A Tale of Two Kitties


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My nerves were such a wreck that Shasta drove causing my mother a moment of uncertainty when I got out of the passenger side of the car. Recovering quickly, she looked to the other side of the car as I walked around and opened the door. Shasta rose from the driver's seat and took my hand. She smiled at me and whispered. "You've got this. I'm here."

Hand in hand we walked to the front door, the smile on my mother's face threatening to tear it in half.

Mom pulled me into a hug. Then pushed me back and looked in my eyes. "Good to see you son. You're looking well."

I nodded and attempted a smile. "Thanks Mom. I'd like you to meet my g-girlfriend Shasta."

My mother turned her attention to Shasta, shocked at my admission. Looking Shasta up and down, she smiled. "Such a lovely young woman as well. I'm Doreen, please come in."

Shasta blushed briefly. "Thank you."

Mom walked us into the house and out to the deck off the back. Dad was in his usual chair reading some papers, no doubt work related as he seldom did anything that wasn't productive. I'm not sure if he even knew what the word fun meant.

"William, get your nose out of that paperwork. We have guests." Mom chided.

It was apparent from the look on his face, Mom hadn't told him we were coming.

"Darrin?" He said. "How are you boy? It's been a while. Who's that with you?"

"Dad, this is my girlfriend Shasta." I said, trying not to stutter.

The smile on his face was unexpected to say the least. I seldom did anything that made him happy. Shasta seemed to be an exception to that tradition.

"Girlfriend, well I'll be damned." Dad said, standing and walking over to us.

He offered his hand to Shasta. "I'm Darrin's father William. Nice to meet you." Turning to me. "Didn't think I'd ever see the day. You..."

"William!" My mother interceded. "Behave."

"What?" Dad growled. "He's always been afraid of his own shadow. Seems he finally grew a pair."

Mom stormed over and stood almost nose to nose with my Dad. "I'll not tell you again. Behave. Darrin's taken enough from you over the years. I happy for him, you should be as well."

I was shocked at my mother's reaction. Usually she let Dad have his tirades and comforted me after the fact. She understood my father's disappointment in me. She didn't agree, but she also knew he'd never change it. The only logical reason for her reaction had to be Shasta. I guess she was afraid Dad would screw up the first thing either of them had seen me do that was even remotely 'normal'. Part of me was disappointed she didn't stand up for me sooner, but I was proud she finally put her foot down.

Shasta would later tell me that 'Inquisition' was the right word. I felt like I was being questioned by the CIA. I can't even imagine how she felt.

Mom did have to threaten Dad a couple times when his questions got too personal or inappropriate, but he managed to behave... mostly.

Shasta offered to help Mom with dinner prep, leaving Dad and I alone. Mistake. Without Mom reining him in, Dad became, well, Dad.

"Pretty girl." Dad observed.

"She is." I beamed.

"How'd you manage it?" He asked.

"Manage what?" I bristled.

"You've never seemed interested, what changed?" He prodded.

"I have no idea what you mean." I answered.

"Face it son, you've always been more machine than human. Can you even give that poor girl what she needs?" He all but sneered. "She needs love, emotions. Can you do that? And what about providing for her financially? These computers you play with are all good fun I suppose, but how are you going to earn a living?"

There was the ultimate point of his argument. Money. All my siblings followed him into the financial realm. I was the only one that turned away. He had no respect for my chosen profession.

"I will not have this argument with you father." I seethed, standing almost nose to nose with him. "You can either respect my life choices or I will walk out that door and you'll never see me again. How do you think Mom will take that? I'm done with not being good enough for you. Shasta loves me just as I am. I'm a long way from perfect, but I'm a better person for knowing her and I'll be damned if I let you sow doubt in my head."

By now, we had become loud enough the women noticed. Mom hurried in the room closely followed by Shasta. Mom got between us as Shasta pulled me away.

"William, dammit, I told you to behave." Mom spat. "We barely see Darrin anymore, mostly because you're always on his ass about something. Sit down and shut up while I try to get our son to stay for dinner. Mind you I wouldn't fault him if he left."

I'd seldom seen Mom this mad and I knew she could be intimidating, she was a cop after all. Dad seemed to understand exactly just how bad he'd fucked up and wisely shut up.

"Darrin, honey I apologize for your father's bad behavior... again." Mom hissed, glaring at my father. "Shasta, dear, I'm equally sorry you had to witness that. If we haven't upset you too much, I'd still like for you to stay for dinner. I guarantee William will be on his best behavior. Right William?"

Dad nodded.

"I can't hear you William. Speak up." Mom growled.

