Agreeing to Serve Pt. 02


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Nikki, meanwhile, had moved her own mouth from the Mistress's nipples to initiate an intimate kiss. After brushing her lips across those of her dominant, she had slowly run her tongue across the older woman's lips, before firmly pushing between them to open the older woman's mouth. Then her tongue had sought out its counterpart and finding it, had curled underneath it. Their lips now joined, Nikki allowed her fingers to play across the still damp nipple she had just released. She felt the Mistress react, the kiss returned as the two tongues began to circle each other. As the Mistress sighed without breaking the seal their mouths had created, the expelled air drifted down Nikki's throat and she savoured the feeling of a small part of her Mistress now being inside her body.

Nikki was now lying across her Mistress's chest having positioned herself in such a way that her mouth was slightly lower than the older woman's. The submissive had not let her weight rest on the dominant, but there was plenty of skin to skin contact which enabled the submissive to feel the tremors of the approaching orgasm as they began to ripple through Kay's body. She intensified the kiss and was rewarded as the Mistress let out a small groan, again without breaking the seal of the lips. The groans became more regular as Sally continued to focus on the clitoris in her mouth until the rippling waves became a tsunami and the dominant cried out in climax. Nikki finally broke the kiss but then resumed her tender lip to lip kisses. At the same time Sally began to plant tender kisses on the Mistress's labia. Kay savoured the slow descent from her orgasm as the two submissives treated her to a touching show of affection.

Eventually the dominant spoke. 'If that's what the two of you can manage with no practice, I can't wait to experience a repeat when you've had chance to plan how you double team another woman.' Both submissives felt the warm glow of satisfaction at her words.

'Nikki, be a dear and go fetch my robe, would you. I don't think I want to put my clothes back on just yet.' Nikki reacted immediately and bounced out of the room. As she did so, the Mistress beckoned Sally from her kneeling position. The two women embraced and the Mistress lowered herself so that their heads were on the same level, their breasts pressed together as their lips met in a tender kiss. Without warning, the Mistress adjusted her position so that her hand was able to reach between Sally's legs. The blonde felt the fingers separate her sopping wet labia and slowly creep inside her vagina. Instead of pulling away, she allowed her body to sink deeper into the embrace as she savoured the feeling of the dominant using her body.

'It seems you enjoyed that, my dear. Is it safe for me to assume you no longer have any inhibitions when it comes to your experience with other women?'

'Oh yes Mistress,' Sally answered. 'It's been so much more enjoyable than I would ever have expected. I even found the giving a huge turn on.'

Nikki re-entered the room carrying the robe she had collected. The Mistress thanked her and then ordered the two younger women to adopt the nadu position, which they did. Just then the sound of a car on the gravel drive drifted through the open window of the sitting room. The Mistress looked at her watch and muttered 'goodness, is that the time,' before turning to Sally.

'The next test of your submission approaches my dear. Let's see if you can live up to that commitment you've indicated to your tutor. Go and open the front door, walk out to the man who has just arrived and lead him back here to this room.'

If Sally was shocked she masked it well. 'Yes Mistress,' was all she said, before rising from her kneeling position, turning and heading out of the room. She paused imperceptibly with her hand on the door handle, then opened it and strode confidently outside. The man was just emerging from the driver's side of the car and he took a double take as he saw the naked stranger approaching.

'Hello Sir. Welcome to my Mistress's house. Please follow me.' Without waiting, she turned and started to move towards the doorway from which she had just emerged. Then she realised she couldn't hear the gravel under the visitor's feet and turned to see what had happened. James was standing stock still. His eyes were on stalks. He had detected Sally's movement as he had exited the car and had looked up expecting to see Nikki. To see someone else, naked and clearly submissive, had shocked him. In the short time she had faced him James's eyes had travelled from her pretty face to her ample bosom, down across her flat stomach and then to her groin, where her arousal still glistened on her labia and her upper thighs. Before he could savour the view, Sally had turned and presented him with the perfect view of her bottom. The combination of the front and back view had stunned him and James again found himself marvelling at how his wife continued to find submissives willing to fall under her spell. He was also thankful at his wife's current infatuation with female submissives after years of concentrating on men. Although he had adapted to his role in those relationships, he had to admit he preferred looking at the naked female form.

