All Day Tease Ch. 05 - The Nightclub


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Sam wasn't quite sure of the whole story, but he knew what he was supposed to do. He shuffled closer, right into the arch made by her leg, and nosed in to the panties. Sasha squealed with delight, pulling the high & mid EQ out as she did leaving just bass and her morning. On beat — she was good. BAM the mids and highs were back, that song crashed into the next and Sam's tongue was in her pussy, his hand pulling her panties aside.

Over on the couch, the action had spilled over into a rug on the floor. They were in something resembling a triangle now: Jiffy was thrusting into Sarah over and over while Sarah was eating out Karina while Karina was mouthfucking Jiffy with the most intense French kissing he had ever experienced. It was like she was devouring his face, pulling it into hers with both hands, licking all around his face in between kisses, slathering her tongue all over his face and invading his mouth with it.

Jiffy was hanging in for dear life as these two sexual tsunamis had their way with him. They were so different, but each amazingly hot. Jiffy had always wondered if the girls out on the floor could really fulfill the promise of sexual potency that their appearances let on — now he knew. These ladies were fucking the shit out of him, and each other too.

His cock was plunging in and out of Sarah's tight, responsive pussy while Karina's exquisitely beautiful face ravaged his, with her eyes of mad passionate intent and her expert mouth. He was dimly aware that the two girls were connected too somehow but his brain could barely process what was happening to him, let alone others.

The action continued in the Truck, two hot spots writhing with passionate people: Sasha rode the mix like a Malibu surfer, sitting on Sam's face, and the one-two punch of Karina and Sarah had DJ Damm Jiffy in a submission hold, metaphorically.

Actually, Sarah had fucked her first full from him, and then rose, pulled them all upright. Karina got on her hands and knees on the couch, and Sarah guided Jiffy's stiffy into her pretty kitty. Then she slipped around him and began pushing him forward and backward, giving him the rhythm with with to fuck her friend.

Karina ground her pussy back against Jiff's dick, falling into a counter rhythm that brought their bodies together with twice as much force.

Sarah kicked one long leg up around him and put her foot on the couch arm. She rubbed her pussy against his side as he and Karina slammed each other.

Sarah scampered up to stand on the couch astride Karina's pulsing body. She bent forward and put her hands on the back of the couch, perched like a tent over top of the fucking couple.

Jiffy knew what to do and dove his head into Sarah's pussy as he pounded Karina. He ate her out with all the more urgency due to the stimulation he was receiving below.

Finally, to complete the circle, Sarah hung down her head and started to lick Karina's ear and neck. Karina snapped her head up to engage with this action. And then each was giving or getting pleasure from each of the others, in glorious balanced carnality.

"Holy fuck!" Jiffy gasped out. "This needle is about to hit the groove, if you know what I mean."

Sarah fell back to the couch, in a controlled fashion, and push/pulled Karina off Jiff's dick, turning her around.

Sarah threw her arm around Karina's neck and pulled both their faces in around Jiffy's engorged throbbing cock. She held both of them pressed against the dick while she pulled her head and Karinas back and forth, fucking his cock with the sides of both their faces. Sarah reached behind her and hooked him by the mouth, her hand around his lower jaw, fingers on his tongue.

DJ Damm Jiffy came like a geyser, the first spurt up and over the backs of the women. This couch cover was gonna have to be deep cleaned, or maybe burned. For the next three spasms, Karina's mouth was clamped on his dick, taking what came out like a champion.

Jiffy fell down to his knees, looking these two succubi in the eyes. Sarah looked pleased with herself, and Karina just looked thoroughly plumbed. He started to say something, but then his head looked over to the side and he never said any words.

Sarah slapped Jiffy. "Come on, darling — get up."

Karina leaned down and looked him in the eye. "That was some nice fucking. Thanks, I needed that. But now you gotta spin."

The girls got his pants back on for him, and his shirt, and getting him to look halfway decent. Then they went over to the turntables.

Sam saw them coming and stopped licking Sasha's pussy. He stood up. Sasha looked back, to see what happened, and saw the others. She nodded towards Jiffy and he came up, trading places with her and taking over the laptops.

"Thanks DJ!" She blew him a kiss and turned away to face Sam.

"Ok it's my turn." She threw her arms around his head and kissed him deeply, one knee digging up around his crotch.

