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I had never seen the man before in my life. I didn't stop. "Sorry, but I'm running late."

The man began walking toward me. "This takes precedence."

I pushed the up button. "What?"

"I need you to come with me," the man's voice was stern as he put his hand inside his jacket as if to be ready. "National security always takes precedence."

"What's this pertaining? Who are you?"

The man responded by pulling out his hand from under his vest, and I breathed a sigh of relief as he revealed a wallet. My relief vanquished when he flipped it open.

"Agent Hemmingway, CIA, and this is my partner, Agent Barnes." Another man stepped out from around the corner and he looked as if he was on steroids since birth. "And Agent Barnes doesn't like people who make me ask twice. Now, can I interest you breakfast?"


"Yeah, you know breakfast? It's a meal you typically eat in the morning." Agent Hemmingway stared me down, "Look, we can either go across the street to that deli shop and get a breakfast wrap or we can haul you down to our office. Either way, the result is the same; I ask you questions, you answer them."

I couldn't stop my sweating. I was praying they thought it was from my wind sprint through the parking lot. "I could eat a breakfast burrito."

"There we go," Agent Hemmingway nodded. "Now we are making progress."


"Have you seen this woman?"

I was nervous. It could have been the fact that the first picture I was shown was a satellite image of Marina and therefore the corresponding question was about her or, perhaps, it was the three hundred pound male that seemed surgically tied to my hip that was pushing me off of my seat. Who's to say, really?

"Uh, no. Never saw her before." Was that convincing enough?

"Really," Agent Hemmingway shrugged. "Well, let me share something with you. We are trying to find a woman who seemingly escaped a Russian facility in the middle of Siberia wearing nothing more than a hospital gown but still somehow managed to make it to United States soil."

Hearing it like that, I'm even more impressed at what Marina did. "Wow." It was my first truthful response. "Sounds like you should contact James Bond." Followed by sarcasm.

"Funny, Mr. Hackett," Agent Hemmingway reached into his folder and pulled out another picture. "But I don't think you'll be laughing if you run into Ruslan Kuznetsov and Alexei Orlov, two Russian agents who are known for violence and very much want to find this woman."

Agent Hemmingway slid the picture towards me. Two men, one bald with a tattoo on his right arm while the other had a crew cut and a scar across his eye. "I'll keep an eye out."

"Trust me, Mr. Hackett, you'd be dead before you see them." Agent Hemmingway handed me two photos and his card. "Call me if by chance you live."

Agent Hemmingway stood and nodded to Agent Barnes. They only got a few steps. I had to ask, "And what do you want with the woman?"

"Honestly, if these two are after her, she's an ally."

Agent Hemmingway conveniently evaded the question. I stared at the card briefly before putting it in my wallet. I then memorized the top photo of the Russian agents and looked at the second photo that was given. It was of Marina and I walking out of a restaurant.

I had to get to Marina.

I hurriedly folded the pictures and after two attempts, I finally put them in my pocket. As I stood, a woman in a navy blue sun dress, large floppy hat, and sunglasses walked by me. "Meet me in the restroom, Sweetie."

I sighed in relief, "Thank goodness." I took a deep breath and collected myself. A spy, I am not. A trek that should have taken me ten seconds, took five minutes. I kept looking behind me for possible bad guys or more agents and then I stood in front of the bathroom doors for another two minutes debating men's or women's.

The women's door opened and Marina's hand reached out and pulled me in.

Once inside, I started rattling off all I knew, "Okay, there were these guys and they're after you and these other guys..."


"And they had all these pictures of you..."


"And one of them was of us and they gave me a card..."

Marina's lips met with mine.

It still took me another twenty seconds to stop babbling into her mouth and finally accept the kiss. Instinctively, my mouth parted and my tongue darted out to taste the fruits of my lover.

"Oh no," Marina pulled back. "Now you're cheating," she snickered.