"Yes dear." Dad answered, looking at his feet.

I was going to decline. I'd had enough of my father's pompous rambling, but Shasta squeezed my hand and placed a finger on my lips. "We'd be delighted to stay for dinner."

Strange definition of 'delighted'.

Dinner was a bizarre affair. Shasta and I brought Mom up to speed on how we met and such and every time my Dad went to open his mouth, Mom glared at him and he closed him mouth. I was rather nice, if I'm honest.

Finally, the evening was over and after a heartfelt hug and kiss from Mom, we headed home. Not before Mom apologized one more time for my father's less than stellar behavior.

"Well that was something." I sighed as we pulled away. Shasta was still driving as I was still upset after my father's remarks.

"Your Mom is pretty badass." Shasta giggled.

"Not something I've seen before." I admitted. "Dad fucked up pretty bad for her to react like that."

"Well, I'm glad you stood up to him." Shasta smiled and grabbed my hand. "He needs to accept you for who you are, not what he thinks you should be."

"You'll forgive me if I'm not optimistic." I frowned. "There's alot of bad blood between us."

"Yeah." Shasta nodded. "But we have your Mom on our side."

"True." I grinned. "Dad will probably catch Hell for quite awhile this time. Can't say I'm sorry."

"Don't give up on him." Shasta said. "He loves you, he's just too proud or too stubborn to admit he's wrong. Let your Mom work on him for awhile. If that doesn't work, I'll take a shot at him. If that doesn't work, at least we can say we tried."

"Ok." I sighed. "I'm not convinced he will change, but I'll try."

"Do or do not, there is no try." Shasta chuckled.

Try as I might to be serious, I laughed so hard I thought I'd wet myself.

Back at home, I sat petting Eris while Shasta puttered around with a couple tasks. It had been a rather emotional day and Shasta knew it. Once she was done, she pulled me up off the couch, much to Eris' displeasure. "Shower, then bed."

It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

We didn't do anything too dramatic, just some good natured, soapy groping, then dried off. Shasta sent me to bed promising to join me shortly.

"On your tummy." Shasta purred in my ear.

After I complied, she straddled my butt and started massaging my shoulders and back. "Just relax and let me take care of you."

"Oh, God that feels nice." I groaned as she kneaded the knots from my muscles.

Done with that side, she rolled me over and started on the front. She'd been topless since we left the shower, but now I could see she'd lost her panties as well and Holy Shit! gained a pair of cat ears. She noticed I noticed.

"Say hello to your naughty Neko." She grinned, then leaned down and purred in my ear. "Nyah."

After she sat up, all I could do was stare at her pussy, then her ears, then her pussy. Crap, I'm in an infinite loop.

"Pervert." She giggled.

Between the massage and the visual stimulation, I was rock hard by the time she was done. Shasta looked down at me and smiled, then leaned forward, mashing her breasts into me. "I just want to make you happy, Nyah!" She whispered in my ear, then kissed me. A deep, passionate kiss that left me breathless and wanting more. Lost as I was in the sensations of kissing her, I was unaware of exactly where my cock was until I felt it lodge loosely in her wet, overheated cleft. Before I could fully comprehend the situation, Shasta held her breath and sat up quickly.

Whether by luck or planning, Shasta impaled herself on me. She moaned and wiggled her hips a couple times until I was completely engulfed by her flame haired slot. She looked down at me, lust in her eyes. "Your naughty Neko is going to fuck you now Darrin. OK?"

I nodded and reached up to fondle her tits. When I pinched her nipples, she yelped and I felt her pussy spasm a little. "Oh God, keep that up and I'll cum right now."

I grinned slyly and pinched her nipples again.

She shuddered, then gasped, collapsing on my chest as an orgasm tore through her. "Bastard."

None too gently, I rolled her over staying firmly lodged in her quivering cunt. She wrapped her legs around me and locked her lips on mine trying desperately to suck my tongue from my mouth. I bucked my hips. Once, twice, three times. She yelped each time I did and before long I was pounding her into the mattress.

We were both on fire, lost in our carnal lust. She moaned, squealed or gasped each time I bottomed out in her. Her hands were clawing at my back and her feet kicked into my ass cheeks. I wanted to last longer, I really did, but she wasn't helping. Watching her tits bounce with each thrust and listening to her vocalizations, I'd had all I could take. With a final thrust, I let go, pumping everything I had deep into her. Feeling me cum tossed Shasta off the cliff. She screamed and panted as her climax tore her reality to shreds. She shook and vibrated for a minute or so, then fell silent. The only sounds from either of us was ragged breathing.

