All Day Tease Ch. 05 - The Nightclub


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When he looked back at the floor the two women were nowhere to be seen. Bummer, Jiffy thought. Half the reason he started DJing clubs was to be around chicks like that.

There had been this pale hottie earlier, with jet black hair who had been sinuously sensually writhing out front, making eyes with him every time he changed tracks. Most times anyway. A couple transitions she clearly didn't care for, and one time she outright flipped him the bird when he switched it up. Then the next time she was back to nodding her head appreciatively and rubbing her hands all up and down her body. He hadn't seen her for like an hour or so — maybe she had gone to the bar.

They come, they go. If they dance in between, he did his job right.

Jiffy's reverie was interrupted when the side door to the Truck opened. Holy shit!

Framed in the opening were the tall, African puma of a woman, and beside her the pale spinner. They each held drinks, balancing them with agility as they stood in the doorway gyrating to the track.

Jiffy couldn't see them very well, in the doorway, and waited for them to come inside. This dynamic held for an entire minute, him staring and then posing, until he registered that the drums changed.

Fuck, the track was about to change. He snapped back to the decks and hit the Stop button, pitching the song as it stopped like an old turntable. At the same time he ran the fader up in a smooth logarithm, swelling the descending sound until it thundered, and sneaking the next song in under the effect.

Just as the next song caught and took over, he was aware of the girls slipping inside the Truck. They inched closer, dancing wordlessly to the song.

Jiffy decided to play it cool, or try. He looked over his shoulder at the tall girl and said "Hey" as slickly as he could manage.

No response.

Ok whatever. Yeah they were hot but DJ Damm Jiffy had banged some banging bangers on the job before. Ladies loved to dance and he was the one who made it happen. Like apparently he was tonight?

Damn, Damm Jiffy, he thought, It feels good to be good! Or is that just the blood flowing south ...

The song climaxed and started peaking, so he slapped in a follow-up before the floor lost any energy. With the change in music, the girls sped up, sauntering closer as they shook and stroked their bodies.

They still didn't say anything. Ok, back to the decks and the crowd, game on.

Even as he thought that he knew he was kidding himself. These girls had him in their clutches already, without even a word or touch.

By the time the next song started, they were on either side of him, sipping their drinks and pressed in on him from either side, touching him with their free hands.

Sarah put her hand on his shoulder, as if she was about to give him some advice, and Karina started walking her fingers up and down his back, to the beat.

They stated like this for the rest of that song, the tall one kneading his shoulder slowly and firmly, in quarter time with the beat.

He responded to the attention by redoubling his focus on the mix, showing off a little. To the folder, mouse a new idea into the playlist just in time, pull an EQ drop on the current track and slam the crossfader. As he went for the final step Sarah's fingers slid down to his arm, feeling his muscle tense as his hand pushed the crossfader.

She pushed his arm away, causing him to half turn towards her. Karina, drink done, doubled down and attacked his back with both her hands, running her fingernails up and down outside his shirt.

Sarah pinned his gaze for a minute before looking up and away haughtily.

"You're alright. Sasha's better."

She had a posh British accent.


Jiffy looked back at her a little awkwardly. This wasn't how these DJ groupie hookups usually started — usually the chicks were half hammered and effusive in their stammering praise.

He called her bluff. A quick click put the list in Autotrans mode, and it would mix over the remaining songs as naturally as the program could handle. Jiffy normally couldn't be caught dead using Autotrans, but something was happening here that needed his full attention.

He stepped back, Karina's nails scratching sharply as he moved unexpectedly. It sent chills up his spine.

He turned to Karina.

"Ok Sasha, you want to take over? I think your friend has something she wants to show me."

"Ohh cheeky." Sarah said, and slapped Jiffy's ass, pretty hard.

"Silly boy." Karina looked up at him through her hair, and started the fingernail scratching thing again, this time on his chest.

"I'm not Sasha."

Wait — what? Then who was -

"What's with the lame ass robot mix?"

Sarah spun him around to face her as she spoke, gesturing to the LEDS on the soundboard as they shifted automatically from one deck to the other with the Autotrans. Karina's nails raked against his side again as he was turned.

"That shit's not gonna cut it with us girls. Get good or we get gone."