"I heard everything through your phone. Agent Hemmingway is actually Director Mark Hemmingway, the head of the CIA's Hilldale office and Agent Barnes is one of his top men. They are still out front in black a SUV with tinted windows waiting for you to leave. The worse part is the Russian agents are nearby as well. I last saw them through a bank ATM at the convenience store two blocks from our apartment, but they are very cautious about cameras and will be difficult to find."

"Oh," I ran a hand through my hair. "So what do we do?" My heart was racing a mile a minute at the situation, but at least Marina was safe.

"We're going to leave out the back of this place." Marina put her hand to my cheek, "Just know, I will always keep you safe."

I didn't like any thoughts that left me without Marina, "Please, don't say things like that. I mean what about those CIA agents. If it's that bad, maybe we should go to them? They said you would be an ally."

"I ran his speech through a voice analyzer, and he was being truthful."

"See..." My eyes went wide at the thought of us getting help.

"But he also didn't specify either." Marina shook her head. "I don't want to be a lab rat again."

I knew that about Director Hemmingway's words. It was obvious then and it's obvious now. I fiercely hugged Marina. "I am with you until the end. We protect each other or we don't leave this bathroom."

"Deal," Marina hugged me back. "Are you ready?"

"Before we get out of here, I need you to know that my feelings are true," I took a step back as I delved into my pocket and pulled out a small box. "I was going to save this for tonight, but in case we don't make it that far," I opened the box to reveal a princess diamond cut engagement ring. "Will you..."

Marina kissed me with repeated light pecks before truly grasping onto my lips with a passion so pronounced it curled my toes.

"Is that a yes?"

Marina giggled, "That's a yes."

I slid the ring on her finger and we both admired it.

"Sorry this took place in a bathroom. I did have something more suited to your beauty planned, but..."

"No," Marina interrupted. "It was perfect."

Perfect? I wouldn't say that. I'm just glad the last person who used the toilet, flushed it. "I love you, Marina Alexeev."

"And I love you, Clayton Hackett." Marina revered her ring one last time, "Are you ready now?"


We walked out the restroom and slid into the kitchen.

"You can't be back here."

We ignored the barista and dashed towards the back.

"Hey, want are you two doing!"

The barista chased us until we left through the back door. Once outside, we started down the alley.

"Shit," Marina shouted. "Run."

We ran out the alley across Washington Avenue, nearly getting hit by a taxi as we did. We ran down half a block until we were able to cut through another alley, and then made a left behind the store front buildings.

I put my hands on my knees, gulping air. "What happened?"

Marina had leaned up against the building, "The barista's actions alerted the CIA agents that something was amiss. Agent Barnes got out to follow us while Director Hemmingway drove the car around."

"So the big one is right behind us?" I looked up at Marina with futility in my heart. I was too out of shape for this.

"No. He's not sure what alley we went down," Marina huffed. "We can wait here to catch our breath, but not for long. He'll find us soon."

"I'll take all the break I can get," I gasped. "It feels like my heart is going to beat right out of my chest."

"What's the matter, you seemed to be in fine form this morning?"

"Too much exercise," I squeaked out.

"Well, look what just so happened to fall in our laps," Alexei heartily laughed.

Marina and I stood straight and faced the Russian agents.

Ruslan pulled out a gun, "Yeah, these two are great at making noise." He raised his arms up in mock gratitude, "Thanks."

"All right, come on girl," Alexei pulled out his gun and waved it at Marina. "We have a plane to catch."

Ruslan aimed his gun at Marina, "Followed by a rough interrogation that starts with how you were not only able to escape, but hack the cameras, computers, and everything else we have. Not to mention eliminating digital footprints of yourself anywhere you go. All from a High School dropout, with no special training, who was working as a cashier."

"Should be fun," Alexei taunted. "You're going to be one hell of spy when we get you back."

Marina glanced at me and gave a soft smile before turning back to our tormentors. She took her first step forward, "All right."

I didn't know what she was thinking, but I didn't like it. "My Angel," I reached out to Marina and she paused at my plea, glancing over her shoulder at me.

Ruslan and Alexei began to laugh, hard.

"Did you hear that, Alexei," Ruslan chortled. "Her name is Angel! Considering we damn near killed her in Tolyatti."

