Agreeing to Serve Pt. 02


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They didn't have long to wait. A shaft of light was cast from the top of the stairs as the door was opened, though it soon disappeared to be replaced by the sound of the Mistress descending. 'Oh what a lovely view,' the Mistress said as her two waiting submissives came into view. She strode across to the two women kneeling in front of her and began to gently stroke Nikki's hair.

'It was your turn in here not that long ago kitten. I hope you remember what I taught you that day?' The stroking of the hair was a sensual act but the words had a hard edge to them. As she finished speaking, she found herself behind Nikki and she suddenly grabbed a handful of the chestnut hair and pulled sharply, eliciting a yelp from the submissive. With Nikki's face now turned up, the Mistress stepped to her said and continued, 'tell me, kitten.'

'That no matter what, I must always ask for permission to cum Mistress.' Nikki was wincing at the pain emanating from her scalp but if she thought her answer would end her torment, she was wrong, The Mistress pulled down harder, prompting Nikki's eyes to lock on those of her Mistress.

'What else?' the Mistress demanded.

Nikki was confused. She quickly tried to work out what else the Mistress wanted to hear. 'Er, that serving you comes before my own pleasure, Mistress.'

'Very good kitten,' the Mistress replied, before again pulling on the hair in her hand. 'What else?'

'Please Mistress,' Nikki now cried out, desperate for the constant pull on her scalp to end, 'I don't know.'

'Think harder then kitten. Or would you rather I remind you with some more strokes of the belt across your pussy?'

'No Mistress. I'm sorry Mistress.' She paused, thinking of that morning when she had been put through the extremes of pleasure and pain. Suddenly the Mistress's words came back to her. 'You taught me that you own my orgasms Mistress. In the same way as you own my body.'

'Excellent kitten. You did remember.' The Mistress released the submissive's hair and Nikki's head fell forward. She was tempted to bring her hand to her head but thought better of it and resumed her position with her hands behind her back.

The Mistress walked slowly across to Sally who was still staring at Nikki, shocked by the change in demeanour of the dominant. The older woman had shown a tender, caring side to her nature the previous day, whereas this treatment of her submissive had been cruel. For the first time she felt scared at what lay ahead. The Mistress stroked the blonde head for several moments before reaching down, placing her hand under Sally's chin and raising her head until their eyes locked.

'You experienced the pleasure of being a submissive yesterday, little one. Today will be a very different experience and a test of whether you truly have the commitment to give yourself to someone. Don't think I'm going to go easy on you just because it is your first time. As you've just seen, belonging to me means you can never rest easy. Nikki here is the best submissive I have ever encountered and yet she still must remain on her toes, eager to learn and to retain the knowledge she learns. Do you think you would be able to live your life like that, never knowing for certain whether you have pleased your dominant sufficiently to avoid being punished?'

'I don't know Mistress,' Sally replied. 'I honestly don't know. But I would like to find out.'

'That's a good answer little one. I like honesty. Now, it is time for your education to continue.' The Mistress stepped back. 'Nikki, adopt the position on the island. Show Sally how we want her.' Nikki rose and walked the short distance to the kitchen island in the centre of the room. Then she draped herself across it, lowering her arms and legs into position alongside the retainer loops in the corner posts.

The Mistress beckoned Sally towards the prone submissive. 'You see how she is positioned my dear. We are going to start with some attention for that lovely bottom of yours. Note those metal loops. They are there for when I need to restrain someone. I'm not going to do that to you to begin with but if you resist me, I will. This first part of your introduction to pain and punishment won't be too severe and anyone wishing to become a submissive should be able to cope with it, so I'm therefore not going to allow you to use your safe word. It is important you get to the end. Nikki, up please. It's time for Sally to take your place.'

Sally was trembling as she stepped forwards. The Mistress's words echoed in her head; there would be no safe word. Yet despite everything, she trusted the older woman and somehow knew deep down that she would be able to take whatever was in store for her. Looking down at the leather effect top of the island, Sally slowly moved into position and bent at the waist. She had expected the surface to be cool to the touch of her stomach but it wasn't, no doubt due to Nikki having warmed it. Leaning forward her breasts made contact with the fabric, her nipples hard as they anticipated what was to come. Wriggling slightly to position herself as required, Sally felt some discomfort in her breasts as they became trapped between her body and the padded surface.

