the movie is what you wanted from it." She admitted, her hands coming down and taking hold of mine, squeezing down on my hands gently.

"I'm pretty sure the movie could be two and a half hours of Chewbacca in the shower and I'd be fine if I was sharing a bucket of popcorn with you." I said, a flirty smile on my face as Daisy groaned and rolled her eyes but still had a rosy pink colouring forming in her cheeks.

"You are terrible! I- Oh! John!" She called out past me, making me turn and seeing John Boyega now in the foyer of the theatre with his own girlfriend on his arm. One of the stars of the new movies flashed us both a pearly white smile and he, and his girlfriend, moved over to meet us. John's eyes met mine and almost instantly knew who I was.

"Hey man! You must be Will right? Daisy's told me all about you." John said with a smile shoving his hand out for me to shake.

"Hopefully just the good stuff." I replied, shaking his hand back as he laughed.

"Oh yeah man, she told me all the good stuff. How come you haven't had us all round to the pub?!"

"Oh John stop it!" Daisy interjected, rolling her eyes as she stepped in to cut off John's complaints about me not inviting the whole cast over there. I mean, I could have done so but Daisy was clearly not in the mood to discuss that and she wanted to show me off. "Yes, this is the same Will that owns a pub and the same one that came to Disney with me. I just wanted to introduce you to him!" Daisy said with a grin, wrapping her arms around mine and squeezing me tight as John threw his arm out in an exaggerated manner.

"Whatever Daisy! I'm just sayin' if your man here owns a pub we should at least get drinks on the house!"

"I mean, you could-"

"Will, don't encourage him!"

"There, he agrees with us!"

"I'm Nicole by the way." A fourth voice joined the conversation and John's girlfriend was able to break up the petty squabbling between the two co-stars. All of us looked at her before John seemed to snap into order and fall back into his easy, lovable self. After being introduced to Nicole properly, all four of us fell into an easy conversation with one another, happily chatting about the movie and what it was like being a part of something as huge as Star Wars. The crowd inside of the foyer started to dissipate towards the main row of cinema screens, Daisy and John continued to talk to one another as me and Nicole discussed just what it was like dating someone like Daisy or John. Surprisingly, she was able to spill a lot of details on how dealing with the press and random photographers could be something of a pitfall to the relationship but ultimately it was fairly easy to deal with them.

That was definitely something I had been concerned about but with walking the red carpet with Daisy earlier, it was as if I had some sort of training for what was coming. Daisy's hand had soon found its way into mine and as our fingers interlocked, we walked inside the cinema and made our way over to our seats. It was surprising to see my name attached to a particular seat, doubly so that I was sitting next to Daisy Ridley and we were a couple of seats behind John Boyega and his date. Taking our seats at the very back of the theatre, John was quick to turn around and boast to us.

"Oh! Where you goin' Ridley? Upset I've got the better seats?" He teased, with a big smile.

"Oh shut up John, the higher we are, the better we can see the screen." Daisy said, playfully rolling her eyes. Daisy settled down before looking around and shaking her head gently. "I want to get some popcorn. Do you want anything?" She added, turning to look at me.

"Oh, no I'm fine thank you."

"Got it. See you soon." She said, planting a kiss on my cheek and making her way out of the cinema.

"Oh no, it's fine. We don't want any either!" John called after Daisy, prompting the actress of Rey to look over her shoulder and stick her tongue out at him. Both John and Nicole chuckled before settling down, John then looked over her shoulder at me.

"Hey man, just wanted to let you know, what I said out there? Ignore it, Daisy's told me a lot about you and she really likes you."

"Oh... Thanks! I figured you were joking around. Still weird someone like her would want someone like me though!"

"Nah man, don't think about it like that! She likes you and that should be enough."