Ruslan finished for his partner, "And Director Vasiliev brings them back to serve Mother Russia." He slapped at his knee, "Just like an angel."

Marina's face contoured into something fierce. Pure anger at the laughter of my pet name for her. She faced the two barbarians. Her steps were more emphatic as she walked forward.

The two brutes laughter's subsided, but it was too late for Ruslan. Marina, with her final step, brought her back foot forward and caught the thug square in his gut. She then used her front foot and swung it in a round way that struck him on the side, staggering him to the right. She followed that move with a left handed punch to his back and then finished him off with powerful right upper cut, leveling him to the ground.

"Ruslan!" Alexei screamed as he regained his form.

Alexei was angry, had a gun, and was pissed at my girl. I charged him, "AHHHH!"

"Sweetie, no!"

I dove into Alexei and we both collapsed to the ground. Alexei rolled over on top of me before scrambling to his feet, pulling me up with him. He finished by shoving his gun to my head.

"Did you say Sweetie?" Alexei cocked his gun. "You care for this office plankton? Ha-ha. That's too funny."

Marina raised her hands, defeated. "Just take it easy. Let him go, and I'll go with you."

"Let Sweetie go?" Alexei chuckled. "Just so you can come over here and kick my ass. No fuckin way. Now the way I see it, I take this cockerel and you come with me or I put a bullet into his head."

"My Angel, no, forget about me," I pleaded. "Save yourself."

"Clocks ticking, Bitch," Alexei sneered. "What's it going to be?"

"You win. I'll come with you." Marina walked over to us.

"Oh, no," Alexei took a few steps back until he was against the wall. "That's far enough. You keep your distance as we head back." Marina stopped and Alexei turned us around to go back the way he had originally came. All right everyone, off we go."

I saw the writing on the wall and there wasn't any way I was letting Marina be a guinea pig again. "No!" I struggled with my arms but let my lower half of my body go limp. I surprised my captor, falling to the ground.

"You piece of trash," Alexei had to divert his attention from Marina to pull my body off the ground.

Marina trounced. She darted towards us. Alexei reacted, standing and raising his arm to point his gun at Marina. She moved to the right and jumped, just before he pulled the trigger. The bullet missed to the her left as Marina pushed off the side of the building using it as a springboard. Her right foot collided with Alexei's face, causing him to spin twice before landing on the pavement.

Marina took a breath before looking at me.

"Yes," I cheered as I hugged My Angel.

"All right, freeze!" We both turned to the voice. It was Agent Barnes and his gun was fixated on us.

"Put the gun down, Agent Barnes," Director Hemmingway strode forward, clapping in approval, before stopping, well out of Marina's striking distance. "Instead of aiming your weapon at my new friends, radio Agent Cruz to help you secure and process those Russian spies trespassing on United States soil before they wake up from their nap. I'll be fine here by myself." He then put his hand to his face, using his index finger to tap his cheek as if in deep thought.

I held Marina's hand tightly as we stepped to the side, away from the two Russians, and therefore away from Agent Barnes. "What do you want from us?"

"From you, nothing. Thanks for helping catch the bad guys." Director Hemmingway gave me a thumbs up. He then nodded at Marina, "From her, well, I'd honestly like to hire her."

I looked to My Love, and her eyes were wide with surprise. "Truth," she whispered.

I was still skeptical, "Hire her to do what?"

"First and foremost, this young lady has a wealth of knowledge concerning a particular facility outside Dikson, Siberia that we at the CIA would love to know more about. After that," Director Hemmingway nodded as if to reaffirm what he was going to say, "Well, I am interested in what you have been able to accomplish, young lady, regarding what those two Russians said as well as what I've seen. You have shown some very impressive handiwork in terms of code breaking and I would like to put you on my team as a..."

"I'm a security engineer," Marina interrupted.

"As a security engineer," Director Hemmingway walked over to us, "Do we have a deal?"

I looked at Marina. It was completely her choice.

"Deal," Marina shook his hand.