Over by the turntables, Jiffy began sorting his playlist as if in a dream. Sasha had cued you another six songs or so, and he was just gonna let them play, while he recovered.

He looked over his shoulder to see Sasha on her knees between the house guy's legs, over on the couch, her head bobbing up and down as she sucked his cock. Her hand was up by his head, and she was squeezing his cheek and playing with his lips with her fingers.

He didn't even have the energy to get hard at the sight — he was completely drained. Still dazed, he turned back to the playlist and looked out over the crowd. They were frothing from Sasha's mix, madly dancing with wild abandon.

Damn she was good. Jiffy just sat back for once, in a post orgasmic haze, and let the sound flow over him.


Chapter 5, Part 6: Leaving the Club

** 5-6-1: Ready to Roll

Ali and Rob sat beside each other on the couch. They were leisurely making out, almost cuddling. Ali was driving the trains of course, and right now she just wanted simple companionship.

Brittany was relaxed back on the couch, swaying her head to the music and playing with her phone.

During the times when Ali relaxed her grip on his face, Rob could see it's screen; she was going through pictures of what looked like herself, in the red dress. Every minute or so she would add one to a text thread and send it.

He wondered who was on the receiving end of those sexts. These girls — the rackets they ran. He knew he was one of those rackets, today anyway, but they didn't seem to want anything other than fun.

Sarah and Karina made their way back to the table, where most of the crew was drifting back in.

"Ok where are we going next?" Nikki poses the question.

"Jenny was gonna come and then we were gonna go over to her uncle's place. But that's off now."

"It's only midnight — I'm totally not tired yet."

"You and I haven't gotten our private moment yet." Ali said, as she took Rob by the arm. He leaned over and kissed her gently again. She sucked his lips a little harder than before.

"Come back to my place!" Karina piped up. Everyone looked at her.

"You bitches had my back tonight. And then you got me laid." Sasha and Sarah high-fived at that.

"My parents are in Europe and I've been housesitting their apartment — trust me, it's big enough for all of ya."

"Awesome!" said Ali. "I've been itching to take this shindig someplace a little more ... controlled." She made an obvious look at Rob and everyone laughed.

Everyone gathered up their things; Sarah got her suitcase, and started towards the door.

When they were most of the way down the hall, and were about to head down the stairs, Brittany saw Serenity the server outside the bottle room at the far end of the hill. The door opened and Clyde came out of the storage room with two bottles of Johnnie Blue. He handed them to Serenity.

Brittany called to the group and said "I'll meet you down there."

Then she ran right over to Clyde and threw her arms around him. She said. "Oh my god babe you were so wonderful tonight. Can't wait to see you again."

And then she latched onto his mouth in a passionate French kiss. With a loud thunk, Serenity the Server dropped one of the whisky bottles as she stared at the kiss Clyde was receiving. The carpeted floor kept the thick bottle from breaking.

Brittany pulled out and looked at Serenity. "This one's special!" she indicated Clyde with her head. "Treat him well!"

Then she winked at Serenity as she withdrew, and quick as a bunny she was she scampering down the stairs after the others.

** 5-6-2: Hank's Refresher

They got down the stairs and passed through the hallway to the back door.

When they opened it they saw not just Biff but Hank too.

Hank was there, and he held the door open for everyone.

Once on the sidewalk, Stephanie pinned him with a glare and gestures at his pants.

He hurriedly unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants a little ways.

Bright red sparkled where they could see the extremely stretched fabric of Stephanie's panties.

She stepped to him and patted him on the cheek.

"Good boy, Spank."

"Okay, Miss -" he started to say something but she cut him off by slapping the same cheek, hard, right where she had been caressing it.

He jerked in place, stopped talking and focused on her face.

"You don't know how to be submissive do you?" Stephanie taunted him, eyes to eyes, nose to nose. Her hand was back resting ever so lightly on the cheek she had just redeemed.

"Oh I fucking love that." She worked her fingers around into his mouth.

"Alphas are my favorite conquests." Her hand grabbed his mouth by the sides, squeezing his lips into a silly pucker.

"You think you're all that and I make you get down on your knees and kiss my shoes." She opened her grip and pushed his face away.

She put one foot forward and inclined her head. One eyebrow was raised to a near-Spock angle.

"Here on the street?" He mumbled, eyes downcast.

