A Wife's Fall Pt. 04


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"The steak looks perfect Wane, thank you for dinner," I stated as I passed around the bowl that held the rolls to Maggie, who passed it to Wane.

"You're welcome, Betty."

I felt my heart doing summersaults in my chest when those words left his lips. God. How that steak just melted in my mouth when I took my first bite of it. I ignored the frigid atmosphere between Maggie and Griffin as our dinner went on. Not that it mattered, not when those green eyes peered at me as the two of us ate like it was only us at that table. I knew my eyes held a sultry look in them when I gazed at my husband. So very thankful that he was giving me this chance to redeem myself for my folly. I might have been once labeled as a cheating wife, some might still call me that, but I don't care. What they think matters little to me. It's what that man thinks, who sat before me, that truly mattered, and to him, I was the only woman he ever wants. I was determined not to ever stray from my husband's side ever again. I've learnt that lesson. A lesson I should never have had to learn in the first place if I wasn't so damaged by my parents' actions.

"Griffin, why don't you go out for an hour." I heard Maggie's voice from the living room as Wane, and I started to pack for our trip.

"Wane, what do you think of this?" I asked, holding up the red bikini against my body. I knew my husband loved seeing me in it. "Don't you think a little dip in the lake is in order?" I inquired with a seductive smile on my lips. I wondered if that cock of his was rousing in his pants as his eyes ran down the swimwear then back to my face. Biting my lip as Wane quickly turned around and opened his side of the dresser, and pulled out a pair of swim trunks.

"Why?" I kept my husband's attention on me as I shook my hips, giving him a preview of what I would look like. Then again, he already knew what I looked like in them. It always got me hot when I knew his eyes were on me. I didn't want Wane going into this night's session in a foul mood because Griffin can't keep his eyes off another man's wife. I know how that sounds, but I'm a changed woman.

"Because Wane isn't going to talk with you here."

"Alright, I'll see if there's a sports bar close by."

"You better keep those damn eyes in your fucking skull, you hear me?!"

"Yes, honey, I'll just sit and watch a game. No ogling anyone." I heard our front door open, trying not to notice the enjoyment, well, Wane's version of enjoyment in his eyes as we both listened to their conversation.

"Come on, you two, let's get this night's session over with," Maggie said once she appeared in our bedroom doorway.

"You know I know a very good marriage counselor if you and Griffin need it." My eyes darted between my husband and Maggie as her eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Don't push it Wane, I'm not in the mood."

"Aw, trouble in paradise?"

"Wane, please, don't," I whispered as I tugged and held onto the side of his shirt, causing him to turn his gaze towards me. Noting how his eyes searched my face like he always did when I acted like his stop-gap before Wane went too far. Given what he was and his lack of understanding emotions, it wouldn't take much for him to step over that line before it blew up in our faces. It wasn't lost on me at how Maggie was watching us. Although it kind of felt like she was jealous of me, I couldn't understand why.

"Very well, Betty, I shall not tease my sister about her wandering eyed husband." I had no idea why Maggie huffed and glared at me before turning around and stomped into the den.

"Before we start, I have a question I want to ask you, Betty," Maggie said, peering at me.

"Okay, what kind of question?" I asked, sitting close to my Wane and resting my left hand on his right knee.

"How is it you can do that? Get my brother to listen and cease his childish taunts? When I'm his sister, and yet he keeps me, Mom, and Dad at an arm's length. How is it that you can get past that armor of his?!" I noted how she was trying to understand something that I rightly couldn't answer.

"Honestly? I don't know, but I like to think it's because as much as Wane's disorder makes him an outcast in society, and my own messed-up childhood has damaged my perspective of love. We see something in each other that the other lacks. While Wane lacks the emotions, you or I have, I make up for his shortcomings. When I'm emotional and belligerent, it's Wane's calm, logical voice that keeps me from sinking into its depths and keeps my head straight, so I'm not led astray. I know it might not seem normal to you or anyone else, yet your brother isn't normal. Nonetheless, as much as Wane was delt a shitty hand at birth, I wouldn't change him for anything in the world. I'm not saying Wane is always pleasant to be around; neither am I on some days; however, when I come home, I know I can count on Wane to be there for me if I need it. Even though, I know, he might not understand what I'm saying. Nevertheless, it's the fact that Wane is there, listening to my rants without a word until my emotions have run out. Then he will ask questions, offer suggestions on what he thinks I should do. Never telling me what I should do, he allows me to make that choice for myself.

