A Succubus Awakens Ch. 03


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With Amy, she was handicapped by love and concern. Now, she was free to indulge. She felt no sympathy. Gave no thought to the damage she might cause. Gwen pushed her desire across the budding connection, into Laura, and felt a small spark of arousal flare to life amidst the storm of emotions raging within. She nursed it carefully. Coaxing it along with each pulsating beat of her own arousal. It grew brighter and brighter, like an ember being breathed to life. Gwen began to pluck at the threads, and Laura's resistance grew weaker.

It all came to her naturally. The first night with Amy, she'd been clumsy. A child tugging at the strings of a harp. No wonder they'd broken. Now she understood. The threads tensed and loosed in time as Gwen played a euphoric symphony across them.

Her hands fell away. Laura froze, unsure what to do now that she wasn't restrained. Before she had a chance to decide, Gwen took hold of her firm ass, a hand on each cheek, and slid her forward until Laura's groin rested against her hip. Laura managed to prevent herself from falling by leaning back with her palms on the counter, and glared up at her. Gwen tightened the threads, and Laura's eyes lost focus. Her rational mind fought against Gwen's invading will. It was a losing battle.

Grudgingly, Laura began grinding hesitantly against her hip. Gwen helped her by pulling her in time. Her expression of anger gradually gave way to confused arousal. Her movements became more urgent. Elation filled Gwen as she watched the haughty girl succumb to her power, reduced to a puppet. She didn't relent. Laura's defences had crumbled to nearly nothing, leaving her completely exposed. She bound Laura with more and more threads. She drank more and more deeply. Tears finally escaped, running down Laura's face as she surrendered. She began gasping with each needy thrust. Quietly at first, then louder as her resistance fell away.

Gwen lifted her up and stood. It was surprisingly easy. Laura's legs wrapped around her. A designer shoe clattered to the floor. Laura nestled into her, wrapping her arms around Gwen's shoulders, and resumed her eager grinding. Gwen carried her to the door and pinned her against it. Laura grunted as her back made contact with the hard surface. Now they wouldn't be interrupted. She kissed Laura forcefully. Deeply.

Her hands began to explore Laura's body. Everywhere they went she felt Laura's muscles tightening under her soft skin as she writhed. It was the body of a dancer. Graceful, supple. How far could she bend it before it broke? Gwen's excitement peaked. Her sex ached for attention. Her panties were soaked through, and their movements had coated her inner thighs with her fluids. She felt the cool air against them. She released Laura and stepped back. She kept one hand on the door to hold it closed.

Laura couldn't support herself without Gwen's weight pinning her against the door. Her legs, shaking and weak, slid from Gwen's back and she crumpled to the floor. Shock and surprise reverberated through the connection. Gwen released the threads and let them still. She cut off the flow of ecstasy she'd been force feeding Laura, and waited. Slowly, Laura steadied herself and looked up at her. Her face was crimson and her body slick with sweat, but the momentary release had brought some clarity back. Her eyes were focused. Her lip trembled as she spoke in a raspy voice.


"Please what?"

She knew the answer. Laura wanted to escape. She waited.


Her words were choked off, replaced by a strangled cry of passion as Gwen renewed her assault. Flooded the connection with everything she could muster. She watched as Laura's sanity slipped away, drowned out by ecstasy. Her mouth hung limp, and her tongue lolled. Her eyes rolled back and she gasped a quiet scream.

This is what she craved. The power. The control. Watching someone fall to her. Her new senses had added an entirely new dimension to sexual encounters that allowed her to truly savor them. The physical pleasure, the emotions, the taste of Laura's submission. She stemmed the tide of pleasure again.

"Please what?" She taunted.

"Please... m- m- more."

As Laura stammered, she reached up and put a trembling hand on Gwen's leg. She struggled to her knees until she could slide it beneath Gwen's skirt, up to the waistband of her thong. She paused, looking up for approval. Gwen nodded. Laura slid the thong over the curves of her hips and down her legs. Gwen stepped out of them and took a wide stance. Cool air brushed against the wet skin of her mons. She shivered as she watched Laura rising higher on her knees. She could feel Laura recoiling at what she was being forced to do and tugging weakly against the threads, but it was too late for that. Gwen held the girl's reins in a vice grip and urged her on. The part of her lodged deep inside Laura yearned for this. She knew Laura felt it too.

Laura's head disappeared under her skirt, and a moment later Gwen felt her tongue trail along her outer folds. She reinforced the action with a spike of pleasure. Laura grew more confident. Gwen bent her knees slightly to give her better access. Laura found her way to Gwen's twitching bud. She bit her lip to stifle a moan as Laura's tongue made contact. It was pure ecstasy. Her phone buzzed.

