Agreeing to Serve Pt. 02


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'Right. On my tablet here I have a series of yoga poses. I'll show you them one at a time and you'll adopt each one for me. Hold the pose until I tell you to stop. We'll start easy and see how you progress. The idea is to make you more flexible so that your dominants have more scope to position you in ways that will maximise their pleasure. And it makes sense to allow your pussy some time to heal so it is a good time for us to start. OK?'

'Yes Mistress. I'm looking forward to it. I've never tried yoga before.' As an afterthought she added, 'Mistress, may I ask, have you practiced yoga?'

'Yes kitten, I have and I still do when I have time. So I'm going to be a very demanding teacher.' The submissive realised as she heard the answer that even with what most would consider a leisure activity, she would still be expected to perform well for her dominant.

'We will start with an easy one. The classic lotus position please.' The Mistress turned her tablet around and showed Nikki the image of a woman sitting with her legs crossed in such a way that her right foot rested in the fold between the top of her left thigh and her groin. The left foot was in the right fold. Nikki studied the image and then stretched briefly before she sat on the mat in front of the Mistress. She manoeuvred her legs into position, using her hands to lift her feet into place. Immediately, she felt her muscles pulling and realised yoga was going to introduce much more strain on her body than the submissive positions she had previously performed for the Mistress. With her thighs wide open, there was a little pull on the damaged areas around her vagina but nothing she couldn't handle now the soothing cream she had applied was soaking into her damaged skin. Once she had allowed her legs to relax into position she looked again at the image on the tablet and positioned her hands so that they rested upturned on her knees with her arms at her sides, each brushing against her full breasts that stood proud as she pushed her shoulders back.

Nikki was somewhat relieved that the positioning of her lower legs was hiding her groin from the Mistress, else her pubic area would have been spread wide in front of the older woman. Whilst the dominant had seen everything there was to see, Nikki suddenly felt a little self-conscious being naked and exposed in such a non-sexual activity. No sooner had the thought popped into her head, she pushed it away as an inappropriate one for a submissive to have considered. Her body existed for her Mistress's pleasure. Embarrassment was no longer a feeling she would experience, she told herself.

'Very good kitten. Now just hold that position for a couple of minutes. Feel your muscles tighten and try to let them relax. If you feel as though you are about to cramp, move out of the position and kneel on the mat with your legs together and your hands resting on your thighs'.

'Yes Mistress,' Nikki replied, determined to last the two minutes. Having been confident two minutes would be easy, she began to doubt her resolve as she mentally counted out the seconds and her muscles started to scream for relief. Nikki had never really been one for exercise, something she had not regretted until now. As the two minutes slowly ticked away, Nikki's thighs began to scream for relief and the sudden feeling of euphoria when the Mistress called time was palpable.

'Well done kitten. How was that?' the Mistress asked.

'More difficult than I had imagined it would be Mistress,' the submissive replied.

'Well they say practice makes perfect. Let's try another, shall we?' the Mistress said with a smile, holding up the tablet to show the next position she had chosen. Nikki looked at the screen and felt relieved. This one looked much easier. Standing with hands extended completely above the head, the image showed a woman who had shaped her body to resemble an archer's bow. She didn't need to study the picture for long to be ready.

'Do you want me side on like in the picture Mistress?' Nikki enquired.

'To start with, yes, though I will ask you to rotate as the time counts down,' was the reply. Nikki adopted the position. 'More bend in your back, kitten,' the Mistress commanded immediately and Nikki did her best to comply, feeling a slight pull on the muscles in her lower back as well as her stomach.

'Let's try three minutes with this one,' the Mistress informed her. Nikki found the position quite pleasurable and was shocked when the dominant informed her that a minute was up and required her to rotate, facing away from the sofa. The movement afforded Nikki a chance to release the position slightly before re-setting, which she found helpful. The second minute passed almost as quickly and she was then asked to rotate again to face the Mistress. This was the most explicit angle in terms of her body being on show, yet she was already becoming more comfortable with this being an exercise regime rather than a sexually charged activity. All too soon the Mistress called time and Nikki waited for her next position.

