All Day Tease Ch. 05 - The Nightclub


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"I think we're gonna have to do some tests, to see if you can take it." He put a finger up to her open mouth and slowly eased it inside. She stared into his eyes as her tongue caressed his finger. He slowly traced the outline of her open mouth, deforming the round shape when his finger passed.

"Feels pretty stretchy." He commented. She closed her mouth around his finger and said "Mmmmmm hmmmmm," sucking on it like a vacuum.

Throughout all of this, his fingers underneath her body were slowly tracing circles around her panties, and she was ever so slightly grinding herself against his hand.

She took one of her hands from around his shoulders and grabbed the finger that was in her mouth. She slowly pulled it out and then folded his fingers around her throat. His giant palm was under her chin, his fingers reached much of the way around his neck.

He flexed ever so carefully and felt her delicate windpipe. Her eyes were even bigger than ever.

She eased down to the floor, his hand underneath pulling her dress up as she dropped. Her face nuzzled around his hand until it was behind her head, and still her eyes met his.

Slowly, he applied pressure to her head, pressing it into his crotch. His cock twitched madly, yearning to get free of his pants and trapped inside something sweeter. She gnawed her teeth all over his package, scratching the fabric of his pants.

Then she pulled back. "What was that about testing me?"

He looked down at her mischievous face.

"Take it out." He faux ordered, adding cheekily, "If you dare."

Aja shifted her focus from his eyes to her target. She unzipped his pants and pulled them down. His boxers bulged out as far as they could, his dick half unfolded beneath them.

Using a move she surely cribbed from a porno, she positioned her face right in front of his waistband as she pulled his boxers down. His cock sprung up and hit her chin.

"Oh yes." Aja moaned, slipping his cock up over her face and pushing it against her skin with her hand. She scratched one white nail lightly against the tip, and under it.

She moved her face all around, licking and nipping and sniffing at his dickhead. Then she took it in both hands and brought it to her mouth. She pursed her lips and laid them right over the very tip.

"Ok, I'm ready for the test now." Her lips brushed against his dick as she spoke, and the sensation kicked him up a level.

Without a word, he took her head with both hands and exerted a gentle pressure. She must have been keeping her teeth closed, because his dick didn't go inside. Instead her lips plumped up around the center of pressure.

He felt her open her jaw behind her closed lips, and then the head of his cock oozed it's way between them into her mouth. Aja kept up this insane pressure as she sucked his entire massive cockhead inside her warm mouth.

She opened her mouth, and said, "Did I pass your first test?" His head was still inside her mouth, and her tongue tickled it as she spoke.

"Not yet." Biff dropped the pitch of his voice into a Batman growl, and pushed her head further down his shaft.

She opened wide like she was at the dentist, and swallowed his entire eight and a half inches, whole. She nuzzled her nose into his pubic hair and made unintelligible noises of pleasure.

Where the fuck did his dick go? Her tiny head should not be able to take it all. And yet here he was, so far down her throat he should be afraid that she'd start digesting the tip of his dick.

He slipped back and began slowly but inexorable pushing his dick in and out of her mouth. Her fingernails came up to the sides of his shaft and stimulated whatever was outside of her mouth.

His hand was still on the back of her head but it didn't matter — she was eagerly anticipating his thrusts, diving down further and pressing herself into him as he pushed into her.

He leaned over and pushed his hands down her back, slipping under her dress to massage her soft skin. All the while, underneath, they kept the solid piston stroke of needful fellatio going.

After what seemed like an eternity of tense pleasure, she rocked back on her heels and slipped his dick out of her mouth.

"Oh my god, Biff, you are gonna make me EXPLODE!"

He mustered all his willpower to speak coherently, and managed

"Heh, I think you got that wrong — you are gonna make me explode!"

She looked at him for a moment, and said "Pick me up, big boy!". Then quick as a bunny she dove back down onto his dick, gripping it tightly with her cheeks.

For a moment he was confused, and then saw what she wanted. He leaned in again and grasped her waist.

