A Student's Lesson


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The Headmaster smiled. "Ah! My proposal!" Still supporting the weakened student he pulled her close.

The brunette stirred. "Proposal?! Sir...!"

The tall man laughed. "Oh! Sorry, Miss Yeager! The proposal for the school!"

Sally tried to look relieved. The close contact with the older man was very disconcerting. She reached out with her hand and held on to his upper arm. Whoa! His bicep was rock hard! Taken aback, she subconsciously gave it a squeeze.

"If you remember, I am about to have a meeting with the Directors where I will lay out my plan for the school starting next semester," the dark haired man said looking down at the disheveled teen. "A plan that I hope you will be a major part of if you would be willing."

Sally stared back with a mystified expression. "Sir?" She tried to push away feebly. His arms were so strong. She gave up the attempt and let the Headmaster hold her securely. "Umm...I mean...you need me?"

"Yes, Miss Yeager. You are showing such promise and I'm not just talking about your abilities, " he said enthusiastically. "Your disposition. Your instincts," he paused a moment looking at her face closely. "Your desirability."

Sally could feel her cheeks tighten as blood rushed to her face. Nobody had talked to her this way before. He said it as if it were the most obvious thing about her. But she was a liar and a cheat. Why did he want someone like that? Sally noticed that his face was getting awful close to hers. "Sir. What do you want from me?" she asked quietly. He was right over her now. She was too weak to resist him.

"Sally." He whispered. He could tell she was teetering. "What if I gave you everything you ever wanted. What do you think that would be?" Her soft chest was now pulled close. He could feel her heartbeat. It was quite strong!

The student's eyes began to flutter. "I don't know, sir." Yet she did know what was coming. She could feel his warm breath. It smelled of...it smelled of her... She closed her eyes.

But to Sally's surprise the Headmaster broke the embrace! Turning her to the wall he stood behind the shorter girl. Looking up she saw the two uniforms. "Sir?" she asked now confused as well as more than a bit flustered.

The tall man put his hands on her shoulders and whispered in her ear. "Let's be honest, Miss Yeager. You don't want an older man like me."

"I don't?" Sally wasn't entirely sure about that.

"No, Miss Yeager. I'm here to help you. To guide you through this trying time." He pointed to the two sets of clothing. "I think this is what you want. A position of authority as well as prestige. As my Head Girl you would be able to finish the year influencing your schoolmates as well as being a role model for what we expect from our seniors."

Sally was...what was she? She really was confused now. Was he crazy? "I don't know, sir. I never thought I was a leader. Or a role model."

"Under the new program you would be, Miss Yeager," he said still speaking softly. "I would train you to to be a leader. You still need a bit of polish but I think that can be handled by next semester."

Sally was now standing with no help. "What would I have to do?"

The Headmaster smiled behind her. "First you have to get your scores up, Miss Yeager. That should be no problem at all once I communicate my wishes to your professors of course. Then you would have time to work on the other aspects of the position."

Sally turned to face him. "And that would be?"

She is so forward the old man thought. Just a tweak here and there and she would have the air of command very soon. "I will not deceive you, Miss Yeager. There will be many sacrifices you will have to make before all of the rewards can be reaped. You will acquire the use of proper speech as well as etiquette. You will learn discipline as well as how to mete it out." Sally's mouth dropped. "Yes, Yeager. The Head Girl will be able to assign punishments under the new system."

"I will?" Sally suddenly had an image of Jenny's smug face flash before her eyes.

The dark haired man smirked. "With my approval of course. It will take time for you to get accustomed to your role in the improved curriculum."

Sally stared back at him wide eyed. "That sounds; interesting."

"An understatement if I have ever heard one, Miss Yeager. It's an opportunity of a lifetime!" He reached for her shoulder and turned her back to the uniform. Grasping the lapels on the student's coat he slowly drew it off of her. "Would you like to try it on?"

The student looked up at her Headmaster. "Here? Now?"

Placing the coat on his desk he quickly began to remove the knot from the girl's school tie. "Yes, Sally. Don't you want to see what it will feel like? I had an Italian tailor design it to my specifications. You might be surprised how well it fits."