The session lasted around forty minutes in total and Nikki performed around a dozen different positions, most of which she had already forgotten the names for. The Mistress seemed pleased with her first effort and suggested Nikki practice some of the positions in her own time each day so that she would feel better prepared for their next session together.

'Back on your knees for me kitten. Nadu position please.' Nikki was slightly confused for a second, thinking this was another yoga position before remembering it was a submissive pose she had been taught that first weekend at the hotel. She dropped to her knees, spread her legs and rested her hands, palms up on her thighs.

'Very good. Your yoga training will help your submissive positions as well. Now, remember I said there were two aspects of your training we were to focus on today?' She paused and looked down at the submissive in front of her.

Nikki kept her eyes on the dominant's feet. 'Yes Mistress, I do,' she replied.

'Would you like to venture a guess as to what that might be?' the dominant continued.

'My ass, Mistress. Training my ass to take bigger cocks.'

'That's right. Have you cleaned yourself there today?'

'Not today Mistress,' Nikki answered.

'Well go and do that for me.'

Nikki returned suitably cleansed to find the Mistress in the same position as before, but with a small purse next to her. 'Kneel for me,' was all she said. Nikki obediently dropped to her knees in front of the Mistress and lowered her gaze to the dominant's feet. 'Look at me Nikki,' was the next command. The submissive complied and their eyes locked.

'You know the purpose of this training is to ensure you can take larger cocks in your ass, don't you?' the older woman asked.

'Yes Mistress,' came the submissive's reply.

'How does that make you feel kitten?' the Mistress continued.

'It will make me a better submissive, Mistress. My body is for the pleasure of my dominants and at the moment I am failing the more well-endowed men I am presented to. I want to be a better submissive for them.' Nikki didn't hesitate with her answer and spoke from the heart.

'Very good, little one. Then this is for you.' The Mistress handed the purse to the younger woman in front of her. Nikki took it and gave thanks to her Mistress.

'Open it little one.'

Nikki unzipped the blue purse and looked inside. There were three silver butt plugs of varying sizes. The smallest looked a little bigger than butt plugs Nikki had worn previously. The largest scared her. She felt there was no way it would ever fit inside her, the girth of the plug at the widest point looking bigger than the monster penis Marcus possessed. She looked from the contents of the purse back to her Mistress.

'These have been custom made, kitten. The smallest is what I believe you are ready for now. The largest should be bigger than any man you will ever encounter. You will wear a plug every day, starting with the smallest. I will decide when you are ready to progress to the larger ones. Your ass will get used to being full and your body will learn to adjust to opening that part of you so that you are able to take bigger dicks. Do you understand?'

'Yes Mistress. Thank you Mistress.'

'Then go and insert the first one. Or would you like me to help you?'

"I'd like some help please Mistress,' Nikki answered.

'Very well. Go and fetch some lube my dear.' The Mistress looked from Nikki to the purse and then back to once more lock eyes on her submissive. Nikki slowly rose and placed the purse on the sofa next to the dominant, before walking from the room and up the stairs to retrieve lube from her bedroom. Anticipation tingled in her ass as she descended and returned to the Mistress.

The Mistress held out her hand for the lube and then requested that Nikki kneel on all fours. Adopting the position and spreading her legs to give the dominant full access to her holes, she waited. Without warning she felt the cold gel smeared around the puckered skin of her asshole and she emitted a small shriek of shock. Her focus soon changed to relaxing her sphincter as she felt a finger easing its way into her anus. Nikki realised her body was becoming more used to this most intimate part of her anatomy being invaded and she allowed herself to surrender access, the finger soon starting to spread lube around the inside walls of her bottom. The finger was withdrawn and then returned with a fresh supply of lube. On the third application two fingers entered her, again taking her by surprise.