Most of the time, it plays out like he says and the rest... well, Wane can't be right all the time," lightly patting Wane's knee, "that's why I think given my childhood and the way Wane was born as that we compliment each other. Why I know, I will never find another man like Wane if he does choose to divorce me after all this is said and done. Not that I would blame him if he did; I know he would still love me, yet getting him to overlook what I had done to him in this very house might be too much for him to let go. But I'm determined not to go that route if I can help it," I said, squeezing Wane's knee. Turning to look at my husband when I felt him laying his arm along my shoulders. Something he hasn't done since my fall. Feeling my cheeks heat as his hand squeezed my shoulder, causing me to snuggle closer to my husband. I was not about to pass up snuggles with my man!

"I see, Wane, why is it you let her in but not your family?" I noted how Maggie was hiding the hurt behind her eyes.

"I... don't know."

"Is it because you love her and not us?" I heard the slight tremble in her voice when she asked that question.

"What's love? Do you honestly want me to comment on something I don't even have a fucking clue of what it truly means? I don't know why Betty is close to me, and you and our parents aren't. I know they did their best to understand me. That's what parents do. I have no clue why Betty is the only one that affects me like she does, and you don't." I felt Wane shrug his shoulders. "I don't even understand it myself, so how can I explain it to you?"

"What if I helped you to understand?"


"She's your sister, Wane; she wants to have a closer connection to you," I whispered to him when I knew he would never understand that need.

"Why? What's this fascination with close relationships?"

"Because normal people need them, Wane, it helps us grow as a person. Plus, I'm your sister; I should be at the top of the list on who you let in." I bit the inside of my cheek when Maggie pouted.

"Why is that so important? Have we not gone this whole time without that?"

"No, you have; I been trying to worm my way into that armor of ice you have around you. But you've never let me in, just her," Maggie said, glaring at me. Now I knew why I sensed jealousy from her. I couldn't blame her; what brother or sister doesn't want that close tie to their sibling?

"It's really that important to you?" I heard Wane's quizzical tone when he asked that.

"It is," Maggie nodded. "Why do you think Mom and Dad stopped trying? Because no matter what they did, who they took you to see, you never opened up to them. You've never once said 'I love you' to them or me, yet you show her," I felt my face heating when Maggie pointed at me, "that you do love her, why not us?" I looked up, noting how Wane was struggling to understand what Maggie was saying in his eyes.

"What are you talking about? Are you or are you not sleeping in our guest bedroom?" I bit my lip when Wane said 'our' once again.


"Then, by your logic, I should have kicked you out of my house the moment you tried to manhandle your way in here and set up like you own it. But I didn't, why is that? Do or do I not do all those little things for Mom and Dad when I know they're just a hassle and know it's boring and tedious?"

"I don't know, I'll..."

"He does," I supplied cutting in. "Wane might never say those three words to you all, but his actions do show that he cares in his own way," I said, resting my hand on Wane's stomach. "I've learnt since being with him, sharing his bed, that you can't put Wane in a box and apply what we," pointing to Maggie and myself, "would normally deem as normal emotions. That will never work with Wane, and the more you try to think like that, the more you will never really understand him. I'm not saying I do, but I know my husband well enough to understand his way of thinking for the most part. Even if it's a strain on me somedays, other days we just click. Let me tell you a story, this happened in our second year of marriage. I'm not saying it was Wane's fault, accidents happen, and I didn't handle it well at the time when Wane accidentally knocked over this little porcelain figurine that my great-grandmother had gifted me when she passed. I have always loved it ever since I was a kid. So when I saw it shattered to pieces, I lost it. Of course, Wane couldn't understand why I was so upset and why I was cursing at him when it was just a thing to him. It held no value to him. Yet to me, it held so many wonderful memories and so many emotions of the times I would spend with her when she was alive.