Fuck. In her frenzied heat she'd completely forgotten about Amy and let her awareness of their connection slip away. When she felt for it, it was strong. Amy was probably in the lot just outside. Her bag sat nearby, just out of her reach. She snapped a finger. Laura stopped and emerged from her skirt, looking up at her, confused. The area around her mouth was glazed with Gwen's juices.

"Phone. Now." She pointed at the bag.

Laura scrabbled to it, her knees were beginning to bruise from the fall, and her clothes were a mess. Laura fished as the phone continued to ring. She found it, and held it up. Her hips were still moving slightly. Humping needily at the air of their own accord. Gwen snatched it from her hand, quickly cleared her throat, and answered.


"Where are you?"

"I'm still in the building. Sorry, Laura kept me late." Gwen motioned for Laura to continue her task. She crawled obediently back into position.

"Do you when you'll be out? I've got a lot of homework to do."

Laura's mouth found her. Gwen struggled to keep her voice neutral as she responded.

"It won't be long. Maybe a few more minutes."

"Alright. Well tell her I said hello and just text me when you're coming."

The call ended. Typical Amy. Laura considered her a rival, but Amy treated Laura like any other classmate. Her intentions were kind, but it probably stung even more that she didn't reciprocate Laura's feelings.

"Amy says hi."

Gwen reached down and grabbed Laura by the hair again, and pulled her in. She closed her legs enough to lock Laura in place. Laura's tongue danced along her crevice and between her folds, hungrily lapping at her nectar. She felt Laura's submission growing with each taste. Gwen felt hot. Everything faded but the pleasure. With the threads she drove Laura on. Faster and faster. She was pushing against Laura's head, fucking herself with the girl's tongue. Her lust mounted, and she felt it slip past the point of no return, rising sharply to an overwhelming euphoria that threatened to rip her apart. Then it crested, broke, and a powerful orgasm tore through her.

Her muscles spasmed and her thighs locked around Laura as wave after wave of bliss filled her. It rushed across the connection as her control of the threads slipped. Laura began shaking and moaned into her as her own orgasm took hold. Gwen held her there until she feared she would pass out, then released her. Laura collapsed to the ground, twitching. She wore a dull smile and her eyes stared blankly in the distance. Gwen braced herself against the door with both hands to avoid collapsing as the orgasm began to fade, replaced by an afterglow of satisfaction.

Cautiously, she stood straight and stumbled over to the mirror. She was a mess. She smoothed her hair and clothes, and washed her face. Behind her, Laura slowly began stirring. Once she'd made herself presentable, or as close as she could get, she moved to stand over Laura.

Her hunger was as weak as it had ever been. There was still a whisper of arousal, but she was as close to normal as she'd felt since the changes began. As she looked down at her broken classmate though, she didn't feel a trace of pity. She considered her options as Laura sat up and leaned back against the door. Laura watched her, despondent, and waited. There was no fight left in her. She flinched when Gwen spoke.

"Here's the deal. You won't tell anyone about this. If you do, to use your own words, you'll regret it."

Laura just nodded meekly.

"From now on, whenever I say so, we're going to meet up and have some more fun. If you behave yourself, I promise to be nicer next time. Deal?"

"Do I have a choice?"

Laura had regained enough composure to speak, but she was on the verge of tears, and her words dripped with hatred. If only she knew how delicious it was.

"Of course not. But give it some time, and you may even grow to like it."

"Fuck you."

She could use the threads to bend her into compliance, but that was too easy. Instead, she placed the sole of her foot on Laura's shoulder and kicked downward, slamming her to the floor. Her head was still against the door, crooked uncomfortably. She struggled but Gwen effortlessly held her pinned.

"Try again."


Gwen let her go.

"Now, my underwear?"

She held her hand out. Laura picked up her crumpled thong and handed it to her. It was still damp, and she wasn't about to wear something that had been on the bathroom floor, so she tucked it into her bag.

"Good girl."

She pulled the door open, gently nudging Laura aside until it was wide enough to squeeze through.

"Oh," She turned and called back. "And stop bothering Amy."

- - - - -

Gwen stared out the window, watching the streetlights fly by as Amy drove her home. She'd explained her disheveled state as the result of running across campus to retrieve something from the engineering building. The lie came easily. Amy seemed to buy it, or at least she wasn't pressing the issue. A heavy silence filled the car as Gwen stewed in her thoughts.

After the incident with Amy, she'd gone back to normal. She'd felt guilty about hurting her friend, worried and anxious about the consequences, and scared of what was happening to her. This time there was none of that. She'd just attacked Laura, bent her to her will, and left her lying broken on the bathroom floor. But there was no guilt. No pity. In fact, she even felt a faint sense of pride. Like this is she was supposed to be. It seemed that along with the physical changes, she'd developed a concerning lack of empathy.