Sally uttered just one word, 'Sir?' making it into a question with the intonation of her voice. It appeared to jolt James from his reverie as he began to walk towards the house.

'I'm sorry my dear, you er..... took me by surprise. I was expecting someone else. Please lead on.'

As they entered the sitting room, Kay rose from the sofa, leaving Nikki kneeling in front of an empty seat. Without being instructed, Sally dropped to her knees next to Nikki and resumed her position. Neither of them could see what happened between the husband and wife but they heard everything.

'Hello darling,' Kay began. 'How was your game?'

'Oh fine, thanks,' James replied, slightly shocked at the mundane greeting given the circumstances. 'I was down at the turn but we stopped off at the halfway house and I showed Andy and Tom those pictures of Nikki. For some reason, they couldn't seem to concentrate on their game after that so I managed to win.' James had a broad smile on his face as he recounted the effect Nikki's pictures had had on his two friends. He stepped forward and stroked Nikki's hair. 'They are both keen to come round and meet you in the flesh, my dear.'

Nikki considered the prospect of two more strangers being invited round to take advantage of her. The thought that crossed her mind was that it merely provided her with another chance to show her superiors how well she could behave for them. 'I look forward to being given the opportunity to serve you and your friends, Master,' she said.

James chuckled, then turned back to his wife and asked 'And who is this new specimen you have here, my dear?'

'This is Sally,' replied the Mistress. 'She is from the hotel and has expressed an interest in being taught how to be a submissive. I've decided to allow Nikki the opportunity to train her. Your timing is perfect by the way. Sally has er, enjoyed, learning about how to pleasure a woman this morning. This afternoon I thought she should experience pleasing a man. Then, tomorrow, she will follow a day of pleasure with her first taste of pain. I'm planning a day of punishment for her. I find it's always good to get that out of the way early in the relationship. It leaves the submissive in no doubt as to what is in store for them if they fail to follow instructions. Though it seems I do have to give Nikki the odd reminder still.'

'Well I'm happy to be of assistance my dear. When did you want Sally here to get started?' James removed his jacket as though he was expecting an immediate interaction with Sally.

'I think we will have some lunch and then, perhaps, move out to the summer house,' the Mistress said as she moved back towards the two kneeling women.

'Nikki, Sally, why don't you go and see what you can rustle up for the four of us?' As the two submissives made their way to the kitchen, Sally marvelled at how easily the Mistress switched from sexually charged situations to the mundane aspects of life, such as lunch arrangements. She said as much to Nikki, who pointed out that once you were totally submersed into the D/s lifestyle, the 'sexually charged' situations as Sally had referred to them, were just another part of day to day life.

Lunch was eaten in the kitchen with the two submissives joining the husband and wife at the table. Nikki was now used to the idea of being seated, fully naked, alongside clothed people but to Sally it was a new and slightly odd experience. The conversation centred on her, with James asking about her background and both Kay and Nikki asking more questions about her submissive feelings. With lunch over and the two submissives clearing things away, the Mistress asked one final question of Sally.

'You mentioned that Dylan had suggested you serve as his submissive but that he has no experience as a dominant. Why do you think that is a problem, Sally?'

Sally thought before answering. She hadn't previously considered why it was a problem, she had just known on the Wednesday that, despite her feelings for the athletic young man, it wasn't what she wanted. 'I'm not entirely sure, Mistress. I know I want to be the best submissive I can be and I just think there is a danger that if we are both new to this lifestyle there will be lots of aspects to it that we won't know. By learning from someone experienced, I can be a better submissive. Ever since Wednesday I've been picturing a time when you feel I am ready to serve a group of your friends in the way that you offered Nikki to them at the end of the night. I don't think I'd be confident in that situation if I'd just fooled around with Dylan for a few weeks.'

