After-World - Amanda's Story Ch. 00-01

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Introduction & Chapter 1.
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Part 1 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 08/17/2022
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Amanda's Story


This tale takes place in a future not to distant from now.

About 40 years prior to "now" in the main story, a rogue comet from another star system made it's way through our solar system, and the Earth passes through the radioactive debris from the tail of the comet every year.

Nothing strange was noticed at first, but about 8 years after the Comet, people started to notice changes in all the varied life forms on Earth. Some were physical, others were mental.

Aggression just to be "the Alpha" pretty much disappeared. They was still competition for some things, but nothing that ever got angry or dangerous for those involved. It was all just for individual betterment. In humans that might take the form of fierce Chess competitions, or athletic skill competitions, but never any violence. As sport, boxing and wrestling lost their thrill.

Across all species the physically unfit seemed to become more fit. Hippos and pigs for example, trimmed down and became nothing but bones, organs, and muscle. It also happened to the humans. Fat people slimmed down, and the weak became stronger. The already healthy and strong however didn't bulk up or anything they just had an easier time maintaining their physiques. "Working out" was no longer required for a healthy and toned body.

Body hair also disappeared on humans. Arm hair, leg hair, chest hair, pubic hair... all gone.

It soon became apparent however, that these changes were not all as great as it sounded. Because without the Alpha-drive that men had had before, they weren't as interested in power as they once were. Because of that loss of drive, women soon found themselves almost exclusively in the proverbial driver's seats of industry and politics.

Now, I know that some will say "It's about time, women are as good as men are!" or "Women are better than men" or other stuff... but... they didn't want the power either. They accepted it because of their nature to take care of things.

As time passed, more men dropped out of management positions and into labor roles, and women rose up into management.

After a few years of this, another change started to become noticed. Women's libidos increased. Their libidos became, across all women, equal to men's, and eventually surpassed them. Now women wanted sex more than men were ever even accused of wanting it.

One thing that didn't change much however, was general sexuality, there are still heterosexuals, homosexuals, and bisexuals... although bisexuals got a bit of a boost in percentage overall and heterosexuals lost some percentage points. Before the comet, the world was mostly heterosexual with some bisexual and some homosexual percentage making up the rest. After the comet it was about even between heterosexuals and bisexuals.

So with the women in power, they made some changes to the laws. None of which the men minded one bit.

So that women could exercise more control over all sexuality, the following laws and changes were enacted by the all female World Congress that had soon emerged, once the stupid wars had stopped:

1> So as to facilitate the enjoyment by women, of the male body, and specifically the penis - weather conditions permitting (temperature above 65 degrees Fahrenheit, and not raining), male nudity is required at all times, by males of all ages (once they have advanced beyond the need for diapers). Male nudity is always allowed, but is only required by the law in appropriate weather, for safety of the male.

1a> Exception to the Male Nudity law: Because a nude man will obviously be unable to have pockets, and therefore be unable to easily carry things like ID, cash (bills or coins) credit cards and the like, an over the shoulder small satchel is allowed, so long as the pouch rests on the hip opposite of the shoulder holding the satchel's strap. As the satchel is only necessary to replace pockets, the satchel shall be no larger than 6 inches wide (left to right) and no higher than 6 inches tall (top to bottom). The satchel may have a small pocket or two on the front of it that is/are semi-expandable (for keys and things that don't conveniently lay flat).

2> To help avoid confusion as to sexual preferences of the males as well as to declare which males are in closed or open relationships and which ones are free-agents not in any relationships - All males over the age of 18 will always wear color coded penis-rings* in the following color schemes: Males not in relationships will wear penis rings that are White (for straight males), light pastel (for gay males), or alternating white and light pastel striped (for bisexual males).

