Agreeing to Serve Pt. 02


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'Oh, what have you been up to with this exquisite little creature?' James asked, the question directed at his wife.

'Nikki made an error of judgement and I punished her to ensure she would not make the same mistake again,' Kay replied to her husband's question.

James completed his circuit of the naked woman and stood in front of her, only this time much closer. 'And what would that error of judgement have been?' he asked, raising his hand and pinching her nipple before twisting is sharply and making her cry out.

'I put my own pleasure before that of my dominant, Sir. I won't make the same mistake again.' She looked James in the eyes as she answered, before lowering her gaze. James let go of her nipple and stepped back before responding.

'Well, I'm sure my wife will ensure your education continues at a pace. I hope your pussy will have recovered sufficiently for when I fuck you later this evening.' Nikki remained impassive as his words sunk in. All of her interactions with her Mistress had been sensual, erotic affairs that had aroused her intently. The way James had just spoken had reduced her position from an active participant in a shared experience to a mere object that it sounded he planned to use as nothing more than a sex toy.

'Er, you won't be fucking anyone today, James.' The Mistress sounded very forceful, with the emphasis of her exclamation firmly on the word 'fucking'. 'I have promised Nikki time to recover and I intend to ensure she has all the time she needs. You will remember your place in this household. You will get to enjoy the obvious delights MY submissive has to offer when I allow you to. You will always get my permission before you fuck MY submissive. Do you understand?'

'Yes my dear,' James replied. 'I'm sorry, I guess I was just getting a little carried away seeing as she is finally here. Now, while we are here, I'm going to take some pictures of our new submissive. Is that OK with you Kay?'

'For what purpose?' the dominant replied.

'Well, I've mentioned to Andy and Tom that you are training a new submissive. They are both curious as to what she looks like. And I'm sure they will both be keen to attend another of our house parties when they see just how beautiful she is.'

'Very well, you may take the pictures. But they stay on your phone and you show them to the two of them when you are together. You do not send them copies, is that clear?'

'Perfectly my dear.' He withdrew his phone from his trouser pocket and held it up in front of Nikki, who adopted her position from earlier. She had followed the brief exchange and had been pleased that the Mistress was looking out for her by ensuring copies of the pictures weren't able to proliferate around James's golfing buddies. Nikki still felt slightly awkward as James took the first picture, but accepted she had no control over such things now she had signed her contract. He asked her to turn around and after taking a second picture, he instructed her to bend at the waist which she did. As she did so, Nikki was again reminded of the presence of the butt plug, which she assumed was now visible to James. He made no comment and stepped in front of the submissive, stooping to take one final picture that showed Nikki's full breasts hanging in front of her.

'Excellent. Now, it's been quite a tiring drive up from the office, may I use YOUR submissive for some relaxation my dear?'

'As long as you're not planning to fuck her, you can do what you wish with her darling,' Kay replied. She then watched as James stepped towards the sofa on which Nikki had been seated before he arrived. He then lowered his trousers and underwear, turning to face the two women and at the same time stroking his penis towards a full erection. By the time he sat and spread his legs, his slightly shorter than average penis was pointing up towards the ceiling.

'Come and give your Master a nice, welcoming blow job.' Nikki stepped forward without hesitation and dropped to her knees. Immediately taking the phallus into her mouth, she knew that she was now an accomplished fellator of cocks. It only took a few minutes for her to take the man of the house to orgasm and she held all of his semen in her mouth as she moved away from him slightly. Then she opened her mouth to show him his secretions, before closing it to enable her to swallow it all.

'Thank you Nikki, that was wonderful,' James commented.

'I'm glad you enjoyed it Sir. I am here to serve you any time you wish to make use of me.'

'In that case, why don't you go and take those bags up to my room please. You know which one it is, I assume?'

'Yes Sir. I will do that for you now.' Nikki rose and walked into the hallway, picking up the two bags and heading for the stairs. She heard James comment as to how wonderful an addition to the household she would be and once more felt the feeling of intense pride swell within her.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully, Nikki cooking the dinner and none of them in any way takn aback at the fact a young, naked woman was waiting on a middle aged couple in their home.

