A Virtual Temptress Ch. 14

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Strange things are afoot at the Inquisition compound.
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Part 14 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/30/2018
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Sergeant Donovan whistled an upbeat tune as he walked toward the Inquisition's compound, watching the banners shimmering above the white stone walls. He was in a grand mood. For a while, that cult business had hung over the boys in Inquisition like a funeral shroud. Now, though, everything seemed to be clearing up. Donovan didn't know any details, of course. They were above his paygrade, and he was just fine with it staying that way.

Up the stairs, through the colonnade. The sergeant pushed open the heavy brass doors with his left hand, carefully maintaining his grip on the steel box in his right. Every two weeks he stopped by to pick up the watch relays, detailing which cults and organizations had been active recently and how to watch for signs of their work. It was a long walk, generally considered a bum job, but Donovan didn't mind. The Templars did fine work. It was an honor to have a few minutes to chat with whoever was on duty while a secretary retrieved the files.

The first thing Donovan noticed was the smell of the place. It was... off. The familiar steel and leather, paper and ink were all still there, but a sweet (and likely expensive) fragrance undercut the more familiar scents. The sergeant wrinkled his nose in an unsuccessful attempt to dispel the aroma. Who would be wearing that? The Templars, naturally, were all male. Secretarial work was handled by women, but they were veterans who had done their time with the city watch before working alongside the inquisitors. None of them were younger than fifty. Donovan shrugged. Enough musing.

It seemed that Margaret wasn't working the front desk today after all. Donovan realized, looking around, that none of the office workers were familiar. They were all young. They were all beautiful.

The girl sitting at the desk smiled at Donovan as he approached, causing his heart to flutter briefly. "Hi mister, can I help you?"

"Here for the watch relay, miss," he said, setting the steel lockbox on the desk. "Precinct Fourteen."

The girl turned in her seat and ran her manicured fingers down the sleeve of the Templar seated behind her at the intake desk. "Marcus, sweetie, run and fetch watch relay for fourteen for me, won't you?"

Marcus Fulbright, fifteen-year veteran of the Templars Inquisition, blushed like a schoolgirl. "Of course, miss Emma." He stood quickly and began walking toward the storeroom, nearly tripping over a stray waste bin as he turned to look back at his assistant.

Donovan furrowed his brow, staring at the retreating Templar. "Huh." He frowned, refocusing his attention on the woman seated in front of him.

Her perfectly toned legs were clad in sheer black stockings, left leg crossed over right, absent-mindedly bouncing the heel the was half-hanging off her foot. She wore a tight black miniskirt, short enough to show the floral pattern at the top of her stockings. A white dress shirt clung to her large, firm breasts; it was just translucent enough to hint at the warm pink of her skin underneath. The upper four buttons were undone, revealing an unprofessional amount of cleavage and the top of a black satin bra that could more accurately be categorized as lingerie. Her golden blonde hair was done up into a messy bun, held in place with a scrunchie the same dark red as her lipstick.

The girl gave a satisfied smirk when she caught Donovan staring. Surely she couldn't be older than eighteen, he thought. Twenty at the most. This wasn't someone who'd served in the watch -- why was she working front desk for the Inquisition? Why were any of these women? One was sitting on Templar Warren's lap. And she appeared to be dictating a letter to him.

Not that it was Donovan's place question any of this. It was certainly odd. Unsettling, even. But what was he going to do -- report his superiors for changing their secretarial pool?

Templar Fulbright returned, walking at a brisk pace. He deposited a sealed envelope into the lockbox, fastened it shut, and handed it to Donovan.

Emma stroked the back of the Templar's hand as he sat, eliciting a slight shiver from him. "Thank you, baby." She turned to Sergeant Donovan and smiled, brushing a few strands of hair behind her ear and drawing his attention to the pair of gold bangles on her wrist. "See you later, handsome." She winked.

Donovan opened his mouth, realized he had nothing to say, and walked briskly from the complex. He needed to have this conversation with someone. But who was going to listen?


Magistrate Valken was an honest man, an old friend, and had agreed with Donovan's concerns about the Inquisition compound. Unfortunately, Valken had explained, the Templars were a powerful organization and it would be impossible to launch any kind of inquiry without hard evidence. Valken had given the sergeant a meaningful look, explaining that his hands were tied. Donovan knew what that look meant. He would need to acquire the evidence on his own.

Espionage -- or any kind of duplicity, for that matter -- was not Sergeant Donovan's forte. His stomach churned unpleasantly as he entered the Inquisition building for the second time that week. The atmosphere, accompanied by that same lingering perfume, was unimproved from a few days ago. He spotted a broad-shouldered Templar leaning his forearm against the back wall, talking animatedly to one of the girls as she giggled and played with her hair.