'Perfect. You know I'd almost forgotten just how nice a bottom you have, little one,' the Mistress said as she approached. 'Nikki, why don't you run upstairs and fetch a couple of cushions. I think we should raise the height of this ass just a little.'

'Yes Mistress,' Nikki replied without hesitating, as she made her way towards the staircase. To Sally it felt like hours as she waited for Nikki to return, her body laid out waiting for its first punishment. She could sense the Mistress standing close to her and almost willed the dominant to touch her, but to no avail. When she heard the footsteps on the stairs she let out a sigh of relief that her waiting would soon be coming to an end.

'Lift your hips Sally,' the Mistress commanded. Sally complied, tensing her stomach muscles and raising her hips from the island. She felt the softness of the cushion against her thighs as it was moved into position and then she lowered her body back into place. Her bottom was indeed raised and for the first time that day she felt vulnerable, the position combined with her lack of clothing suddenly making her realise that these two strangers, for despite the day before that is what they both were, could do anything they wanted to her. But as she contemplated her position, she realised it was no longer fear she was experiencing but excitement at the thought of them using her body for their pleasure.

Sally flinched when, without warning, the Mistress laid her hand on the submissive's left buttock. At first the hand did nothing other than rest in its place. Then, as the Mistress sensed the body beneath her hand relax, it began to slowly and sensually stroke the buttock, moving from the curve at the top where the lower back ended down to the fold of skin where the buttock became the upper thigh. As the hand then moved sideways and began to climb back up, Sally felt fingers curling into her bottom crack and slowly pulling the buttocks apart. The blonde submissive sighed as her body was manipulated, the last remnants of the tension in her body dissipating as she lay her head back down on the fabric of the island cover.

The slap caught her by surprise, the tenderness of the initial contact having lulled her into a false sense of security. It was more playful than punishing, causing her no pain but still in sharp contrast to the caress that had preceded it. She was more prepared for the second, delivered with a little more force. The third followed soon after and this was the first that made her catch her breath. Then, suddenly, the tender caress returned on her right buttock. The process was repeated save that, because of the Mistress's position to the left of Sally, it was her thumb that dipped between the buttocks and gently pulled the cheeks apart.

After the third slap to her right buttock, Sally sensed the Mistress move away. Her vision was restricted by her position on the island, but Sally was able to make out the Mistress moving towards the large cupboard that stood to the right of the St Andrew's Cross at the far end of the room. She couldn't see the Mistress take out a pair of thin, leather gloves which she donned as she stepped back to the waiting body. The gloves were intended to provide a new sensation for Sally while protecting the Mistress's hand from the more prolonged assault that was to come.

The Mistress started gently but each smack increased in intensity. Her hand was expertly shaped to make perfect contact with the submissive's waiting skin, the slight cupping of her palm helping to make the sound from each smack reverberate around the room. By the time the count reached double figures, Sally was beginning to wriggle after each blow as she attempted to lessen the stinging sensations that accompanied the reddening of her skin. Yet despite the growing discomfort, she was enjoying the experience. The warmth that radiated out from the contact points on each buttock suddenly began to spread not just across her bottom but throughout her whole body as she encountered subspace for the first time, though it was only from sharing her experiences with Nikki afterwards that she learnt what the feeling represented.

Unbelievably Sally realised she was starting to feel the beginnings of an orgasm. She had never realised it was possible for such a thing to happen without direct contact on her clitoris, yet here she was feeling her arousal increase as her bottom was smacked. Just as she felt the waves of pleasure begin to ripple through her body, the rhythmic pattern of the blows was broken and her buttocks clenched as if appealing to the missing hand to return to its ministrations.