Nikki woke with a start the next morning. She had just finished a dream in which she was giving James and his two golfing buddies blow jobs. As she sucked off the last of the three men her dreamy self was thinking of how much she enjoyed giving head, something that she had objected to doing with her boyfriend in her pre-submissive life as she now thought of it. Suddenly awake, the dream lingered in her mind and she realised she did enjoy fellating men, being able to feel their excitement growing and knowing their bodies were reacting to her actions, providing them with a level of pleasure their own hands could not match. As the smile slowly left her face Nikki got up and prepared her Mistress's breakfast. She was surprised to see James was not sharing the dominant's bed and the Mistress explained they had decided on separate rooms some months before, largely as a result of James's snoring. Nikki enquired as to whether she should prepare a separate breakfast for James and was told to wait until the Mistress had finished, so that Nikki would be able to re-use some of the inevitable leftovers, the breakfast tray having originally been intended for two.

Breakfasts over, Nikki returned to her room and attempted without success to insert the butt plug. After around 10 minutes she admitted defeat and sheepishly re-entered the Mistress's bedroom to seek assistance, which the Mistress was more than happy to provide. Then the Mistress took her by surprise.

'Nikki, we shall be receiving a guest in around half an hour. When they arrive, I'd like you to bring them to see me in the green room please.'

'Yes Mistress,' the submissive replied.

'I'm very excited about what today has in store for all of us,' the Mistress continued. 'So excited in fact, I'd like you to do something about it for me.' Then without saying anything else, the Mistress undid her robe and lay back on her bed, spreading her legs and beckoning Nikki forwards. 'I want to feel your mouth on my clit, little one. I need an orgasm to take the edge off my excitement.'

Nikki was a little surprised as the Mistress was rarely quite so forward. But her over-riding emotion was curiosity. Who was the visitor and what did the Mistress have planned for the day ahead to put her in such a state? Nikki had heard James leave the house as she had entered Kay's bedroom with the plug, no doubt to play golf. She therefore doubted he was involved in whatever was to take place. Nikki's mind briefly returned to the previous day and the explicit pictures of her that were now on James's phone, no doubt about to be shown to his two friends at the golf club. But before her thoughts could linger, she focused on the job at hand and concentrated on the glistening lips presented in front of her. It didn't take long for the Mistress to climax, which only increased Nikki's curiosity as to what could have got the older woman so aroused. If anything, Nikki had become used to the opposite, the Mistress seemingly able to resist reaching a climax or even appearing overly aroused when hedonistic acts were taking place all around her.

Nikki didn't have long to wait to find out. Having washed her face to clear away the dominant's juices, Nikki helped her Mistress to dress and the two women descended the stairs. As Nikki finished washing the breakfast things and putting them away the doorbell rang. Looking across at the Mistress who was seated in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee, Nikki marvelled at the way in which it seemed they were starting to communicate without words. The look said, 'am I ok to answer the door naked?' The answer was a smile and a nod from the Mistress, who rose and walked into the green room as Nikki approached the door. Although there was a spy hole in the door, Nikki decided she preferred not to know who was there and quickly pulled open the door. Her shock as she looked down on the diminutive figure of Sally standing on the doorstep was palpable.

Composing herself, Nikki smiled and said 'Hello. What are you doing here?'

'I have an appointment with your Mistress at 10 o'clock. I hope it's not a problem that I am a little early?'

Nikki had no idea what the exact time was, the rules on her nakedness extending to include watches and jewellery. But she recalled the excitement of her Mistress from earlier and said 'Not at all. Come on in.' As she spoke, Nikki's mind was working overtime to understand why Sally was here. Nikki had noticed she was dressed in her hotel uniform of black pencil skirt and white blouse but couldn't associate that with the Mistress's state of arousal. Perhaps Sally was going to again perform the duties of waitress for the visit of whoever it was that had the Mistress in her state of excitement.

