All Day Tease Ch. 05 - The Nightclub


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Sarah was clearly an old friend of the group, and even though she had just gotten there, it was besties all around.

She had been telling a story about seducing two brothers in her Uber that had everyone cheering, Rob included. Fucking hot, it sounded.

"It was a good thing it was an Uber XL, that's all I'm sayin ..." Sarah proclaimed, and everyone laughed.

Then Becca came into the alley, dragging a lanky teenager by the arm. She pushed him into the circle, with a shit-eating grin on her face.

"Look what the cat dragged in." Brittany passed one of the blunts to Becca, who pulled a deep drag and then immediately passed the blunt back to Brittany. Becca grabbed Will by the face and locked her lips on his, exhaling slowly as she shotgunned the hit over to Will.

Will breathed in deep, completely under her spell. Becca broke the kiss and they high exhaled mouthfuls of smoke.

"This is Will." Becca informes the group. "Say hi Will."

Will looked around the circle and hesitatingly said "Hey guys."

"A pleasure to meet you, Will." Stephanie smoked her giant smile. "How are those pants fitting you? They look a little tight."

The girls laughed, and Will blushed.

Rob watched with amusement — he remembered what Becca and Nikki had done to Will earlier, in the mall. If a round two was on the way, Will was gonna fucking have the time of his life.

The second blunt came to him from Aja, who pulled in a giant hit for her tiny size, and then cocked her head back and blew the smoke up to the sky

"Hey Will". Rob decided to try and put him at ease a little. "It's good to have another guy here — these girls can be a little intense, eh?"

Will smiled sheepishly and nodded.

"Oh you fucking love it,". Brittany teases.

"Hah, you're not wrong!" Rob said, and then pulled on the second blunt.

This one had come from Ali, and it was a sativa. He was a pretty regular grass smoker, and appreciated the buzz whenever he went out.

The blunts eventually shrunk down to stubbies, and ended their lives squashed under one high heel shoe or another.

The crew ambled out of the alley and towards the back door. But something didn't look right.

Biff wasn't at the door anymore — it was that guy Hank. And he was messing with two guys. The troupe hung back and listened.

"You really think you're the kind of guys we want here, eh? Girls like guys with muscle." He flexed his right arm, grinning at the skinny men.

"Come on, man, we're meeting a friend inside." The taller one tried to appeal to the big security man

Rob recognized the voice, and then it clicked — that was Louis Davidson, and the other guy was Francis Farnsworth.

They both taught at the school with him. They went to this club? Rob was surprised - he'd of pegged them as book club types rather than night club types.

But then again Rob usually didn't go out, and here he was like a baller, surrounded by a gaggle of precocious promiscuous babes.

Meanwhile, Hank was predictably being a giant dick.

"$100" Hank barked "Each."

Francis started to get out his wallet, when Ali decided she had had enough. Stepping hard to make her heels click, she strode up the street towards the door.

"Nah nah nah nah." She marched in and inserted herself in between Hank and the guys. "They're with me."

"Hi Ali," Louis looked at her like she was the center of the universe. Francis did pretty much the same. Their eyes widened as they took in all of the people in her entourage.

"These two fine gentlemen are my guests for the evening. He is with all --" she gestured around at the girls "— of us. If you want us back in your club, they come too."

Hank looked out at the nine customers arrayed before him, and reluctantly agreed. He opened the door, and they started to go through.

"Wait a minute."

His voice was sharp, and everyone stopped.

"Not this little prick!"

Will stood alone, weathering Hank's glare, seeming to take strength from the crew of ladies

"I'm with them." He said, defiantly.

"I am not letting your scrawny little cuck ass into this club to bother the girls. They don't want you, you fucking cuck loser."

Rob saw Stephanie straighten up at the tone in Hank's voice. She had been content to let Ali lead, but now the situation required something more.

She leaned in and spoke softly to Rob.

"I'm gonna take over for her, because I know Ali's out with you tonight. But make no mistake, she would wipe the floor with this meat head."

Stephanie strode directly up to Hank, heels thudding hard on the pavement. Before he could say anything at all she was right in front of him.

"That's enough of your macho monkey act."

Her knee bent as one leg pushed up into his pants at an oblique angle.

"I call bullshit."

Hank had recovered from his surprise just in time to cloud over again at the twin sensations of pleasure coming into his brain from his crotch and fear, no, apprehension from the look on this beautiful, forceful woman's face.