Sweaty and spent, I rolled over onto my back. Shasta mewled sadly at the loss of both my cock in her and me on her. She snuggled into my side, caressing my chest, smiling. "Not how I imagined our first time."

"Me either." I was still breathing heavily. "Way better."

Shasta looked up at me. "Better?"

"Yeah." I answered. "In my imagination, I lasted about two-tenths of a second. So, better."

"I'd punch you, but I can't move." Shasta giggled.

"I'll remind you later." I chuckled.

All I remember after that was how great it felt to wake up in Shasta's arms the next morning.

Over breakfast, we talked about the previous evening.

"I hope you don't think I rushed you?" Shasta explained. "I really didn't have that in mind. Just going to tease you a bit as your Naughty Neko. After I gave you the massage and I kissed you, I felt where you were and just reacted. It felt like the right time."

"It was going to happen eventually." I confessed. "I think it was better this way. Less time to over-think it. Trust me, I'm an expert on that. The only problem I see is we set the bar rather high. Next time might be a letdown."

"I highly doubt that." Shasta breathed in my ear. "If you're there and I'm there, it'll be perfect."

"Don't lose the ears Kitten." I grinned.

"I don't intend to. Nyah!" She purred.

Why are my pants tight again?


It's been thirty years since I met Shasta, we've been married for most of that. I could bore you with the details, but I won't. She has been exceedingly patient with me, encouraging me to grow socially. I've even managed to find a precious few I can call friend. Sure we had some disagreements over the years. A couple were real doozies, but we talked, we listened, we worked it out. Suffice it to say we had sex and lots of it. After that first time, we both seemed to never get enough. We embarrass the kids frequently, even though their bedrooms are on the other side of the house. Shasta has always been rather vocal and over the years, as our abilities improved, and if I really rocked her world, I think they can hear her in the next county. I hope they find as much happiness. My Naughty Neko has made frequent visits and continues to make me very happy when she does.

Shasta did indeed become a doctor and if I may be so bold, a damn good one. She is both intuitive and compassionate. She specialized in children and teenagers and believe me, there is no lack of need in that area. Her patients all rave about her abilities.

I had some modicum of success as well. Seems that adaptive anti-virus program I wrote caught a few eyes. After the bidding war was over, I got a rather nice check and still get royalties off the sales. I also work for that robotics company on the east coast that makes 'those damned creepy headless dog robots'. At least according to Shasta. She asked me once why we didn't make robot cats. Simple answer really. They'd charge for 20 hours a day and then not do what we told them. My arm still hurts.

Children. Whoever thought that was a good idea? I love my kids, but it's a wonder either of them made it this far. Some days I wanted to kill them, others it seemed they had a death wish all their own. My son gets frequent flyer miles at the local ER. Never met a dumb stunt he didn't try. He'll be driving soon. You have been warned!

Our daughter was far less suicidal but still managed to induce her fair share of cardiac events. The first year we let her pick her own Halloween costume she nearly killed me.

"I wanna be a kitty." She giggled, as four year olds are known to do. "Like Mommy."

"Mommie's not a kitty pumpkin." I said.

"Is too!" She pouted. "I seen her ears."

Anyone that thinks kids are oblivious, never met mine. A few times after my Naughty Neko visited, she forgot to remove her ears in the morning. Apparently that did not go unnoticed.

She ended up going as a kitty and no she didn't use her mother's ears.

She starts college next week. She's her mother made over and plans to follow in her mother's footsteps. Guess we'll eventually have another Dr. Newkirk in the family. Time will tell on that one. I noticed the cat ears, yes she still has them all these years later, are not in their usual location. I do not even want to think that she's taking them with her to college. I understand Dan a whole lot more at this moment.

Our youngest is a Sophomore this year, and much like his father has a knack for computers and electronics and is painfully shy. Fortunately he has a mother that is very good at fixing that. He hasn't done anything dangerously stupid for awhile, but High School will open up so many more possibilities. I hope he survives and he probably will, he's a lucky kid.

I never really got a chance to patch things up with my father. Being a type-A personality, he had a heart attack just a few years after Shasta and I met. I sure he would have thought the funeral was a colossal waste of money and admonish us for not finding a more productive way to spend our time. Whatever! Mom misses him dearly, but relishes the role of grandmother too much to lose any sleep over it.

Dan and I get along pretty well, it doesn't hurt that Shasta and I are still as much in love as when she first took me home. In case anyone cares, he did backup his files. Every. Damn. Day.