There was that argument again. Just like what Felicity had said to me after we had been together in the pub. As I nodded my head, Daisy appeared back in the theatre screen with a big bucket of popcorn with Felicity Jones also in tow. The two women smiled at me before Daisy broke away, my eyes followed Daisy but I could also see Felicity walking towards me. Daisy sat back down in the chair and placed the bucket of popcorn between us. Felicity looked down at her hand and then made her way forward and into our aisle. Walking towards us, Felicity turned her body to the side and started to scoot her way down towards us. Her body slipped in front of me and I was treated to the sight of her round arse being shown off to me before she moved down and sat down on the chair next to me.

"Haven't missed the trailers yet then." Daisy said with a smile.

"Hi Will." Felicity added, leaning over and whispering in my ear before she sat back down.

As if on cue, the lights started to dim and everyone in the theatre let out a cheer at the information that the movie was about to start. Grabbing a handful of popcorn, I let out a brief, excited burst of air as I realised I was about to see the newest Star Wars movie. The screen was black for a moment before it became a bright white screen and then a flash of yellow appeared on the screen and a collective groan about a possible new bit with Minions came up.

"Oh come on man!" John shouted at the screen. "We want to see Star Wars not Minions!" Everyone laughed as the trailers continued and Daisy cuddled up to me, her head resting on my shoulder as we watched the movie trailers peacefully.

During another one of the bits in Canto Bight, I was starting to get very bored and bothered by the constant break up in the Rey-Kylo-Luke storyline. This must have become a bit more obvious to Daisy who looked over at me and playfully pecked me on the cheek before her hand came down to settle on my lap. Her hand ran over the front of my trousers and she started to rub along the outline of my penis, stroking at it and already making it come to life.

"Daisy!" I whispered to her, worried about what she was doing. Instead, she simply leaned up and pecked me on the lips gently.

"Don't worry, we'll make sure you do enjoy this bit of the movie."

Her fingers then worked their way onto the zipper of my pants, tugging the zipper down. Her hand then reached inside of my dress trousers and pulled my dick clean out of them. Her hand wrapped around the base of my shaft and she started to slowly slide her hand up and down on my length. Groaning at how good it felt, I almost forgot that I was in the middle of a crowded cinema but Felicity was quick to clamp her hand down over my mouth. It was then that I realised that the two women were definitely in on it. Slowly, she took her hand off of my mouth and she leaned over and planted her lips on mine to silence me. Daisy slowly stroked her hand up and down before she moved her mouth over to the liplock me and Felicity were sharing and she placed her own lips on mine and the two women had pushed their tongues into my mouth. Hungrily sucking on the closest tongue to me, both women were doing their best to keep me calm while also getting into the kiss as well. Daisy's hand offered my dick a squeeze as she slid her hand up and down on my shaft. Felicity took me by the hand and placed it on her chest, taking a hold of her breast over the black dress she was in. Squeezing at her breast, I then moved my hand up towards the top of her dress and slipped it inside of her premiere outfit.

Daisy's hand on my dick started to slide up and down, faster and faster while occasionally squeezing down on my length to make sure I knew exactly what she was doing. Her other hand came up and took hold of me by the chin, pulling me away from Felicity's mouth so she could take my mouth for her own. Her tongue slipped right back into my mouth and she was happily stroking me up and down all while she sucked on my tongue. With a hand down Felicity's dress and my other hand on Daisy's waist, I could only revel in just how good it felt to be treated like this. Daisy's tongue rolled over the top of my tongue before she used her tip to stroke against the main width of my tongue as well.

Felicity's hand came down to my balls and she slowly started to roll them around in her hand as Daisy stroked her hand up and down. Doubly working on me, I was moaning louder and louder but Daisy was doing a good job in keeping me quiet, especially since we hadn't been interrupted by staff or anyone else in the cinema screen. Moaning into Daisy's mouth, I could barely keep myself together as one of the craziest things that had ever happened to me started to get more and more intense. Daisy's hand continued to stroke my shaft up and down, her hand gently squeezing down on my pole when it reached the tip and then she casually ran her thumb over the sensitive head of my dick. Daisy moaned into my mouth as well as we hungrily shared a kiss on the back row of the exclusive premiere screening. My dick twitched and a bead of precum started to appear on my dick's head, prompting Daisy to giggle into our hot kiss on the back row. As soon as her thumb brushed against my dick's head I could feel the pearly blob being smeared onto my dick and that was enough for my dick to twitch with pleasure.

