Amy Makes a New Life


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I confess that I was nervous as I drove to collect Meredith and Sarah, but my nerves were jangling by the time we got close to her parents' home. I collected the bunch of flowers from the back seat just as Sarah got out of the car, she grabbed my other hand and dragged me to the door. Opening it, she pulled me in behind her shouting, "Gran we're here."

We came to a dead stop in front of her grandparents. "Gran, Grandpa, this is Mum's girlfriend Amy. She's nice."

"It's nice to meet you both and I'm sure this is a bit of a shock for you. I don't mind admitting that I'm terrified. I brought some flowers."

Meredith's Mum took the flowers with a smile. "Thank you, that's very kind, I'll pop them in the kitchen. Go through with Eric.

Eric, Meredith's father, said, "This way, have a seat." As we sat down, he smiled before going on, "Now, here comes the third degree, maybe an interrogation." He saw the look on my face and said, "It's okay. I'm joking, at least a little."

Eric was a lovely man, a little puzzled about my relationship with his daughter, but he was kind. "Sarah gave you a good reference and if she likes you then things must be okay. She's a good girl."

"I'd agree with you, Sarah's amazing and that must be because of the way you and her mum have influenced her."

Things were a bit awkward to start with, but they eased and by the time we left four hours later we'd had a good time. I got a hug from her Mum who whispered, "Take care of the two of them and be kind or I'll come after you."

On the way back to drop the two of them off, I asked Sarah what she'd said to her Aunt. "Jeez, you two never give up, that's between her and me, but I said nice things."


"What does Sarah want for Christmas?"

"The usual, some clothes, but she's asked for a new laptop. I feel that she doesn't get the things I'd like to give her. I don't know anything about computers, could you see if there's something suitable? I don't have much spare money."

"I can help. Why don't we give a laptop from the two of us?"

"I can't ask you to spend money like that on her.

"You didn't, I offered. Look, you and I are a thing and she's your daughter, that means she and I are ... something. You're her mother and I don't want to win her over, but I'd like to help out. It would make me happy too."

Meredith smiled at me, "Okay, but rules. I'll give you £400 and you get something, but don't tell me how much and don't go wild. Surely you should be able to get something decent for £600?"

"Make it £300 and it's a deal." I knew exactly what I was going to order and how much I'd be spending, at least twice £600, but then she didn't want to know.

* * * * *

One night, in a moment of wild passion I'd said that I wanted to make my girlfriend Merry and we both laughed. I asked if I could call her that and she said no. That is until I had her on the edge of orgasm for the third time, when I asked her again and she screamed, "Any bloody thing, just let me come." So, from time to time I often called her Merry, she hated it and always made her cringe.

We lay in bed exhausted and holding each other tightly. "I'd like you to come to lunch on Christmas Day. I'll be having my folks over as well."

"I'd love that. I was going to ask if you and Sarah wanted to stay here for a few days."

"I always see my folks." She said as a matter of fact.

"Why don't we have them over here? I'm sure they'd like to see where you and Sarah spend some time. There's plenty of room and they could stay the night. I could get your Dad drunk."

"Are you serious?"

"Of course. It should be fun."

* * * * *

Meredith and Sarah arrived late in the afternoon on Christmas Eve. I'd arranged for lots of finger food; nibbles, bread, cheese and, of course, some small desserts, including a cheesecake, a favourite of mine and Sarah. We sat around the lounge with some Christmas music and chatted as we ate. I slipped Sarah some wine and she topped her glass up. Meredith got a little angry when she realised that Sarah was feeling the effects, but then started to laugh. Sarah had let her inhibitions go completely and was very amusing. She told us about gossip amongst her school friends and, at one point, suggested that we should have an early night. "You should go and do that stuff you do, but keep the noise down." I gasped at what she'd said, but didn't respond as she made her way unsteadily towards the bedroom.

Meredith helped me to tidy up, then we sat and had another drink chatting before I suggested that it was time for bed and I added, "Santa won't come if we're still awake."

She giggled and hugged me. I got a little kiss as she whispered, "Remember, my daughter, says we need to keep the noise down."

"She's funny normally, but after two glasses of wine, it's hilarious. I doubt if she'd have said that without the wine."

Meredith looked serious, "I hope not."