Unbeknownst to the two submissives, the Mistress was also experiencing a mix of emotions. She really didn't want to stop what she was doing as the feeling of control she lived for as a dominant was always so much stronger with a new submissive and she wanted to savour that feeling for as long as possible. A number of acquaintances in the lifestyle had expressed their surprise over the years at the fact the Mistress rarely included herself in the sexual aspect of the scenes she so carefully orchestrated. Yet for the Mistress, the sexual arousal was secondary to the pleasure she derived from being in control. As a successful entrepreneur, she often got a buzz from completing deals or, over a longer time span, from making decisions and seeing how they played out in terms of either company performance or that of employees she promoted, encouraged and mentored. And because she was good at what she did, she also made money from the success of her various ventures.

It had taken her some time to realise she could experience the same feelings of pleasure in her life away from work. She had stumbled on the D/s dynamic almost by accident but as soon as she adopted the dominant persona for the first time, she realised it had the capacity to deliver all she loved from her business activities and more. The same feelings of pleasure from the control dynamic, coupled with the intimacy of being so close to another person and the knowledge that the person trusted you implicitly. It was an intimacy she could never match in the business world.

Removing her hand from the naked buttocks presented in front of her seemed to break the flow of pleasure that had coursed through her veins. In her early days as a dominant, the Mistress had ensured her submissive delivered an orgasm for the dominant, but it hadn't taken long for her to realise the orgasm was an anti-climax and the real enjoyment came from the control over the submissive and the knowledge that they had given themselves to her, body and soul. As time had unfolded, the Mistress had concentrated more on the submissive and less on her own orgasm, finding that the sessions were extended and her own enjoyment multiplied.

Then had come Nikki, another new dynamic, her first time with another woman in the role of submissive. The night they had met had been intense. The Mistress had witnessed Nikki's arousal build as the dominant had slowly increased the pain levels inflicted, until the final release. What she had managed to hide from the submissive that night was the fact that she had been desperate to rip off her own clothes and command the submissive to lick her to orgasm. That she hadn't had taken all her willpower, because that night had been all about Nikki and ensuring that the submissive addiction was planted deep within the younger woman's psyche. She had succeeded, as the presence of the chestnut-haired woman standing naked and patiently to her right, watching the current scene unfold, was testament to.

The Mistress wasn't sure if those feelings could be replicated, but she was hoping they might be. The difference here was that she had to involve Nikki if she wanted her plan to succeed. Much as she would have loved to be the one guiding Sally through her initial days as a submissive, she knew there wasn't time if the second part of her plan was to come to fruition. A smile spread across her face as she thought of what she had planned and the moment when Sally learnt of the plan the Mistress had for her. She wouldn't have long to wait now.

'Nikki, why don't you take over?' the Mistress asked, gesturing to the buttocks presented before them that had now begun to develop a deep red hue. Nikki stepped forward and reached out her right hand. She had never done this before and suddenly she felt nervous. As she made contact with the warm flesh, Sally flinched and Nikki quickly withdrew her hand as though it had been scalded. Then, giggling nervously, she replaced it and gently fondled the younger woman's cheek. The first spank she attempted to deliver didn't connect properly, the edge of her hand being the contact point rather than the palm. Taking more care she tried again, with a little more success. Yet the blow had not sounded as strong as those delivered by the Mistress. She repeated the action with a similar result and so decided to increase the force but still she was unable to achieve the result she desired. Nikki looked towards the Mistress for guidance.

'Cup your hand slightly, kitten. It makes a much nicer sound and lessens the stinging you will feel. There will be plenty of time for us to ensure Sally feels lots of stinging sensations when we start to use some implements. This is just to warm that beautiful ass up so that we don't damage it later.' Nikki followed the instructions and after two or three refinements she finally achieved the sound she had desired, with the added bonus that it did feel better on her hand, just as the Mistress had suggested. Nikki continued for a few minutes, alternating buttocks, with Sally once more starting to squirm as the blows became more effective.

'I think that's enough warm up,' the Mistress declared. Sally was again left disappointed. 'Spread your legs wider little one,' the Mistress commanded. Sally's groin was just off the padded surface of the island, so by opening her legs as instructed she was giving the other two women easy access to her vagina. Without warning she felt fingers at her labia, roughly forcing their way inside her pussy.