Sam, ah Sam. Turns out he's a pretty talented programmer in his own right. I didn't find out until many years later that he actually wrote the virus program that infected both the computers. In that moment, he was a bit more talented than he could handle. Glad I was there to help. He works for the government now in the cyberthreat division. They're lucky to have him.

Eris was with us for many years, passing away in her sleep about fifteen years ago. She slept with Shasta every one of those nights, traitorous little furball. I miss her terribly.

What became of Stephanie you may ask. Funny thing really. After her somewhat abrupt departure, she snagged what she thought was a real catch. Rich, handsome, well connected. After three kids, more affairs than anyone could keep track of and two pregnancy scares with his mistresses, seems Mr. Good Catch is trading her in on a newer model. One with fewer miles and a tighter undercarriage, if you get my meaning. The only thing she ever did right was bring Shasta and me together. I'm sure that thought still irks her. Sorry, not sorry.

Guess I should move along now, Shasta is slinking across the room wearing nothing but a pair of cat ears and an evil grin. After all these years, I still love my Naughty Neko. Nyah!!

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Starwolf1961Starwolf19612 days ago

Absolutely LOVE yo8ur characters! Thanks for sharing your talent. KUDOS and 5 from me!

AnonymousAnonymous29 days ago

What a wonderful story. Your ability to bring your characters to life is amazing. Thank you for sharing your talent.


The_Sheppards_CorrectionThe_Sheppards_Correctionabout 1 month ago

Absolutely brilliant. Well done! Finn

J6480J6480about 1 month ago

Enjoyed the read and pleased to see that lots of the real world was included. Keep us all entertained

MwestohioMwestohio4 months ago

Excellent story. You did a great job of giving different voices to each of your characters

LovesDancingLovesDancing5 months ago

Great story! The best thing about an erotic story is how they got to the erotic part sometimes, and this was a great example of that.

wwaldripwwaldrip5 months ago

Lovely story, really enjoyed reading it

Cali_LoveCali_Love6 months ago

Hey, fun ride. Thanks for that. Yeah, here and there were a few errors that editing might have found, yet I bet you have fewer than any of my stories and seriously, no biggie. I suppose it's constructive to list them as others have done, but come on, that's more for their own egos. I certainly would never do that. Writing is a lot of work, and to do it well, as you have done here, is impressive. And you let us all read it for free! Thank you. Much appreciated. 5*


AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Fascinating story and exceptionally well written. A definite 5.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Glad things worked out for Darrin. He had a wife for more years than the calendar said. It started when she kicked Stephanie's ass for being evil to her HUSBAND!

rbloch66rbloch668 months ago

This might well be my newest favourite story. Another 5 . Whether it is your stories or that of someone else, I am amazed with how many ways true love can show up and be expressed. When it is done well, it brings a tear to my eye. This one has done just that.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I “rather” liked this story a bunch. It’s worthy of five stars. The stylistic use of “rather” belies the author’s southern origins and suggests to the reader that he is in facts a Brit.

SatyrDickSatyrDick10 months ago


Mucho Kawaii und Romantique!

Just the right amount of 'conflict' (bullies & the two dads).

11/10 Nyahs!!!!!

bleeepbleeep10 months agoAuthor

I certainly won't hold it against you. Grammar was never my strong point as my high school English teacher would tell you (if she were still alive, anyway) However, I live in a part of this country where words like y'all and ain't are in common usage and just about any word ending in -ing, somehow loses the 'g'. Is it grammatically correct, no, but it is how we talk. I try to write in the same fashion. I glad you enjoyed the story. That same English teacher would, no doubt, be amazed I could produce anything worth reading. Most days, I am as well.

OnlyInMyMindOnlyInMyMind10 months ago

Lovely story. Endearing main characters and a poignant plot. Worth five stars. But please, 'alot'? It seems to be a word you use a lot. I checked the US Merriam Webster dictionary to be sure that I wasn't getting snippy about acceptable US usage:

a lot, phrase

Definition of a lot; as in much; to a large extent or degree

GeekyRussianGuyGeekyRussianGuy10 months ago

It's a good story, but you really don't need to overcompensate for social ineptitude of the guy by making him a genius. You are trying to make him relatable - anime helps, 4.03 with two degrees who is excellent at everything computer is very Mary Sue.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I was looking for a feel good story and the author delivered in spades.

Ravey19Ravey1911 months ago

Cannot really fault it. Yes, there were a few bleeps in the text but not enough to mar the enjoyment of this excellent story of a nerd finding his way in life, or being guided by the one type of person who could bring him together. 5⛤ from me.

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