Sarah disengaged, gesturing behind his back at Karina to do the same.

Karina stepped off and put her hand on her hip, striking a dismissive pose and tapping one of her high heels against the ground.

"Don't you want to .. " Jiffy made a vague circle gesture at the two of them, and then to himself. His slick seemed to have slunk off

"Yeah," oozed Karina. "But with a real DJ."

Sarah gestured again at the DJ setup.

"We're confident," She enunciated that word so sharply she practically spat out the consonants, "that you can split your focus, darling."

The mix Autotransitioned again.

"And if you can't, then there's always Sasha." Karina chimed in.

"Who's Sasha!?!" He has to know.

Karina looked at him for a minute and then turned to Sarah. "Who's Sasha?" She said.

As if on cue, the door to the Truck opened again and another woman came inside.

Oh fuuuck! It was that smoking' goth from earlier. She gave him a little wave of her fingers and then turned and bent over one of his vinyl crates, pointing her legging encased ass right at him.

Sarah reached down and clicked off Autotrans. Jiffy pulled his gaze back to the laptop, and slammed into the next track well before the AI would have.

"That's more like it." Sarah breathed into his ear.

Karina dropped to her knees beside him and began fingernailing his leg, up and down, using both hands. Her right hand drifted closer and closer to his poled-out pulsating pants crotch — but never actually touched it.

"What's next, jockey?" Sarah kept up her teasing, straight into his ear. "Where are you gonna take all these people? Where are you going to take us?"

Jiffy pulled three tracks into the list in rapid succession, trimming the tops and beatmatching to make a medley. Just as the current track peaked he slammed the fader over and went into the medley.

Sarah leaned right in front of his face, mouth open as if to kiss him, but never made contact. She breathed her hot breath on his face, minty fresh, and the scent warred with her perfume.

Jiffy kept his cool and skitter-scratched a turntablist break over the bridge of the track. Sarah leaned in further, arching her back to keep from blocking his arms on the decks.

"Are we distracting you?" She oozed the word out with evident salaciousness.

She opened her mouth and lightly grazed her upper teeth down his nose. He faltered, clearly seriously affected by that, and his hand fell on the spinning timecode record, pitching the track down to a stop.

In a flash he recovered and hit a SFX stab, thundering out of the silence and into the next song, a faster banger than before. The crowd roared and shook as they flung themselves into higher gear.

Without breaking her stare, Sarah reached down and unbuckled his belt, pulling it slowly up and off of his waist. She brought the leather strap up to her lips and tasted it, flashing her eyes at him.

Once Sarah had his belt off, Karina reached up and pulled his pants down around his ankles. His blue silk boxers were having a hard time keeping his hardening cock contained. She tap tap tapped one index finger lightly on the top of the mound, and was rewarded by a giant twitch.

He pushed the crossfader again with an odd sense of losing and winning at the same time. They had him by the shorthairs, literally. He could not stay above water much longer. In his periphery, Sasha stood up from the crates and began to walk towards them.

Sarah slowly fell to her knees opposite Karina. Both hands were on his package before she was all the way down. She kneaded and pressed and rubbed through his boxers against his nearly rock hard cock.

He felt his cock thrill as the girls pulled his underpants down, and it flopped out and finished solidifying. His hand was shaking and he wasn't sure he'd be able to make the next crossfade.

"Ok you passed the test."

Sarah looked up at him over his cock. It was just on the edge of her wide open mouth.

"You've got till the end of this song ..."

She nuzzled her nose against the head for a moment, and it twitched almost an inch.

"... to turn your set over to Sasha ..." she brought her arm up and pointed it at where Sasha was standing, making sure to brush her forearm against his dick as she reached back.

"... and give us your full attention." Her eyes were huge as they stared into his, and he could feel her hot breath on his hard cock. He looked over at Karina, but she was just watching them intently, one hand rubbing the outside of her dress over her chest.

"Otherwise, I won't do this," her lips touched against the underside of his dick head as she spoke, and his eyes crossed as a jolt of mindless pleasure ran through him.

Then she kissed the head of his penis daintily right on the tip, hitting the hole with a flick of her tongue and he broke.

