A Wolf in Syl's Clothing


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"Oh!" Arabetha exclaimed and bent down to pick a flower and sniff it. "Where am I?"

"The Dream," Varex rumbled as he approached her from behind.

She whirled around and gasped, her gaze filled with fear, instead of recognition.

Varex realized that she was unfamiliar with Dreaming and could not remember who she truly was. He reached out, pausing to let her see his hand, before he tenderly stroked her face. "Do you remember me, Lady Consort?"

She swallowed and closed her eyes, then leaned into his hand. "Oh, it's Varex. Varex in my dreams."

"No, Arabetha. You are in The Dream."

She blinked several times and recognition lighted across her face. "You said - you said you would meet me?"

"To tell you I am well. I'm sorry, I didn't realize you didn't understand my words."

"It's okay I'm a stupid bitch that deserves all of the hate she gets," Arabetha said before she snapped her gaze to him and put a hand to her mouth.

Varex took her by the waist and pulled her close. "In here, it is hard to stop the words in your mind from escaping your lips."

Tears filled her eyes, and she bit her lip with a nod.

Varex could not let lie what she said, and he nuzzled her cheek. "You should know that I do not think so lowly of you. I think of you as a bountiful garden, poisoned by ill water."

She laughed, and wiped her tears, "Is every spirit metaphor plant related?"

Varex laughed. "I think in truth it is that spirits are bad at metaphor and plants are easy."

Arabetha laughed even harder, and unexpectedly threw herself into his chest, and wrapped her arms around him tightly. "I do not deserve you," she murmured into his fur.

"You deserve no less than any other," he kissed the top of her head.

"Are consorts allowed to fall in love with their Wardens?" she asked.

A bizarre question to him, but before he could answer, she continued.

"Oh, don't be stupid you dumb whore, of course that's allowed."

He squeezed her tight, recognizing her former husband's words.

"I'm sorry," she squeaked out, in a broken voice.

He hugged her tightly for a long while, until her breathing became more regular. Then he pulled back from her and looked down with a smile. "Would you like to see something incredible?"

Arabetha nodded her head vigorously, clearly eager to leave these bad feelings behind.

Varex reached out and pulled them both to a cliff, overlooking a great round valley. In the distance was a beautiful, marble city and at the center of the white city was a tree so massive that it dominated the city's center.

"Is this a dream?" Arabetha asked. "It looks familiar."

"This is the palace city of Melamandor. An ancient goddess created that Elder Tree to protect this land. And I believe it also gives the inhabitants access to magical energies. Our tub's runes came from this land."

"Oh! Eltanor! That's... that's where I'm from, sire."

Arabetha marveled at it for a long while, then looked around and noticed that they were on a blanket, on a small patch of grass. The walls of the cliff behind them and on either side isolated them from anyone's view. She bit her lip and looked down at her dress.


"Surely in The Dream you can refer to me as Varex," he said with a laugh.

She smiled and laughed as well. "Varex, I feel dreadfully overdressed for the occasion."

The wolfkin considered teaching her how to manipulate the Dream, but doing so without practice could lead to disaster, if one wasn't careful. He drew his claw along the length of her gown, and it turned into flower petals, which the light breeze took away. Her makeup vanished from her face.

Arabetha sighed in relief as her heavy breasts felt the kiss of air. "I feel so wild with you, Varex. I've never been so horny in my whole life, and now it feels constant."

"That's the Scent of the Champion," Varex said with a nod.

"You said that before," she grinned. "I'm not sure I believe it. Do I smell it here?"

He shook his head.

"And yet here I am, ready for you," she reached out and took his hand, and pressed it against her damp pussy. "Do you feel how ready I am?"

His cock emerged and hardened as he leaned over and gave her a deep kiss. "Then what is it, if not that?"

She gasped and looked into his eyes. "I think for the first time, someone wants me." She reached down and played her fingers along his cock, "And I want your cock inside of me all the time. I want you to fuck me so bad."

Arabetha gasped again as the blush spread across her cheeks and along her throat. "Oh, I shouldn't talk like that."

Varex grinned and shoved her back along the blanket, opening her legs and pressing her knees against her breasts. He slid his cock back and forth along her clit, his knot bumping against her pussy. "I want my consort to demand I fuck her."

Unlike in the real world, here she showed no hesitation, as the words immediately poured out of her. "Oh, fuck me, fuck me Varex, fuck me sire, please fuck me!"