Nikki opened the door wider and allowed Sally to step inside. The diminutive blonde waited for Nikki to indicate her next move. Closing the door, Nikki stepped forward and asked Sally to follow her. Sally, for her part, was still marvelling at the fact Nikki had clearly not known it would be Sally waiting on the doorstep when she had opened the door. The fact she had willingly exposed herself to what could have been a complete stranger just reinforced to Sally what being a submissive really entailed. She shivered at the thought that if the day went to plan, she might find herself being expected to act in the same way.

Nikki opened the door into the green sitting room and then stepped back to allow Sally to enter first. Nikki still had no idea why Sally was there and what the dynamic between the women was to be. She had decided to act in the way a submissive was expected to act, showing due deference to this clothed woman who had declared she was visiting the submissive's dominant. Nikki suddenly had a flashback to the hotel and the time they had first met, when Sally had delivered bags to the hotel room and observed Nikki kneeling naked in the room. She wondered if the woman, who had come across as very shy and submissive in her own right, had been emboldened by her attendance at the garden party and requested Nikki serve her. Following Sally into the room, Nikki observed the Mistress beckon to Sally to sit on the sofa positioned at right angles to the one on which she sat and began to think her hunch may have been correct. That feeling was reinforced when Nikki was required to stand in front of the two women in the wait position.

Sally couldn't draw her eyes away from Nikki. Despite her attendance at the party, she still marvelled at the way in which Nikki seemed so comfortable being naked in a room of clothed people. She even found herself reddening at the sight of Nikki with her legs spread and her labia exposed, the embarrassment triggered by the thought of whether she would ever be able to emulate the slightly older and taller woman in front of her.

Mistress Kay took command of the situation. She looked at the naked submissive in front of her as she began to speak. 'I know you will be wondering what Sally is doing here, Nikki. Well, on Wednesday she asked me if I would take her on and train her as my submissive. Now that causes me a problem as I already have a submissive, I have you.' The Mistress paused and Nikki immediately began to panic. Despite all the positive feedback she had received, she suddenly began to doubt herself. She had somehow upset the Mistress and was about to be replaced with Sally. She desperately tried to hold back the tears she felt beginning to form in her eyes as she waited for the Mistress to continue.

'I thought about seeing if someone in my D/s circle would be interested in training Sally, but then I had a better idea. I wanted you to both hear this at the same time so that I can gauge your reactions. Now, I've spent quite a bit of time training Nikki and I don't want to have to go back to first principles with Sally. So, what I've decided is that Sally, you going to serve as Nikki's apprentice. Nikki, you will teach Sally how to be a good submissive. When you feel she is ready, I have plans for her.' At this, Nikki raised her head from the floor and looked directly at the Mistress. Their unspoken bond seemed to kick in again and the Mistress answered the question Nikki had thought but not vocalised. 'That doesn't mean I'm going to dispense with your services. I mean what I say when I express my views that you have the potential to be the greatest submissive I have ever encountered and I would never willingly deny myself the pleasure of your service. But I think you can do more. I think you can become a mentor for other submissives and teach them to strive to meet your own exacting standards. So there will be occasions on your journey when you decide to let your apprentice take your place, to enable them to grow and learn. That in itself will be a whole new test for you, to deliver pleasure to your dominant by serving up another to take your place and serve in your stead. Seeing your protégé perform will hopefully spur you on to even greater heights when you yourself are called to serve.'

Nikki felt more relieved and turned her gaze to the young woman seated with her head bowed. Now her reason for being there had been made clear, Sally was unable to look either of the women in the eye. Her heart was beating so fast she felt it was only a matter of time before it escaped from her chest. There was no turning back for her now. Both of the older women were already starting to plan out her future.

'There's one more thing you should both be aware of. Nikki, you will be responsible for your apprentice. That means if Sally displeases me, or anyone else she is meant to be serving, then I will punish you, Nikki. It will be your failing in training her properly, or in putting her into a situation that she was not ready for that will have caused Sally to fail her dominant and for that the tutor, not the student, will be punished. Obviously you will then be free to punish your apprentice if you feel that is appropriate. Do you both understand that?'

'Yes Mistress,' Nikki said almost immediately.

