Agreeing to Serve Pt. 02


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'It seems you may need to work on your technique a little Sally.' The Mistress had stepped forward from her position on the sofa and touched the naked submissive on the shoulder as she spoke, prompting Sally to look at her. 'It was a slightly unfair request for your first time. James is much thicker than the average after all.'

'I'm sorry Mistress,' Sally said, looking up at the kindly face in front of her.

'Not to worry, I'm sure we will be able to improve your technique. Nikki, why don't you show Sally how it is done.'

'Yes Mistress,' Nikki replied, shuffling forward to take Sally's place.

'Come, my dear,' the Mistress said to Sally, beckoning her to stand and then leading her to the sofa, where they both sat.

Nikki wasted no time and having grasped the waiting penis in her right hand, she pumped it rapidly a few times to return it to full hardness. Then she worked her tongue along the underside, focusing on the sensitive areas under the helmet. When she sensed James was sufficiently worked up, she opened her mouth and fully relaxed her jaw, taking just the head inside. Closing her lips around him, she worked her tongue on the underside while the vacuum of her lips added to the sensations rippling through the cock. After a couple of minutes, she again relaxed and then gradually moved her head forward, allowing the penis passage to her throat. It was difficult as James was very thick, but Nikki had the advantage of no gag reflex, her regular practice having defeated the body's natural tendency to resist large objects passing down the throat.

Sally gasped as she watched Nikki's nose nestle into the small amount of pubic hair above James's shaft. The Mistress lent towards her and whispered 'it's not easy, but it is possible. Nikki will teach you.' As they watched, Nikki withdrew her head and the emerging penis glistened with the saliva she had deposited along its length.

'Very good. I'd suggest we take a break and allow Nikki to start teaching Sally in the art of fellatio. I think maybe two hours this afternoon ladies, that should give you time to make some progress. We will have a repeat performance with Sally after dinner and see if there are any noticeable changes to her technique. But in the meantime, I think it's a little unfair to leave my husband in that state, don't you?' Kay gestured towards her husband, who stood naked in the middle of the room with his penis twitching as though reaching out for stimulation. 'James, how would you like these two ladies to bring you to orgasm? And before you ask, asses are off limits.'

'What is that saying, a change is as good as a rest? As much as I adore Nikki's holes, well the two I've been allowed so far, I'd like to make use of Sally's pussy please.' James stepped forward and stroked Nikki's hair, adding 'I'm sorry my dear, but I'm sure you will have many more chances to satisfy me. And besides, I understand we need to allow you more time to heal.'

'Thank you Master,' said Nikki in reply as she started to shuffle, still kneeling, towards the Mistress on the sofa. Sally rose and stepped towards James, taking Nikki's place. There was a momentary pause as Sally waited for instructions.

Nikki came to her rescue. 'Sally, you need to ask your dominant how he would like to take you. As the submissive it is your duty to identify his desires and make them a reality.'

'I'm sorry, I didn't know,' the young blonde replied.

'Never say that,' Nikki replied in a forceful voice. 'You should never make excuses. If you do something to upset your dominant, you will be punished, it doesn't matter if there were any mitigating circumstances. I will punish you later for that, though as it is your first day I will go easy on you.' Nikki paused and looked at the Mistress, 'if that is ok Mistress?' she asked.

'Sally is your submissive when it comes to discipline, Nikki. It is up to you how she is disciplined. But yes, on this occasion, I would tend to agree some leniency wouldn't be out of place.' The Mistress smiled kindly at Nikki as she spoke.

Sally watched the exchange in silence, wondering what it was going to be like to have Nikki tutoring her and administering her corrective punishments. Her thoughts were brought back to the task in hand by James clearing his throat. She sidled up to him, approaching from his right side, until his arm nestled in her cleavage and his thigh pressed against her freshly shaved pubic mound, Sally using the touch of his skin against her pubic mound as the trigger to wrap her legs around his. Then she grasped his penis in her right hand and turning her head up towards his face, she whispered 'how would you like to fuck your submissive, Master?' She felt the penis in her hand twitch and harden, sensing that her words had triggered the reaction.

