A Wolf in Syl's Clothing


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"I know how much you love my cock, and my cum slut, so I'm going to give it all to you," he growled, and slammed his knot against her lips. Her mouth stretched impossibly wide, to wrap her lips around his knot and squeeze it. He groaned and squeezed his eyes shut, as he poured his seed down her throat and into her belly.

It felt like he was cumming for hours, so intense was his climax, and Lilly kept squeezing her lips and twitching her legs, as she climaxed again and again.

Varex slowly pulled back and dropped to his knees next to her. "I think you may awaken tired from this dream."

She rolled onto her back with a groan, showing off her belly so full of cum that it had a noticeable bulge. "We have to talk when you get back. I need this."

He gave her a warm kiss, playing with her tongue for a few seconds, before he broke the kiss and grinned. "We'll see."

The dreams of the sylvix in his manor delighted Varex through till the morning, but now it was time to work.

The road wasn't particularly wide, but it was very level, and it looked well maintained. Varex didn't understand who was maintaining it though. Maybe even the bandits, given that the caravans using it were their source of income.

Seemed unlikely, though, especially with this lot of idiots.

As he approached, two bandits milled about on the forest side of the road.

"What're you doin?" one of them, an older one with a beard, asked a younger one that looked to be twenty or so. The older one checked over his shoulder to see if they were alone.

"Just huntin for mushrooms," he said a little too loudly, and then looked around.

"Right, I'll help," the bigger syl said and walked further back into the forest, until they were behind a large tree. "I got your big mushroom here."

"Gotta taste it, make sure it's not poison," the younger syl said with an impish grin.

Varex noted that if it was poisonous, tasting was the worst way to check. For instance, some mushrooms you couldn't even touch them, or they'd release a cloud of poison so potent that it could render a grown man unconscious in seconds. Or two grown men.

He threw the small satchel that was barely tied together. When it hit the ground next to the syl sucking on the other's cock, it burst in a cloud, which drove them away from each other in a coughing fit. They collapsed seconds later.

A mushroom like that, for example.

He dragged both of them back into the woods, and quietly bled them beneath a rotten log. Death was just the natural end for those two. The sun was about to set, and he didn't trust that these two wouldn't return to the group after their quickie.

The shadows grew long, as they sun neared the horizon.

Some large syl dressed in leather armor stomped across the road and marched into the forest. "C'mon you pig fuckers, where the fuck are you? You been gone too long!"

The bandit blew out a breath in frustration, but he had come to the forest alone, and his friends were far from him. When Varex's claw entered his windpipe, he made a noise, but not one loud enough to alert his far away camp. He dropped to the forest floor with a bloody gurgle.

Varex could smell a campfire, so he slunk across the road and dropped near a large rock on the other side. The far side of the road had few trees, as it was a blockfield filled with all kinds of rocks. The terrain was jagged and uneven but provided plenty of opportunity for him to crouch low and hide. He transformed into his war form and approached the smell of the campfire.

"What're we gonna do with all this shit anyway?" a younger bandit whined.

"The point is to sell it," an older bandit groused.

"But the wagons are all broke, so how we gonna get it anywhere?" a third asked.

"They got a few capits too," the fourth said. "Maybe we buy a wagon."

There were eight tents, and four bandits sat around a smoldering fire. Varex avoided looking directly at the fire to avoid ruining his sight and slunk around looking for the fifth.

"Where'd Franith get off to anyway?"

"Lookin to go bring the randies back cuz it's their turn at sentry."

"Why they bother runnin off anyway?" the younger asked.

"Probably don't wanna share," the older grunted. "I know I saw 'em goin at it, I'd probably fuck Lanty right into the ground." He laughed loudly.

"Wouldn't have to if you didn't kill them others."

"Ehh, they was screamin too loud," the older shrugged.

Varex smelled the fifth, reliving himself amongst some rocks. It didn't take long to slink through the shadows, and approach him from behind. The drunk bandit whistled tunelessly as he pissed onto a rock. Varex slashed at his inner thigh, unprotected by armor, and sprinted away.

The sylvan bandit screamed loudly, and collapsed onto his side, thrashing and cursing.

"Fuck!" the older bandit yelled. He pointed to the younger bandit, "Go get the others!"

