Abdul's Initiation

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White boy, Stuart totally humiliates big Pakistani guy, Abdul.
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Author's Note

This is my first published story on Literotica.

The story is set in the mid-1980s so there's no mention of cellphones, laptops, or PCs.

The theme deals with two young men discovering footplay from opposing angles.

I hope you enjoy it!

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01: Gym Session - Stuart Confirms the Pecking Order

Abdul sat on the floor of the large gym hallway, waiting for the gym class to begin. The hall was packed with teachers as well as other students all his or similar age. The teachers discussed what activities they were going to proceed with. Many of the other students spoke to each other loudly and laughed while the teachers were busy making preparations.

Abdul sat with his smaller group of Pakistani friends a little aside from all the other students. They spoke to each other in their Punjabi language, more in their own group, and not mingling much with the louder, English-speaking white kids, especially Abdul. He was a quieter student who stuck to his studies which pleased his teachers but didn't make him many friends.

As Abdul sat there talking to his friends, restricting himself to talking to only them, and kind of just wishing class would get started, he felt a small weight on his right shoulder. His first thought was that it was a pat on the shoulder - perhaps from a teacher or maybe just from another student who wanted to do that to him arrogantly, because they knew they could get away with it with the reserved Abdul.

Abdul turned his head to see someone's white-socked left foot just casually using his shoulder as a footrest. In the process of turning his head, Abdul had inadvertently let the white-socked foot scrape his face and nose, catching a faint musky whiff of cotton and sweat, feeling the warmth too. He turned his head some more, got a face full of the socked foot, and saw that it belonged to one of his fellow students, Stuart. He had noticed Stuart when he first walked into the hallway. He was exempt from class that day due to an injury, but he was still present in the hallway anyway, sitting on a chair, unlike all the other students who were sitting on the gym floor. Stuart was in his green school uniform, shoes off, and wearing a pair of white socks.

Abdul and Stuart were both similar in age, Stuart, 18, and Abdul, 19, and were in the same class at the same school but there was nothing much else in common between them. Abdul was bulky, 6ft 1, 96 kg much of it coming from his lardy waistline, and had rather clumsy, wide, size 14 feet. He had center-parted, jet-black, wavy hair, which he liked to keep long down to his shoulders. It almost looked like the mane of a lion, giving Abdul an outwardly mean, gangster look, not least in combination with the pock-marked skin of his face and his overall very hairy body.

In contrast, Stuart was compact and very athletic, near hairless smooth-bodied, tan-skinned, 8-packed Adonis standing at 5ft 7, 71 kg nearly all of it from lean, toned, hard muscle with near zero fat on his body, and possessing shapely size 8 feet. Stuart had short, dark brown hair which he kept swept back with some of it spiking up a little at the front of his head, and striking, vivid, and large emerald-green eyes. His eyes seemed disproportionately large on his boyishly smooth handsome face but it only enhanced his appeal to the girls.

While Abdul was shy, quiet, and reserved, Stuart was the complete opposite - loud, assertive, and overflowing with confidence. And while everyone would describe young Stuart as a "boy" or "kid, Abdul, though only a year older, was always referenced by others as a "man".

To his buddies, Abdul was known as "Big Abdul" due to his imposing size and bulk. This helped boost Abdul's confidence in his self-image. It gave him a sense of something macho about him. He might be quiet and shy in a lot of ways but at least he was not some teeny, wimpy-looking teen. Oh no! He was this "Big Abdul" - someone, to his mind, no one should dare mess with beyond a certain point. Either to further boost his macho image or just because he felt it looked cool on him, Abdul also always wore a hefty, brass necklace chain, around which was strung an equally hefty brass locket medallion, on the face of which was inscribed some Arabic word in a stylish script.

Sure enough, these two aspects about Abdul - his imposing height and bulk, coupled with his brass medallion, and the fact his nick was "Big Abdul" did indeed all add up to give Abdul a semblance of at least some street cred and he secretly enjoyed this fact. It served as a counterbalance to his otherwise meek personality, which unfortunately made him the target of some bullying.