James looked down at the statuesque blonde and marvelled at the way in which she had apparently taken to her submissive role. Here was an attractive, young woman who could have had men her own age twisted around her little finger and yet her focus appeared to be on serving others and being used for their pleasure. He knew the appeal of the submissive role, after all James was submissive when interacting with just his wife, but he was still surprised at how quickly Sally had embraced her position. Indeed, as he thought about it, Nikki had not been slow in realising that is where her greatest desire lay either.

James raised his left hand and closed his fingers around Sally's chin and cheeks, positioning her face as he wanted it. Then he lowered his head and kissed her roughly, pushing his tongue between her lips where it met little resistance. Breaking the kiss, he muttered 'much as I'd like you on all fours to take from behind, I'm going to save that for another day. You will need to get used to serving us as a couple, my dear, so we might as well start as we mean to go on. On your back and spread your legs.'

Sally moved into position immediately, lying at James's feet on the rug that covered the wooden floor of the summer house. She looked up at the middle aged man in front of her and spread her legs wide, conscious that he would be able to see her arousal glistening around the entrance to her vagina. Sally was no longer conscious of the other two women present as she watched James lower himself and waited for him to penetrate her. It was several months since she had last made love with a man and this already felt so much more exciting than anything she had experienced previously. As she opened her legs a little more, she realised she had made the right choice in confessing to the Mistress all of her submissive longings. Sally sighed as she felt the head of the thick penis presented to her labia and savoured the feeling as James's first thrust took him deep into her vagina. It felt like a tidal wave rushing towards her womb and she trembled with anticipation as he withdrew prior to the second thrust.

The feeling was more intense than the first thrust as James buried himself inside Sally, the submissive throwing her head back as she felt his pubic bone press into hers. With her eyes open, she suddenly saw the Mistress removing her robe and positioning her legs either side of the blonde's head, before squatting down and bringing her labia to the waiting mouth of the young submissive. Almost instinctively, Sally's tongue parted the labia and danced around the older woman's vaginal walls as she felt the thickness of James's penis stretch her with his next thrust. Sally knew it wouldn't take long for her orgasm to arrive and when she felt the Mistress pinch her nipples and James's thumb flick across her clitoris, she cried out as the climax hit her. The Mistress felt the blonde's orgasm and smiled at how quickly it had arrived. She signalled to her husband, who had felt Sally clench her pelvic muscles as her orgasm took her by surprise. The dominants eased off the stimulation and allowed the young submissive to gently climb down from the peak of her excitement, before gradually winding things up again. This time Sally felt sharp pain as the Mistress squeezed her nipples, whereas before the action had only increased her arousal. Sally cried out, though the fact her mouth was clamped around the Mistress's vagina meant no one could hear her.

It took Sally a few minutes to realise the Mistress was using the younger woman's breasts as a means of communication, the dominant's thighs clamped firmly on Sally's head covering her ears and preventing audible instructions. By the time she worked out a pinched nipple meant she was not providing the desired stimulation, a kneading of her breast meant she was getting better and a gentle flick of the nipple communicated the Mistress's pleasure, James's steadily pistoning penis and his persistent rubbing of her clitoris had taken Sally back to the edge of another orgasm. This time she felt she was better able to ride the edge of the waves of pleasure that washed through her young body and it was only a particularly strong thrust, timed to coincide with a pinching of her clitoris that drove Sally to her second orgasm. As she recovered, she realised she had never been in control and it had been her Master who had decided on the timing of her climax.

Still the older couple showed no signs of being sated as they continued to use the more than willing body underneath them. After a few minutes, the Mistress raised herself and Sally heard her speak. 'Nikki, I'm sure you are felling a little left out. Why don't you take my place for a while?' As Nikki appeared over Sally's head, the Mistress added 'No cumming though!'