*Penis-ring refers to what is, in more sexual and vulgar circles, referred to as a "cock-ring", and will be worn with both the penis and testicles passed through it so that it lies flat against the male's body

Males in open relationships will wear a penis-ring that is striped with their orientation color and green bands alternating around the ring. Males in closed relationships will wear a penis-ring that matches their orientation color, but is striped with alternating black stripes in public. One penis-ring is to be provided free of charge to parents whose son is turning 16 (see rule 8 "Romeo & Juliet Exception" for reason for age discrepancy). Replacement and spare penis-rings will be available for sale in stores.

3> Women and girls will have the sole authority to decide if their relationships will be closed or open. In the spirit of equality though, that decision is binding on both men or boys and women or girls equally and alike. If the women or girls decide for an open relationship, the men or boys are allowed other relationships as equally as the women are allowed other relationships. If the relationship is homosexual in nature, they they must come to a consensus and decide together.

4> There shall be no more "men's" or "boy's" restrooms or locker rooms. All that were previously labeled as such will now just bear the terms "restroom" or "locker room". Women and girls are freely permitted to enter all restrooms and all locker rooms, Men and boys however are still barred from "women's" or "girl's" restrooms and locker rooms.

5> All people of both genders in relationships with men or boys, when they are out and about, together, in public, are allowed (and even encouraged) to lead their men or boys by holding the penises of their men or boys, in their hand... almost as if it were an attached leash. It will be the equivalent of simply holding hands, as far as the law is concerned. In male+male homosexual relationships, who holds whom is up to the males involved, if they even wish to practice this act in public.

6> Women and men over the age of 18 (who are not in closed relationships) are still free to approach each other to ask for dates and pursue relationships, as well as turn down offers of same. This is not some kind of female domination slave society.

7> While erections are permitted in public, because they occur sometimes without warning, and with penis-rings they occur more frequently and last over time, and being handled by their significant other they will simply occur... it's in their nature to do so... actual visibly witness-able sexual activity in public is not allowed.

8> "Romeo & Juliet" Exception: Girls and boys under the age of 18 are unlawful for men or women of any age above 18 to make advances toward, HOWEVER, girls and boys that are age 16 and 17, are free to approach noticeably available men/boys or women/girls that are at least 16 years of age but no more than four years older than they are, of their choosing, and are free to offer sex if they so choose. Boys that are 16 or 17 years old will be required to wear penis-rings as well, but to denote their under-age status, their rings will have red bands, alternating with bands of their orientation color, around it. Should the dating lead to a true relationship, the male will then procure a new penis ring with their orientation color band, their red (for under age) color band and either a green (for "open relationship") band or a black (for "closed relationship") band... all three alternating around the penis-ring

9> Most importantly, The successful implementation of the eradication of all diseases that were sexually transmitted in nature had been successful. We still have the Flu and the Common Cold, but AIDS and Herpes, Crabs and Syphilis, all those kinds of diseases... wiped out within a decade.

Chapter 1

The Tease

"What a beautiful Saturday morning!" I think as I look out the window of my condo.

Four floors below me, and off to one side, one of the maintenance guys, Jason, is going through his morning routine. I just love watching him work. He's got a gorgeous cock, and due to his cock-ring, it stays about half hard almost all the time.

Alas, I know it's just something I can enjoy looking at though, because, according to the color code on his cock-ring, he's gay. Too bad. Such a wast that no pussy will ever experience that beautiful thing.

Moving on, I scan the rest of the grounds that are visible from my window and I see another of the maintenance guys, working on something on the side of the building. His back is to me, but I'd recognize that cute ass anywhere. That's Chet.

I can't see it from this angle, but I know he's got a gorgeous cock too. I think that might have been a job requirement. The management agency, all women, must have only hired well hung guys.

'I want to have a little fun this morning, so I think I'm going to give Chet a little tease.' I think to myself. So I put on a cute little string bikini that barely covers what the law requires and then I check myself out in the mirror.

As I look in the mirror, I have to admit it to myself, I am quite a looker... face of a magazine cover-girl, flowing brunette hair that hangs half way down my back, pert 36C breasts that naturally ride close together on my chest giving maximum cleavage, nice flat stomach with just a hint of my abs, small waist and cute hips. The two triangles of the bikini top just barely manage to cover my areola, and, being unpadded, they don't do anything to hide my nipples at all. The little triangle of my g-string bottoms barely covers the slit between my outer labia at the top of my well toned dancer's legs. All that plus with my Italian and Spanish background, my skin is a beautiful caramel bronze year round.

