Ai Love Therapy Ch. 07 Pt. 01

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Ai becomes a futanari tanuki. LOTS of cum!
15.4k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/19/2021
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The following is an experiment. I haven't written much fiction lately and my therapist encouraged I get back at it. There is no rhyme or reason to this. No Editor-kun, no second draft: going commando here! Expect lots of BE, FMG, GTS, Futa and other sexual growth, but there might be whole chapters where I complain how badly they adapted a favorite book series.

This is an ongoing story. Lewd happens, it has happened, it will happen again (seriously, I have only BEGUN to smut!). But so will plot, and character development, and world building. This series isn't going to be for everyone. If you are confused, start on Chapter 1 of Therapy.

PREVIOUSLY ON ALT: When a new adventuring party is formed, killing rats in the magical library basement should be simple, right? Right? Also, flying chipmunks are adorable and giant dildos are a girl's best friend.

Ai Love Therapy Ch. 07 pt 2 cumming soon!


"Hehe, whale cum."

The entire crowd of passengers paused and gave Ai dirty looks. Mothers covered the ears of children, husbands resisted the urge to laugh and appeared offended for their wives. One lady, a satyr by the look of her, glared while muttering about common decency, dressed in a thin bra and nothing else. Despite a city where hedonism reigned and part of the population walked around naked in public, there were still decency standards. Nudity was fine, nothing wrong with any kind of skin. However, sexual acts and bringing up explicit materials in public remained taboo. Mizi and Rima didn't care, but Ari made silent gestures of apology for Ai's behavior.

"Ahem!" the stuffed shirt of a captain huffed. An anthro blue alligator with six arms didn't make him menacing at all. Wearing a long, crisp white coat and tricorn hat, his demeanor and the nasal tone of his voice screamed bland and uptight in equal measures. "Welcome aboard the Yukaing Ferry Service. Today's ferry is provided by the honorable DaJiBa. I am your captain, Dintelinni Cuckingdonton. DaJiBa will now close his mouth and we will get underway momentarily."

"I feel like Pinocchio," Ai commented to no one, still tittering with lingering laughter. She needed to laugh, a mouth the size of an stadium closing tight, baleen sealing them inside a Monstro-sized whale. Giant lamps hung from the roof of the mouth (held up with giant metal struts spanning the entire top of the mouth like a retainer), lighting a platform spread across a tongue the size of a barge. The platform appeared ordinary, weathered but clean and just a simple place to sit and gather. As if trying to make up for the damp heat replacing the dry heat outside, a deep rhythmic breeze reminding Ai they were inside someone and this creature breathed. Rows of seats to hold a thousand people, small kiosks with attendants to serve refreshments. It was all so ordinary, only inside a whale. Actually, a whale three times the size of an aircraft carrier, with arms and legs, and swam through the air like water. Also, a college student studying philosophy, as Captain Cuckingdonton explained earlier. Carrying people around the city was a dayjob for giant sentient flying whales better known as yukaing. Ai tried to accept the insanity, but sometimes - like when riding inside the mouth of a whale! - it became difficult.

Not that the hundreds of people willingly Jonahing themselves were concerned: to them, this was a commute. The last commute of the day, the sky outside of whale mouth twilight dark and the only ones out and about were the whores and Johns. Normally, for Ai and her gang of misfits, this was peak earning time. They would be servicing clients right now, but with the craziness of the library and the recovery after, the four ladies were bushed. They didn't want to prostitute, they wanted sleep. Magical healing, thaumian conversion and plain adrenaline drained them all dry. Didn't stop Vina from grabbing an actual whip and driving them out of the brothel, yelling that time is money and they had better go make her money.

"Will the quarantine effect the rest of the city?" Ai asked, politely pushing through the crowd and heaving herself over to one of the hard benches, falling into it and rubbing her sore feet after kicking her sandals off. "I mean, I know the college is sealed off with force fields and guards and whatnot, but is that going to spread? The Inn is only a few streets away and there were a lot of people running around outside when we walked to the ferry station."