'You have admirable ambitions Sally. Now, if you're both done with the lunch things, let's see how you handle something a little different. Let's reconvene in the summer house.' With that, the Mistress turned and headed into the garden, closely followed by her husband who started up a conversation the two younger women were unable to hear.

Nikki and Sally entered the summer house moments later to find Kay and James seated on the larger of the two sofas. Both submissives experienced a flash back to Wednesday, with Nikki bent over the sofa being fucked by Rob, one of the Mistress's circle of D/s friends. For Nikki, it made her vagina tingle and reminded her that she had still not fully recovered from her punishment two days previously. For Sally it reawakened her desire to be offered to multiple dominants as their plaything. She still couldn't quite believe she had alluded to that very fantasy out loud in the kitchen minutes before, the thought making her realise how difficult it was to do anything other than speak the truth of her feelings when in the Mistress's presence.

Dragging themselves back to the present both submissives dropped to their knees in front of the couple on the sofa. The Mistress smiled at the way in which Sally had settled so easily into what was expected of her. But what was to come would be another test of her resolve to truly submit.

'As I mentioned earlier, today will largely be a day of pleasure for you Sally. Tomorrow you will experience a more painful side to life as a submissive. I have chosen to do things this way around deliberately. There is always a danger that if the pain comes first you would quit. By experiencing some of the pleasures your submission can bring, it puts the pain in context and makes it more bearable.'

The Mistress continued, 'you may ask why there needs to be pain. You have said all the right things about being the perfect submissive and why would the perfect submissive ever need to be punished? Well, sometimes you will be punished for no other reason that your dominant's entertainment. There are some dominants who enjoy inflicting pain on their submissives. It gives them an extra buzz to know that the submissive is willing to accept that from them before they reach the more pleasurable activities. Nikki here has met a master of the art, haven't you my dear?'

There was a momentary pause. Nikki had thought the question was rhetorical, but the silence suggested otherwise. She looked up at the Mistress, who looked questioningly back at her. 'Have I Mistress?' the submissive asked.

'Why yes, my dear. Sarah. Not only did she test you that night at the restaurant, she also gave you a hint of what it is like to be in her service. That level of punishment is normal for submissives serving her. That is why she gets through so many, she breaks them. Not all dominants are as easy to live with as me, little ones.' The Mistress smiled as she underlined how reasonable she was.

'Just to finish off on the subject of punishments, even the most perfect submissives will err on occasions and that is why you will always be punished Sally. The punishment reinforces the learning and ensures you remember those times you fall short, helping you in your quest for perfection. Just look at Nikki here. I've said before, I think she has the makings to be the best submissive I have ever met, yet she made a huge error of judgement on Wednesday and suffered the punishment for it the day after. So you will be punished and tomorrow we will learn whether that is something you can handle. As an incentive, if you manage to get through what I have planned for you, then before you leave tomorrow evening I will have a special surprise in store for you. One that I hope you will enjoy.' Everyone in the room was surprised to hear this news. No one was aware of what the Mistress had planned but all knowing her in different ways, they all knew it would be something interesting.

'But enough about punishment. Today there is pleasure on the agenda. Now, I think we can safely say you enjoyed your first experience of same sex pleasure earlier?' The Mistress paused and looked down at Sally, who raised her head to meet the Mistress's gaze and nodded enthusiastically. 'This afternoon it's time for a slightly more common activity in the life of a female submissive. Let's see how well you can service a cock with your mouth. And remember Sally, you will experience this a lot if you continue down the submissive path you have chosen, so I strongly recommend you learn to enjoy giving head for your dominants.' Another pause and then to her husband, 'James, are you ready?'

'Absolutely my dear,' he replied, springing from the sofa.

'Sally,' the Mistress continued, 'remove his clothes and get to work.'