She grabbed her knees to open herself as wide as she could to him, and he slowly pushed his cock into her. He pressed himself in deep, until his knot bumped against her pussy lips. He lowered his head to hers, about to kiss her, when she whispered.

"I want you to breed me. I love you."

Varex grinned. "Even if we could do that in here, it would be a bad idea."

Arabetha blinked that he didn't respond to the second part, and shook her head, "No, out there."

He pulled himself back until he was out of her, then thrust back in, which made her cry out in pleasure. "We'll talk about all that when I get back," he added.

Varex grabbed her hip with one hand, while the other braced himself next to her head, and he sped up his thrusts. His cock spread her open, as she repeatedly tightened around him. She let go of her knees to wrap her legs around his waist.

"Oh, I need it, I need your cum, please, fuck me, fuck me stupid, please pour your cum into me, oh why can't I stop," she mumbled and cried out when his cock sank deep.

He shoved his tongue into her mouth, to give it something to do, and she eagerly sucked on him. She thanked him with groans and moans as his cock continued to make her pussy his.

He rocked into her at a steady rhythm, and he could feel the edge of his climax racing toward him. He broke his kiss from her and lifted his head with a growl.

Varex thrust deep into her, then climaxed with a roar as he filled her up with his plentiful seed. Arabetha gasped repeatedly, and reached a hand down to rub her clit, as she bit her lip and hoped she could follow his climax quickly.

He leaned his head down, licked her lips, then gently tugged at her nipple with his teeth, which elicited a gasp. His hands pulled hers away from herself, as his tongue travelled along her stomach and through the downy bush above her wet sex before plunging inside of her. She grabbed his head as he moved down her body.

Arabetha gasped but made a confused sound. "Oh, it feels good, but it feels different?"

Varex lifted his head, as that was unusual. Mixed up sensations usually meant that - and he was alone.

He couldn't help but laugh, as he left the Dream and returned to the damp loam of the forest. She wanted to breed. That made two of them, but he would have to talk about timing on that. If the Immortal was about to kill him, he would not leave her both alone and pregnant.

Lilly couldn't help herself. Maybe the master was right about his scent driving her wild and driving her and her mother to new heights of deviant behavior. But deep inside, she knew that it wasn't really some smell. She just felt free for the first time, and she never wanted to restrain herself.

Her mother's body glistened in the moonlight, as she moaned not in delirium or sickness, but as though in the throes of passion. "Please, fuck me, fuck me stupid," she mumbled.

Lilly gave her a quick kiss on the lips, as perhaps that would wake her. When it didn't, she became bolder, kissing her neck, and then her breast, even nibbling on a nipple. Her mother's hands moved to her head, which she took as encouragement.

The maiden climbed over her leg and kissed down to her sex, pausing a moment to lick her clit. Arabetha gasped, and Lilly plunged her tongue into her pussy, lapping at her wetness and enjoying the heady flavor of her mistress's pussy.

"Oh, it feels god, but it feels... different?" her mistress mumbled.

Lilly wasn't sure what she meant by that, but then Arabetha twitched and lifted her head.

"Lilly! What're you doing?"

Well, bet a capit, bet a sack, the Chancellor used to say. She didn't hear 'stop' so she doubled her efforts, lapping around her lips, and along her clit, before she pushed her tongue as deep inside as she could.

"Oh! Oh, yes, please, oh please," her mistress grabbed her head and pulled her in tight, her legs tightening along her ears. "So close! Yesss!" she cried out with a tight grip on Lilly's hair.

Lilly planted her mouth over her sex as she gushed, drinking as much of her mother's cum as she could.

After the powerful climax, her mistress went slack and panted a few times, before she gestured for Lilly to come up to her. The maid wasn't sure what might happen next, but her mother just gave her open mouth kiss, and pushed her tongue into her mouth. The maiden sucked on her tongue, before her mistress broke the kiss and collapsed back on her pillow.

"Oh, my darling Lilly. Were we always so corrupt?"

Lilly kissed her cheek. "I was."

Arabetha just breathed quietly for a few moments, lost in thought, before she spoke. "Well, I think Varex is doing okay."

"Was that him you were dreaming about?"

"I think it was more than that. I think it was actually him." She furrowed her brow. "I think. I... he didn't respond how I thought."

"Maybe it was only partly him? Maybe some of it was you and that's why?"