It wasn't as if she'd forgotten right and wrong. Using your demonic powers to enslave a fellow student fit pretty squarely in the "wrong" category. Gwen knew that, she just didn't seem to care anymore, and that worried her. Not for Laura's sake, but for Amy's. If her humanity was slipping away, to be replaced by whatever instinct had driven her actions tonight, how long before that instinct was directed at the person she was closest to? She glanced over.

Amy's eyes were heavy, and bags were beginning to form again. She couldn't keep up with Gwen's hunger any longer. At least now she'd have some relief, not that Gwen could tell her that. She'd broken the rules, and Amy would make good on her threats and kick Gwen out if she found out. So Laura would be a sacrificial lamb. Amy's secret whipping boy, soaking up Gwen's darkest impulses so that Amy didn't have to. She knew Amy wouldn't approve, but Gwen would protect her, even if it meant lying to her. If Laura was collateral damage then so what? If Amy was safe, that seemed right to her.

Gwen was relieved that her feelings for Amy were intact. In fact, they seemed to be stronger than ever now that she'd stopped fighting them. She was in love with her best friend. Two weeks ago that thought had scared her. Now it filled her with relief. She hadn't lost that. It was her lifeline. Amy would be her new right and wrong, she decided. The pole around which her moral compass revolved. As long as she always did what was best for Amy, there would be something guiding her beyond pure instinct.

Amy was driving with one hand, the other rested on the dash. Without thinking, Gwen reached out and placed her hand atop it. It was still cold from waiting in the parking lot. Amy didn't like to idle her car just for the heat. Gwen expected her to pull away, but she seemed content to let Gwen stay there. Happiness filled her, chasing away her dark thoughts. She was worrying too much. She'd never hurt Amy.

"Hey Amy?"


"Thanks. For everything."

When they arrived at the apartment Gwen rushed to the bathroom to shower. Amy called after her.

"Are you hungry?"

Gwen stopped in her tracks, then skipped back to plant a quick peck on Amy's lips. One of her eyebrows quirked up in confusion. It was cute.

"That's it?"

"That's it. I'll be okay for one night. You need to get some rest."

Gwen wanted Amy to recover as fast as possible, and she didn't trust herself not to drain any energy if she'd lingered longer. She was still satisfied, but Laura's energy just couldn't compare to Amy's delicate sweetness. With her worries gone, Gwen found she was practically giddy. She pranced back down the hallway, jumping to slap her hand on the frame of the archway as she passed it, then turned to give Amy a devilish grin.

"I told you not to do that!"

Gwen just blew her a kiss and stepped into the bathroom. She knew Amy didn't reciprocate her feelings. She accepted that along with the rules that first night, but lately she'd felt the connection changing. Amy seemed more warm to her playful advances, and resisted less and less when Gwen tried to feed more. Would she have a change of heart? Did Gwen dare to hope?

She stripped, and admired her body in the mirror. It was delectable. Tight and firm in all the right places, soft in others. Neither Amy's mature beauty, nor Laura's flowing grace, but a touch of both. A young, fiery beauty all her own, that sang of pleasure and mischief. She stepped into the shower with renewed confidence. She decided that she would hold out hope that Amy would change her mind. After all, who could resist her?

- - - - -

As soon as Amy heard the water start running, she let her composure drop and sank into the sofa. It seemed Gwen had given her a night off. Amy wasn't sure how to feel about that. She was exhausted. If Gwen saw her like this she'd stop feeding, and that would lead to her losing control and preying on someone else. Amy was one of the few people in the world who knew demons existed, it was her responsibility to protect others from Gwen. And for that matter, Gwen from herself. The idea of her feeding on someone else filled Amy with unease.

Her lips still tingled from the contact. She brought a hand up and brushed a finger against them. Gwen had told her about how the powers worked, at least as far as she understood them, and after a week, Amy had learned to tell when Gwen was feeding. It wasn't very difficult. It tended to coincide with sudden bursts of arousal. Tonight had just been a normal kiss. Not even a kiss. A peck. Was it disappointment that she was feeling? Surely not. She was happy to help Gwen, but the arrangement was purely clinical. She threw her head back and stared at the ceiling through heavy lids. Of course that was just posturing.

Amy wasn't as naive as everyone thought. Gwen told her about the threads, as she called them, and their supposed connection. Amy couldn't feel it, she didn't have whatever sixth sense was required, but she could see the evidence of its existence. Over the course of the week she'd found it harder and harder to resist Gwen's desires, and her embarrassment and discomfort at Gwen's advances was fading. Sometimes she even looked forward to them. It wasn't that she was being manipulated, she believed Gwen when she said she wasn't using the threads, but Amy could tell that she'd changed. She wanted to please Gwen. She often found herself doing things to Gwen happy without needing to be asked.