Emma was at the front desk, holding up a hand mirror as she carefully reapplied her lipstick. Donovan coughed quietly. Emma took several more seconds to finish up, put her makeup away, and looked up at him from her seat.

"Is there something I can do for you?"

"Oh, it's just... I mean." Donovan cleared his throat. You're doing this for the city, he reminded himself. The sergeant flashed a slip of cream-colored paper bearing Valken's seal. "Magistrate just wanted me to dig through some records. If that's alright."

She pursed her lips. Gods above, she was gorgeous. He could almost imagine those full red lips, wrapped tenderly around... Donovan worked to suppress the thought. You're here on business. Keep it together, man.

"I don't see why that would be a problem. I'll get one of the boys to help you look."

"Oh, no need to trouble them," he rambled, waving his hands in a dismissive gesture. "It's an old record, might take a while. I can tend to it myself."

Emma smiled cheerfully. "Such a gentleman! You know where record storage is?"

"Yes ma'am." Was it really going to be this easy? Donovan knew he shouldn't be pleased to see the Inquisition's security measures had lapsed this badly, but at least it made his job easier.

"Alright, just head on back then." She waved him off.

Donovan made sure to keep his pace even. He was calm, collected, and stared at the ground as he walked.

It was a relief to discover that the records area was unoccupied. Rows and stacks of books, journals, and documentation lay in a neatly organized labyrinth in the complex's basement. Every four feet the walls were inscribed with a complex rune that hurt your eyes to look at, presumably to keep wizards from snooping.

Thankfully, he didn't need to walk far -- internal records were kept to the front. He had no idea where to start, but after 30 years with the city watch Donovan was no stranger to paperwork. He sat down, pulled out a likely-looking box of documents, and got to work.

An hour later, Donovan was rubbing his eyes and staring with distaste at the fifth box of files. The problem, he decided, was that he didn't know what he was looking for. There had been nothing relevant in the personnel. All of the new workers were brought in appropriately, but their work history was redacted and thus worthless to Valken. The previous secretaries' files had been pulled, but he couldn't be sure they weren't just misplaced. Donovan sighed and rubbed the crick in his neck.

"Having trouble, mister?"

Donovan craned his neck around, wincing as it twinged in pain.

"Hi, I'm Amanda! Emma said you might need a hand." The speaker one of the new secretaries, her dark red hair pulled back into a high ponytail. She was tall, shapely, and almost unbelievably well-endowed. Her shirt barely contained its contents, cleavage spilling out of her bra. She walked toward him in a bouncy, mesmeric display.

Donovan flushed as he turned back to the documents in front of him. "Oh. That's very kind and all, but I'm fine. Just fine. No need to trouble yourself." He could hear the click of her heels growing closer -- what if she asked to see his requisition letter? She'd realize right away that it didn't line up with the files he had been perusing.

The girl's hands settled on the sergeant's shoulders and began to gently knead his muscles. "Oh, sergeant... You must be tense after all that work." Her breasts rested gently against the top of the man's head. "You just keep at it, let me take care of you."

Donovan's tension melted under her hands as they soothed his tired muscles. What should he do next? This was certainly an unprofessional situation, no matter how nice it felt. But he was also engaged in illegal espionage against a Templar order, and she didn't seem to be paying attention to that. Donovan tentatively picked up the next stack of files as the girl's skilled fingers caressed his neck and shoulders in all the right places.

"Mmm," Amanda purred, "Your body is sooo stiff! You really shouldn't let it build up like this." One hand deftly opened the top buttons of his uniform as the other slid inside his shirt, and soon she was massaging his bare shoulders with renewed intensity.

Donovan could feel his focus lapsing as he dissolved into the girl's touch. The scent of her body, warm and fragrant, filled his nostrils. He'd been on the same page for the last five minutes -- toughing this out wasn't going to work. Moments later he felt another button open, followed by warm, feminine hands stroking his chest. The girl leaned forward, soft breasts pressed against his neck. Donovan's cock, already at half-mast despite his best efforts, now tented uncomfortably against his trousers.

"Are you enjoying yourself, mister?" He could feel her hot breath against his ear as her finger circled his nipple. "All the boys love it when I touch them this way. Soon you'll be wrapped around my finger too."

Something was wrong here, very wrong. "Miss, I'm sorry, I don't mean to... I'm just doing my job, I couldn't possibly. I'll be done in a moment."

He began stuffing papers back into the box as quickly as he could, paying little mind to their respective folders.