'Feel how much she enjoyed that, kitten,' the Mistress said, stepping away to allow Nikki's fingers to replace her own. The Mistress walked around the prone body until she stood at Sally's head. Then holding her fingers under the young woman's nostrils, she said 'smell your arousal, little one.' Sally moved her nose closer and breathed in. The smell was intoxicating and she felt more moisture escaping from her vagina onto Nikki's fingers. 'Taste yourself,' was the next command and Sally wasted no time in taking the Mistress's fingers into her mouth. As she did so, Nikki began to rub her fingers along the full length of Sally's labia, eliciting a small groan from the younger woman.

'Enough!' declared the Mistress. 'This is far too soon for our new recruit to be getting so turned on. Let's see how much she enjoys the crop.'

What followed was close to an hour of concentrated assault on Sally's buttocks. At no point was there any danger of Sally being permanently marked, but by the time the Mistress declared the first part of the session complete, Sally's ass was bright red with a number of welts clearly visible. The Mistress had taken the opportunity to instruct Nikki in how to effectively use the various different implements she had chosen and they had only moved onto another when the Mistress was satisfied Nikki's technique with the previous choice was sound. By the end, Sally was covered in sweat and tears were running uncontrollably down her face onto the soft padding on which she lay. Yet she felt on fire, both physically around her abused ass and emotionally in her chest. When she had realised they would not stop at signs of discomfort she had allowed herself to sink into subspace and accept they were using her body as a teaching aid for Nikki to learn to how use the various implements to inflict pain on her protégé. That had triggered the arousal she had felt earlier during the hand spanking and whether it was by accident or design, it seemed that the arousal levels increased as each beating continued until the blonde was about to climax, only for the pause to change implements to pull her back down from the summit before she obtained release. Even the cane, the last implement and the one that had been the hardest for her to endure as it painted the welts across her soft skin, had caused a tingling in Sally's vagina as it delivered a tingling of a different sort across her buttocks.

'Time for a break,' the Mistress declared. 'Let's go and organise some lunch. Sally, I suggest you go and relax in the green room. We've only just started with you. Oh and Nikki, why don't you get some soothing cream for Sally's ass? I'll start making the salad.'

When Nikki arrived in the green room with the cream she had been using on her own pussy for the last two days, Sally was standing by the window. She turned as Nikki approached and laughing, she said, 'I can't sit down without it hurting.'

'It will be a reminder for the next couple of days,' Nikki replied, speaking from experience. 'Why don't you come and lie down over my lap while I put this on?' Nikki moved to the sofa and sat down, feeling a little silly as the blonde lay across her lap like a naughty schoolgirl about to be spanked. She gently worked the cream into the welts and then covered the remaining red area. When she had finished, she couldn't resist reaching lower and again inserting her fingers into the still wet vagina. Sally shifted her weight and opened her legs wider to give Nikki more access, once more hoping that she might be permitted an orgasm but knowing deep down it wouldn't be allowed. Nikki slowly stroked the labia as she began to speak.

'You're enjoying this aren't you?' she asked.

'Yes Ma'am,' Sally replied. 'I still can't work out why the pain gets me so aroused. I was a little concerned at first, when the spanking became more than just a playful pat. But as the intensity increased I just melted and began to enjoy it more and more. What's wrong with me?'

'Nothing at all. I've had similar feelings. I'll tell you all about my first meeting with the Mistress one day, but I know exactly how you feel. Thinking you can't take much more and yet wanting more at the same time. It's difficult to rationalise and in the end I stopped trying. Just enjoy it.'

'Oh I will,' Sally responded immediately. 'To tell you the truth, I can't be bothered with lunch, I just want to get back down there.'

'Patience is a virtue,' Nikki said, before adding after a short pause, 'little one'. She remembered when the Mistress had called her by that name, though it seemed there was now a clear delineation, with Sally the little one and Nikki simply 'kitten'. 'Right, all done. Hopefully that will soothe the stinging a little. Let's just hope the Mistress leaves your ass alone for the rest of the afternoon.'