Felicity let go of my balls and went right back to watching the movie, prompting me to remove my hands from her and grip at the arm rests of the seats. Daisy titled her bucket of popcorn over towards my dick and as soon as I started to cum, the actress of Rey managed to catch nearly every single rope I shot out and onto the top of the cinema confectionary. Moving the bucket around to make sure she got every little bit, I was prompted to just slump back down in my chair and watch as Daisy Ridley looked at her cum soaked popcorn and then moved to grab a big handful of it. She shot me a sideways glance and smirked as she helped herself to most of the cum soaked popcorn.

After the movie had ended, I was left with a very confused impression of what I had just seen. I think I liked it? I really could have done with a second viewing where I wasn't being jerked off by Daisy Ridley but that wasn't a bad thing either. Walking from the cinema screen and into the main foyer, I was met with a series of people who I didn't quite recognise, Amanda was definitely one of them, but all of the new faces were just blurs to me. I tried not to think on it as Daisy chatted with Mark Hamil and his wife. Walking into the foyer, I was left with one burning question.

'What the hell was the point of all that Canto Bight stuff?'

I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm glad it wasn't just a copy of The Empire Strikes Back and I did think it was a good Star Wars movie. Just not necessarily a good Skywalker saga movie... Daisy's hand squeezed down on mine, snapping me out of my thoughts and bringing me right back to the room. Turning to look at her, I was surprised to see both Mark, his wife and Daisy staring at me with wide smiles on their faces.

"Oh, I know that look!" Mark said with a laugh. "Always pay attention to what they're saying Will, it definitely helps the relationship."

"Did you not hear a word I just said?" Daisy said, laughing out loud with a hand up to cover her mouth slightly. She laughed and shook her head before taking me by the arm. "I'm going to have to go do some photos with Mark and Adam. I'm pretty sure John and Oscar are around somewhere though so they'll look after you." Her hands came down and took hold of mine, squeezing them gently, she leaned up on her tiptoes and pecked her lips on mine. "I love you Will."

"I... Love you too." Now that didn't sound so weird. Daisy beamed back to me and kissed me again before rubbing her nose against mine briefly.

Then, she was gone and into the mess of people and photographers. Looking around, Marilou smiled over to me and did her job in guiding me over towards some of the other stars of the movie. Meeting several of the stars, shaking their hands and getting chance to actually speak to John and Nicole again was a wonderful time and it was definitely the sort of thing that I could have found myself adjusting to. Rubbing my hands together as I chatted to Oscar Isaacs about how cool it must have been to be a hotshot X-Wing fighter pilot and just generally be one of the more hunky men in Hollywood.

Well, at least I could admit it.

Talking with the selection of people that were inside of the lobby and being able to actually mingle, I had found myself almost slipping into the role of a big, fancy Hollywood elite type with relative ease. The tension and nerves I had been dealing with had certainly dissipated and now I was here talking it up and looking like I belonged. I was certainly miles away from where I had grown up. Rubbing my hands together, my fingers scratched against the inside of my palm briefly before looking over to the door where I saw Daisy walking back inside towards me and the rest of the group. Looking at her, I was still starstruck by the sight of the woman and how she could smile at me like that. Rubbing at the back of my neck, I smiled and moved forward to take her hands in mine. She leaned up and kissed me on the lips gently before she pushed her nose against mine, rubbing both of our noses together.

Giggling, Daisy pecked me on the lips again before looking over her shoulder to where cars were starting to pile up.

"There's an after party somewhere in Hollywood. You want to be my arm candy again?" She asked, a bright smile on her face.

"I can think of nothing I'd want more."