"You already have it out! Do you mind if I sit?" Donovan blinked rapidly, looking up to see a cute brunette approaching, her hair separated into pigtails that bounced prettily as she walked. He also couldn't help noticing the indentation of her stockings against her deliciously plump thighs.

His mind stumbled. Could she sit? "Um, sure. I'll be done in just - "

"Thanks! I'm Tanya, by the way." She turned, offering a momentary view of her curvy hips and perfect bubble butt before snuggling into Donovan's lap. His erection twitched in anticipation as she nestled it between her thighs. Tanya reached for two of the files the sergeant been about to put away and before leaning back against him, ensconcing his face between two waterfalls of wavy brown hair. He inhaled involuntarily, taking in the intoxicating feminine fragrance.

Donovan swallowed, throat suddenly dry. Tanya adjusted herself in his lap, clenching and unclenching her thighs against his cock. Behind him, Amanda giggled and she began running her fingers through his hair.

He tried to sit up, but the girl in his lap wriggled teasingly against him and Donovan's knees went weak. The pleasure was incapacitating.

"Oh darn, I guess it's not here." Tanya tossed the files on top of the box. "Mm, but it looks like I found something else instead!" She reached between her legs, flicking the head of Donovan's cock. "Oh my goodness! Did you get the wrong idea when I sat down, mister? You're not a pervert, are you?"

Donovan's thoughts were becoming indistinct as all of his attention was siphoned toward the girl on his lap and her thighs pressing against his cock. What had he been doing here? Was he in trouble? "Of course not! I didn't mean for -- I mean, it just - "

"I think he is, Tanya," said Amanda, pausing her caress to kiss the side of his neck. "Such a dirty, perverted old man. Who can't control himself around a pretty young girl."

The sergeant shook his head and opened his mouth to protest, but Tanya spoke over him. "What do you think we should do with this big, naughty penis, hmm?" Her petite fingers freed the man's length from his trousers. Donovan's erection sprung to life, the swollen head poking up through Tanya's luscious thighs. Precum drooled from the tip.

"Maybe we should punish it," Amanda breathed into his ear. "Until it becomes a nice, obedient penis. That always does what it's told."

Tanya teased the head of his cock with her fingertips until both were slippery with precum. "What do you think, watch sergeant? Do you need to be disciplined?"

Donovan struggled to form words through the sultry haze obscuring his thoughts. "No, you can't..." He tried to push her off but found his body weak and uncooperative. The man's fingers sunk into the pliant softness of her hips but found his arms wouldn't allow him to force her away.

"Aww, did that not work?" Tanya rested her fingernails against his tip. Her thighs moved in concert, squeezing his cock as her nails teased down his glans. "Looks like your strength is dribbling down into your penis, and I don't think he wants to leave right now."

Donovan's field of vision was tinged pink. Through the warm haze of desire, he heard footsteps and saw two figures approaching.

Emma took her time as she strutted toward him, enjoying how the man's eyes flitted helplessly over the curves of her body before meeting her gaze. Templar Fulbright walked behind her, brows narrowed, as though unsure what to make of the scene before him.

"Did you find what you were looking for, Sergeant Donovan?" She smiled, perching herself on the edge of a desk nearby. "And have the girls been helpful? They're just sooo eager to please."

Donovan's forced his eyes to Fulbright's face, pleading wordlessly.

"Not him, sweetie, look at me." The sergeant's vision snapped back to Emma. "That's it, very good. Don't focus on any particular part, just stare at my body. Burn it into your mind. It feels so good to just stare and give in. You'll follow all our suggestions, do anything to make us happy. We're just too sexy to disobey, isn't that right?"

The sergeant managed to shake his head a fraction of an inch.

"You don't believe me?" Emma's smile turned lascivious. "Tanya's titties look so soft and inviting, don't you think? Why don't you find out for yourself?"

His arms moved without hesitation. Donovan cupped Tanya's breasts over her shirt and bra, each firm, perfect globe filling his hand. He squeezed them gently, reveling in their softness. He couldn't stop himself from kneading them with gentle intensity.

Tanya squealed happily as he fondled her breasts. "To think the brave watch sergeant was such a weak, shameful pervert all along..." She began moving her hips up and down using the chair's arms as leverage, sliding his precum-slick cock between her plump thighs. Donovan moaned in unsuppressed ecstasy.

He had one last hope. Mustering up his remaining strength, the sergeant croaked out three words: "Fulbright... help... please..."

The Templar's eyes met Donovan's, struggling to recognize the man before him. "What... am I doing?" His eyes blinked as though adjusting to the light, slowly looking around the room. "Sergeant Donovan? What is happening here?" He turned to the girl beside him. "What are they doing?"

