After the Reunion Ch. 13


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Tanya and Robert were kissing. She was still on his lap, no doubt his cock still inside her, bare chests held tightly together. Robert's a lot like me, outclassed by his wife, but obviously madly in love or they wouldn't still be together. Even with just the little we'd heard, he and Michelle had had a pretty damn exciting and emotion-laden marriage.

And married to a woman that looked like that and could fuck like that even at fifty-two, a man should be so lucky! Of course, I thought I was just as lucky with my Addie. That's about the same age as Addie's mom and she still looks damn good, too. Made me wonder all over again about our sets of parents this weekend, vacationing together at the coast. Really, could they be? I guess I kind of hoped so. It was something that just hadn't ever crossed my mind before.

I pulled away from Michelle, reluctantly, and stood, then pulled her to her feet as well. She stood on her tip-toes and kissed me, telling me, "Thank you, that was wonderful... Robert and I haven't done anything like that for years and it was way overdue... I'm so glad it was with you four."

I smiled with pride. "Thank you," I told her, "so glad we finally met," and the sexy woman with me leaned in and kissed me, her soft lips on mine, her tongue exploring my mouth, meeting the tip of mine.

I was starting to get hard all over again when she broke away from my lips and looked around the room, "I vote we let Tanner off the hook for the night. Any objection?"

Nah, I was okay with it. Pretty sure now that it was over that no one would have made any of us sleep alone. Besides, he's my friend and he would have stuck up for me. Just the fact that we'd beaten him was good enough. I voiced my approval, "Okay by me." The other three all agreed, too.

Michelle smiled and walked over to him, "Good, because I still want to fuck him tonight!"

Tanya climbed off Robert's lap and came to my side, "And I want my Matthew, tonight."

That left my wife with Robert for the night. He asked her, "Could I entice the beautiful lady to our hotel room?"

She smiled, kissed him on the cheek and said, "I think I would love to."

He beamed. I would, too if I was going to take someone like Addie to spend the night with me the first time.

He got up, but before getting dressed, suggested, "There's one more picture I need to take of Tanya first. I intended to, but things kind of got... a little carried away."

He asked Tanya to stand, hands on her hips, chest out, totally naked with that fresh-fucked look of lust on her face, "This one's for Playboy, they won't be able to resist," and he took several more pictures.

While he was taking the pictures, Addie had slipped her dress back on; nothing underneath it, then her shoes and looked over at me, I guess for approval to go with Robert. After all that happened between us, her with other men? Well, if she wanted my approval, I nodded it was okay.

Michelle and Tanner had already retreated to our guest bedroom and Addie gathered a small overnight bag, kissed me on the cheek and whispered, "Think he'll like it?" The man's not dead, is he!

Robert, too, had slipped on his slacks, shirt, and shoes while Addie was getting her bag. A few minutes later, my wife was leaving for another guy's hotel room. I knew Robert wasn't a danger to our marriage, there was no way. Not like that other thing Michelle had talked about earlier in the day. To be honest, I was glad Addie had shut it down, said no... sort of... there was disappointment, too. I'll never understand myself!

The thought went through my mind that Robert had no idea of the pleasure he's about to have. I may be thanking Jonah for the rest of eternity for those Ben Wa balls.

Then, Tanya and I were alone; the first time since that night of heavenly bliss in Virginia City nearly three months ago. We'd been together, but not 'alone' together. There's a big difference.

The beautiful, still naked Tanya took my hand, kissed me softly on the lips and whispered in my ear, "Take me to bed." I took her hand and led her into our bedroom.

"I think I need a shower. Join me?" she playfully asked. It didn't take a lot of convincing. I wondered briefly if Addie was inviting Robert into her shower. Probably not yet anyway.

I watched as Tanya adjusted the water. There's a tub/shower in the main bathroom, but ours just has a three-foot-by-three-foot shower. Plenty of room for Tanya and me, though.

She stepped in and I watched the hot water stream down her body, the water glistening on her bare skin, dripping off her nipples, her hair plastered to her body. She is so incredibly beautiful that I was mesmerized from watching. Then I stepped in with her and she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me - hard.

We kissed for several minutes with the hot water running down our bodies, feeling each other's body. I ran my hands over her breasts, her hard nipples, her butt, her flat stomach, her soft skin...between her legs and was in heaven... like Robert, no doubt was about to be with my wife.