He pulled his hands off the laptop and shifted aside. Sasha shimmied into his place and sweetly whispered "Thanks, bitch," into his ear. Then she slapped his ass and turned her focus to the laptop, cuing up tracks like mad.

The slap pushed his body into Sarah, and she took advantage of it, pulling his dick right against her lips as she said "oh you made the right choice DJ". Then she swallowed him whole, deep throating him until he almost poked out the back of her head.

The swallowing of his cock aligned perfectly with Sasha's first song dropping into the mix, and it was all that more awesome for Jiffy. The chick was good. The one who had taken over his set.

The other one was motherfucking amazing, the Puma goddess currently slurping back and forth on his dick like nothing he had ever experienced. Her hands were clawing at his body, behind him, across his chest. It looked like she was really having fun.

And the third, Karina, she had said, was dancing to Sasha's track, but in a way that was like a standing lap dance. She squished her body up against his, twisting her hips out of the way of Sarah down below. Her hands spiraled up onto his head, knocking his hat off and threading their fingers through his head. Her lips were an intense crimson red, and they were outlined in a way that made them look three-dimensional, as if these lush symbols of lewd sexuality were trophy medals hanging on her face.

He was trying to parse that thought when Karina brought those lips right up to his face and kissed him deeply. Somehow her lips seemed to move in time with Sarah's on his cock down below, rhythmically devouring him from two directions at once.

What the fuck! He was having a fucking threesome with a yin yang pair of model hot babes, to an incredible soundtrack, spun by a stunner.

He couldn't help but to think "Dear Penthouse" and he laughed, or tried to through Karina's exquisite lips which were plastered to his.

Sarah reached up and began kneading his ass cheeks as she sucked him down. She squeezed and pulled his cheeks, and brushed the tips of her fingernails across his butthole as she deep throated down.

Jiffy's eyes went wide and his mouth gasped in air, which had the practical effect of sucking Karina's lips inside his. Karina's eyes widened to match his, and she latched onto his tongue, sucking it down. Then he turned his head and the kiss transformed into a new form.

In a moment she pulled back and fell to her knees. Sarah made space for her and they both grabbed onto his dick.

Jiffy looked down to see the two banging chicks looking up at him, his hard cock jutting straight out between them. The girls leaned in and began French kissing each other, wet and sloppy, just underneath his cock. Their faces hit up against it as they mouthed all over each other.

Jiffy unbuttoned his shirt with one hand and used the other to slap his cock up against their faces, right in the middle of their mouths. They reacted to this by splitting up a little and letting his cock slip in between. It was slick with spit and slithered in and around and all over their cheeks & lips and noses.

Sarah reached up over and put pressure on his dick, pressing it into their faces as they cheated towards center and made out. He felt a mind zapping thrill when she pushed the sensitive underside of his cockhead up against Karina's defined cheekbones.

Then Sarah disengaged and looked up at him. "You see this amazing hot woman?"

"Her last guy was garbage. She needs to get the taste of him out of her mouth."

Karina looked up at him and ran a finger sensually around her lips, as of wiping off something distasteful. When she ended her mouth was open on a perfect round O, outlined by those amazing red lips.

Sarah moved around out of his field of vision as Karina assumed center stage. She brought her mouth down towards his twitching dick, staring up at him all the while. Her lips landed right on the top of his cock and paused there. It tried to twitch up, but she held it with just enough pressure that it was trapped. He could feel Sarah breathing behind him, her hot breath on his ass cheeks.

He realized just as the track changed that she's been waiting for it. As the music tumbled from the heights of tension the dance track had cultivated into the smooth natural release of the next song, Karina leaned down and swallowed his cock whole.

His brain jumped up to a new level of stimulation with the deep throating, and then jumped again when he felt Sarah's hot tongue in his ass.

Now they were eating him up like a sandwich, and he'd never been happier. Karina was reaching around his legs as she sucked him, pulling the zipper on Sarah's tracksuit.

Then they abruptly pulled back and scampered away from him to the couch. Sarah's tracksuit did not make it, and she perched on the couch in a set of silver panties and nothing else.

Karina was zipping out of her dress, revealing a set of electric violet lingerie.

They giggled and beckoned to him. Jiffy crab-walked halfway there until he could step out of his pants, and shed his shirt too.