'Damn,' I think to myself. 'I hope I don't give the man a heart attack!' as I tear myself away from my reflection, grab my keys and head down to the pool area, via a stairwell that will let me out right where Chet is working.

A few moments later just after I exit the building, I look Chet's way and say "Hey, Chet... how's it hangin'?" even though I can plainly see, now that I'm on the same side of him that it is, that it's hanging quite nicely.

Chet looks up at me, and when he sees me in my micro-bikini his dick immediately starts to react, beginning to rise like the sun. "F...f... fine, Miss Amanda" he stammers with a little embarrassment.

"Does that," I say, pointing at his rising dick, "mean you approve of my swimsuit?"

"Umm... I guess it does at that," he finally manages to get out after gulping for air for a few seconds.

"Too bad tenants are staff aren't allowed to fool around. I could have fun with that" I tell him as I walk past him, making sure that I pass by close enough that I can rub a finger along the length of his rising cock, causing him to shudder a little bit.

After I've passed him, I spin around and walk backwards for a few steps and say "see ya' around, Chet." Then I turn and walk the rest of the way to the pool.

Once I get to the pool, I see several of the other single ladies that live here, sitting in the poolside loungers getting a little morning sun, before it gets too hot. All of them are also wearing very revealing bikinis, and equally as pleasing to the eyes as I am. Several different hair colors and styles, but all with gorgeous bodies.

It only takes me a second of scanning the occupied chairs to find my roommate, Stephanie.

As I walk over to where she's sitting, I can't help but think how gorgeous she is too. We really are a pair. Me, looking like... well... me. And her, with her straight auburn locks that flow down all the way to the small of her back, her exotic facial features that come from being a mix of Japanese, Hawaiian, and Scandinavian, a mix which also gives her skin a not too dissimilar golden bronze color close to my own. As she breathes calmly, her buxom 34DD breasts strain the thin straps of her bikini top, and her toned abs ripple in concert.

When I get to her pool lounger she pipes up and says, "Hey Amanda, you here for the view too?" with a nod at Jason, and his beautiful, semi-hard dick.

"Yeah," I answer her. "Too bad it's all going to waste."

"What do you mean?" she asks.

"Well, you know he's gay, right?" I answer.

"Yeah, so what?" she redirects.

"Well, that means that there's no woman getting satisfaction from that dick," I explain. "I mean I know gay people love too and they have sex too, but it's just not the same. Dicks and pussies fit together like keys and locks, and it's sad that no lock will ever feel that key."

"Ohhh... I get it" she says. "You want him to fuck you. Well... you couldn't anyway. He's staff."

"Yeah... I know," I tell her. "I did, at least, have some fun on the way here though."

"Spill," she responds.

"Oh nothing Earth-shattering," I reply. "I just teased the hell out of Chet. Made him hard as steel, and he's got a gorgeous cock when it's hard. Better than Jason's who never gets hard around us." and I sigh a little.

Then after a beat, I continue, "Well, may as well get to enjoying the scenery here for a while"

"Yeah" Stephanie agrees as we turn our attention back to Jason and his completely unavailable, yet gorgeous dick.

After about half an hour of swinging dick watching, when Jason finishes up his pool duties and is putting away his supplies, Stephanie jolts me out of my reverie and asks, "So, what you got planned for today?"

"I don't know..." I say with a pause. "Maybe head to the beach, do some cock-watching. Maybe even pick up a guy and make his day. Why? Wanna join me?"

"Sure. Why not. It's been almost a week since I got laid. You gonna go in that?" she asks.

"Oh hell no. This is just for teasing the guys around here." I tell her. "I've got some normal ones I'd rather use for hitting the beach."

"Sounds like a plan" she says, and then she gathers up her things and I grab my keys, which was all I actually brought down with me.