Then he slowly leaned back erect and pulled her up with him. She pivoted on his shaft, like the lightweight spinner she was, and ended up upside down, sucking his cock as he held her.

Her legs split side to side and fell around his neck, and he nosed into her wet panties. He used his tongue to shift the tiny thong gusset to the side and started going to town on her vulva. His nose nuzzled around her clit as his lips engulfed hers. Her legs swung back and forth above his, weighted with the Louboutin platforms.

Biff reached up and grabbed the zipper of her dress, pulling all the way down. The fabric fell away from her sides but the pressure of their bodies kept it from falling off entirely.

Aja pulled her mouth off his dick and slithered down to the ground, the dress fabric falling with her. Then she swung around to end up on her knees, looking up at him

"Can I get that giant cock inside me yet?" She begged him.

"You just did." jokes Biff, as he took off his shirt and stepped out of his pants.

"Not my mouth, silly, my pussy. If you think I'm small you won't believe how tiny tight my little pussy is."

"Yeah, I don't believe you. Gotta see for myself."

He bent down and picked up Aja, lifting her into the air. Down she went onto the couch. As she landed she pulled his head in for a kiss.

When she released his mouth again, he stood up, looming above her little body.

Her legs were straight up and kicking together playfully. Biff grasped them and slowly pushed them ahead and apart, spreading her wide open like a wishbone.

Her tiny red panties were covered in cute pink hearts, and they looked soaked through. He could smell her arousal. Deliberately he reached down and pulled her panties out from under her little butt, pulling her legs closer for a moment to get the wispy panties off.

He leaned far over her for a moment, blocking the light from her face. And then he sank to his knees before the couch, right between her open legs.

Her little innie pussy was barely a slit between her legs, and it really was that tiny — it looked as if one of Biff's beefy fingers would fill it up completely.

He reached up and gently slipped the tip of his index finger inside her. She gasped with sensation, and Biff could feel her muscles clench. Slowly but irresistibly, he pushed his entire finger inside her hold.

She was hot as a furnace and even tighter than he imagined — it was like trying to fish something out of the key pocket in a tight pair of jeans. His thumb curled above and over, coming to rest on her clit. Aja purred with excitement.

Biff pushed his middle finger inside, next to his pointer, and began to move his hand back and forth, fingering her gently.

She grabbed his wrist with both her hands, and increased the rhythm — in and out, at just the right speed. Biff could feel her hips bucking in the opposite direction, increasing the force with which their flesh intersected each other.

His face got closer and closer with each thrust, fascinated with this sensual responsive creature who had given herself to him.

Finally he could wait no longer, and pulling out his fingers he lunged in with his mouth. His big mouth completely covered her pussy — he made a big O-mouth and pushed it against her vulva in circular motions, working her clit with his tongue in the center. He had gotten a tiny taste of this twat when she was upside down in his arms — now he was diving in like a buffet.

She was bucking and writhing by now, and his big arms pushed her legs up over her head so that her crotch was maximally exposed. She had surrendered herself to his power, and in return he was lifting her up, metaphorically and physically.

Biff held her legs together and pushed them up until her knees were almost touching her face. The smooth curve where her legs met one another traced a continuous line from her feet, down her calves and over her knees, down her trim thighs, ending on her pussy.

He took his solid dick in one hand and leaned over her, resting his cock right in the middle of that line, as far up as his legs allowed.

With a hand on top for pressure, Biff dragged his dick all the way down her legs. Once it cleared her thighs, he bent his knees a little and pressed his whole eight-inch cock flat against her skin.

At the inevitable end of his road, Biff landed his cockhead right on the outside of her pussy. In one smooth motion, he pushed himself inside and opened her legs wide. They made eye contact again as Biff slid into the tightest, hottest hole he had ever known. For her part, Aja's eyes expanded even further than ever as she thrilled from the pressure she felt inside, pushing at her from every direction.

When he was all the way inside, all her muscles contracted. Her legs kicked around at Biff's back, her little hands grasped the blanket from the back of the couch as hard as they could, and she held her breath.