'I think that's enough. Prepare yourself kitten,' the Mistress said, prompting Nikki to take a deep breath. Moments later, she felt the bulbous steel presented to her hole. Nikki was not experienced in the application of butt plugs, but she was already qualified enough to realise the initial feeling never changed. As the bulbous shape was pushed against her sphincter, she felt as though it would be physically impossible for the plug to fit. Her body resisted and her sphincter did the opposite of what she wanted, tightening to protect her body from the intrusion. The Mistress was prepared for this and gently rotated the plug, not trying to create too much pressure. Slowly the gentle rotations created a feeling of pleasure that allowed her tension to dissipate and Nikki's body relaxed slightly. The Mistress expertly increased the pressure at exactly the right time and Nikki's sphincter opened slightly. The process was repeated several times until her ass yielded and the plug was sucked fully inside her body prompting a sigh from the submissive.

'Good girl,' the Mistress responded. Nikki's heart swelled with pride, taking pleasure from the reaction of her Mistress. She allowed her sphincter to tighten around the neck of the plug and recognised the unique feeling of having a foreign object inside her ass.

'Back on your knees facing me,' her dominant commanded. Without a second thought, Nikki complied. 'You will insert this plug in your ass after serving me breakfast each morning. If you experience any difficulties in the first few days, tell me and I will help you. I expect you to be able to do it yourself by the weekend after this one. You may remove the plug at 5pm each day, unless I tell you otherwise. Today you will wear in until bedtime. Do you understand?'

'Yes Mistress, perfectly. Thank you for helping me to become a better submissive Mistress.' Nikki felt the presence of the plug as she adjusted her body position.

'We are in this journey together my dear. We both want you to be the best submissive you can be. Now, I'm going to let you have some free time today. Your pussy needs to recover from yesterday and you need to allow your body to acclimatise to the presence of the butt plug. Plus, I have a busy day planned for you tomorrow. Something a little different. I've told you before, Nikki, that I think you have the makings of a truly unique submissive. Tomorrow we will explore a side of the role that you haven't previously experienced. I'm interested to see how you react.'

For the first time in days Nikki felt a sense of unease wash over her. This was unexpected news. She had no idea of the arrangements the Mistress had made for a young woman who worked at a hotel she owned to visit and discuss the possibility of also becoming a submissive. As Nikki's mind frantically started to imagine what the Mistress had planned for her, she began to worry that she would be exposed to something she couldn't handle. The Mistress saw the change in her facial expression and read her emotions expertly.

'This isn't something you need to worry about kitten,' the dominant said softly, 'you won't be expected to do anything outside your comfort zone and you might just find what I have planned educational, even enjoyable. You need to trust me. You should know by now, I have your best interests at heart.'

'I trust you implicitly Mistress. I just thought I had experienced all aspects of being a submissive. Punishment, reward, exposure, service, humiliation. I'm surprised there is another aspect I haven't encountered.'

'Oh, you still have a lot to learn my dear. Tomorrow may not achieve anything. I have my suspicions as to how you will react, but if I am wrong and if it is something that does not appeal to you, then I already have a plan as to how I can work around the challenge that creates. It will not mean you are any less a submissive, it will just serve to clarify for me a little of where the boundaries of your potential lie.'

Nikki was even more confused and her face must have made that fact clear to the Mistress. The submissive had no idea what the dominant was talking about.

'I've said enough. There is nothing at all for you to worry about. As I say, you may just find the day educational and pleasurable. Let us leave it at that. Now, as a little treat, why don't you go and put some clothes on. I think I'm going to treat us to a nice pub lunch. When we return, you can have the rest of the day to yourself.'

As Nikki climbed the stairs to her room she again felt the presence of the butt plug. She wasn't going to be eased into the experience of wearing it and she wondered how it would feel to interact with others while all the time feeling so full. Opening her little wardrobe, Nikki looked at the small selection of clothes she now had available, choosing a reasonably short skirt and a tight fitting top. Again conscious of the butt plug, she briefly considered wearing panties, before she recalled the fact she no longer owned any. That influenced her choice of skirt, opting for a slightly longer one to ensure there was no chance of anyone spotting the plug between her clenched cheeks.

