Amorous Goods: The Magic Lamp


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The creature's cock again began twitching, growing stiff and again turning to point at one of the women nearby. It swung back and forth, searching between the two women still contentedly lying on the ground and Jan standing in front of him.

"They're still emitting the pheromones, even after we mated!" he groaned in horror. "Make them stop! Those pheromones will drive me to fill every hole of every female on this planet! My body can't withstand these constant demands! "

Ted saw the creature's eyes glazing over and beginning to glow, as its intelligent mind again relinquished control. He quickly focused his own eyes with a bright flare, with the tendrils reaching out to the creature's head, and its cock suddenly dropped back down hanging limply.

"I'm temporarily blocking your ability to smell them," Ted explained. "I want some answers first, or I will draw even more of their pheromones toward you!"

"Of course," the creature quickly agreed, as Ted cleared its mind of its addiction.


Return to Amorous Goods

After parking Jan's BMW in front of the mansion the next morning, Ted and Jan went inside. Walking to the back of the store, Ted saw Vikki standing at the counter there. When she looked up at them, Vikki asked hopefully "Did you find the lamp?"

"We found it," Jan reassured her. "The lamp wasn't the danger, it's what was held inside. It contained one of the special atoms which give Ted and the familiars their power."

"I need to talk to Morgana's familiar, No-Thung," Ted said.

Hearing the new voices and her name, the green curtained door to the back opened and a woman came out.

"I heard you say you found the lamp," Morgana started as soon as she came through. What was in it?"

"It contained one of the power atoms, such as the one your familiar has," Ted explained. "That's why it left the unusual glow in the glass case that I saw, and why No-Thung was concerned. But whatever was in the lamp was gone by the time we arrived."

"What happened to it?" Vikki asked.

"It was the 'Genie of the Lamp'," Jan interjected with a hint of sarcasm.

"It wasn't human," Ted added seriously. "But I wouldn't call it a genie. I need to talk to No-Thung about it."

Sensing a call from her witch, a cat came strolling into the room from the curtained door and stopped just inside to sit in its regal pose. Then the ghostly white mist form began to rise, and Ted withdrew his special sunglasses, putting them on. In Ted's eyes, the white form took shape as a tall, thin, red-colored female demon with her curved ram's horns and three-fingered appendages.

"So, you found the SH atom," the demon named No-Thung began. "Did you retrieve it? And where did you put it?"

"I know where it is," Ted said reassuringly. "But would you tell me; How do males of your species react to female pheromones?"

No-Thung hesitated briefly before responding with "It turns them into mindless creatures, with only one purpose; to inseminate the nearest female. ... Why do you ask?"

"The creature you sent behaves the same way," Ted said.

"We did not send any creature to your planet," No-Thung said, her voice sounding sincere in her response. Our scientists are still trying to find a way to use the atoms for inter-planetary travel.

"Someone sent it," Ted replied sternly, "and its reaction to the female pheromones around him shows me that you can't survive on our planet. Human females produce that same mind-numbing pheromone in abundance, and at least your males will be forever mindlessly reacting as soon as you arrive here."

"I'll find out how that creature got there," the demon said, "But you can't stop us from coming to Earth."

"I know where that atom is, and your creature is safely under my control," Ted responded. "And I'm confident our women have beaten you ... or will beat you if you show up here."


The Warlords

The warming fires which hadn't ceased for at least the last three millennia were burning in the cavernous space. Fueled by the dying planet's core, the reddish glow of the last of the cooling molten rock gave the large room its welcoming hellish decor.

The huge chamber had a raised, flat platform above the fires with walkways extending from the two doors in the cavern walls on either side of the platform. One of the walkways approached the back of a raised dias on that floor, with five chairs behind the semi-circular table.

The five members of the Science Council entered from that tall door at the edge of the chamber and walked toward their chairs. As they walked along the wide ramp, the tallest of the figures looked at one of the others, a female, saying "I see one of the younglings survived, I-Yam."

I-Yam continued walking toward her seat on the council, her lean figure advancing on the three-toed legs as she walked, with an odd creature attached to her center breast. It appeared like a cross between a small octopus and spider with a dozen twelve-inch-long thin legs spread out and grasping her middle breast. It pulsed slowly as the small body at the center suckled on its mother, removing more of the poisons from her body.

"With luck," I-Yam said, "if it survives over the next few weeks, it might grow into an adult. This would be a first in a hundred years with our dying resources, Woutan."

"It won't be much longer," Woutan assured her "and the Earth will be ours." After taking his seat in the largest center chair, he turned to the one on his far right looking past I-Yam. "Ussan, call them in."

Meyollnir and Jinni walked in from the other door and stood before the five members of the Science Council. The tall, large hulking leader of the Council, Woutan sat on the imposingly large chair on the raised platform in front of them, with two other council members positioned in the semi-circle around them and on either side of the leader. Each of the council member's pairs of almost straight horns curved slightly upward, ending in sharp points, instead of the curled ram-horns of the scientists.