Perhaps some kind of bleed-through from the connection? Why force someone to do what you want, when you can just rewrite them to want it too. She recalled something she'd read on The New Demonic Archive, about continued exposure to succubuses corrupting your 'aura'. It was a terrifying thought, but Amy found herself impressed, and more than a little curious. She had the unique opportunity to experience something first hand that most people didn't know existed. She forced herself to stand before she fell asleep and shambled to her room. She resisted the urge to pause and gaze longingly at the bathroom door.

In her room she brought out her laptop, and the binder in which she'd been tracking Gwen's transformation. She made note of her musings about her feelings and desires changing. Amy hated the term 'aura'. It was so vague and unscientific, but the archive had proven her most reliable source of information so she used it anyway. She just wished the author would explain what the hell it was. Tomorrow she'd get the chance to ask him directly.

She opened her email and reread his reply. Next Saturday. Half past two. Come alone. Below, he'd printed an address in San Francisco and signed the email as 'JT'. It was an old house in an affluent part of town. She skimmed through their short but intense correspondence above the reply. He'd been convinced, and maybe still was, that she was some sort of spy. Working for the demons in the government. He was as rambling and paranoid as the worst parts of the blog, but she'd coaxed out enough information to convince herself that he knew more. Apparently he lived in England. Even offering to fly there, he'd absolutely refused to meet. At least until she told him that she had direct access to a demon. He'd immediately replied with the cryptic instructions. She hated using Gwen as a bargaining chip, but she needed to know more.

Amy shut the laptop and binder, and put them away neatly. She still needed to shower, but her eyes were growing heavier by the minute. She was eager to sleep. For the past week she'd dreamt almost exclusively about Gwen. In her dreams, her trepidations were gone. She embraced their new relationship. They were partners. Lovers. She felt her face grow hot thinking about it. What the hell had she gotten herself into? As she lay there, sleep finally came. In the morning she'd wake with frizzy, tangled hair and rumpled clothes, but for now, she fell into a deep restful slumber.

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Ravey19Ravey196 months ago

Very well written drawing one in. I just wonder what the next revelation will be

EverydayMagicEverydayMagic7 months ago

Another 5 stars. Stories this great write themselves for the most part, you're lucky to be the one sitting behind the keyboard. There are several editing errors (a word or two missing). Do you have someone edit/proofread your work?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I am really enjoying this story. It's great. Thank you so much for your work and for sharing your imagination. it is very generous of you. I'm looking forward to the next parts very much.

sinfulwolfsinfulwolfover 2 years ago

And the drama rises. Excellently crafted tale, with some delicious sex. I'm still loving the way you present your succubi as well, and the powers they have. Insidious, but they still have a heart as Gwen is showing. At least for now. I do hope for a happy ending for these two. Even if that's not happy for others around them.

MigbirdMigbirdover 2 years ago

Damn, this storyline coupled with real characters is well worth waiting for you to share more. The erotica is weaved so well into this tale. Please continue — you’ve captured our attention.

Autumn_AshAutumn_Ashover 2 years agoAuthor

chapter 4 is going to be delayed, but it is coming! I had to take a break for a week due to some life events. I’d say I’m about halfway done writing it now.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I like....

More please

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Excellent storyline! Hope for plenty more chapters

G5902G5902over 2 years ago

I am enjoying this well written and exciting story! I don’t believe that we know the character yet, but my mind keeps wondering who will grab those horns and hold on tight!!!

F0styF0styover 2 years ago

The story, writing and characters are great. I had my doubts in the beginning about where this is going to, but switch to erotic horror where s̶u̶c̶c̶u̶b̶u̶s̶e̶s̶ succubi drain their victims is not my cup of tea. Sadly, I am out, hope others will find enjoyment where I can't.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A really good story and a very enjoyable read. It will be interesting to see how you develop Amy and Gwen's relationship. Will Gwen be able to control her hunger as she becomes more of a succubus when she is with Amy? Gwen can already see the effect she is having on Amy from her feeding off of Amy. Will Gwen begin to lose control as she transforms into a full succubus as her hunger increases? From chapter one's description of Gwen, I'm wondering if her mother was not a succubus? Maybe later in the storyline, will Gwen infect Amy with the darkness. Will Gwen's father tell her about her Mother? What part will Amy's Father play in the story? Will Gwen begin to feed off others as her hunger increases? Wardmaster P.S.: You earned 5 gold stars My Lady.

MigbirdMigbirdover 2 years ago

Captivated by this storyline and the characters you’ve created not to mention the intensity of the erotic scenes you craft. I am intrigued by where you will take the sensual relationship between Gwen and Amy. As a near hopeless romantic I have my preference, but it is your imagination. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This story is awesome, I really enjoy the plot and the writing. I hope Gwen will have some more fun with Laura, that scene was insanely hot. It would be interesting to also see Laura's perspective.

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