The lunch passed uneventfully. Nikki enjoyed the opportunity to interact with the Mistress as an equal, though it did feel odd to not be openly submissive in public. At one point, she found herself looking around at the other people seated in the pub, wondering how they would have reacted had she knelt by the side of the Mistress's chair, rather than sitting across the table from her. It was only looking back on the return journey that she realised the Mistress had expertly managed the trip so as not to put Nikki in a position whereby she had to demur to the dominant at any point, guiding her to the seat she had occupied and ordering food for them both.

On their return, Nikki had been tempted to take the Mistress up on her offer of a leisurely afternoon but decided her first priority was to get on top of her chores. She removed her clothes as soon as they entered the house and after putting them back in her room, Nikki cleaned the sitting room in which they had been that morning before preparing food for the meal she planned to cook that evening. It was only when the Mistress requested a cup of tea and insisted on Nikki having one herself that she sat down and started to read the local paper that had been delivered while they were out.

The sound of a key in the front door lock took her by surprise. She looked up suddenly, almost as if to check the Mistress was still seated across the room from her and hadn't snuck out without her noticing. Then she looked down at her naked body. But she didn't panic as she knew the Mistress would have taken precautions had she been expecting someone for whom the sight of a naked young woman would have been a surprise.

'It's James, my dear,' the Mistress said by way of explanation, referring to her husband who Nikki had met at her dinner party trial but who had been away since Nikki had moved into the house he shared with the dominant. Nikki had forgotten all about him. As she watched the door swing open, the young submissive realised the dynamic she had already become used to was about to change once more. James was a switch, submissive when interacting with his wife but comfortable taking a more dominant role when in the presence of full-time submissives such as Nikki. As she saw James emerge from behind the open door, she wondered how he would interact with her. He had been quite friendly and considerate at the dinner party, but Nikki remembered how Sarah had taken on the role of the alpha dominant and how the rest of those present, even Mistress Kay, had allowed the tall blonde to control large parts of the evening's events.

James dropped a holdall and rucksack in the hallway. He had already noticed the open door to the green sitting room and the two women seated there. He strode confidently into the room.

'Well, hello again Nikki. So nice to see you. Have you settled in well?'

'Er yes,' Nikki paused, not sure how to address him, before adding 'Sir. Thank you Sir.'

'Oh, just as well-mannered as I remember. You don't know how much I've been looking forward to getting home for this weekend. Now, why don't you stand up and let me have a good look at you.'

Nikki immediately closed the newspaper and folded it before placing it on the seat beside her. It had been covering a large part of her body, which was now fully exposed to James. But she realised as she stood up that he was about to see a lot more. Nikki positioned herself about six feet in front of James and stood with her hands by her sides. Then she thought of her place and spread her legs while raising her arms and locking her hands behind her neck.

'Excellent,' said James. 'You have her so well trained already Kay.' This second comment directed at his wife. Then he stepped forward and raised his right hand, gently cupping Nikki's left breast. His hand explored the upper part of her body, teasing her nipple before rising to brush the submissive's hair behind her ear. He used the backs of two fingers to brush her cheek, before bringing those same fingers forward to slowly prise open her lips. The fingers worked their way into her mouth and Nikki involuntarily began to suck on them. This resulted in a small chuckle from James. He allowed her to continue for a minute or two before withdrawing his fingers and stepping behind the young woman. His right hand dropped to her ass and he stroked her cheeks before slowly moving his hand between her two firm buttocks. As he continued to step around her body she maintained her position and savoured his touch. She was an object positioned for his enjoyment and she sensed he was taking a great deal of satisfaction from the gentle exploration of her body. Then, suddenly, his hand brushed across her flat stomach and cupped her sex. As his fingers curled and he applied a little pressure, Nikki felt her wounds from the beating the day before and winced audibly.

'I hope you're not being shy about me touching you there, Nikki?' James asked politely.

'No Sir. My body belongs to Mistress and anyone she chooses to share me with. You may touch me wherever and whenever you want. It's just,' Nikki paused and looked across at the Mistress, 'I'm a little sore down there Sir and you surprised me.'