Sally realised immediately that Nikki was aroused, her juices almost cascading from her vagina as Sally opened her mentor's labia with her tongue. As Nikki settled into position, James changed the angle of his entry to ensure each thrust of his hips now ran his penis against Sally's clitoris. As her third orgasm started to build, she didn't realise the Mistress was now straddling her torso, standing with a foot either side of the prone blonde in such a way that her pussy was immediately in front of Nikki. The more experienced submissive needed no instruction and eased the moist lips apart to clamp her mouth around the Mistress's aroused clitoris. Whether consciously or not, the three women settled into a rhythm that saw Nikki increase the pressure applied to the Mistress's clit in time to the stimulation her own clitoris received. It was a sense of huge pride to Nikki when the Mistress climaxed on her tongue, the feeling warming her from the chill breeze that played on the sweat glistening on her skin as she revelled in the fact she had been the one to deliver the Mistress's orgasm.

Just as Nikki sensed her own orgasm developing, the Mistress beckoned to her to rise and she reluctantly complied. She listened to what the Mistress had to say and then moved to perform as instructed, watching the Mistress also whispering to her husband as his penis played with the clitoris in front of him. Sally was on the edge by this point, the physical waves of pleasure from the penis constantly rubbing its length along her clitoris matched by the feelings that passed through her body as every muscle reacted to the building crescendo. Suddenly the stimulation of the penis on her clitoris stopped, replaced by the thick shaft again spreading her wide as it buried itself deep in her vagina. Sally's sense of disappointment was short-lived, however, as she felt a finger suddenly exploring her bottom and a pressure against her anal ring. She gasped, which seemed to trigger James's climax and as Sally felt his warm semen splash into the walls of her vagina, the finger defeated her sphincter and penetrated her anus. It was enough to trigger her third orgasm, this one unbelievably the most intense of the three with wave after wave of pleasure cascading through her body. She arched her back and cried out, her action pushing both the invading objects deeper into her body and triggering another feeling new to her, as each wave of pleasure seemed to reach into the extremities of her body in such a way as to make every nerve end tingle.

When she finally felt her muscles relax as the ripples subsided, she suddenly felt cold lying naked on the rug and her sense of isolation was compounded by the realisation the penis and finger had both been removed from her orifices. Sally curled herself into a foetal position and felt a dribble of semen escape from her pussy. She couldn't believe the level of pleasure she had just experienced, dwarfing anything she had felt in her previous sexual encounters and reinforcing her decision to submit to the control of the Mistress and her entourage. Utterly content, she drifted off to sleep to the sound of the other three people present whispering, no doubt about her.

When she woke, Sally found herself in a bed. She had no recollection of how she had arrived there and as her brain slowly began to take in her surroundings leaving the confusion of sleep behind, she realised from the light she saw creeping around the blinds that covered the window close to her side of the bed that it must be morning. Her next realisation was that she was naked. Sally never slept without her PJs and the sudden realisation of the lack of clothing caused her to bring her knees to her chest and curl into a ball.

'Well, hello sleepy head.' She heard the voice and a feeling of panic began to spread through her. She didn't recognise where she was, she was naked and there was someone else in the room. She slowly rolled onto her back so that she could look for the source of the voice. As her eyes locked onto Nikki's, memories slowly started to return to Sally. She remembered arriving at the grand house, disrobing in front of the two women, the afternoon of pleasure that had ensued and finally the most earth-shattering series of orgasms she had ever experienced. Then she remembered the feeling of James's semen coating her vagina as he had exploded inside her and a look of sudden fear spread across her face.

'What is it?' Nikki asked, seeing the change in the blonde's expression.

'Last night. I had unprotected sex and he came inside me. I've never done that before. What should I do?' Sally had heard of the morning after pill but had no idea how to go about getting one.

'Don't worry, I checked with the Mistress. James is infertile. That's why they've never had any children. If you became pregnant after last night, it would truly be an immaculate conception. And you needn't worry about any STIs either. Everyone in this little circle you're being introduced to is very careful and gets tested if they have sex with any outsiders. If you're going to stick with this lifestyle we'll arrange for some birth control so that you can give yourself to all the men you'll encounter without any worries on the baby front.' Nikki remembered her conversation with the Mistress on exactly the same topic as she communicated what she had learnt to Sally.

The look of panic slowly faded from Sally's face though she continued to hug herself, embarrassed to be naked in the presence of her mentor, even after the events of the previous day.