"Chop chop, crop-top. Drop and give me twenty."

Hank awkwardly knelt down, using one hand to steady himself, and landed in front of her shoe.

Timidly at first, but with increasing gusto, Hank the Head of Security worshipped Stephanie's scandalously high platform pumps, and her wiggling toes within, with his tongue.

"Biff needs some kisses too!" Stephanie proclaimed.

"Oh no." Biff waved his hands in protest. "I just want to watch this."

Rob took out the extra pack of gum he had gotten for Stephanie earlier at the bodega and held it up for Biff.

Brittany snatched the pack from his hands and popped a piece. Chewing quickly, she went over to Biff and took his face between her hands. Her mouth locked down on his and a mass of red curls obscured Biff from Rob's sight. When Brittany came up for air, Rob saw that Biff was now chewing the gum.

Rob took in the whole panorama — it was like something out of a porn scene.

Stephanie stood akimbo with her hands on her hips with this large soldier-type man on his knees, licking her shoes.

Beside her, the girls treated Biff to a compare-and-contrast of their kissing techniques.

Becca was first after Brittney, and she had a wild wet mouth — her tongue spun circles around his in their shared mouth cavity, and as she disengaged she pulled his tongue out with her lips, holding on as long as she could.

Ashley playfully nipped at his lips before diving in with Dyson strength suction. Her lungs pulled all the air out of Biff's mouth, and he felt his dick jerk with excitement.

Nikki was more gentle but no less dynamic, swirling her tongue all around the inside of his mouth in a similar fashion to Becca, but without all that spit.

Sarah was actually as tall as he was, so their necking was at a different angle than his usual half stoop. Her long agile tongue fenced with his, stabbing in and out before she twirled away.

Karina and Sasha attacked him together, in a triangle of mushed lips and bumped noses. Sasha slid over to mouth his ear, rising up on her tippy toes, and let Karina take center stage.

Finally Ali finished off the train, bringing her hands up to cup his cheeks. She pressed in and Biff's mouth cartooned out into duck lips, which Ali promptly pounded upon.

Biff looked for Aja — where was she? It was awesome of course to experience all of these hotties kissing techniques — but it was the little one that he wanted to taste most of all.

But she was nowhere to be seen. Maybe she had sensed how attracted he was to her, and didn't like it. He was certainly way too big for a girl like that Aa she probably thought she'd be crushed underneath him. If she ever thought anything near that far.


Stephanie watched this parade, and watched her new slave watch this parade, and she smiled. She snapped her fingers and pointed up.

Hank almost fell over as he tried to rise so fast.

"Alright Spank, this is it for now. You know me, right? You've seen me here before. I come from time to time. To rule. Like a queen. To inspect my subjects."

"You are one such subject. And here's what you're gonna do."

"Go to the Nordstrom's in the mall. Talk to Ms. Susan behind the counter in the ladies room and she'll take good care of you. But you'd better not take a tone with her or she'll slap you so hard, you'll think a train hit you."

"And when I come back to this club and see you, I'll check. Like I just did. If you're wearing panties under those tactical pants," sarcastic quote marks, "then you might just get some attention from me. If not, no chance, baby."

"It's your choice."

Hank stammered out excuses but Stephanie cut him off with a little slap of her own.

"Here, I'll help get you started."

She reached down under her dress and pulled off the panties that Becca had given her before.

She smeared them over Hank's face and shoved them in his mouth.

"Give me your number."

He made some gurgling noises as he tried to speak through a mouth full of fabric.

"You're fucking pathetic."

She took out her phone and held it up for him to see.

"Type it on my phone since you can't talk"

He tapped his finger on her phone, and she snapped it back when he was done.

"Come on girls, let's leave Spank to his business. All this smack down I've been putting down makes me hungry."

"There's a slice joint three blocks down Conduit." piped up Sasha.

Everyone cheered at this, Rob included — he was fucking hungry. He hadn't eaten all that much today, and his body had been consuming more energy than usual dealing with his overworked cock.

The whole gang set off down the block, leaving the Sweet Spot behind.

The two security men watched the group leave. The lights from the parking lot made the sidewalk bright, and the girls hot outfits could be clearly seen.

Hank spit out Stephanie's yellow panties and held them for a minute before turning towards Biff. "Isn't she amazing?"

Biff rolled his eyes.