Abdul looked up at Stuart's chiseled, handsomely boyish face, peered into the teen stud's vivid emerald eyes, saw him absent-mindedly chewing gum, and looking indifferent to the fact he was publicly, and so casually, using the much bigger Pakistani student as his powerless little human footstool bitch like it was just something he had the right to do and it didn't matter that Abdul wouldn't appreciate it. The two kids then made more intense eye contact, Stuart giving Abdul a dismissive look, almost looking oblivious to the fact that he was using bulky Abdul as his human footstool.

Abdul didn't know how to react at first. He had had problems with other students treating him in ways that he didn't like in the past but this was definitely the most humiliating. Stuart was an athletic kid and Abdul wasn't sure how much he wanted to physically challenge the much shorter and smaller, but undoubtedly stronger student.

Abdul looked in another direction to see one of the female gym teachers, Mrs. Redden, who he thought was kind of hot, walking towards them. He had a bit of a crush on Mrs. Redden since she showed him more attention than any of the girls in his class, so he was a bit embarrassed that she was going to see Stuart doing this to him. But another part of him was glad that she was going to see it so she could at least put a stop to it.

She looked right at it happening so she definitely saw it, Abdul was sure of that. But she also looked busy, and a little stressed out, so she walked right by not thinking much of it. Breaking up one 18-year-old student picking on another in a non-violent way was not on her agenda when things were so busy.

A guy student bigger than both Stuart and Abdul noticed the event. Abdul wondered if he would laugh at it or, hopefully, get Stuart to stop but he didn't seem to care either. Two cute white girls walked by laughing. Abdul didn't know if they were laughing at him, but he didn't like it either way.

Stuart didn't think much about it when he put his foot on Abdul's shoulder. He just did it. It was one of those cool things where the idea popped into his head when he was looking for a place to put his foot and he just went ahead with it, knowing that Abdul wasn't the kind of student that was going to be able to do anything about it.

Now that Stuart had it planted on Abdul's shoulder, he decided that his socked foot was going nowhere. He knew Abdul was in no position to challenge him. Unfortunately for Stuart, his hot girlfriend, Nadine, wasn't around to see this but he noticed a couple of the other cute girls that walked by got a laugh out of it. Stuart was always happy showing off for the girls, so their amusement only motivated him to dig his socked foot deeper into Abdul's shoulder.

Abdul looked back at his friends, part of him wondering if they were going to help him, part of him wondering if any of them were going to be laughing at him, as they clearly saw what was going on and weren't at least going to be indifferent like everyone else. But the looks on their faces made it appear that they were just glad it wasn't them the tough smallish kid, Stuart, was making his footstool. Abdul realized he was on his own for this one and had to deal with it himself.

The thought of tackling Stuart alone made Abdul nervous. Confrontation just wasn't his thing. Fighting wasn't his thing. The situation was especially painful and humiliating because Stuart was quite a bit smaller than Abdul, although he, unlike Abdul, had a toned, muscly build so Abdul still wouldn't have dared to mess with him. And since Stuart was humiliating him in more of a passive way, Abdul would have to be more of the aggressor to get him to stop, which wasn't something he was used to. After all. Stuart wasn't beating Abdul up or anything. He was simply, leisurely using his footstool.

What's wrong with using Abdul's ideal, big and cushiony body as my footstool anyway? thought Stuart. Footstools are for resting feet on, right? Abdul is the perfect footstool for me right now, sitting on the floor conveniently within leg reach. It would be madness for me not to get myself more comfortable when the desired piece of furniture is at my disposal.

Abdul discreetly looked around the hallway some more. Most of the people weren't paying any attention to what was going on. But some were. Mr. Matthews, the gym teacher as well as the baseball coach, was talking to another teacher while he was looking over at exactly how Stuart was casually resting his foot on Abdul's shoulder, right next to his face. Lightly touching the side of his face with it, in fact.

Mr. Matthews was focused right on them and clearly saw what was going on. But he also didn't act like it was anything out of the ordinary, almost like the school's star athlete needed the perfect spot to rest his foot for comfort, and the big Pakistani student's broad shoulder was just a completely normal place for him to do that.

All this seeming indifference to Abdul's plight made him wonder, perhaps it's me who is being the prick here and not Stuart? Stuart has a leg injury, no doubt, that is why he is not participating in the gym activity. The sporty kid needs a place to rest his foot on something. There are no footstools around so he is using me as one. Simple as that. What are good classmates for? Abdul had started to convince himself that Stuart was doing the "right thing." The kid needed to rest his foot and Abdul was the "honored" classmate to be of some great use. Since Abdul couldn't fight off the superior kid's foot, he decided to lessen his feeling of abject humiliation by trying to mentally embrace and accept his treatment. To feel proud of it.