Biff leaned forward and rested on his elbows, hovering above and over her. She truly felt like Fay Wray for the first time ever — after fantasizing about it so much, here she was, surrounded and encompassed.

Biff flexed his hips and began a regular rhythm, as if he was working out. Backwards and forwards his body went, dunking his dick and then pulling back.

He dropped his head down right over hers.

She was twitching with every thrust, breathing in time as she was fucked.

She lifted her neck to kiss him, but it wasn't quite long enough. So he sunk a little lower on his elbows and her lips met his. Her arms abandoned the blanket and flung around his neck, keeping his face there in her grasp.

They kissed while they fucked; over and over Biff filled her body up, over and over Aja devoured his tongue.

At some point he just straight-up lifted her up, never breaking the rhythm. He held her up against the wall and slammed her over and over, while she took every inch every time like a true champion.

Biff ended up on his back on the couch while Aja bucked her entire ninety pound body on his nine-inch pivot like she was one of those mechanical bulls in a country western bar.

"Oh baby, Biff, Bouncer, Bear, baby, Bounce me, bounce me, BOUNCE ME!"

She moaned over and over as the rhythm clicked in. Her lithe frame oscillated up and down on his massive spear, as he pushed on her firm thighs over and over.

She indeed was bouncing up and down as if she was one of those little red balls that tied to a wooden patron with elastic.

It didn't feel like a cycle to either of them — it felt like a crescendo, each bounce ascending one step on the staircase that was spiraling upwards into ecstasy.

Like one of those water pressure powered model rockets, it was only a matter of time until his engine exploded and launched her into the air. That's what it felt like.

They sped up as they approached climax, testing the limits of their bodies' endurance. His cock and her pussy were a well oiled machine going a mile a minute, like a printing press for pleasure.

Suddenly Aja shuddered with huge spasms and quakes as she hit a plateau of multiple orgasm, coming over and over as her physical sensations combined with the psychological heights of being fucked by this monster of a man mountain.

So many nights she had gotten herself off thinking about this moment, and here it was and it was even more amazing than she imagined. Her consciousness dwindled down to a single shining point centered on her pussy and she went supernova.

At the peak of Aja's launch into space Biff came harder than he could remember. This was every bit as much his fantasy as hers, not that he knew beforehand that he would be attracted to her because of her smallness, but because he dreamed of being looked at like she looked at him, with such animal need. She wanted him, and that didn't happen everyday. And she was gorgeous beyond belief, and deliciously dirty, and exhaustively thorough.

His blast really was like one of those rockets. If her body wasn't there to soak it up, the jizz totally would have hit the ceiling.

It was like time stood still for a year, even though it was only a few moments. His head was clear, and right into that blessed void popped the answer to his riddle.

He looked down up Aja as she heaved with contentedness.

"I don't suppose you're into science fiction, are you?"

The tiny angel in his arms, who had just deftly extracted cuploads of cum out of his cock, looked down at him with her giant expressive eyes, and spoke in the cutest voice he had ever heard:

"I am Groot!"


EPILOGUE: The Repairman


Oh fuck, it was starting again. Adrian fumbled for his phone and almost dropped it.

He was in the staff room at the exercise equipment warehouse where he worked. There was a couch in there where people occasionally slept — usually Steve, the night watchmen, would get some shuteye on it but mostly it went unused.

But Adrian was not there to sleep. He couldn't sleep — he'd never be able to get the blanket over his rock hard cock.

He had managed not to beat off when the redhead walked away. The redhead who had made him massage her luscious legs, and promised to send him pictures.

Holy shit did she deliver on that promise.





And the pictures started. And holy fuck, did they start.

The first text he managed to hide from his wife, and a good thing too because it had been a closeup of a cherry red high heel shoe. A platform shoe with a spike heel. The kind that only strippers and party girls wore. And her toes were inside, her crimson red painted toes.

The second text came a minute after that, and that one his wife heard. She didn't see it though. He managed to convince her that he needed to sub in for the warehouse security, which wasn't that hard because he did cover for Steve on occasion. So he had grabbed a change of clothes and left in his truck.