The council member's larger size and those almost straight sharp horns were the only difference between those sitting in judgement and those before them. The Chairman's horns extended over one foot above his large skull-like red face and were slightly longer than the horns of the other four deputies. But he wore a black patch covering his right eye, as the only clothing covering any of them.

Meyollnir had heard the stories of the early times when these five council members fought among themselves. That was thousands of years ago, before the truce needed to stabilize the planet from the movement of the SH atoms and their destructive nature.

But the truce had come too late. Even their Council leader, with his prescient vision after the loss of his eye, saw there was no way to remake their planet again for their life. Their sole mission now was to find a way to migrate to Earth.

"Yanwang," the lead demon started in a commanding tone directed at the male to his left, "Did you not instruct Meyollnir centuries ago that we denied his project?" the leader asked with his air of authority.

"Of course, Lord Woutan," the council member said with angry assurance, as he stared down at the smaller forms in front of them. "I informed him that we had forbidden the use of any Super Heavy atoms within any intelligent creature."

Woutan turned back to Meyollnir saying "Your fellow scientist, No-Thung reported what she discovered from that human: a new intelligent creature has one of the Earth's rare, powerful atoms. Your only task over the centuries has been to keep the humans in conflict by leveraging their superstitions and emotions ."

"My Lord," Meyollnir said with a bow of his head, "I have just now learned of this turn of events."

"That creature was created long ago by you two," Woutan went on, "And it is paired with one of the atoms here!"

"Yes, My Lord," Meyollnir explained "That atom was needed on Earth to create the new life form, to better control the humans and influence their development."

"But you don't control that creature!" Woutan said, his anger building. "If that creature learns how to reach out with its power, it will be able to use those powers here. The creature can even access our systems and gain our knowledge."

"My Lord Woutan," Meyollnir said with a bow of his head, "We've thought of that possibility. We're preparing to move his paired atom on our planet, trading it with another on the other side of the planet, so it will be too far away from our library."

"Only the five of us sitting here before you," the demon Lord, Woutan said with assurance "know the true power when an intelligent being controls one of those atoms within their body. We merely allow you scientists to use them with your tools to further our plans, not your own!"

Meyollnir again bowed his head, speaking toward the floor as he meekly said, "I thought only to help you, My Lord, with the new creature eventually bringing the Earth's resources to you here."

Woutan scowled as he said, "When you fought their human Norse Giants in the past, they almost defeated you. I had to take over that region to help you! Now this creature you've created has the potential to be an even greater threat than those other humans who carried their SH atoms! And an Earth year ago, you reported there's now another human Giant among them."

"Yes, My Lord," Meyollnir admitted. "It's the one No-Thung met, who told her of the creature. He only awoke to his power by accident, when he was nearby as I was working with my witch. I was unaware that he held the atom within him."

"You were careless!" Woutan shouted angrily. "Now with this creature from your previous disobedience, alive, aware, and containing one of the rare atoms, when we arrive on Earth, the monster you two created may side against us! It could seek out our females to impregnate and may eventually mean the end of our race!"

"The creature's presence there has provided us with some valuable knowledge, My Lord," Meyollnir tried to reassure him meekly in defense. "And we will regain control of him through the witches."

"I do not share your optimism!" Woutan warned. His right eye flared with an ominous darkness showing around the edges of the eye patch. Woutan reached a hand to his face to lift the patch covering that eye, with its blue spark poised at the center. As the dark orb glowed, blackened tendrils of darkness lanced out at the target of his wrath.

Meyollnir's eyes widened as his face froze in horror. His mouth opened in a silent scream and his eyes rolled back in his head as he stood there; his body unable to move.

The timeless SH atom within the eye generated a gaze which drew Meyollnir's mind into the darkest recesses of his Lord's mind, and impressed years of hellish pain on the scientist. And Woutan maintained his painful gaze as he added for the others to hear, "We will now need to get involved, personally."

Just seconds later, when Woutan's dark orb finally calmed and he covered it with its patch, Meyollnir almost collapsed before he regained his balance. As he returned from his lengthy purgatory in the hellish world of his Lord's mind, he meekly stepped back in fear.

"The only reason you live among us now, Meyollnir," Woutan warned him, "is due to your creature warning us of the pheromones. Otherwise, I would have absorbed your mind and permanently banished you to that timeless entertainment!"

Meyollnir jerked back again, the terror of what he just narrowly escaped registering the severity of his Lord's anger.

Woutan looked at Jinni, saying in his angry, commanding voice; "But YOU will not allow him to live through any further disobedience!"

"Understood, My Lord," Jinni said as she bowed her head.

"Thank you, my most merciful Lord," Meyollnir said as he bowed and walked hesitantly backward and away from any further punishment, as Jinni quietly followed him out of the chamber.

Woutan glanced back and forth among the others beside him as he spoke. "We need to confront this new threat of the Giant and the creature, as I did long ago."