Vina hadn't been joking when she sent over eight men, three girls and six futas into Ai's room, Belicius not even given enough time for a bit of spooning before the forceful madame pushed him out the door and waving the next three in. Her entire afternoon had been spent getting filled or eaten out, and even her Lacuna body couldn't keep up with the potent influx. Still in her base five feet height (153 cm) because she wanted to process all this thaum first, Ai's breasts were slowly growing bowling balls, distending her pink sequined baladi. They lay fat atop a belly fat and taut enough that anyone would be forgiven for thinking she was pregnant with the giant baby from Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi. Earlier today, she had looked about ready to give birth to a fully grown rhino. Half the journey to the ferry, Ai needed to be carried by both Rima and Mizi, only the last few minutes her jizznancy shrunk enough she could waddle under her own power. No longer in danger of dying, Ai's reserves were still recovering and the loss and gain of thaum physically exhausted Ai, even aside from the physical exhaustion of a dozen orgasms and non-stop sex for hours on end.

"Lockdowns happen at least once a year around the Institute," Mizi said, preferring to stand as Rima took a seat next to Ai and Ari wheeled herself around, the four of them a little island away from the other passangers. The capacity for the entire ferry was much larger than the number of people, so there was no need to crowd in close. "Vina made a good choice putting her house next to the college - what with orgasms being the most efficient way for a mage to convert thaum into usable magical energy - but sometimes a nutjob thinks the rules don't apply to them and they'll try and open a portal to aetheric madness, or think time travel is possible, or whatever. Always causes a mess, protocols fall into place, the mess gets cleaned up and people go back to their routines."

"Time out," Ai said, holding her hands in the universal earth time out sign. Her friends had seen it enough to understand the context and paused, then smirked when the cum-filled-digesting-that-cum demonic girl winced from the literal pain in her butt as all the cummy weight pressed down on her shapeless and bony posterior. "Back up. Orgasms convert magic? Should I start jilling to turn this dick paste into magic?"

"Demonics different," Rima said, her eyebrow petals furrowing as she glanced between the other two girls. "Are...forgot word. Parasites?"

"What Rima is trying to say is part of a basic education and how people absorb or process thaumian energy." Ari cracked the knuckles on her long clawed fingers, smiling while tossing her white mohawk back and settling in for a lecture. "Thaumian energy, despite being essentially textureless air, has an actual mass and..."

"For the love of the entire Lower Pantheon, not another magic lesson!" Mizi threw up hands and glared at both the goblin and Ai in equal measure. "We don't have half a day! Here's the short version: thaum is everywhere. Almost everyone absorbs thaum naturally through breathing, eating, penetrating. Raw thaum can't be used by anyone without conversion, so people - except for Breenans, who don't absorb thaum at all - need to convert it for their bodies to use it. Some use more than others, but the common and easy way for a body to convert thaum is orgasms. Sex and magic go hand in hand - which is why we are headed to the farm right now - and more so with demonics. Demonics need thaum to live, but their ability to convert thaum require donors to orgasm. Still deal with thaumian conversion loss - well, except Lacuna, apparently. And that is why there are so many brothels next to a magical college."

"You are missing the point," Ari growled, pulling out one of her wands and zapping Mizi with a tiny bolt of lightning, eliciting a yelp that turned into a friendly hair pulling that Rima tried to break up.

Ai closed her eyes and zoned out playful teasings: Mizi didn't answer the question, but Ai'd get it out of Ari later. With this much solid splooge sloshing inside her, Ai gained immense empathy for pregnant women throughout the multiverse, adjusting her legs again for a quick nap.

Ai dozed but didn't sleep. DaJiBa must have become airborne because she could feel the gentle swaying and push of motion, more boatish than airplany. Less pain than earlier, Ai's insides still felt like she'd been dumped in a blender and served as a breakfast smoothie. All of the girls were hurting, magic not being the cure-all Ai expected. Ari assured the earther higher magics could do anything, but it came with costs. Even magic worked on the concept of you get what you pay for, and right now Ai couldn't afford better. Or, at least, Vina wasn't willing to pay for better, so they ached and complained but they were up and moving when they should be in a hospital. Ai and Rima were better off, demonics well known for their healing abilities so long as there was enough sex to refill their batteries. Which set off warning flags to Ai. If she was in the most pain out of the three of them, and should have been in the least amount of pain because of demonic healing, today had been a direct call to the Reaper.