I didn't talk to Wane for three days after that. I know he tried, but I just wasn't ready to let go. You know what I mean?" I asked, seeing Maggie nod in understanding. "Wane couldn't understand why I would do that over something so small, so fragile. Not that I blame him. It just isn't in his nature to grasp those kinds of feelings and connections I had with my great-grandmother. Then he went missing one day; I had no idea where he was; he wasn't answering his phone, texts, or emails. I'll tell you I was pissed! I mean, here I was trying to make it up to him for giving him the cold shoulder for the past three days at that time, and he doesn't even answer his phone! When I got home from work that night, I was all but ready to lay into him about it. That was until I stormed into our bedroom, and there it sat, a perfect replacement on the nightstand on my side of our bed, actually; it was pristine compared to the one my grandmother gave me, but that was after four children and a buttload of grandchildren and great-grandchildren running about her house.

How I was so moved by the gesture. I raced around the house to find him, to kiss the man that restored that part of my childhood to me. I came to find out he had driven five hours to meet the seller and to see that it got to its new home safely hence why he wasn't answering my calls given where he was; they didn't have cell coverage. While Wane may never understand the emotions I have tied to that little figurine, he did understand it was very important to me; and to the way, he told me that was all he needed to know. Because it was important to me," I said, resting my head on his right shoulder, recounting the blissful makeup sex I gave him that night.

I chatted away for the next hour, with Wane joining in when he had something to say. How it felt like nothing had happened between us during that hour. It almost felt like the days before my stupidity. I have to say, snuggling with my husband for the first time since my fall was amazing! Sure we have sex, and Wane fucks the shit out of me, but that closeness isn't there like it was before. Not that I blame Wane; I did, after all, put us here. Now when I was pressed into that body of his, how it just seemed right. I know I have strayed, fucked up a good marriage because I allowed an obsession to lead me astray. I was determined that this would be the only blip in our marriage. That from this point onward, Wane can trust that I'm never going to be that foolish again!

"Now, before Griffin gets back, I want you two just like yesterday to pick out a photo to hang on that wall," Maggie directed once again, pointing behind her.

"Wane?" My voice filled the air as I leaned forward. Picking up the picture we had taken together when we were both in college and just starting to date.


"Do you remember how we first met?" I asked, turning to look at him as I pressed the picture frame against my chest.

"Yeah, you were palling around with your friends in the quad and ran into me." I nodded. That was how we first met.

"Do you also remember how we first started dating?" I asked with a loving smile on my lips.

"The way I remember it, you came storming into my dorm complex looking for me, and when you did find me, you demanded that I tutor you in math, given how you had my worksheet in your hands that had some how fell out of my book after our run-in. But you kept coming around when I knew you understood the work, so I didn't see why you would need tutoring. Then one night, you asked if I was gay." I heard Maggie snort when Wane said that.

"And why did I ask that, Wane?" I inquired as I slipped my hand along his inner thigh.

"Because you were giving me all the signs that you were interested and I didn't make a move, your words." I nodded that was true.

"Do you remember what happened next?"

"Yeah, you kissed me." I took that as a sign, leaning in and passionately kissing my husband to reinforce that memory.

"What else happened?" I asked in a husky voice once my lips left his.

"You stated I was to take you dancing and dinner, not in that order."               "Wait. Wait. Betty, are you telling me Wane, my cold, emotionless robot of a brother, knows how to dance?" I heard the disbelief in Maggie's voice when she asked me that.

"Oh, yes, and very well, too," I nodded vehemently. "Wane, do you remember when we first made love?"

"Yes." I watched how he nodded that he did.

"When was it?"

"Our third date, it was Valentine's Day." My heart hammered in my chest, knowing what he said was true.

"And what happened that night?" I asked, wondering if he remembered it like I did.