'Yes Mistress,' Sally answered, shuffling forward until she knelt directly in front of the man she was now expected to fellate. Sally had known this moment would arrive and she was nervous, never having taken a man in her mouth before. The blonde knew she was attractive and had a body that some men desired, though she was conscious she was not as thin as some, nature having decided she would have full breasts and pronounced hips. Although she was inexperienced when it came to sex, both her previous partners had appeared to be satisfied with her sexual performance, but they had both used her pussy, not her mouth. As she reached forward to unbuckle James's belt, she hoped she would not disappoint on her first time giving oral sex, especially as it was clear the Mistress and her mentor would both be watching her performance.

With the belt unbuckled, Sally opened the trousers and pulled them down, allowing them to pool around the older man's ankles. Then she realised that in her nervous eagerness she had forgotten to take off his shoes. Shuffling back and bending lower, Sally addressed her mistake before raising first one foot, then the other to lift James's feet and ankles free of his trousers. Returning to her starting position she looked up at his underwear. James wore tight cotton boxers which were tented at the front by his erect penis. Sally smiled in the knowledge that she was the reason for the erection and reaching up she carefully lifted the waistband of the underwear over the straining penis. As James's member sprang free Sally paused momentarily. Although he was only just bigger than average length at a little over six inches, the penis that was just above her eye level was the thickest Sally had ever seen.

Nikki was also looking at James's manhood, but for a different reason. She knew James would be the first real test of her anal training. As the thought ran through her head, she was suddenly reminded of the butt plug and her sphincter muscle involuntarily tightened around it. The ease with which she had taken to the presence of the plug in her bottom had lulled her into a false sense of security. Seeing James and being reminded of just how thick his cock was, Nikki began to realise she still had a lot of training to complete before she would be able to accommodate him.

Unaware of the thoughts running through the head of her mentor, Sally completed the task of removing James's underwear. She was unsure as to whether she should remove his jumper and shirt and so as a halfway measure she raised herself on her haunches until her mouth was level with the erect penis and kissed the head, from which a small amount of pre cum had already appeared. Sally then ran her tongue along the underside, opening her mouth as best she could as she did so. As her tongue moved towards the base of the cock, the head moved into her waiting mouth. With the helmet fully inside her, Sally then met the first resistance as the circumference of the shaft behind the head increased to such a size as to fill the opening of her mouth. Sally moved her head back and closing her lips fully around the head, gave a long suck as she fully withdrew. There was a popping sound as the penis fell completely from her mouth.

Sally stood and grasped the bottom of James's jumper. He realised what she was about to do and raised his arms to assist. Sally deliberately moved closer and allowed her breasts to brush against James's chest as she lifted the jumper up and away. Then, still holding the garment, she moved in and kissed him sensually on his lips. The jumper discarded, Sally repeated the process with the polo shirt that remained as James's final piece of clothing. This time her breasts brushed his naked flesh, her nipples rock hard as she savoured the growing excitement of the situation. Had she been able to consider her feelings, she would have realised that one of her fears, the need to be naked in front of multiple people, was actually contributing to her excitement levels. But Sally was too focused on pleasing her first male dominant and she again closed in to kiss the waiting mouth as she lifted the polo away.

Dropping back to her knees, Sally took a deep breath and opened her mouth. This time she tried to relax her muscles to take more of the waiting penis and although she managed to accommodate a small amount of the shaft, she was soon pulling her head away again as she became overwhelmed by the need to gag. A small amount of drool left her mouth and fell onto her chest. Sally rocked back onto her heels and tried to compose herself. To buy some time, she grasped the penis and began to play the foreskin back and forth over the head, something she had done for her first boyfriend on a number of occasions before they had gone the whole way. James sighed as she increased the pace but Sally knew she had been instructed to fellate him and so she allowed herself only a few more moments before bringing her mouth back to the waiting penis. 'Third time lucky' she thought as she felt the head pass behind her teeth and into her mouth.

She tried to hold the penis longer, but the need to gag returned. His penis was so thick she felt it would be impossible to take him any deeper and with the thickness completely filling her mouth it seemed there was no room for Sally to work her tongue along his shaft. She tried to persevere but she could no longer ignore the gag reflex and she quickly withdrew, coughing and spluttering as more drool fell onto her breasts.