Stephanie slowly circled around to Hank's side, and whispered in his ear. Nobody heard what she said, but Hank abruptly stood ramrod straight.

Steph came off his ear and faced him again.

"Well?" She demanded, and then, quick as lightning, she slapped him across the cheek.

"Yes." He barked out the word as fast as he could, and nodded.

"Good." Stephanie smiled, beautifully and evilly at the same time. Rob recognized her character from the domme scene earlier, at Flights of Fantasy. But this time she seemed a little more pointed.

She turned to the others. "One of you, sit on this door until I'm done."

Aja shot her hand up, and then flounced over to the stool and perched up on it.

"March, motherfucker." Stephanie slapped the back of Hank's head and he stumbled forward. Steph strode past him and led the strange procession towards the alley: the domme up front, her prisoner behind and a trail of followers rounding out the pack.

They turned the corner and vanished from Aja's sight.

** 5-4-4: Hank gets Spanked

Biff came through the door and came to a full cold stop. Hank was nowhere to be seen. Instead, Aja was sitting on the stool, grinning up at him. She seemed to have gotten over whatever was bothering her last time.

"Hi Biff! Guess what?!?"

He realized that with her on the stool, he could also see right up her little dress. He stared for a moment at the triangle of red panty that was visible — he could discern little pink hearts through the shadow between her legs.

"Hello Aja. What?"

"I'm a bouncer now too!"

"Are you?"

"Sure am, big boy!"

Her voice dropped in pitch as low as she could make it. "I know you ain't getting in here with those shoes! You give me any shit and I'll kick your ass!"

She held up both of her fists in a mock threatening gesture, and then squeezed her arms in to her sides. Her chest pushed out and her cleavage was deep.

This time, Biff put his hands up.

"Ok, ok, don't hit me!" He mock begged.

Aja laughed, and dropped her arms.

"Where are all your friends?" He asked. "And where is Hank?"

"They're down in there." Aja nodded towards the alley. Her voice was normal again, girlish and high.

"Maybe you should go check on things — make sure your boss hasn't been castrated yet."

Biff grinned. If Hank was getting a comeuppance, he wanted to see it.

"Are you gonna be -". He started, but Aja cut him off.

"I'll be fine! See, bouncing is easy!"

She began to bounce her body up and down as she sat, making her dress wobble in the most exciting way.

Biff tore his gaze away and lumbered down the street towards the alley.

When he turned the corner, a glorious sight greeted him:

Hank was on his knees, and one of the girls was walking circles around him. A few of the other girls and their dude, plus two other guys, gathered around in a loose ring.

As he came closer, Biff could see that Hank had a pair of red panties dangling from his mouth. It was all he could do not to laugh.

You just bought my panties." The woman was saying. Sneering, rather.

"$40. No, you know what? $100. The same money you take from guys like these, who just want to have some fun."

"When I let you go — " She rounded in and hissed into his face, "if I let you go —".

She straightened up and continued.

"— you to the little boys room and put these on.

He sputtered a response to that, but his mouth was full and nobody understood.

Using one hand, Hank pulled the panties out of his mouth and tucked them in his shirt, like they were a napkin.

"But — I'm never going to fit into -". Hank started to protest but Steph just grinned evilly.

"Oh yeah they'll be tight as hell, and they'll tear — that's why you bought them."

She tapped her foot impatiently and repeated herself. "That's why you. Bought. Them."

Hank finally got it and awkwardly reached around for his wallet. He pulled out a hundred dollar bill and held it up for her to grab.

"So don't pay me — pay them. $100. Each."

Hank looked distraught for a moment, and then looked at Stephanie. He thrust the $100 over to Louis, and then struggled for his wallet again.

Once Francis had a bill too, Stephanie kicked him in the side. Not hard, but firmly.

"Good boy. Get up."

Hank lumbered off just knees and stood up. His tactical pants were bulged out as his hard points revealed themselves. The outline of his cock was visible and it looked average sized at best.

"Show me those panties you bought."

Hank pulled them from his shirt collar and held them up.

"Now, Spank, when I come back — if I come back — the first thing I'm gonna do is check for those panties. If you're not wearing them, we're done. End of sentence. I'll walk away. Forever."

"But if you do wear these cute frilly red panties under those rough gruff manly-man army pants, well then, you might get a chance.