"Nothing? That's a pretty big claim..." Daisy said with a big, flirty smile.

"Well, I am trying to be polite." I said with an equally teasing smile.

Daisy looked up at me and bit down on her bottom lip before she moved up on her tiptoes and placed a hand on the back of my neck, bringing my head down so she could whisper in my ear.

"I prefer you being far more naughty." Daisy looked over her shoulder before she grabbed me by the hand and lead me out of the party. Walking with her, we had made our way into the back of the waiting limousine, as soon as the door had closed though, Daisy was on my lap and my hands were on her sides to steady her as she straddled me. We kissed one another again and I could taste her lipgloss on my mouth one more time that evening and it was enough for my erection to start to grow again. Daisy purred into my mouth, her hips rolled around on my lap before she moved her hands down to my chest and shoulders, rubbing against it over my clothing. Our lips broke and she moved her mouth in to attack my neck and then up to my earlobe. Nibbling against it, she tugged on it gently all while she rolled her hips around on my lap, working on grinding herself against me. Her tongue slipped out of her mouth and the tip of her tongue rolled around the inside of my ear before she dropped down and bit down on my earlobe again. Her breath tickled against my skin before she looked over her shoulder and towards the driver's side of the car.

"Can we not go to the party now? Just take us back to the hotel." Daisy asked, letting me know exactly what she was in the mood for.

"Yes, of course Miss Ridley." Came the response and we barely had a chance to register it as Daisy's lips moved right back to my mouth and we started to make out together again. Our tongues mashed together and we started to really get back into it, she pushed her lap down onto mine and started to slowly grind her hips around against mine. My hands came up off of the backseat and settled on Daisy's ass cheeks, squeezing them both gently as she wrapped her tongue around mine and sucked on it. I ran my tongue over hers and happily swapped spit with her. Daisy's hands roamed over my chest before she slipped her hands inside of my jacket and into my shirt, her palms going over my chest as she rubbed against it gently.

Our lips rolled together and as Daisy moved her body against mine, I moved in a perfect synchronicity with her, making sure that I was grinding against her just as much as she was rubbing herself against me. My hands ran up from the swelling of her ass cheeks and to her sides, holding her against me before I let them wander up towards her chest, cupping at her breasts over the fabric of her dress. Daisy was moaning along with my touch, her fingers came up from my chest and then linked her hands together behind my neck to keep herself close to me. Everything about this woman was so utterly intoxicating, not just the way she felt or tasted in my mouth but just the soft noises she would make was enough to drive me wild. Daisy seemed to know this as well, her lips came up from mine and she looked over her shoulder to wear the driver was sitting.

"I wonder how many people he's seen do this huh?" She asked, a bright smile on her face.

"I hadn't really thought about it..." I said with a grin prompting the woman on top of me to giggle and bury her pretty face in my jacket.

"Well..." Daisy started, lifting her body up off of my lap briefly so she could place a hand between her body and mine. "I think we should probably wait until we get back to the hotel for you to use your lightsabre." Daisy teased, her hand grabbing at my rod over my suit's trousers and squeezing it gently. She moved her mouth over to my ear and offered the bottom of my lobe a gentle nibble before slipping off of my lap and taking her place next to me on the car seat. "And I think I should wear a seatbelt too."

It was so strange that the traffic wherever we seemed to go was actually brief. Of course, that could be because all of the cars on the road I had expected to see was a booster, and lie, from Hollywood movies but I certainly wasn't going to complain that we were sitting outside of the hotel quicker than I had thought. The door opened and we were soon out of the car and heading in towards the elevators. As soon as the doors closed though, Daisy was right back on me and her hands were pushing me up against the wall and we were back to kissing each other again. My hands held onto her sides, keeping her up against me as I rolled my tongue into her mouth and hungrily sucked on her tongue as she moved herself against me. Loving the feeling of being pushed, and essentially trapped, against the wall of the elevator, I was happy to just touch Daisy, not only just sucking on her tongue.