"I want you, Matt, make love to me."

God, I didn't think I could get hard again, but I was. It still blew me away that this beautiful woman wanted me! "I want you, too, Tawns... so bad!" and we kissed again.

She handed me the bar of soap and I soaped her body, making her moan when I rubbed soap over her nipples, then between her legs. "Make love to me, Matt."

Tanya pressed back against the shower wall, standing on her tip-toes, I pressed myself inside her and we kissed. I felt Tawns' legs wrapping around my waist with my cock deep inside her. We must have made love with the water running over us for ten or fifteen minutes. Fucking can be more intense, but emotionally, this was right up there with the best minutes of my life. I don't know how many times Tawns came, but it was more than once, more than twice. My orgasm, when it came, was spectacular.

Afterward, we were actually cleaning ourselves off, washing for the sake of washing instead of feeling. Although, the 'feeling' was still there, too. I stepped out, dried myself and left Tawns alone. Her bag was in the bedroom so I set it inside the bathroom and closed the door to give her some privacy.

I remembered when I first saw her across the room at the reunion dinner, then discovered she was Addie's college friend and was sure that such a woman, married to a Greek God like Tanner would never give a guy like me a second thought. I felt almost ashamed that I thought she was so shallow, without even realizing that's what I was thinking.

I lay on the bed what seemed an eternity before the bathroom door opened and the beautiful vision stepped into the room. She was wearing a long, soft, flowing gown and when she climbed under the covers and snuggled up with me, she smelled of soft femininity. I couldn't help but think of that first time we slept together on the night of their reunion. That night was lust. This night was that... and something far more.

Next morning, Tanner and Michelle weren't up yet when Tawns and I wandered into the dining room. We rattled dishes around, not intentionally being noisy, but not trying to be quiet either. I didn't plan any breakfast, assuming we'd probably meet Robert and Addie somewhere.

A few minutes later, apparently our noise routine had worked, Tanner and Michelle joined us. Tawns smiled at her husband and asked, "Have a good night?" Dumb question or what?

Tanner and Michelle grinned at each other and said in unison, "Yeah, you could say that."

"So did we," Tawns said.

"You call them yet?" Michelle asked.

"Waiting for you," I replied. I took my new phone out of my pocket. Every time I pick up this phone, I have to smile, thinking of why I have a new one. I called Addie.

They were still in bed, "Been busy," she said. I had a pretty good idea what 'busy' meant. We talked about where to meet for breakfast.

"Shari's?" Michelle asked, "I have a soft spot for Shari's... ever since that night with Jeremy," she explained.

"I heard," Addie said, "sounds fine to me. An hour?"

I checked my watch, and mouthed, "Hour?" to my three companions. We all agreed it would be fine.

After hanging up, I told them, "Fifteen minutes to get there, we need to leave in forty-five minutes."

Michelle was worried about what to wear, as she had planned on going back to their hotel. Silly girl! I suggested she was welcome to go through Addie's drawers and closet and find whatever she wanted. They are close to the same size. She and Tanya retreated to the bedroom to find her something. Tanner went to the guest room and I waited. And waited. And waited.

There were ten minutes left when I was finally allowed into my bedroom to get ready. Michelle had found a pair of Addie's stretchy slacks and a sweater. I'd have loved to know what she found for 'underneath'. Tanya had on a short, moderately sexy skirt and blouse set. Of course, she could wear a plastic garbage bag and look sexy. This was a far cry from a plastic garbage bag.

I brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and grabbed blue-jeans and pull-over shirt and was ready to go.

They were waiting right inside Shari's when we got there and the hostess took us to one of their large corner booths, then brought us water and took our drink orders.

While we waited, we talked a little more about how we'd gotten where we were; Michelle explained about the story Robert had written about when he was in the Coast Guard and they were in Kodiak and how it led to her lover in Seattle years later.

Robert suggested we go to his profile on Literotica and find the story, then the rest of their history was there, too. Michelle got a little red in the face; said there were parts she wished we wouldn't read. With that, there was no way I wasn't going to!

Addie and Tanya took turns explaining that they were friends in college, then reunited at their ten-year reunion and how I learned about Adriana and Tanner's history and the strip poker game that night.