The girls pushed him down on the couch and Karina jumped on top, reaching for his ramrod stiff cock. Sarah knelt beside the couch and began to massage his head & lick his ears.

Karina was on her hands and knees atop his lower body, nuzzling his dick with her face like she was a cat.

Sarah pulled her hands back and grabbed one of Jiffy's hands, bringing it on a tour up her body. When it got to her head she sucked on his fingers for a moment and then plunged them into her Afro, dragging his hand in and out of her curls.

Karina's mouth was fully over his cock now, but she didn't close it. He felt her hot breath as she loosely encased him, flicking her tongue against the head.

At the exact same moment, Sarah swooped up and in, engulfing his mouth in hers with an agile and insistent tongue, and Karina closed her mouth around his cock and ran her fingernails up his chest.

All of Jiffy's muscles snapped tight as his brain went straight into ludicrous speed. He'd gotten gig-laid before, but this was off the fucking charts. Up to eleven, like they say.

And then Sarah took the next logical step in the acquisition of his body, swinging one long, luscious leg up and over his head, landing her silver satin panty crotch right on his face. The fabric was moist, and she smelled like a fresh autumn day in a pine forest.

Jiffy began mouthing the outside of Sarah's panties to the same cadence as his cock was being devoured by Karina. He felt Sarah shiver above him, graceful but urgent.

After what seemed an eternity, but was actually only one verse of the song Sasha was spinning, Sarah flung her other leg out. She hopped off his face and spun in place, pulling off her panties and then hopping back on, facing the other direction.

His tongue entered her, darting in and out between her lips and up around her clit. She leaned forward and began pushing her head towards where Karina was chowing down.

Her formidable curls tickled his chest, he giggled instinctually. Sarah squirmed with delight, and then doubled down on teasing him with her hair. Karina backed off, leaning up to kiss Sarah, and then Sarah hung her head down, drenching his dick in the lush forest of her Afro.

Karina lay back and began fingering herself, getting ready for the inevitable next step ...


The fans woke Sam up from his nap in the amp room. It was so warm in there, and he had been up all day at his other job before he even came to the club.

He usually sat up with the DJ and watched the crowd, chilled etc, but today he had just been too tired. A quick sit in his camp chair turned into a nap of how long he didn't even know.

But the amps had come to life hardcore, their fans ramping up like hair dryers, twice or three times as loud. That meant they were pushing a lot of bass, usually.

Jiffy was in tonight — he was good but not that good — he leaned a little too hard on the experimental stuff, which didn't always result in an epic rave.

Sam crossed the room and opened the door to the Truck.

He stopped stock still and took in the improbable scene.

On the couch across the booth, DJ Damn Jiffy was getting enthusiastically fucked by the two of the sexiest girls he had ever seen. A tall svelte Black girl was grinding her crotch on his face as an equally fine, slight pale brunette rode his cock. The brunette caught a glimpse of him standing there and winked at him. As he stared, she grabbed her boobs and began playing with them while she fucked the DJ.

But who was on the turntables? This mix was bomb. The crowd was going wild down below, and here the DJ was, in an energetic threesome with a pair of teen models.

Sam looked over to the Truck booth, and it was her! The pale angel with the black hair from the hallway. She was the one spinning. And she was good too.

Sam could see the outline of her svelte legs in their stretch pants as she leaned over the decks, and her trim but curvy ass stuck out like a plum hanging from a tree.

She must have felt his stare, because she looked over her shoulder. When she saw him watching her, her eyes sparkled with mischief.

"Hey!" She screamed over the monitors.

"I'm filling in while your DJ over there spins my girlfriends instead."

"Trouble is, I'm getting all hot and bothered watching them, and I don't have any hands free."

"What do you say? Wanna help a damsel in distress?" She punctuated that by slamming the crossfader over to the next track, a pulsing thumper with a heartbeat backbone.

Sasha reached down and slapped her own ass. "Come on. Get over here."

"Take them off!" She called down to him, and then started to dance in place, grinding her ass in front of his face.

He reached up and grasped her pants hem in two places, and slowly but surely began to pull them down. Her tiny panties were bright purple.

Sasha lifted her legs one at a time for Sam to pull her pants off, and then bent her knee and put her right foot up onto a crate of records.