'Now, we never got chance to discuss things last night. How was your first experience of submission?' Nikki asked as she settled onto the bed next to Sally. The contrast between the two was obvious, Nikki clearly used to her state of exposure making no attempt to cover her nudity while Sally quickly pulled the covers over herself. Nikki didn't comment on her actions, though she began to wonder if Sally was having second thoughts.

Sally, for her part, was again reliving the events of the previous day. There was silence in the room as she replayed the highlights reel in her mind and then she looked at Nikki and said simply, 'it was the most amazing day of my life.'

'Well, I can't promise every day will be like that, but I'm relieved you enjoyed it.' Nikki allowed a broad smile to spread across her face and she saw Sally visibly relax. 'But don't forget, yesterday was all about pleasure. Today you will get to experience the other side of the submissive lifestyle. Pain and punishment. Hopefully, if you're a well behaved submissive, you won't experience this side of things often, but the Mistress wants you to know exactly what you're getting yourself into. Are you ready for day two?'

'Yes Ma'am,' Sally responded, using the deferential words of the submissive for the first time that morning as she slowly pushed the bedcovers aside.

'OK. Well, you can come with me and help prepare breakfast, then we can report to the Mistress and see exactly what she has planned. I was given a special dispensation today; breakfast was to be served as soon as I'd had chance to check that you were ok after yesterday, but I was under strict orders not to wake you. I take it I'm safe to tell the Mistress you're still interested in the submissive lifestyle?'

'Yes, absolutely. Being honest, I'm terrified about what today has in store but I'm also curious. I feel like a little girl watching something scary on the TV; covering my face but then taking an occasional peak because I really want to see.' Sally was standing now, having just pulled the covers back over the bed. She resisted the temptation to cover herself and allowed her arms to hang by her sides as she walked around the bed to join the more experienced submissive by the door. She suddenly realised the remnants of the previous night's activities were still on her body, the dried semen on her upper thighs and the feel of the juices that had flowed from both her mentor and her Mistress covering her cheeks and chin. Sally stopped and asked if she could clean herself.

'No, little one. You look adorable just the way you are. I'm sure the Mistress would like to see you like that.' Nikki turned and opened the door. Day two was about to begin.

Once the breakfast had been eaten and cleared away the Mistress informed the two submissives that she would meet them in the dungeon at 11am. Checking the time, Nikki realised they had just under half an hour free, presumably to allow the Mistress to shower and dress. She decided to take Sally back to their room for a little coaching. Sitting the blonde on the bed and then taking the place immediately beside her, Nikki began to speak.

'Today will be difficult for you Sally. You haven't done anything to deserve a punishment but you will receive one none the less. What you need to keep your mind focused on is that your Mistress will take pleasure in using your body in this way. By allowing her to do these things to you, you will be doing your duty as her submissive and making her happy. Never lose sight of that, even if you think it is unfair. And if it all gets too much, you can use your safe word. Does that make sense?

'Yes Ma'am,' Sally replied almost immediately. Over breakfast she had grown more excited about what the day had in store, the submissive feelings returning as she interacted with the Mistress and became more accustomed to being naked around the house. The little pep talk from Nikki had ripped the excitement away and Sally now felt nothing but foreboding at what she was about to experience. Nikki started to explain some of the things that were likely to happen to her, but Sally wasn't taking much in. She was starting to picture herself crying out her safe word and being unable to do what they wanted of her. By the time the appointed hour arrived, she was beginning to shake with fear. Nikki saw her and gave her a hug, telling her that it probably wouldn't be anywhere near as bad as her imagination was telling her it would be. Sally wasn't convinced.

The two submissives were the first to enter the basement dungeon and each hesitated as their eyes became accustomed to the artificial light and saw the entirety of the room they were in. Nikki was remembering her last visit and the lesson she had been given, her vagina tingling as she thought of the pain it had endured. Sally was merely shocked at the size and scale of the dungeon, her eyes travelling from one piece of equipment to the next as her mind tried to conjure images of what each would be used for. Nikki gave the young woman a little time to take it all in before indicating to her that she should kneel at the foot of the stairs. When Nikki was happy with Sally's position, the more experienced submissive knelt by her side as they both waited for their Mistress.