When they finished telling about that, Addie was acting nervous. After all that had happened, I didn't understand why. After all, she'd just spent a night in a hotel room with her mystery woman's husband.

That was when the waiter came by and took our orders. We had typical Shari's breakfasts. Tanya, the most exotic - some fancily named omelet.

When he left, Addie brought up what she'd been nervous over, "I'm curious," she finally said, "about the guy you mentioned last night. Can you tell me a little about him?"

My eyes widened. I tried to not let my shock show through. Addie was interested? She'd said 'no' very clearly at dinner.

"You think you might be interested?" Michelle asked her.

"I... don't know... doubt it... was mostly, just... curious."

Michelle took a breath, "Well, he's... I think twenty-five or six. Robert had a lover, a younger woman, way back when. He was in love with her and I'm sure they'd have married if Robert wasn't already married... her name was Jacqui... she was transferred away... " I was confused and I could tell Addie was, too. What did this have to do with the guy? Michelle obviously saw the confusion on our faces. "You'll get it in a minute," she said.

"We went to her wedding later... a guy she met at her new job. Found out she had a little brother. He looked like thirteen, fourteen or so at the wedding, seemed like a nice kid," she laughed, "he caught the garter..."

"He's not thirteen anymore. He's a diesel mechanic, but he cleans up pretty darn nice."

"And why..." Addie asked, "would he be interested in an old pregnant lady like me?"

Michelle laughed, "Adriana, have you looked at yourself in a mirror lately? First, you're not 'old'! And second, you're beautiful. I'm jealous of what you look like... "

Addie looked at her like she was crazy, but she wasn't. Addie is beautiful, even if not a Tanya.

"Nicky, Nick, I guess, has always been drawn to a little more maturity. If I was younger, I'd be all over him, but I'm not... but you're perfect for him. And I think he'd be perfect for you."

"What about... the little fact that I'm married? I have a family I love... and I'm pregnant..."

"Pretty sure he's not looking for a wife or anything. I think he's a confirmed bachelor, but he'd be darn good boyfriend material... and he'd know about your marital situation. Maybe we'd make up some little story, your husband's in the military but gives you permission to play while he's gone..." She went on, "As far as pregnant, it barely shows. And I think after last night I know the answer, but how's it been affecting you... sexually?"

Addie laughed, "You mean am I horny? YES! All the time."

Michelle laughed, "My point is taken!"

I looked at my wife, "Are you seriously considering this?" I asked her.

She laughed, "No, like I said, was just curious. Michelle's the one who's coming up with all the scenarios."

"You should think about it, you know how exciting it can be; new guy, how he kisses, his hands exploring your body, the feeling like a schoolgirl with her crush the first time..." Michelle said, then whispering, "how wet he makes you when you see that 'look' in his eyes... and that first time... Mmm!"

It was quiet at the table for a couple minutes while Addie absorbed what Michelle had been suggesting to her. And I was hard... and already jealous of the guy!

Then, "What about your store? Can we go look at it after breakfast?"

Our food arrived and we spent the next half-hour eating with only a little conversation. Adriana was pleased that Michelle wanted to see her Boise store and promised that we'd go. I was still churning the 'boyfriend' conversation around in my mind. I'd kind of pushed Addie into some of her other, well, MOST of her other liaisons and was determined to stay out of this. Damn, the thought made me excited, though... and scared me! Michelle said this guy wasn't looking for marriage, but... And it sure sounded like she was more than just 'curious'.

Robert and Michelle didn't seem like 'kid' people, so Addie never bragged about our kids. It must have pained her.

After we paid the bill, we left Robert and Michelle's car and all rode to Addie's store in our van. The store was closed, but Addie had called Kayla asking if she wanted to meet us. She wasn't there yet when we got there, so Addie let us in and started showing Robert and Michelle around; all the local things they had, the mixture of good, quality antiques and new items, and where Kayla had started to get ready for the candy counter.

Robert and Michelle seemed more than a little impressed. A few minutes later, Kayla arrived and Addie introduced them to each other, explaining that Kayla is the store's manager, the best manager she had. She'd have to be since the Boise store is by far her largest. Kayla continued the tour of the store.