"A chance for what?" Hank asked.

"To worship my fucking pinkie finger, you little cuck bitch, if I say so. Isn't that right?"

He looked up at her with a dazed look on his face, and nodded.

"Say it."


"Wrong answer". She turned as if to leave.

"Yes mistress!" He spoke with urgency

"That's better. Now let's go."

They all walked out of the alley, the girls and the boys following Hank who was following Stephanie. They emerged from the alley and came back to where Aja was on the stool.

Aja hopped off and bounced right over to Biff.

"I surrender your post back to you, sir!" She saluted him, eyes beaming, and it was ridiculously cute.

Biff almost blushed, and it was clear he wasn't used to being treated like that.

Hank observed this interchange with a look of consternation — Biff was getting this treatment while he had received what he had??

"Hey Spank, should take a lesson from your friend here — he said we're just that kind of women this club needs!" chimed in Becca.

Hank looked at Biff. "You said what now?"

"I mean it," said Biff. "These are just the kind of girls this club needs. To titillate the masses — to be the fantasy — to dominate men's minds merely by existing and being seen — to be the embodiment of vibrant vigorous sexuality."

"Oh my god, Biff" squeaked Aja "You are *so* turning me on right now."

Biff actually did blush at this, turning red under his beard.

Aja clung to his massive arm with her tiny hands. "Promise you'll be here when I come out again?"

"It's my job." He said, awkwardly. Hank started to say something, but glanced at Stephanie and thought better of it.

Biff opened the door and they all went inside, leaving the two security men outside.

Once they were inside, Steph looked around. "Ok girls, who's got me covered."

Ali & Aja looked at one another, then they all turned to look at Becca.

Becca turned bright red and unzips a pocket of her purse, with three or four little wispy pairs inside.

"So I like giving them away," she squeaked. "So what?"

"Boys love a souvenir." Becca pronounced. "Gives them something to beat off about. Isn't that right, Will?"

Will blushed but nodded.

"Yeah like they need a reason. Boys are just like monkeys."

She selected a little yellow pair with a French cut and handed them to Steph.

She stepped into them and pulled them hL around her hips, pulling up her dress to get them up over her ass.

Brittany gave her butt a little smack, and she jumped. Everyone laughed, and Steph pulled her dress back down, smoothing it over her butt.

Still laughing, the group went down the hallway and back up the stairs to the bar.


Chapter 5, Part 5: Own the Club

** 5-5-1: Upstairs

Becca pushed Will before her, out onto the dance floor. He was not a great dancer, but much to the consternation of all the thirsty bros on the floor, Becca only had eyes for Will.

She dirty-danced all over him, subjecting him to moves so scorching he would have blown his load then and there if his stock of semen wasn't as unusually low as it was. As it was, he was tentpoling a bit, but not many people saw because Becca's body was almost always blocking it, as she rubbed her dress-clad ass all over him.

Aja hit the floor not long after Becca and Will, slipping her tiny frame in and out of the other dancers as she worked her way around the mass of people. She cut through the crowd like a motorcycle weaving in and out of stuck traffic, and gloriously let herself go, underwater in a sea of pulsating humanity.

Sarah dropped her silver suitcase by the couches and arrowed straight for the dancefloor as well. Her mass of curly hair stood out above most people's heads, and it shook back and forth as she danced. She moved her lanky frame with such grace and precision that it was clear she was a professional dancer. Men circled in and out of her orbit, but she never favored any of them with her attention.

Sasha has been at the couches when the smokers got back, and as soon as she saw Francis she swooped right in, and was all over him. Like really all over him, her hands in his hair and her legs up against his.

He looked back and forth madly between her and Ali, until Ali whispered something in his ear and he relaxed. Sasha pulled him over to the couch and they sat down together. Her leg was crossed over his and she was still playing with his hair with one hand.

Ashley just kicked back on the couch, drinking a cocktail and chilling. She looked both thoroughly exercised and sublimely relaxed, as if she had just returned from the dance floor after a Dionysian orgy of frenetic movement.

Ali, for her part, had informed Rob on the way up the steps that she intended to "play around some" and asked if he was cool with that. As "her date." she had said.

That had struck Rob as fucking hilarious, considering that a few hours earlier at the club, her mouth had literally been around his cock.

"Go to town, babe," he had answered, "and I'll enjoy the show."