Arabetha raised her eyebrows and then sighed and shook her head. "Maybe it was just a dream. Go back to sleep, Lilly."

Lilly's morning was similar to the previous - the servant's quarters were almost finished. When it was lunch time, she walked into the kitchen to enjoy some bread, butter and preserved meat, and a glass of wine. The Consort had gone to the market to pick up some more supplies.

"Can I ask you a question?" Ranaka asked as she sat at the table across from Lilly, glass of beer in hand. "Were you and your mom, in the castle I mean, always so uh... exuberant?"

Lilly shook her head, then shrugged. "I think I was always like this, it's just I couldn't do anything about it really." She grinned. "Well, I could do some things about it, but not, you know, any of this. My mother, I'm not so sure."

Ranaka took a drink, then furrowed her brow. "What changed?"

"Well, the-" she stopped herself from saying master, "Warden says that it's his scent. Which, I didn't really believe him, but now I think he was maybe right."

Ranaka smirked. "Yeah, cuz he's a wolfkin."

Lilly blinked in wonder. "You know about his kind?"

"Oh, he's not unique. I mean he's the Warden, and the local spirits summoned him or whatever, but he's not the only wolfkin. There are others. Like bearkin and, oh, even gryphons are partial spirit." She paused a second then added, "I think. Anyway, they all have very strong scents that can influence people. Sylvan especially."

"Influence how?"

"Well, make them more attractive to you? But not just sexually, but as a friend. I mean you look at the Warden, he's a monster, right? But he doesn't seem like a monster. That's his scent."

"So, could that uh, drive us? To do things we wouldn't?"

Ranaka laughed. "The orckin claim that their influence can turn any sylvan into a slave, but-"

"Oh, they have a scent too?"

"Nah, they claim it's their cum. Drives the sylvan wild, they say. I think sylvan that want to have sex with orckin claim that, but really... a load of shit, isn't it? If a sylvan hated them, they'd hate them doubly so after. If you hated the Warden, or your mother hated him, I don't think any amount of scent would you make you," Ranaka gestured at Lilly. "Exuberant."

Lilly grinned. "Do you notice it?"

Ranaka took a drink of her beer then used it to gesture at Lilly. "See, that's what I mean. The only thing I feel when I see that big wolfkin grab your ma and stick his tongue down her throat is, uh, well," Ranaka started.

Lilly realized Ranaka made the biggest mistake of Court politics - talking about someone with your back to an open door - when she saw Arabetha pause in the doorway. Lilly wanted to warn her but was too late.

"Intense jealousy, I guess," Ranaka finished, and shook her head.

Lilly blinked, honestly surprised. "What?"

"Well, he's smart, he's strong as all hell, and brave to boot - Varex is everything an orckin wants in a mate. But then he kisses his Consort like she's," Ranaka paused and took another swig. "Like in that moment, she's all that matters. Like she's the thing keeping him going, you know? It's no scent that gets me goin'. Hell, someone kissed me like that, I'd be spreadin' my legs quick-like."

Arabetha blushed and retreated back into the hall.

"Ehh, probably best not to tell her though, eh?" Ranaka asked. "Don't want her thinking I'm chasing the Warden."

Lilly smiled broadly. "My lips are sealed."

"Bah, I wish they were! You and she better not invite anyone over 'less you drug them before bed."

Lilly blushed and quickly returned her meal.

"Oh, now she blushes," Ranaka chortled and got up to get back to work.

Lilly helped her mistress bathe that night, but they were both far quieter about it. The young maid did catch many warm smiles sent her way, and a few light brushes of touch, so though it was uneventful, she knew that her mother wasn't angry at her or Ranaka.

She slipped into a deep and pleasant dream.

Lilly was worshipping at the feet of a leather clad sylvix mistress, when a riding crop slapped down at her ass. She looked over at the person next to her who was also prone, realized it was an older woman, like her mother.

She enjoyed that, and liked the idea of it, but this was a dream, it should be something different. So, she decided instead it was a young man, just a little older than her, but with no body hair, a really round jiggling ass, and a small cock.


The mistress whipped his ass with the riding crop, and he squeaked in pain, then cried out, "Thank you mistress!"

Varex pulled her into the Dream, the same meadow he'd been at before with Arabetha.

Lilly was now in a sun dappled meadow, with pockets of flowers around. She sat up at the sudden change of scenery and looked around.