The younger grabbed a torch and headed away from the camp, back toward the road. He had to pick among the rocks carefully to make sure he didn't stumble and fall, but Varex noted that he still moved pretty quick, along routes he obviously knew were safe.

That knowledge didn't help much when a seven-foot wolfkin clamped his jaws around his neck and yanked him bodily to the ground. Varex extinguished the torch by shoving it under the dead bandit's corpse, and slowly moved back to camp. The other bandits were trying to help their bleeding friend.

"Shit, hold 'im still!"

"Oh, gods!"

"He's bleedin all over the place!"

"I fuckin KNOW that! You gotta hold him STILL!"

"Oh gods, oh gods-"

"SHUT IT! Hold him still gods... gods dammit."


"Oh gods oh gods oh gods-"

The sharp sound of a slap filled the air, followed by a pregnant pause.

"Feelin better then? Good. Shut up."

Three left, and those were numbers much more to his liking. He was strong, but he wasn't invincible, and he had to make sure that in a fight, it was never fair.

He slunk among the shadows toward the campfire.

"Right, so what do you think got him?" the one closest to him asked.

"Coulda been a wolf, I guess. Maybe a sick dog."

"And what, snuck up on him, 'fore he could yell?"

"He was drunk!" the older one retorted, poking the fire with his sword.

"And where the fuck are the others?"

The older one had experience, but the one asking questions wasn't a dummy. The silent one off the to the left was the panicked one. Varex targeted the one asking questions.

He leapt from the shadows and landed hard on him, clamped his jaws to the back of his head, and swung him like a doll with a crack of bone and a spray of blood.

The younger bandit screamed and scrambled back, as the older jumped up and held his sword out in front of him. "Back, monster!"

Varex grabbed the dead man's leg, and did what the spirits called, 'beat a motherfucker with another motherfucker' and slammed the corpse into the older man, who couldn't get out of the way fast enough.

The wolfkin leapt onto his fallen form and drove his claws down into his throat, and the old man died with a gloriously bloody scream.

The younger one ran in a panic, and it didn't take long for him to trip and fall. He smashed his face on a rock, but to his credit he got up and kept running. He must have thought making it to the road would improve his chances.

By some strange twist of fate, it did. Mostly because it reminded Varex that perhaps it would be better for someone to tell the tale of the monster on the road to Bortel. But would they believe him? It was a risk either way - some might think about coming to investigate. He needed to give the bandit evidence that it was a bad idea.

The bandit turned around to look back in the direction of the campsite, and screamed when Varex was behind him. He fell onto his ass in a pool of his own urine. Varex crouched down and dug his claws into the man's chest. One would think it was fatal wound from the way he screamed, but Varex had barely broken the skin. It would leave a nice mark though, one that showed the size of the clawed hand.

The wolfkin then snapped his head up as though he heard something and bounded back across the road into the forest.

Who knows why wild animals sometimes leave prey alive? But that bandit wasn't going to ask a lot of questions. It was time to leave.

The morning came without incident. Varex found a few choice items - a box of capits, several bolts of cloth, and a harness he was able to turn into a makeshift pack. This was going to make the trip back much harder, but it was worth it. The rest of the supplies he could have someone come back for.

It was worth it, Varex said to himself for the seven hundredth time that the pack caught on a tree branch. The makeshift pack was not holding together as well as he'd hoped, and he knew if he tried to take it off that he probably wouldn't be able to reassemble it.

This presented a problem when the sun went down. He wanted to get back into The Dream, but he couldn't find a place where he would be hidden. Varex grabbed a few branches and covered the pack, but he was still very obvious in the forest.

The smartest thing to do was to simply return as he was able, and not try to communicate through The Dream. That much was obvious.

But it hurt something inside of him, imagining Arabetha and Lilly worrying themselves about him.

Varex could send a message - a very brief message. He settled in a nook that didn't cover him nearly well enough and meditated.

He reached through the Dream, searching for Lilly, until he found her dream. This time it was him that was whipping her with a riding crop. He reached out and yanked her into the meadow, which made her sit up.

"Oh, master! You've-"

"Lilly!" he growled in his war form.

She gasped and faced him fully. "Master?"

"Can't talk further. Return delayed. I am safe!"


"Say it!"

"You can't talk again, your return is delayed, but you're safe!" she repeated with a bow.

"Wake up!" he commanded, shoving her out of The Dream as his mind returned to his body in the forest.

A branch snapped.