Mr. Matthews wasn't the only one who noticed either. Two guys, Bret and Ben, who would sometimes pick on Abdul were also looking over in the direction and snickering. Though Abdul couldn't hear what they were saying, it just kind of seemed to him like they were saying "Why didn't we think of that?" or at least finding humor in what they were seeing. Stuart must have also noticed the attention he was getting because Abdul felt Stuart's foot lean harder into the side of his face and brush his cheek.

Abdul's expected reaction should've been to move his face away but he kept it in place as if in fear of upsetting Stuart. In fact, Abdul consciously turned his head right into Stuart's foot some more to make sure the side of his face was providing steady and reliable support to the tough kid's demanding foot. He just kept his face dead steady as Stuart brazenly brushed his socked foot on it. Abdul was now slavishly cooperating with his tormenter in ensuring good contact between his face and Stuart's foot and could smell the slightly rank scent of Stuart's foot and feel the warmth of it.

Seeing Abdul not move his face away, Stuart tilted his foot on the heel to really dig into Abdul's cheek now. Still no reaction from Abdul, who kept on talking to his friends as if he was in a perfectly normal situation. The strange thing was, despite the humiliation being meted out to him by Stuart's foot, Abdul was getting inexplicably aroused by the sensation of the handsome, athletic white student's socked foot against his face. Now Abdul was confused as well as embarrassed. I have only ever been attracted to girls, so what is going on here?

One of Abdul's closest and most trusted Pakistani buddies, Najib, was the one Abdul was talking to most. Najib, a slim, lanky kid of 6ft was sitting cross-legged right in front of and close to Abdul. Najib had the dubious luxury of "enjoying" the best, close-up, and direct head-on view of the white kid's white-socked size 8 foot bullying his best buddy's face and trampling his sense of dignity. As Abdul and Najib discussed their school homework and weekend plans they both kept a straight face and conversed as if there was not the least of an issue with Abdul's face getting incrementally pulverized by Stuart's foot. Not that Abdul didn't realize Najib was observing the scene with avid interest.

Abdul noticed Najib was not making focused eye contact but rather, his eyes kept drifting discreetly sideways, no doubt taking in yet another eyeful of Stuart's obviously irresistible socked foot. For his part, Najib was mesmerized by the dirt-blackened sole of Stuart's otherwise white sock.

There was something else Abdul noticed about Najib too, and this made him a little uneasy. He noticed a growing bulge on Najib's crotch through the shorts he was wearing. This made Abdul suddenly conscious of the fact that his own cock was now rock-hard. Oh no, just what the fuck is happening to us both? How can a smaller kid's total humiliation of me with his damn foot be arousing us both? Is this sexual? Is Stuart exploiting me sexually? Are I and my best buddy really getting our rocks off on something so stupid? Just what the fuck?! These thoughts were playing through the mind of the now very confused Abdul.

Another girl noticed "the event" too. Katie Heskett was a pretty girl who was also very quiet and Abdul thought sometimes that he may have a chance with her because she wasn't as popular as the rest. Katie was looking up at Stuart's face with what appeared to be an amused look. Now it really bothered Abdul that a sweet girl like Katie was finding humor in it.

Just why can I not even get a girl like Katie? Stuart was set dating sexy Nadine, that wasn't going to change, and there were plenty of other girls that Abdul had seen Stuart flirting with all of the time when Nadine wasn't around. Katie wasn't one of them because Katie wasn't part of the cool crowd.

Before that moment, Abdul wouldn't have been surprised if Stuart didn't even know Katie's name. Meanwhile, Abdul knew her birthday and the names of both of her parents from information that he had gotten from the school directory as well as the phone book. He would never tell Katie he knew that stuff, but he knew.

And yet looking at what Katie was seeing and actually finding humor in what this asshole guy was doing, drove Abdul crazy. Abdul would have treated Katie like gold had he ever been able to date her and Stuart wouldn't have even given her the opportunity yet Stuart was the one that she favored in the situation she was witnessing, instead of maybe showing a little bit of compassion for what was happening to Abdul. This again made Abdul question his emotions. Why should Katie be bothered? Stuart is just using his comfortable footstool. Period. Surely nothing wrong with that? There can't be anything wrong with it otherwise someone would surely have taken action to try to stop it.