So he just watched as Ali turned her firehouse of sensuality towards Louis, exciting him and teasing him and confounding him in equal measure.

She pushed in and rubbed on him and then pulled back and left him guessing. She worked her fingers around his mind and squeezed. And when she squeezed, he popped. Or would have, if Ali wasn't as good as she was. As it was he just popped out a little.

She began by interrogating him about her look:

"Do you like my outfit?"

"Which part do you like best?"

"Why do you like it so much?"

"What do you think it feels like?"

And then she got a little more pointed:

"Why do you think I wear it?"

"Why do you think I want to attract attention?"

"Why do you think I want to turn guys on?"

"Are you turned on?"

This question could only have one answer, but when Ali confronted him directly Francis couldn't quite seem to get it out.

"But you said I wanted to turn guys on."

"Don't you want to give me what I want?"

She slinging a leg up and over his body, pivoting up into a lap dancing position. Her arms were on his shoulders and his face was right in front of her chest.

"In point of fact, we haven't had a single interaction—"

She leaned forward so that her dress was grazing his nose. His eyes were level with her impressive cleavage. Rob could see his hands shaking where they lay at his sides.

"— that hasn't ended me getting what I want."

** 5-5-2: The Split

"I don't fucking care what you want, you stuck up little cunt!"

Wait what?

The voice was male, not Francis and clearly angry. Rob suddenly snapped back to the present. Something was going down on the next couch over.

Ali's aspect completely shifted as hopped off Francis and grabbed his hand in hers. The seductress was gone, or at least masked for the moment. They both turned to the altercation.

A real douche looking dude was holding on a slim brunette by wrist, and it looked like he was about to slap her.

Sarah reacted immediately, and snapped an arm out to grab the man before he could actually follow through on his threat.

Her dancer fitness was on display, taut muscles gently curved out from her shoulder down to her hand as she held him.

"What the fuck." The man sputtered at Sarah. "Get your hands off me, bitch!"

The dancing continued behind them, the bulk of the club oblivious to the drama playing out in the corner.

"I just texted Biff." Aja said. "He's on his way."

Brock twisted away from Sarah and stood back from the girls. He tried to get to Karina but Ali and Steph made a wall.

Sarah took a step towards Brock and he twitched, breaking and then retaking his stance.

All of a sudden there was movement from the room. Biff appeared like a Mack truck driving up and quickly took in the situation. He grabbed Brock by the arm and put him in a hold.

"Oh no." Biff rumbled. "You don't pull that shit in my house."

Biff had both of Brock's elbows hooked behind his back with one of his giant arms and was covering the man's mouth with the other.

Brock was trying to shout but Biff's ham hand held his mouth completely closed.

Biff looked over at Karina.

"What do you want me to do with this?"

"Get him the fuck out of here." She said, shaking. "I never want to see this motherfucker again."

Karina spat on Brock's shirt, and turned away. Sarah put her arms around her.

"Right." grunted Biff, and dragged Brock off the dance floor and over to the side door, by his head and face.

"Oh honey". Sarah passed Karina a bottle of water. "You can do so much better than that."

Karina took a big swallow and seemed to calm down. "I know."

"I could see it too." She shook her head. "It wasn't like I thought I could change him. I was just lying to myself."

"Oh my god I get it. We all want to believe the dream."

"You need a drink."

Sarah turned and waved her arms towards the back of the room. In a minute, Serenity the Server came over.

Sarah put one arm around Serenity's shoulder and gestures towards Karina. "This beautiful woman needs a drink. Don't you think? This round's on me."

Serenity was not exactly sure what to do with Sarah — she was used to fending off handsy guys, not handsy hot statuesque women. She was completely straight, except for that thing in college. And of course that one month in France on holiday. But this woman ...

Serenity did what she always did when she felt conflicted — she focused on work.

"Ok, what'll it be?"

Karina took a breath, and then stuck her chin up defiantly.

"Tequila, añejo. No salt no lime."

Cheers from the squad.

"That's a good girl." Sarah's smile was like the Cheshire Cat. "It's a round, my darlings. Who's in?"

Everyone joined the toast. Francis had started to decline, but Sasha put her hand over his mouth and nodded, flashing two fingers at Serenity.

Serenity went off to fulfill the order, and everyone had a proper introduction. Karina worked for a marketing agency downtown, and had grown up in a town about three hours away.