When Addie explained that she had three others, just smaller, Michelle suggested, "You should open a store in the Tri-Cities. I've never seen anything like this."

"Kind of hard, a little too far away."

"Wish you could, though. It'd do so good. I know it would. You know we have a big population, bigger than Boise, actually."

Addie laughed at the idea. "Afraid it's not gonna happen."

After the tour, we took them back to Shari's for their car and they promised they'd stop at our house after checking out of the hotel in order to put Tanya's pictures on her computer. Ahh, the pictures. I couldn't wait to see them.

T&T's flight was at three and it was already eleven-thirty, so we didn't have a lot of time. Robert said it would take just a few minutes and they'd be there.

Robert was good for his word. They were at our house only fifteen-minutes behind us. While he uploaded the pictures from his memory card onto Tanya's computer, Michelle changed her clothes. She'd taken her suitcase in and put her own on, leaving Addie's, and put her dress from the night before in her garment bag. After putting the pictures on Tanya's computer, Robert put them on Addie's as well. I think I mentioned that I was anxious to look at them. "I'll retouch the best of them and email them to you," he told Tanya and Tanner. "At least some for you to send to Playboy by tomorrow night."

Robert said they had about a six-hour drive, so as soon as the pictures were uploaded and Michelle was in her own clothes, they left for home. We all agreed to keep in touch and kissed all around. As soon as they left, we had to take T and T to the airport, then go pick up Kevin and Katie.

The kids were happy to see us but didn't want to leave Joanie's very bad. They'd been having too much fun playing games with Joanie. We left her two nice crisp hundred-dollar bills, straight out of our copy machine. Not really, they were real, from the bank.

After we got home, I mentioned my thought from earlier in the week that maybe we should look at a new van. Addie agreed as ours was twelve-years-old and had a lot of miles. We looked on Honda's website and discovered that they made a hybrid Odyssey that got almost fifty mpg. The hybrid was almost two-thousand dollars more and I told Addie that it would take a long time to make up that much difference.

"I think," Addie said, "We should... we'll put a lot more miles on it... if... I... have a boyfriend... in Kennewick."

I looked at her, dumbstruck. "Are you serious?"

She looked down, then back at me. "I think it would be fun... and I think you'd like it, too."

She was right, I would... I think. Part of me (the obvious part, about halfway down) would, but part of me would be freaked out of my mind. "When?" I asked her.

"I don't know. I'll have to call Michelle, I guess. I know it can't be next weekend. We start volleyball this week, practice starts tomorrow, in fact. And then we have that round-robin tournament next weekend, so it would have to be after that.

"Speaking of volleyball," she said, wanting to change the subject? "Nicki's going to play, too. She's going to be bringing her little angel here for you to watch while she's at practice." Nicki is the young black woman that Addie hired as manager for her new Mountain Home store. "She's anxious, and I am, too, to see what she can do."

Addie has had the dominant City volleyball team for the last several years. Kayla, over six-feet-tall, was the standout star on her college team, it's always been Addie's sport, and she has put together an outstanding team of the other girls, too; besides the fact that Addie's a damn good coach and player.

Plus, and this is the major thing about their team - those new uniforms! They'll be filling the little gym with spectators this year; black tights with heart-shaped cutouts all the way up the outside of the legs, sports bras with bare midriffs. They're going to be rejuvenating the sport of volleyball!

But, I digress. We were talking about a new mini-van, then a boyfriend, then got sidetracked to Addie's new sexy volleyball uniforms.

"When are you going to call Michelle?

"Later tonight, give them a chance to get home, at least. But the guy might not even be interested. I think she was probably exaggerating a little."

Oh, he'll be interested! I was pretty damned sure. Especially if she shows him one of those pictures of her and Tawns. Speaking of which, "Can we look at those pictures now?"

She laughed and told me, "Wait till the kids are in bed." Then, with a gleam in her eyes, "It'll be more fun, then."

I got down the Chutes and Ladders game, set it on the dining table and asked the kids, "Anyone want to play?"

The four of us played, must have been fourteen games, over the next couple of hours. Addie may enjoy her 'adult games' (so do I), but if there was any doubt where her real loyalties lie, it was dispelled with fourteen games of Chutes and Ladders with two kids squealing every time their man or girl landed on one of those chutes sliding back to the bottom of the board.