"After dinner and some clubbing," I noted how Maggie's eyebrows rose at that, "you took me back to your dorm room seeing how your roommate wouldn't be there for the rest of that weekend. As I recall, we didn't go to sleep until well past two in the morning." I felt my pussy throbbing as I, too, recounted that night. How it was so magical to me, it felt like we just connected on a level that I couldn't even understand at the time. "So I'm going to assume what you're hiding is the picture your friend took of us when we sat on the steps of the Colwell building."

"Mmmhmm," I nodded as I hummed. "We might have had our arguments and whatnot; who doesn't when you're dating?" I flashed Wane a smile when I asked that rhetorical question. "But as we grew closer, that you let me in when I knew you were holding something back. I know you know of how close we came to breaking up when I wanted to take things further between the two of us," I said, seeing him nodding along. "Do you remember the day when you actually said those three words to me?" I noticed the surprised look on Maggie's face when I uttered those words.

"Yes, why?"

Slipping my hand into my husband's, "Do you know how happy I was to know you felt the same way? Do you know how elated I was that you confided in me of what you are? That you knew you could trust me enough not to go spreading it about school or wherever. You know," I felt my face heating as those eyes of his never left me, "that day at our diner when you said you loved me, I knew I wanted to be your wife."

"That so?"

"Mmmhmm," I nodded vehemently as I squeezed his hand. "I would still like to be your wife if you will have me." Wane didn't say anything; his eyes just stared at me, searching my face for any signs of deception on my part. "Let me do this one, Wane," I said when he reached for the frame which I held tighter to my body. I know I was blushing when Wane gestured to the wall with a wave of his hand. I felt my husband's eyes on me as I sauntered over to the wall. My fingers ran down the sides of the frame as my reflection stared back at me when I placed it back in its former spot. Knowing it was one more piece in restoring my marriage that I had broken.



Maggie has been hovering over me all damn day after Betty had left for work. It was getting on my nerves. I thought she should have been more focused on her husband than me, given Griffin's wandering eyes. The only solace from her I had was when I went to my appointment with Dr. Moses. Maggie was not happy about that, not when she was just as good and only a few feet from me. Like I was ever going to tell her what I discussed with Dr. Moses. I pointed out to her she would be leaving soon and however, was I going to go to one of her sessions when she lives about five hundred miles away. Maggie did not like that, hence her constant hovering over me. Griffin was wise enough to stay away from me. He didn't like the smirk I had when I saw the forming bruise on his face where my punch landed. I could see what Betty had said last night had affected her, not that I could understand it, but I'm not blind to notice it.

I noticed how she was on the phone with someone, her gaze constantly on me when I walked into the house after ensuring that my car would be ready to take the trip as we were leaving early the next morning. I had no clue who she was speaking to, but I did have an idea. When three o'clock hit, I went to work getting the duck ready to head into the oven for its hour and forty minute cooking time. Maggie was not a happy camper when I told her to get out of the kitchen and let me work. I knew I was going to dislike being on suspension, and I was not wrong. Nevertheless, at least I was still getting paid. Now, whether or not I could still work in that department afterward is another story altogether. If I couldn't, well... there were other lab jobs in the city I could take. Maybe a pay raise, too. Who knows, I'll just have to wait and see how it goes. Although, the question remained if I was asked to resign from my position, what would I do for work? This question rattled around in my head as I cored and cut the apple, sliced the bread into chunks, and tied the two spring onions together before stuffing the onion first into the bird's cavity, then the apple and bread. The spice mixture was next. Tossing the cinnamon stick that fell out back into the duck.

I used toothpicks to keep the wings and legs away from the bird and used three of them to keep the cavity closed so nothing would fall out during its baking. Reaching into the fridge and pulling out the bowl that contained the last tablespoon of the glaze, and set it off to the left-hand side of the oven. When I turned around, I saw my sister's phone pointing at me as she held it up.

"What are you doing?" I asked, eyeing my sister.

"Proving to Mom that you can cook!" I have no idea why that made my back straighten up like it did. Does that always happen with other normal people? I don't have a damn clue. "Say, hi!" I did not like that smile on her face when she turned her phone around, and there on the screen was my mother's face.

"Hello, Wane."

"Hello, Mom," I replied, casting my sister a glance, wondering why she had to call our mother for?