He stood and faced the direction of the sound. Red eyes stared at him from the forest. He raised a finger and wagged it back and forth. The creature darted away into the woods.

Varex breathed a sigh of relief and decided to walk through the night.

The market was busy, filled with people, most of whom gave the ragged wolfkin a wide berth as he slid open the door to the Tailor's shop.

"Welcome to my sha-haahhaaaa," he clamped his hand over his mouth, and then quickly added, "I apologize Warden, it is a sight that is difficult to get used to."

Varex stared at him, breathing heavily before he slashed the straps on the pack and let it fall to the ground.

The Tailor rushed over and gasped in surprise. "My-oh gods, it's wonderful! Six bolts and-what's this?" He found the box of capits and grinned, lifting it up to Varex. "I presume this is yours?"

Varex took the box and nodded.

Tailor lifted one of the bolts and bowed deeply to the Warden. "Sir, I will begin work on your courtly raiment immediately. You have my gratitude, good sir."

Varex gestured vaguely in the direction of east. "There's more."

"I'm sure, but unfortunately there's no caravans due for some time. But perhaps you could have the King send a guard when you meet with him?"

Varex nodded and left the shop. It didn't take him long to get to the manor, where he slid the door open and slammed it shut behind himself.

The wolfkin took only a brief moment to stash the box of capits away in the entrance. He wasn't as exhausted as he was after communing with the spirits, but his mood was foul enough from the most frustrating trek through the forest he'd ever had.

Arabetha ran to the entrance and skidded to a stop in the hall when she saw him. She smiled widely and bowed. "Sire, you've returned!"

Varex stared at the radiance of this woman, dressed in her dirty maid outfit, her hands clasped under her breasts, and he could feel the foul mood leave his chest. "You should not greet me like this," he rumbled and beckoned her with a finger.

Arabetha sashayed over to him and leaned up, scratching under his muzzle with both hands as she drew his face to hers. He kissed her hard, before he pushed his tongue into her mouth, which she eagerly sucked on.

"This is how you should greet me," he whispered.

She grinned widely, and then her eyes dropped to his chest and shoulders, and she went wide eyed. "Oh, sire, you look... exhausted. Are you well?"

He sniffed the air, the smell of delicious food wafting from the kitchen. "Hungry."

"Of course! And I got your message from Lilly, so we thought you would be further delayed. But she insisted this morning that you would be here."

As he walked into the hall, Lilly bowed as he passed. He reached out and ruffled her hair with a grin. "Lilly is very intuitive."

She rose up and held up his clothes with a wide grin.

Varex laughed and shook his head, "Dinner and a bath, I don't think we need them for that."

"Of course, my lord," Lilly said with another bow and left to return them to the room.

Ranaka delivered roast mutton to the table. Arabetha sat next to him, gently took his hand, and kissed it, before she set it back on the table.

Varex chuckled. "You missed me," he rumbled.

Arabetha laughed. "Of course I did!"

He nodded again as he let that sink in. "I was right to risk sending that message," he said, and he took a bite out of the mutton, tearing the flesh, and chewing.

Arabetha blinked and glanced at Lilly, who blushed and lowered her head. "Risk, sire? Lilly was not specific. She only said that you wouldn't be sending any more messages, that you were delayed, and safe."

"She was wise not to worry you," he caressed her cheek with the back of his fingers. "When I enter The Dream, if I am not well hidden, I am in danger. I could not hide myself with the pack, so I could not stay in The Dream for long."

"Oh, for the Tailor - so you brought him his bolts?"

Varex nodded and took another bite. "He has his cloth. He says he's going to make me an outfit."

"Wonderful! Perhaps I can convince him to give me maybe just a slight discount," Arabetha said with a grin. "I think I can trade on your name a little bit."

Ranaka furrowed her brow. "Unless you're gonna be needed at court soon, still need a lot of supplies for the kitchen."

Varex furrowed his brow at Ranaka and looked at Arabetha. "You should join me at court. Besides that, isn't it important to you? Getting your garment?"

Arabetha smiled at Varex and then looked down. "My lord, I think the time for me thinking of only myself is past." She looked away.

"Not what I asked."

Her hands fell into her lap, and she straightened her back. "Sire," she started and hesitated, and looked down, playing with the cloth of her outfit. "Varex. There is so little I can control, except how I look. You've made me feel so good," she straightened the cloth on her legs, and her voice broke. "And I used to feel shame and revulsion at my body, and now, I feel so good about it! And I just-" she sniffled and blinked away tears.