"Well that's what I was waiting for. My woman." He tried to brag, but it fell flat and both men knew it.

Hank opened the door and went through it. He paused halfway through and started to say something to Biff.

Biff looked at him with a grin and said "What?"

Then he noticed something out of the corner of his eye:. A glint of silver, about four feet off the ground, down the block, peeking out of the alley. Biff stood up off the stool.

"Wait. — Hank. I think you've got some stuff to think about. Why don't you watch this door for a little while."

Hank sat on the stool without another word, and Biff hurried down towards the back. On a hunch he pulled out his phone as he walked and texted Clyde: "ITS BIFF — CAN YOU OPEN THE KITCHEN DOOR FOR ME?"

** 5-6-3: The Big Little Finish

As Biff rounded the corner, his eyes met an amazing sight. Smack in the middle of the dark, industrial alley was a pint-size visión of beauty and sensuality, arms crossed in front of her, feet pointed inward, with one twisting slightly, huge eyes looking up at him.

She looked up at him and said, "Hi!" in a peppy voice.

"Aja - your friends all left a few minutes ago.

"I know. I didn't go with them. I was too hungry."

"But they went for pizza —"

Aja stepped forward, way inside his personal space bubble, and silenced him by laying a finger on his lips.

They stood there, looking at each other, alone for the first time since they met.

The moment was broken when the metal door to the kitchen clanged open. Clyde, looking serene and relaxed, extended his hand in hospitality to the two of them.

Biff mirrored the gesture for Aja, who scampered inside, making sure to waggle her butt at Clyde. Clyde gave Biff a high five as he followed after her.

Once they were inside, Biff led Aja to one of the empty green rooms on the basement level. It was only used when live bands played, and nobody went there on nights when it was just a DJ. There were two couches and a bathroom with a shower.

He closed the door behind them.

"Ok, Aja. So what are you doing here?"

Biff crossed his arms and looked at the girl in front of him.

She looked back, impish and cheeky. "Maybe I wanted to hang out with you.

"I dunno." Biff looked down his nose at her. "I couldn't help but to notice that you did not want to kiss me when all the other girls did earlier ..."

"I did — but I knew if I started to kiss you, I wasn't gonna stop. Because I'm hungry."

Biff tried to process that, and found he couldn't quite. So he seized on the easier thing.

"Hungry? How come you didn't go out for pizza with the others?"

"Pizza's not gonna satisfy this hunger — I have an appetite for something else."


"I want a nice big drumstick, so big it'll barely fit in my mouth."

Biff was feeling more and more ballsy, and started to get into the spirit: "You're such a tiny girl, can you really handle that much meat? You see this?"

He flexed his forearm up, and pointed at his thick wrist. He waggled his eyes and nodded.

"What are you saying, Bouncer Bear?"

She tried to encircle his wrist with her fingers but they wouldn't close all the way. Her white fingernails shone in the light.

"Are you telling me that you want to fist me with this massive motherfucker? It'll come right up out of my mouth. I guess I'd become your puppet? You'd reach your hand right up my pussy and get your fingers right behind my jaws and then you could make me sing a song!"

Biff, clever as he was, was momentarily broken by this bizarre mental image, coming out of the cutest little thing he could imagine.

"But I'm not your dummy, dummy. Let's start smaller." She brought his hand around to her ass. His wide fingers completely covered her curvy little cheek.

Biff leaned in and engulfed her shoulder, and then lifted her up by the hand that was under her butt. He felt her entire little body shiver with delight as he demonstrated his physical power.

And now she was wiggling and squirming in his grip, her arms around his neck and her lips locked on his.

He stretched out his fingers and slipped them in between her legs from underneath her. She spread slightly to let him in, and now she sat in his palm while his fingers touched the outside of her panties. Her kissing doubled in urgency and her hands caressed the back of his head.

She pulled back and stared into his eyes.

"I want your giant cock to split me in half."

"Oh yeah?" He replied, trying to flirt back to disguise his nervousness. Girls rarely threw themselves at him like this. But he liked it; for once his feeling of massiveness seemed to be working in his favor. "It wouldn't be responsible for me to stick my dick into anything that isn't big enough to handle it."

Her mouth opened into a look of shock and offense, and her face looked as deliciously fuckable as anything he'd ever seen in his life.

"Oh, I can take anything you can throw at me, mister."