These thoughts drifted into other thoughts, Ai unable to keep her focus on anything since arriving to Evma. Now she was onto flying inside a whale towards a floating island. Riding flying yukaing was common enough in Yrlmuh (so Ai was told), but it was slow. Peaceful - or as peaceful as any large group with screaming rowdy children sprinkled among them could be - it surprised her how normalizing Ai found a crowd of people gathered inside flying people creatures. Plenty of flying races looking for a way to make extra cash, the red skies filled and crowded with traffic as much as the ground and underground were. Never needing to look up much, Ai never paid much attention to the floating islands with their own upsidedown palaces and soaring golden chariots or people with wings jumping between tall skyscrapers. Ai had enough problems on the ground.

"Next stop, Gassawa Island."

"That us," Rima said, nudging Ai awake and out of her bench.

Ai stumbled up, happy to only be second trimester pregnant from the long ride and able to slip her sandals on without trouble, following the dozen passengers getting off along the gangplank extending through part of the baleen split into night air. Once Ai and the girls exited Mr. DaJiBa, Ai found herself in Japan.

Well, maybe a crazy fantasy manga interpretation of the Edo Period.

"Why are we here?" Ai asked, starring from atop a hill looking down onto a city that could hold about fifty thousand people surrounding a pagoda built with alternating spinning sections, sinuous dragons moving slowly through the air at all intervals holding large containers between wooden structures grouped in the outskirts towards a dock extending out into the air. Though the sky was dark, the city was lit with rainbows of colors. Not from the common lamps Ai had grown accustomed to in the brothel, but floating balls of flame that moved around like will o wisps. The town was much more unified in style and architecture, gardens clearly spaced and paths wide and clear with precise and artistic jade statues or trees grown and trimmed into designs. Some paths curved up into the air and bridged over nothing as small floating streams of water kept colorful fish swimming between the buildings like a magical design weaving through the entire city.

"Did you pay any attention to what Madame Vina said we needed to do?" Mizi asked, grumbling as she led the girls to a wooden path on the right, in the direction of the larger buildings on the outskirts.

"I might have had a dick in my ear at the time," Ai replied truthfully, her afternoon an orgy haze. "I gathered it has something to do with Vina wanting us to be contractors hired to for ghost busting, but I missed the details."

Ari's chair clattered as she rode across the planks, keeping easy pace as they were moving slightly downhill. "We are meeting with Dr. Resh Koshigan. He has some experimental enchantments use in a practical test for his experiments. Madame Vina plans on paying him with a trade. Specifically, your Lacuna abilities are the trade. You'll..."

"Nope," Mizi interrupted, looking back and grinning evilly down at Ai. "Ai needs to learn that not paying attention has consequences, now it is going to be a hilarious surprise for her and immensely entertaining for the rest of us."

Ari paused, her toothy mouth open, but then she shut it and joined with the other two grinning daggers at Ai.

Ominous, Ai thought, trying to force herself to feel nervous but unable to. Frustrations over her lack of emotions eventually turned into grim apathy. The purple skinned Lacuna frowned but accepted that she was surrounded by mischief, adjusting breasts topping off at a pair of Ms stretching out her pink top and once again with her tiny and flat waist above split ankle skirts of the prostitution uniform. All the girls dressed identically, only colors being the difference. Ari's tattooed dark green skin wearing matching mint green top with the dress hidden by gargantuan tits. Mizi's stark white skin spotted with blood red carbuncles strode confidently in a flowing charcoal bra and skirt pairing, Rima's orange and green striped vegetation garbed in simple black baladi. The back of Ari's steampunky wheelchair held a bulging backpack with travel trinkets, their coin pouches and their uniform coats for Euphoric Solutions, Vina's private side business they were on the clock for.

The walk along the path wasn't long and despite the hour, floating balls of colored flame kept the area well lit. Few people were still out this hour. This far outside the center of the city, the girls were mostly alone, though the occasional large furry man or woman walked by wearing bright silk kimono or yukata. A faint breeze blew through some bamboo and Ai swore it sounded musical. The entire island was serene and mystical to the point it Ai wondered how much it cost to live up here. Might be a nice place to retire, so long as they had curry. The whole island screamed Nihon, it would be a crime if there was no curry.

"I'm told the Doctor is expecting us," Mizi said, giving Ai one more grin as they turned down a narrow path through the bamboo and towards a large house next to a cluster of ponds.