Clothing meant so little to Varex, it astonished him how much it could mean to someone, and yet he understood. It wasn't about vanity - it was about having some sense of self. Something she could call her own.

"Aww," Ranaka furrowed her brow in sympathy. "Truly, I'm sorry, my lady, maybe we could-"

"No!" Arabetha exclaimed and pointed a finger at Ranaka. "The manor comes first. I have plenty here to make me happy, I just - it will be all the sweeter with the waiting." She wiped away the tears.

"Hrm," Varex finished off his lamb mutton and licked his chops. "I think the sweetest meat is freshest, old meat just rots."

Arabetha, Lilly, and Ranaka all stared at him uncomprehendingly.

He looked around them and added, "A metaphor."

Ranaka shook her head. "Meaning no offense sire, but you suck at metaphor."

"Perhaps there is a plant metaphor that might work easier?" Arabetha asked, with a teasingly sweet tone.

Varex rolled his eyes and called out, "Lilly!"

She bounced over to him and he pointed toward the entrance. "Box, floor, entrance."

Lilly nodded and quickly ran there, and returned with a box, which Varex took and slammed on the table in faux anger. The lid of the box flipped open and revealed a pile of capits.

"Fuck me sideways!" Ranaka shouted.

Arabetha gasped and clamped her hands over her mouth.

Lilly quickly scooched forward to get a better look. She was the first to ask, "How much?"

Arabetha shot her look and the maid shrugged with an impish grin before the consort turned to Varex. "You had this the whole time!"

"And I learned something important," he rumbled and then he turned to her, and stared into her bright green eyes. "That old fool wanted people to look at you and see him. He wanted you to be what he wanted, instead of what you are. I want people to look at you, and see the sexiest, most beautiful woman in the city, and know that only the Warden has the strength and power to keep this woman as his own."

She threw her arms around his neck and planted several kisses on his muzzle, and lips and then stopped and looked into his eyes, the air pregnant with anticipation.

But Arabetha swallowed, nervous, and glanced in Ranaka's direction. Ranaka signaled Lilly, and the two of them quickly left the room.

Arabetha closed her eyes, working up courage before she opened them again. "I love you, Varex."

Varex stared into her bright green eyes, and he cupped her face in his eyes. "Arabetha. With all of my heart, and all of my spirit, and all of my body - I love you."

Tears sprang to her eyes, and her lips quivered as she struggled to say anything at all.

He continued, knowing why she was so nervous. "I could not say so in the Dream. That is a place of impermanence. Permanent things should not be declared there. And my declaration can never be undone."

Tears of joy streamed down Arabetha's face, and she nodded and kissed him again before she embraced him tightly, burying her face in his neck. Varex put his hand on the back of her head and squeezed her tight. "You are mine forever, Arabetha."

The effort to retrieve the Tailor's goods had left Varex sore, and covered in bits of nature, but nothing he thought a warm bath wouldn't fix.

Lilly followed him into the bath and tapped his shoulder and put a hand next to her mouth, as though she wished to whisper something. It made him chuckle, and he leaned down.

"Mistress says to shower you quickly, and to make sure you're ready!" she spoke in a sotto voice.

Varex laughed and nodded several times, before he moved to under the shower. Lilly quickly disrobed so that she wouldn't get wet, and scrubbed and rinsed him, before he sat on a stool so she could reach his head and shoulders.

After a final rinse while he sat on the stool, she knelt between his knees, and smiled up at him. "Master, may I make you ready now?"

He looked down at her and tried his best to hide his smile. "And tell me, why does my little slut deserve her master's cock?"

She flushed in arousal immediately, and took a breath before she whispered, "Because your slut will make master feel so good."

He caressed her cheek and shoved his thumb into her mouth. She sucked hard on it, lavishing the digit with her tongue. "My delicious whore should prove that she deserves to taste me."

Lilly started to suck on his thumb with more vigor, sliding her tongue around and sucking as hard as she could. He smiled and pulled his hand back, "Now show me how excited you are."

She moaned and stood, spreading her legs before she pushed three fingers in her wet pussy and rubbed. "Oh master, please, I'm your mindless cumslut that is only good for cock!"