'Yes Mistress,' Sally whispered moments later, in a voice that was barely audible.

The Mistress continued. 'Nikki, this isn't for everyone and most submissives I have encountered would not feel comfortable being asked to do this. There will be times when you will almost be switching to the dominant role, certainly if you feel it appropriate to punish Sally. But I truly believe you have what it takes to not only do this well, but to take pleasure from developing Sally, and who knows if there will be others, as a submissive in her own right. What are your initial thoughts?'

Nikki hesitated before answering. She looked again at Sally who continued to look at the floor. Then she locked eyes with Mistress Kay. 'It's not something I have ever considered Mistress. But I trust your judgement. If you feel I can do this and if it will give you pleasure, then I will try my best to fulfil the role you have in mind for me.'

'I want you to understand Nikki, I am not seeking to replace you. You still have much to learn and I will continue to do my best to teach you. But I do not have the time to teach you both. Indeed, if what I am planning works out as I hope, I will have another project that I will be working on while you make Sally the best submissive she can be.'

'I understand Mistress,' Nikki replied without prompting. 'This all makes sense to me.'

Mistress Kay then turned to Sally. 'Sally, look at me.' The blonde raised her head and did as she had been asked, locking eyes with the dominant for the first time since her arrival. 'That is the first time you have heard of my plan. How do you feel about my suggestion?'

There was a long pause, so long Nikki wondered if Sally would reply at all or simply run from the room. Then she spoke and although her voice remained quiet, there was suddenly a confidence that had not been present before. 'I am grateful that you have taken the time to come up with this plan Mistress. I've confessed to you before that my submissive feelings were triggered by seeing Nikki at the hotel and it would be an honour to learn from her. I know I am not worthy of serving you, in fact I am scared that I am not worthy of Nikki's time when she herself still has much to learn, but I am grateful for the opportunity and I will do my very best not to let either of you down.' She finished speaking and for the first time since entering the room she held her head high and pulled herself to a fully upright position.

'Then I think we are all agreed that we will give this a go. I'm sure I can trust you both to work hard to make this a success, but if either of you feels unsure about anything, I want you to raise it with me. If this arrangement doesn't work for any one of us, there are other options available to me and to Sally in her pursuit of learning whether she is indeed a true submissive.' The Mistress smiled as she looked from one to the other of the two younger women and her obvious pleasure at the outcome put both the submissives at ease.

'I suggest we start with Sally coming to visit us at weekends, arriving at 9am on Saturdays and leaving at 8pm on Sundays. I will organise the taxi for you. I would recommend you tell your parents that you've been given a promotion at the hotel and will be expected to do a double weekend shift most weekends. Nikki here is allowed one weekend per month to herself and on those weekends you will serve me directly. It will be my chance to assess your progress. I will phone the hotel soon and inform them that you are doing a special job for me now, so your shifts there should be exclusively weekdays. Sally, please contact your parents later and tell them that you will be working.' Sally nodded to confirm she understood.

'We will treat this weekend as a swift induction. You will be subjected to a lot of the emotions you will be expected to experience day in, day out as a submissive. By the end of the weekend you should have managed to form a view of whether this really is what you want in your life going forward. If it isn't then we will agree to go our separate ways and no one will have been harmed. Does that make sense to everyone?' The two submissives both confirmed it did with vigorous nods of their heads.

'Excellent. Well to start and to make sure you fully appreciate how your life is about to change, Sally, I'd like you to stand where Nikki is currently and remove your clothes. Nikki, come and sit by me so that you can observe your new protégé.'

Sally stood and slowly made her way towards Nikki, grateful that the distance she had to cover wasn't significant. This was the one thing she had known would happen, that she would be expected to remove her clothes and adjust to a life in which her body was exposed to anyone and everyone she interacted with. She hadn't slept the night before and had imagined various scenarios of how the day would play out. Each one had started with this, her body becoming visible as she slowly disrobed in front of her dominant. And each time her hand had strayed between her legs during those restless hours without sleep, she had felt the tell-tale signs of her arousal, the juices that escaped from her vulva.