Wait a minute! Hold it for one cliched minute! Ai thought, a familiar and pungent odor of sulfur hitting her nose as she noticed the steam rising off the pools of murky water. Not ponds, hot springs. Am I about to have the onsen episode this early in the season?!

Ai gulped, wondering if she even had the vaginal stamina. Also hoping for curry.


There was curry. Bright green, containing chewy meat similar to octopus and vegetables she had no name for, the taste was so close to classic golden style it might as well have come out of a pot in Kyoto. Ai couldn't help herself, scooping her third serving into a bowl of rice, she was crying tears of joy as she stuffed herself fit to bursting.

"I must admit, I think you love my wife's curry more than I do, haha!" Dr. Koshigan said, his laughter a whooping titter that echoed in the open night air.


"Do not dishonor the ancestors!" Mrs. Shas Koshigan admonished, her larger size hitting the smaller doctor with enough force to knock him out of the large hot spring with a massive splash. She then turned a demure and pleased smile towards Ai. "I thank you for your kindness and appreciation of the food from our humble house. Please, have as much as you like."

"Mmffmph!" Ai agreed, her mouth stuffed with another hot load, rice and sauce dribbling down her chin.

Even through it was the late hours of the night, when the girls arrived to the Koshigan Onsen they found a tidy resort owned and operated by a family of tanuki. Food was served with pleasantly spiced chamomile tea, ten sons and daughters all working tirelessly to ready rooms and give whatever services were wanted. Tucked inside a small bamboo forest, no one would suspect the warm wooden ryokan was not a mile away from large industrial warehouses and a thriving city.

Although tired from their day, Dr. Koshigan insisted time was of the essence to the girls. A concession to urgency after dinner, the two older tanuki left the care of their other guests in the hands of their children as the girls followed the elder couple around the back of the other hot springs to the family's private pool. The six of them soaked naked in water hot enough to boil a lobster, soothing the stress of the day away. When Ai started crying as they tried to take her away from the curry, Mrs. Koshigan laughed and brought it with them during their business discussion.

Ai was still short but her tits proved buoyant, her head and cleavage above water. The bowl of curry nestled in her purple cleavage as Ai continued to shovel food, her hair spreading feet out from her like a deep purple lillypad on the bubbling opaque yellow water. Mizi fell asleep with the water only a little above her waist, her bare torso leaning back into a natural rock seat, the dark volcanic igneous stark against her white muscled form, her own hair loose from their tight braids and missing the little gems she usually weaved inside. She snored lightly, red carbuncles glinting from the orange floating flames giving soft light around the pool. Rima sat outside the pool, only her feet dipping in, claiming the water is good for her but it is too hot for her skin. The dynwa had a long metal file in one hand and a small copper mirror in the other, sharpening her extended vampire fangs while her leaves and orange and green skin visibly saturated in color as she drank the mineral water in through her toes. Ari swam small laps in the pool, ecstatic as a toddler, apparently the motherly goblin loving any form of water to the point of distraction, her mohawk limp but her face lit up brighter than the lights floating through the bamboo.

"I won't assume you know what my research is about, but the short of it is I have been creating a system for capturing ethereal or spiritual parasites." When the doctor tanuki spoke, his graying brown and black fur still thick over his plump four and a half foot (137 cm) frame, his eyes shined through the dark mask of his face and his long nose twitched his whiskers back and forth. Ai knew when he stepped into the pool that tanuki were closer to the mythical cousins of Nihon rather than an anthropomorphized kemonomimi humanoid. Meaning he was like an adorable little raccoon crossed with a human rather than a human crossed with a raccoon. The other part of the mythology also held true, because his testicles nearly reached the ground and he walked with an extreme bowleg to keep from knocking those swinging boulders around. Even flaccid, his cock draped over those balls like a limp rolled up rug, the shaft covered in the same white fur of his balls.

"Uh huh," Ai said, finishing her bowl. Despite how painfully full she felt, the gluttonous Lacuna wondered if she could get at least one more. A moment of turmoil before she set the clay bowl aside and gave the doctor all her attention: the other girls didn't seem to care what was going on and the implication was Ai doing something she wouldn't like doing. "Vina explained some of it to me, but I wasn't able to understand finer details."