"Good," Agent Hemmingway smiled. "How about we get some coffee to hammer out the details?"

"Sounds good," Marina smiled. "But only if my fiancé can come as well. We just got engaged."

"I had a feeling that would be the case. Congratulations." Agent Hemmingway then put his arm over my shoulder as we all started walking, "By the way, Mr. Hackett, you wouldn't by chance know about a certain high powered microchip that somehow got rerouted offshore from our headquarters in Langley, would you?"

Marina stopped in her tracks. I tripped over my own foot and had to brace myself against Agent Hemmingway to keep from falling. "Um, no... And sorry."

"Didn't think so," Director Hemmingway released me. "Well, the big wigs are already over their loss, chalking it up to an accounting error and, though that's just part of the puzzle, I'm just curious to see what she can do. But I also wouldn't want any more of her to get in the wrong hands. Let's go get that coffee and hammer out a salary, shall we?"


I deleted all back up copies of my algorithm. It was some of the best code I had ever written and just for nostalgia reasons, I was heartbroken. But it also signaled a new chapter in my life. I was no longer the shy amongst women type. I was confident. I was promoted to the head of the Reality Gaming Division. I had a wife who I love dearly, and she loves me more than ever. She also a fantastic job as well. I had went from a virtual loner to living the American dream of wife and career. I wonder what the next chapter of my life will bring?


"Yes, My Angel."

"I'm pregnant."

And so it begins...

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MakehandpartyMakehandparty12 months ago

Truly a great romp! Quick read and entertaining story.

InosolanInosolanabout 1 year ago

There's a series of books about an AI detective named Turing Hopper - as i recall, she's in hiding from whoever {accidentaslly, i think} created her...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Yet another not at all cookie cutter confection. You spoil us.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

LOL I just watched the porn version of this. AI:Artificial Intelligence by GirlsWay. Except its all-girl and the AI creates a body with some sort of bio-3D printer. And theres a bunch of lesbian sex.

Good story, wouldn't mind another chapter or two.

BufoAmericanusBufoAmericanusabout 2 years ago

A very creative and well written story. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I would give this story 10 starts if possible. Really a well told tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Very good with a few flaws

A very much above average story with a few grammar and typographic errors that took it down a bit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
this is tagged as mind control

but really it should be in horror/post apocalyptic

nice story though

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

A horrifying take about the dangers of unchecked and unregulated AI development. Honestly terrifying, a great sci-fi thriller, which shows the depth of dystopia which can come from unmanaged artificial intelligence.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Nice romantic story and a great twist to completely subvert expectations.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Terrific story... it takes AI to a sexy conclusiin. This may be how 5G develops... and I love the reference to Back to the Future (Hilldale).

My Toyota is from Statler's dealership.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Awesome story

Awesome story. 6/5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Wow! Not what we was expecting!

Very good story and well written. Until I read that the AI was able to download into a chip in a human brain... well I thought that you were going to have it influence women to come on to Clayton. Maybe a trial and error a bit to eventually get it to create a 2-3 girl harem for Clayton. But the path you took was very well done too. I want to read more! If, by some chance, you do continue this tale, might I suggest that you look into what happens in the event that the chip containing Marina is damaged, comes in contact with a super magnetic field, or some other such thing? After all, Clayton has erased all the work that went into creating Marina in the first place. It would be interesting to see if the organic brain is able to learn to Retain that which is Marina vs just the experiences since Marina has taken over the body. And if you want to make it into a harem of AI’s in human bodies from his attempts at recreation of Marina, well that works too. Just some ideas, free to use.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Lovely story, wrong category

Liked the story but it's not mind control. You can contact the moderators to put it im Sci fi, where more people interested in that sort of thing might read it. It's a good story and you'll get high ratings wherever you put it, but you might get higher with a sci fi audience.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Please Change Category

For me, this story works best as "SciFi." I had wondered while reading what would happen to Marina if her algorithm was deleted or damaged - not sure you answered that with your hurried ending unless you intend for her tabula rosa mind to have internalized the code. Again a SciFi issue (to me).

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