And then he had to call Steve from the road and beg him to take the night off — he would cover his shift without even asking for the pay. Steve knew something was up but he didn't say anything — worked out well for him; he'd head straight to the bar to get smashed.

Adrian pulled up to the warehouse ten minutes later and traded places with Steve, his phone pinging all the while. He didn't dare look at them until he was alone again.

That had been ten o'clock. For the past three hours his phone had been going off with one salacious shot after another.

It unfolded just like a porn shot: first there had been some relatively tame pictures of Brittany out on the street. Tame but still hot — she was looking like a million dollars, dolled up in scandalously clingy red and black sequined dress, with shadowed eyes and styled curls. Her eyeliner extended out into cats-eye points. She looked like a glossy makeup ad come to life.

The camera explored every inch of her, from wide angle shots of her confident statuesque stance to close up details. Some were from eye level and some were looking up., as if the photographer had been kneeling at her feet. There were tight shots on her high heels, her ass, her cleavage, her exquisite face.

He wondered who the lucky photographer was — it surely must be her boyfriend. Who else would she let get that close?

After ten shots or so they stopped. Adrian started rubbing his dick through his pants, flipping back and forth through her photos, remembering the feel of her toned legs from earlier in the day.

But that was nothing.

An hour later another set arrived, and in addition to Brittany there were three other magazine-worthy women. And they were all dressed like absolute whores. Right out of the pages of a porn mag, this was.

The pictures came in every minute or so. The girls in all sorts of sexy poses.

Then there was a man in with them, someone Adrian did not expect. He was older, forties at least, and not exactly handsome. He wasn't ugly or anything, just not on par with the chicks.

But they were on him like he was a rockstar, clinging to each side of him, hissing his cheeks etc.

He must have been some sort of a player though — in the latest picture he was feeling one of the girls up, the small one, grabbing her ass but good, with no shame.

Probably loaded. One of those dudes who gives away stacks at a time to get chicks like that on his arm. Probably bought all those minidresses and high heels. Shells out the scratch to scratch the itch.

The set ended with a shot of Brittany from behind, her round sequined ass front and center. She was all over the guy, her lips brushing the inside of his ear.

What dirty things was she telling him?!?!?

He scrolled up and down in the text thread, while working his cock, starting at the beginning and reliving the whole progression over and over again.

An hour or so later, the next bunch started arriving. Adrian was in his boxers on the couch by now, a glass of whisky on the side table.

The other girls were gone, but Brittany was front and center. She was inside some sort of storage room?

The lighting was better than on the street. Her red sequins sparkled in front of a backdrop of fancy alcohol bottles, on a metal shelf.


She made love to the camera and the camera loved her right back. A series of smoking hot modeling poses showcased her perfect body. She stood in different stances to feature different parts of herself, leaning forward to kiss over her cleavage, or standing looking back over her shoulder with her back and ass in an S-curve.


And then a new hand entered the composition. It was a man's hand, calloused but not rough, but definitely masculine.

In the first shot the hand was simply resting on her flat stomach. The protruding shelf of her chest curved away above it, cut off by the camera before he could really see the shape.

The light of this opportunistic hand invading the lush unspoiled territory of Brittany's body stirred something deep inside of Adrian. His own hand twitched, the one that wasn't sliding up and down his cock, that is.


In the next shot, the hand was higher, just under the twin sequined mountains of her breasts. There was a trail of black sequins below it, showing the path the hand had pushed up her body.

Adrian fell deeper into the fantasy that it was him feeling her up. He has memorized the architecture of her body at the gym, seen those glorious tits encased in a tight sportsbra.

Maybe if he'd had the balls he'd have been more aggressive back there, and it would be him. But no — something told him that that wasn't the right tack with this woman.


He gasped in a breath when he saw what was on his phone screen — the stakes had clearly just been raised.

The hand was up on top of her cleavage now, fingers grasping around one of her magnificent breasts. The thumb and the pinky disappeared under her dress, and the tree middle fingers squeezed down on her voluptuous flesh, indenting it in.