Varex was behind her, his head canted to the side.

"Ooh, now this is interesting-" she started.

"You shouldn't try to change things here," he warned her.

She opened her mouth, then closed it. "What?"

"I saw you changing your dream. But this is The Dream, and you shouldn't try to change things here - unless you know what you're doing." Varex was shocked at her capability to restructure dreams so dramatically. "Do you know why I'm here?"

"Yes, of course, master, you want to tell me that you're doing okay, that you're on your mission, and then you," she suddenly stopped herself from talking and then grinned. "I'd heard you visited mother."

Varex chuckled. "Taking advantage of the lack of decorum in a place nobody else can hear?"

"Oh absolutely. You saw my dream," she grinned. "I spoke to Ranaka - she thinks your whole scent thing is overrated. That if I hated you, you couldn't force me to do anything."

He had to admit that was true. "Yes, though it can be more powerful than you'd think. Would you like to go somewhere else - I took your mother to a beautiful vista."

"Can we return to my dream?" she asked, still grinning.

"No," he said flatly. "It's too dangerous."

Lilly wondered, "How can dreams be dangerous?"

"This isn't a dream. It's The Dream. Those are different things." He sighed. "There is a place I can take you though that is like that."

He reached out to a place that was further south, in a city known for excess. They were in a small room with red cloth draped on the walls, and a leather bench, a pillory and a large wooden X that held the hands and feet.

Varex sat on the leather bench, and Lilly quickly climbed into his lap facing him, wrapped her legs around his waist and hung her arms around his neck. "We need to talk about this later, I think," he rumbled.

"Why's that master?" she asked and kissed the side of his muzzle.

"I think you've changed a lot."

"I don't think I've changed that much," she said with a shrug, and looked off, thinking to herself.

Varex noticed that, unlike her mother, she was in control of her thoughts. "You've also unnatural skill with dreamwalking."

The maid hung her head and sighed. "Do we have to talk about serious stuff? In here? I know the mistress' dream was very pleasant. I was hoping for something pleasant myself."

"Before I ask what you want, I should tell you that I am not taking your virginity in the Dream."

Lilly pouted. "Why not?"


She furrowed her brow, "Are you just saying that?"

Varex stared into her eyes, and he could see from her expression that she understood his next word was very serious. "No."

Lilly didn't respond at first, and he could tell that, again, she was thinking internally without speaking.

"Then, I want you to refer to me only by filthy terms. And you saw my dream." She leaned up to his ear, and whispered into it, "I think master needs to punish his little slut, and make her cum."

He threw her off of him onto the floor, which he knew wouldn't actually hurt her. She landed on her ass, her legs splayed and leaned up quickly. "I'm sorry, master!"

He pointed at the ground at his feet next to where he sat. "You will be! Here, now!" She started to stand, and he growled, "Crawl, slut!"

Lilly crawled on her hands and knees over to his feet, and she quickly kissed them.

"Slut, look at me!" he commanded, as he held his throbbing erection in one hand. "Do you think I want you to kiss my toes, whore?"

She slowly got up to her knees, then sucked his cock into her mouth. He gripped her throat, not enough to fully choke her, but just enough to lessen the flow of blood to her head. "How dare you touch your master's cock without asking! Do sluts get to touch cock whenever they wish?"

Lilly's eyes rolled slightly in her head, as she grunted out, "No, master."

Varex lifted her as he stood, and he could see that she was so wet, girl cum flowed freely out of her pussy. She was into this more than he imagined. He dragged her over to the bench and made her lay on it, then positioned himself at her head, his cock just beyond her lips. His hand cam down hard on her ass.

"Master!" she called out, and her legs twitched. "May I suck your cock master?!"

Another slap. "What do you think?" he bellowed and slapped her ass again.

"Ahh, sluts don't think master! Sluts do what their master commands!"

Varex loved that answer, and shoved his cock into her mouth, "Then suck!" He pushed the tip all the way into her throat, then roughly fucked her face. He hammered his hips against her, and his knot battered her lips.

One hand came down on her ass again, and the other dug a finger into her pussy. He groaned and growled as she sucked hungrily at his cock. He knew she didn't need to breathe, but she knew that too, so she remained unpanicked as he filled her mouth and throat.

He pushed a thumb into her ass, which caused her to squeal in delight. He felt his edge near, so he slapped her ass one more time, then grabbed her head to hold it still so he could increase his tempo even more.