Heck, apart from Najib, even Abdul's other Pakistani buddies were casually making conversation with him like nothing at all was wrong with the fact their friend's face had a nice socked foot scraping his cheek. Do they wish it was them a hot white kid like Stuart treated so nicely? Do they envy me? The thought somewhat cheered up Abdul.

Feeling the embarrassment in his red face, Abdul turned back to submissively look up at Stuart. Stuart was giving the smile back to Katie, a smile that the naïve girl probably thought was flirting, but Abdul knew that the guy was playing her. When Stuart realized that Abdul was looking back up at him, he took his eyes away from Katie and looked back down at Abdul with a somewhat cold, domineering expression.

Abdul needed Stuart's foot off him immediately before any other girls noticed this but he certainly didn't want to draw any additional attention to what was going on either. So, he meekly tried to push Stuart's foot off his shoulder but wasn't able to move it. He tried just a little bit harder but that didn't do much good either. Things remained exactly how Stuart had already determined they should - My foot ain't going anyplace. It's staying firmly where I have it planted on your shoulder next to your fucking face, dork!

As Stuart kept his foot in place, he maintained eye contact with Abdul, and then slowly raised his middle finger towards him, now making Abdul feel very angry. The anger he felt got worse as he felt Stuart's heel dig right into his shoulder a little more. Stuart then bent his wrist and made the gay sign, further infuriating Abdul on the inside, mainly so angry that he couldn't do anything about it. Stuart was effortlessly making Abdul look and feel so impotent. Also, it made Abdul so angry because he felt Stuart had somehow read his mind and knew Abdul was aroused by getting his face foot-smothered.

Abdul looked back at Katie - she was still watching and now laughing. Fuck her anyway, Abdul thought to himself. He didn't want to like a girl that found something so stupid so funny. Still, she was a girl Abdul had thought might be a good target for him if he ever got the courage to talk to her, so it sucked that this was just another one he now knew he had no chance with. Thanks to Stuart and his damn fucking foot!

Abdul was going to have to win this challenge to show both of them. He turned back towards Stuart with renewed determination and tried again to push his foot away, not wanting to try too hard as he knew putting too much effort into something like this would just make him look stupid. He pushed just a little bit harder, just as Stuart dug his foot in even deeper to make sure it couldn't be removed.

Stuart's powerful left foot was now solidly planted on Abdul's shoulder and Abdul knew that he wasn't going to be strong enough to remove it. He made one more half-hearted, pitiful attempt but the damn thing just would not budge! Abdul had lost this challenge and confidence to another male as was witnessed by Katie, Mrs. Redden, Mr. Matthews, Najib, and anyone else who had happened to see it.

Abdul, with a kind of plea in his eyes now, looked back up at Stuart, who was looking around, not even looking at Abdul anymore, just accepting the fact that he could use Abdul as his footstool and not even paying any mind to Abdul himself. Abdul could feel his face getting beet red as it set in for him just how humiliated he had been. He also felt his eyes tearing up at the humiliation that he had suffered. His humiliation was all the more intense because Stuart had managed to arouse him with his fucking foot!

Abdul just turned back towards his Pakistani friends and continued to talk to them, with Stuart's foot ridiculously planted on his shoulder. He felt like such an inferior little bitch having to talk to his friends under these circumstances. None of them laughed at him for it or anything but he knew well enough that they had all just seen his 6ft 1, 96 kg manly body mass lose the "fight" against a small athletic white boy's mere foot and that he looked pathetic.

Stuart was not oblivious to the fact all of Abdul's friends were witnessing his defeat to Stuart's foot. He was loving the feeling and getting turned on by his power over Abdul. Unlike the reserved Abdul and Najib who felt embarrassed by their boners, Stuart had no such reservations and began blatantly toying with his cock thru his school uniform pants. He also started whistling and humming some tune to which he now started to sway his left foot side to side, tapping the side of Abdul's face with it as the loser continued to talk to his friends. Tap, tap, tap. The foot struck Abdul's cheek as he conversed with his buddies. Tap, tap, tap. On and on. Stuart was clearly fully relaxed and at total leisure now.