Sally's eyes traced the severe cut of the jacket. It certainly would enhance her...umm, cleavage. The slightly longer dress more than made up for it, however. The skirt was all business and nothing a schoolgirl would wear to class. Looking down she watched as her tie was pulled out from under her collar.

Setting it on top of the coat the Headmaster went to his cupboard. "Of course you will need these as well." He pulled out a matching set of heels, stockings and something to replace what she had just lost. A lovely pair of silken panties. The look of shock from his young student couldn't help but amuse the man. "Just a few of the perks that come from your future position here at the school."

Sally began to shake her head as the Headmaster placed the panties in her hands. "Sir, this is nuts!"

The very tall man raised an eyebrow. "Are you saying you don't want the title?"

The teen stood there a moment thinking. "I would be able to tell the other students what to do?" Seeing him nod she furrowed her brow. "What else will you want me to do, sir?"

The Headmaster could hear in her voice what she was asking. "I will require quite a lot from you, Miss Yeager," he spoke deeply. Reaching down he started unbuttoning the top of his student's shirt. "You may be put in some compromising positions as my plans come to fruition."

Sally didn't like his vagueness. He spoke so much like Mr. Cox did the first day. She glanced down at the man's hands as he continued to her second button. "How compromising, sir?"

"Nothing as bad as what happened this weekend. Unless you would like to experience something like that again?" he asked jokingly.

Sally tried to hide her feelings. There were actually a few moments that she did enjoy. Instead she just said, "No, sir." She glanced over at the chair. "What about..."

"What just happened?" He stared at her wistfully for a moment. "I will have to train you Sally. To teach you control. What we have can get out of hand quickly and you are not ready." The tall man opened the third button revealing her enticing cleavage.

Sally looked up at him daring him to stare at her chest. "And you know when that will be?"

His eyes never left hers. However, the tall man did allow the backs of his hands to lightly brush the soft skin right above her bra. "If you learn to restrain yourself and follow my 'lessons', then yes, we will both know exactly when."

The student felt herself becoming hot under her loosening collar. The way he talked was just so; sexy! As the white shirt was pulled out from under her skirt she began to blush. "Ummm...what if I want to do something I want?" She didn't have to search very far. The tent in the tall man's pants had subsided but there was still was a significant bulge down there. She boldly reached out wanting to feel what was hidden inside.

The Headmaster reacted quickly and grabbed Sally's wrist. He scowled down at her. "I said when you are ready, Miss Yeager!" he growled warningly. "Do not ever touch me until I give you my permission. Do you understand?"

Sally's hand retreated. It didn't seem fair. "I don't like to be controlled, sir. I...I want to do things..."

The smile returned smoothly to the cultured man's face. "I'm not saying you have to be exclusive to me, Miss Yeager. You may still continue your relationship with Mr. Reynolds or whoever you feel is up to your standards. In fact, when your ready, I promise that your horizons will expand quite a bit over the next few months."

Sally grew concerned at that. "Like how? Are you going to; use me?"

"Yes, Sally. I have big plans for you. You and this school. And after?" He got a distant look on his face. "Maybe much more."

Sally wondered what was his Big Plan? Even though she was getting turned on the pretty teen still felt a little reluctant. There were just too many unanswered questions. "What are your plans for me specifically, sir?"

The Headmaster came back from his thoughts. She had learned one of her lessons well. "Hmmm? Oh, yes. I need you at the Directors meeting, Miss Yeager."

"Me? At the meeting?" She looked back at the uniform. "In that?"

Nodding he continued to unbutton her shirt the rest of the way down. He noticed that she did nothing to stop him. "I have two reasons for your presence at the meeting. One is to alleviate their concerns about the events that occurred this weekend. Your apparent willingness to hold no ill will to the school would go a long way in that regard."

Ah. Sally could see why he would want that. She felt her shirt being pulled open and she made a half-hearted attempt to cover her ample chest. Yet his eyes still never wavered from hers. "And the second reason?" she asked, her voice now wary.

"To convince the Directors to support my immediate changes to school policy." He slowly pulled back on her collar and the crisp school blouse slid off her shoulders and draped on her arms. "Why don't you start changing and I will let you in on the plan."

Miss Yeager thought about everything the older man had said. It wouldn't hurt to hear him out. She looked at the panties in her hand. They were actually very nice. A bit of silk here. A touch of lace there. And it wasn't a g-string or anything overtly slutty. Signaling her acceptance she started to step into them.