I-Yam, sitting to his right, spoke up pointing out "But this threat is not in your part of their world, Woutan. We've all agreed your link will remain in their frozen north."

"Nor is it in your area, I-Yam," Woutan pointed out to the female Lord. "The new creature they created started near your cradle of life. But it has been moved and joined with the new Giant in your area, Ussan," he said addressing the male Lord beyond her and to his far right.

"Move carefully," the fifth, female Lord said to Ussan from the other side of their setting. "We don't want to cause another change to the Earth's orbit as happened when Woutan fought the Giants."

"They're Little Ice Age was an unexpected consequence, but a necessary risk," Ussan said.

"Too many movements of those SH atoms around the world can affect even the planet's core, as we unfortunately discovered here too late," E-yapa replied.

"Agreed, E-yapa," Woutan exclaimed. "You and Ussan will work out a plan and tell us where we must move our links within our areas of Earth to maintain the balance. Ussan, you will confront the threats first. We don't want to destroy our future home planet or the workforce. But we must contain or destroy the Giant and the creature who will challenge us. If you can't stop or destroy them, summon me to deal with them using my dark stare!" and there was a brief dark glow again around his eye patch.

"Of course, Lord Woutan," Ussan agreed.

"What about the pheromone threat?" Yanwang asked.

"Task your scientists to begin looking for methods of immunizing us against their females," Woutan ordered. "But our more immediate threat is to address the Giant and that abomination created by Meyollnir."

I-Yam sat quietly for a few seconds in the subsequent pause before asking in contemplation, "I wonder if their males produce a similar attractive pheromone, and how it might affect us females?"


As Jinni walked beside Meyollnir, her curiosity finally overcame her silence and she asked, "We've all heard rumors, but what was it really like?"

Meyollnir stared ahead blankly, his face looking defeated and worn for a few seconds. Then he said meekly, "There are no words to describe it. The worst horrors, perversions, and most intense pains you could ever possibly imagine would be a welcome respite. And I saw the human Giants from a thousand years ago, still there ... still feeling and enduring the unendurable ... along with countless other humans and our own people!"

"He's instructed me to kill you," Jinni reminded "if you ever disobey him again."

"And PLEASE do so," Meyollnir pleaded, and a calm relief passed through him. "... in any manner you choose. You would do me a great favor."


Drive Home

Ted and Jan were in their car and pulling out of the Amorous Goods parking lot driveway to start the drive to their house. The morning's events were weighing on their minds.

"Do you really believe the creature will remain in the lake as you directed?" Jan asked.

"It has no choice," Ted replied. "He knows if he surfaces, he'll go crazy from the pheromones everywhere in our atmosphere. He agreed to work with us to find out more of the plans of those who sent him. I'm not sure how he'll do that, but at least we have an ally."

Jan sat quietly, just staring out the car windows for a minute, and Ted noticed the absence of her usual talkative nature.

"So, slut," Ted said in a joking tone toward his wife, "did you have fun with your new friend?" as he glanced briefly at her with a smirk on his face.

"Oh, my GOD," Jan finally replied incredulously. "You read my mind. That was intense! ... Are you jealous?"

Ted chuckled a little before replying "You know me. As long as you take care of me, I'm cool with you having as much fun as you want. But don't let that pussy get stretched too much."

"Afraid you won't be able to feel my pussy?" Jan asked teasingly. "Or are you afraid you won't be able to fill me, as in F I L L? ... I could always go back to the lake for a swim, if you can't handle it."

"So, size matters?" Ted asked, as he again chuckled at his assertive wife's teasing.

"Of course not," Jan said in consolation. "As long as you give me what I want, I'll always take care of you, too."

"There's always 'roadhead'," Ted suggested slyly.

"You know," she said with a loving tone, "if I give you a blowjob, I can get you to do ANYTHING I want, even turning this car around and dropping me off at the lake. So, be careful what you wish for."

"You're insatiable," he replied in a dismissive tone.

"And you know you love me for it," she responded.

Jan reached over to Ted's lap, and she felt his erection growing through his pants. She could feel it growing longer as his eyes flared. This time she felt his cock writhing as it made its way even further down his pantleg.

"Hmmm," Jan exclaimed. "But maybe I won't need to return to fuck him again. ... Now, if you could just grow your tongue, too," she pondered with a chuckle.

Ted opened his mouth bringing his tongue to the edge of his bottom teeth. His eyes brightened a little more as he thought 'Why not?'


Possibly To Be Continued ...


Author's Postscript I hope you appreciated how the wife wore her protective ring. She would show it to those who tried to control her when she didn't want their control ... by giving them the finger in a "Fuck you!" salute.

And of course, I expect to read at least one comment about how Jan is now going to win the upcoming battle in this "Whore of the Worlds" story! LOL. (She's just highly sexed, and her husband outsources for assistance in pleasing her.)


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