As we walk back to my building, I see that Chet is still working by the door, his erection had disappeared, but I figured that I could remedy that.

"Hey Chet," I say as I get close.

When he hears me, he turns in my direction and I continue with, "Sorry about earlier. That was kind of mean. How about if I make it up to you?" and before he can respond, I move the triangles of my top so my nipples are exposed. Seeing me do this, and being equally devious, Stephanie exposes her nipples to him as well.

"Is she forgiven?" Stephanie asks, getting into the whole tease-apology.

"uhh... uhhh... yeah... forgiven" Chet says, as, once again, his dick raises itself to prominence for our visual feasting.

Stephanie smiles an looks at me, then says loud enough for Chet to hear, "you were right, he's got a beautiful woody."

Then after letting Chet ogle our nipples for a few seconds, we straighten our tops back up and head to the stairwell door giggling to each other about how easy it is to get men hard.

Shortly after we get to our place, Stephanie has already picked which bikini she'd like to wear and is already changed, but I'm still deciding, so to keep her occupied, I ask her "Did you know, there used to be a time when if a man showed his dick in public, he would be arrested... because apparently women didn't want to see them?"

"Seriously?" Stephanie responds. "That can't be true. You are making that up!"

"I'm not! I swear. Look it up on your Link," I tell her, referring to her personal portable GovNet access device that we all have that she's wearing on her wrist. Kind of a mix between an old fashioned smart-phone/watch combined with a laptop computer, with a 3-D holographic interface. "Search for 'indecent exposure' cross referenced with 'flashing'."

Once she gets to the command point she says: "Research. History. Indecent exposure, cross referenced with, flashing." and the Link shortly displays page after page, hovering over her wrist, on things like men in trench-coats flashing unsuspecting women... and the men getting in trouble for it.

While she's busy with that, I finally decide on a bikini for me. This one has slightly larger triangles that cover my boobs more, but still show my prominent nipples, and bottoms that are still sexy and bound to peak the interest of men, but I won't cut myself in half with the damned butt-floss of a g-string.

"I don't know how women back then lived..." Stephanie says once she's done confirming that I was right. "I mean, it says there that part of the reason for it being illegal was that women didn't like seeing men's dicks... well the literature said 'penises'... but you know what I mean."

"Yeah," I agree with her. "I love seeing dicks. I could look at dicks all day. But I love doing things with them too you know."

"Well, duhhh..." she says back to me with a laugh. "You ready? I want to go get a dick to play with already."

"Yeah, I'm ready," I tell her. The I grab my Link, strap it to my wrist, and head for the door, with Stephanie following behind. "Hit the lock, okay?"

"Got it." she tells me as she clicks the lock on the door.

As I'm parked on the other side of the building, we can't tease Chet, but that's okay, we're headed for the palace of the penises... the beach. Swinging cocks as far as the eye can see.

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RichardInTNRichardInTNover 1 year agoAuthor

Nowhere in the definition of the word "pert" does a reference to size appear.


adjective, pert·er, pert·est.

1 boldly forward in speech or behavior; impertinent; saucy.

2 jaunty and stylish; chic; natty.

3 lively; sprightly; in good health.

Definition #3 would be be the most apt description from with a little "saucy" from definition #1 thrown in.

Cyberweasel89Cyberweasel89over 1 year ago

I wonder why something like 90% of the exhibitionism/ENF female leads on this site are slender and with C-cup and under breasts? The anthropologist in me finds this strange tendency fascinating! Like, of all the writers on this site being able to create characters without the constraints of actresses, why is it that one specific body type is ubiquitus to one specific genre on Literotica? I have theories, but I don't have much method of researching this. Most authors aren't exactly keen to share their thought processes with their readers.

I'm a bit confused though. You described the MC's breasts as C-cup, but you then described them as "pert." I could understand "perky," but in erotica writing circles, "pert" when used on breasts is generally code for a polite and artsy description for "small," yet a C-cup is medium-sized.

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