The Headmaster smiled. "Excellent! While you are changing let me get ready for the meeting."

Sally unbuttoned her shirt cuffs and studied the new clothes. The Headmaster was right. The new blouse was made of a very fine silken material. Dropping her shirt she reached out and began to dress quickly.


Warrington's small meeting room was near the Headmaster's office. One of the Directors had already arrived and was being helped to his seat by the Deputy Headmaster. The skinny old man waved him off. "I can see to myself Mr. Stockdale."

The younger salt and pepper haired teacher released the eighty year old man's arm but stayed close just in case. "Yes sir, Doctor Barnaby. Is there anything you need?"

"A pack of cigarettes." He guffawed which quickly turned into a worrying cough. When he saw Stockdale's frown he shrugged. "Can't a man joke in his old age?" He didn't like the man hovering around him. He was altogether humorless and a pain in the ass to boot.

"How about some water, Doctor?" The fifty nine year old man offered.

"Yes, whatever." The old man groused. "Just stop pestering me."

Mr. Stockdale stepped away and started to pour a glass when the door opened. In stepped a middle aged lady dressed in an expensive business suit. Seeing the old man already here she tried to cover her frown unsuccessfully. "Doctor Barnaby."

The elderly gentleman grinned back. "Ms. Warrington! It's good to see you again. My! You look nice today!"

The lady rolled her eyes. "It's good to see that you haven't changed since our last meeting." She sat down in the chair closest to the head of the table. "The place would not be the same without you," she said with a bit of an edge in her voice.

Knowing he had had his fun he leaned forward. "Did you watch the news this morning?"

Ms. Warrington scowled. "Indeed I did. I can't believe I saw my family's name attached to such a story! Imagine one of our students trapped in there with a former professor of ours. It's disgraceful!" The door swung open again and two more men came in not looking happy. "Mr. Fredrickson. Mr. Poole," she greeted each with a nod.

Mr. Fredrickson was a professional looking sixty year old african-american man who took his seat next to Ms. Warrington. "I have no idea what the Headmaster was thinking," he said. "Why didn't he inform us before doing something so radical?"

Doctor Barnaby snuffled. "It's the Headmaster's prerogative on how the student's are to be disciplined Samuel."

"Having a young lady punished that way?" Ms. Warrington crossed her arms. "Against our expressed intentions?"

The portly Mr. Poole shrugged. "He does have a lot to explain to us. We all voted against having the girls caned in school last time we met." He looked over at the aged man next to him. "All except you of course."

"Because that's how it was done young man!" Doctor Barnaby's lined face turned into a scowl as well. "We turned out disciplined young minds who didn't do things like skip school and do drugs like they are these days."

Several of the others in the room rolled their eyes. Mr. Stockdale shook his head as placed a glass of water in front of the old man. "We try to find other solutions Doctor. Not until recently we did we do much in the way of corporal punishment. At least not until the Headmaster took responsibility for the cane from me."

The door opened again and Miss Holtz, the deputy Headmistress, walked in looking as stolid as ever. She was in charge of the ladies physical education as well as a few other classes. Her sturdy frame allowed her to keep up with the young women even though she was twenty years older than most of them. The woman nodded before taking her seat. "Ms. Warrington. Gentlemen."

"Miss Holtz," Ms. Warrington replied. "Has the news of what has happened had an effect on the women in your classes?"

The woman shrugged. "The seniors are talking. Miss Yeager's friends... Well, ah, maybe I should wait for the Headmaster to arrive."

The last Director came in. Mr. Stuart looked subdued as he scanned the room and only gave a perfunctory nod to the table as he sat down. The members glanced at each other and Ms. Warrington looked concerned. "Is everything all right Jason?"

The red headed man grimaced. "I didn't realize this would be the full board meeting today."

Mr. Stockdale looked apologetic. "We called the others for an emergency conference earlier. I'm sorry we haven't had a chance to talk about...well, you know."

Doctor Barnaby perked up. "What would that be, Mr. Stuart?"

The freckled man looked back at him. "Some of my concerns are personal, Doctor."