Emma pursed her lips and sighed. "Oh Marcus, I thought we'd brainwashed you more thoroughly."

"This isn't right..." Fulbright looked down at the floor. "I can't just stand by and let them... let them... whatever it is they're doing." He shuddered. "I took an oath. I can't just stand by."

Emma rested her palms against the Templars chest. She stretched up and kissed him once on the mouth, leaving a faint red mark with her lipstick. "Sit down, Marcus." She pushed gently against his chest.

The man sank into the chair behind him without thinking, his expression blossoming into confusion. "Why did I do that?"

Emma sat down on his lap, put her arms around his neck, and kissed him again. The Templar melted against her embrace. Emma's arms pulled his body against hers as her tongue slid into his mouth, controlling the kiss with practiced, sensual movements. Two minutes later she pulled back slightly, her eyes inches from the Templar's own. His face was flushed, heart racing, mind swimming.

"Do you love me, Marcus?"

The man opened his mouth to respond, only for her to plant two more kisses on his trembling lips. The Templar whimpered, nodding.

"And you'd do anything for me. Wouldn't you?"

Another nod.

"Right now," Emma murmured breathily, "I want you to sit here and watch as Tanya turns Sergeant Donovan into her sweet, obedient boytoy." Another kiss. "Can you do that for me?"

"Yes, miss Emma."

She ran the back of her hand along his cheek, smiling wickedly as he leaned into her caress. "Such a good boy."

Tanya, no longer distracted by the Templar's brief display of free will, returned her attention to the watch sergeant with girlish delight. "Have you fallen for me yet, mister? I think you're almost there."

Donovan was adrift on an ocean of pleasure. He could hardly remember a world where Tanya wasn't stroking his aching cock with her thighs, grinding him against her hot pussy, teasing him with her small, perfect body. She moved at a deliberate pace that held him at the edge of orgasm, straining for release but unable to find it.

"You never wanted to fight me," Tanya purred. "Not when it feels sooo good to just give in."

"So good..." he exhaled.

"And it's okay if I enslave you, right? All you want is for miss Tanya to lead you around by your weak, obedient, cock for the rest of your life. We'll have sooo much fun together..."

"Please, miss Tanya..."

"All you have to do is be a good boy for me. Good boys get to cum all over my pretty thighs. Just say what I want to hear, okay?"

His mind blank, unable to stop himself, Donovan blurted out the words as they bubbled up to his mind. "I love you, miss Tanya! I want to be a good boy! Please, I'll do anything you ask."

Tanya smiled in satisfaction and increased the pace of her movements, rubbing the throbbing cock between her thighs in smooth, sensual strokes.

Denied release for so long, Donovan erupted between her legs, spattering Tanya's skirt and tights with thick ropes of semen in a rolling orgasm that lasted several seconds. The sensation was overwhelming. The man's eyes rolled back, hips still thrusting against his captor's body as his consciousness began to fade.

Tanya grinned, scooping up a strand of cum and sucking it off her finger. She extracted herself from Donovan's lap with a wet squelch, focusing for a moment to absorb the remainder of his semen into her body.

"Thanks for the meal, mister!" she said to Donovan's barely-awake form. "Come find me when you wake up, okay? We'll tell you what to do next."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hey, QE! On behalf of your readers --- seasonal greetings and happy new year. We hope you are well, physically and mentally, and we hope you have the time and mental space to return to this series, which is hot as hell. But if not, just be well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wow. This is so great! I'm so excited for more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Omg! I gotta have more! This whole series is awesome! Please keep going!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Freakin' yummy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Love it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Oh man. So good. I can't wait for the next chapter. Love love love!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I can't wait to see this story progress. I'm so curious about how this will affect real life, and what Lexi is planning in the background. So good!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I love that the three lesser demons defame teamed up on him. Very entertaining, and a great way to slow the difference in power levels from them compared to Lexi. Not to mention, super hot.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Wow. So so so sexy! This entire series is both hot and intriguing. I am so excited to keep following the adventures to come.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Oh yeah. That's the good stuff. Can't get enough.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I've read the while series multiple times. Every time I do, I just want more. I might be just as addicted to Lexi as William.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Previous comment said it all.

So hot.

Looking forward to more, sex and story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

That poor lucky bastard. Sergeant Donovan didn't stand a chance.

So good to see another chapter. I'm really loving how this story is playing out. It's very exciting. Keep up the great work!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Yes! Another chapter! Just as great as the rest. Really glad to see another entry to this awesome awesome story.

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