Several of the board members exchanged glances. They decided not to push the issue since at that moment the Headmaster entered the room. Behind him was a smartly dressed young lady that none of them recognized. At least not until Mr. Stuart took a second glance. "What is the meaning of this!" he shouted banging into the table as he stood up. "Why is Miss Yeager here?" At that the board members looked at each other in surprise.

The Headmaster smoothly came to a halt at the conference table and gave a calming gesture to everyone. "Please sit, Mr. Stuart and I'll explain."

Still agitated, Susan's father stared at the Headmaster. "She...she...My daughter is in trouble because of her!"

"I am well aware of that Mr. Stuart." The Headmaster frowned back at him. "Miss Yeager is here for a very good reason. Please sit and listen, sir."

Ms. Warrington stirred. "Are you telling us that this is the student that was involved with the incident with your former professor?" She looked closely at the young woman. The girl looked a little nervous standing there.

"Yes. The same. Shall we call this meeting to order?" The Head of the school looked over at the shocked faces around him. He was sure it wouldn't be their last. He gestured to Mr. Stuart's chair. "Please."

When they were all in place the Headmaster sat at the head of the table. "Let me first apologize for all that has transpired this weekend. I am sure it was distressing to hear about what happened from third parties and not directly from me."

Mr. Fredickson grunted. "I'm sure it will be front page news tomorrow. This is a disaster!" Several others around the table muttered their agreement.

"If all the rumors were true of course." That statement from the Head silenced the room. "Miss Yeager is here to set the record straight."

All eyes turned to the young woman standing to the side of the table. Each of the Directors noticed the school emblem on her jacket. "What is she wearing?" Mr. Poole asked, his eyes lingering on the top heavy student.

"That is the new uniform for the Head Girl." Now many at the table did look at the Headmaster in confusion. "As I said I will explain everything to you later. But first let Miss Yeager speak. What she has to say should be foremost on your minds." He nodded to her.

Sally was actually very nervous right now. She had forgotten that Susan's dad would be here and he was even now giving her a withering stare. She took a deep breath. The Headmaster had said that this was her first test and a very important one at that. Quickly gauging the emotional temperature of the room she tried for a subdued but forthright attitude and began to speak.

"Yes. Ummm, Honorable Boardmembers..."

A hoarse laugh came from Doctor Barnaby. "Ah! You don't need any airs for us young lady!" He hacked once again. "Just get on with it!"

Trying not to get flustered she gave the old man a small nod. "Yes sir. I just wanted to say that I am very sorry for all of the trouble I caused the school lately."

"You caused?" Ms. Warrington said staring back at the man at the end of the table. "I think not."

The Headmaster opened his mouth to speak but Sally was faster. "Yes, ma'am. I was the one who skipped classes and lied to everyone what I was doing. My guardian knew that I was sent there to be punished."

The middle aged woman was not satisfied with that answer. "You shouldn't have been sent there at all young lady!"

Sally looked her in the eyes. "I was the one who was responsible. I invited all the others over and so I deserved more than what they received."

"Which the boys had been given the maximum penalty before expulsion, Ms. Warrington," the Head explained. "I had warned you what may happen if I couldn't properly punish the girls in this school if matters remained as they are."

Ms. Warrington shook her head. "But you went behind our backs! This puts the school in a very bad light."

The Headmaster shrugged. "If all that you fear were true of course. "I'm afraid the police statement conflated the events considerably."

"What did happen to the young lady, err, if I might ask?" Mr. Poole asked inquisitively.

Sally glanced at the overweight man. Noticing his eyes flicking over her she sighed inwardly. Seeing the Headmaster indicate she should answer, the student stood a little straighter. "I was sent to Mr. Cox so I could catch up on my school work as well as get punished." She then took a deep breath. The subtle movement of the teenager's prominent bust under her clothes was noted by a board member or two. "I then agreed to the use of corporal punishment on my..." Several male eyebrows lifted in anticipation of what she would say next. "...bare bottom."

The headmaster kept his face passive as he watched several of the Directors shift in their seats. "Which has not happened, Miss Yeager. Am I correct?"

"No, sir. I have only received one caning over my clothes, sir," the student said submissively.

"And you have completed all of your assignments?"

The teen nodded. "Yes, sir. With Mr. Cox's help. He is actually a very good teacher!" The girl's seeming respect for the former professor actually made a few of the members look back and forth to each other.