We lay facing each other, naked, kissing whilst gently stroking each other. I felt Meredith's hand snaking down my torso before moving towards my crotch. She looked at me as if she wanted my permission before a finger found its way between my outer lips and inside me. It was something that I'd felt dozens of times, hundreds of times, but on this occasion, it felt special for some reason and I closed my eyes to enjoy those feelings. I wanted something else and repeated what she'd done so there we were face to face with a finger buried deep inside our lover and we both sighed until we came and suddenly Meredith went rigid and that caused her to push hard against me and I came letting go a yelp of delight. I bit my lip hoping that Sarah hadn't heard me disobey her.

* * * * *

Meredith was in the shower when Sarah appeared still in her pyjamas. She hugged me and sat down clasping her coffee mug. She looked up sheepishly and asked, "Please tell me I didn't do anything stupid?"

"First time you've had a drink? I asked.

"No, but only ever with friends and not as much. I didn't know that wine had such an effect, I mean it was only two glasses."

"You were funny, but I'm not sure that your mother liked your suggestions about what we should do in bed."

"Oh no, what did I say?" She had a look of horror on her face.

"You seem to think that your mother is some sort of nymphomaniac."

"Oh, God." She went pale.

"I was kidding, but you did tell us to keep the noise down. She wasn't pleased, but even she had to accept that there was some truth in what you'd said."

Meredith breezed in looking gorgeous. She poured her coffee and then looked at her daughter. "I followed through on your suggestion, but if you ever mention my sex life again, I'll ground you for a month. Understand?" Sarah had the good grace to look sheepish.

I'd already done a lot of preparation for our Christmas lunch and Sarah offered to help me with the rest so that Meredith could go and collect her parents. The two of us worked together singing along to the Christmas CD I played, laughing as we did so. I had a large roast joint in the oven, the rest was ready to be turned on, so Sarah and I adjourned to the sofa. "This is kind of you, Amy. I'm so glad that we met you. Mum likes you a lot and I've never seen her so happy. I like you too. You treat me like a grown-up, so thanks."

"I only treat you like that because I don't know how to treat a teenager. I like you and your Mum; I love your Mum and I'm happy. I didn't think that it would ever be like this again, after Dee."

We didn't get any further with that conversation because Meredith arrived back with her parents. Sarah went to hug them both and they appeared at the lounge door with looks of surprise on their faces. "Hi, welcome to my home. Feel free to explore and relax. Can I get you a drink?"

Cathy asked for tea and followed me to the kitchen area. "It smells good. Your home is beautiful. Thank you for inviting us."

"Cathy, I'm lucky really. Circumstances have allowed me to have this home and a good life. I'm not rich, but I don't worry have to worry about money. The thing is I was lonely until I met your daughter and now, I'm getting pleasure from spending time with her and Sarah. I'm also delighted that you're both here."

Meredith helped me to serve the food and we tucked in. I'd been a bit apprehensive because it was a while since I'd cooked for more than three people and getting the timing right for the three courses, we were having was something unusual for me. I served coffee in the lounge and noticed that no one had touched the mince pies, but then we'd just eaten a feast. The dishwasher was running so I went to sit down before realising that I should offer some drinks. When Eric saw me pouring myself a malt whisky, he changed his mind about tea and asked for the same.

"That's nice, I couldn't read the label, just Glen something." He said after his first sip.

"It's from a distillery called Glengoyne, not far from Glasgow, I've been there. It's unique because the distillery is in the highlands, but the imaginary line that divides the highlands from the lowlands runs along the road outside the distillery. The warehouses where the whisky is matured are on the opposite side of the road and therefore in the lowlands."

"This is nice. I was at a distillery once, a very long time ago, Tomintoul it was. Haven't had one of those for a few years."

"Neither have I. I'll leave the bottle on the table here, help yourself."

We exchanged gifts, the usual things, gloves, scarves, handbags. Sarah had lots of clothes and bounced with pleasure. "Thank you all so much, but being all together like this is the best gift."

"Actually, your Mum and I have something else for you and I suspect you might change your mind about that statement."

Meredith produced a box from behind the TV and Sarah stared at it in awe. Her grandparents simply looked on. When Sarah tore off the wrapping paper, she saw the name of the computer company and paled, looking up at the two of us. She looked back down and flipped open the lid revealing the thing itself. The letters on the lid gave away the type of machine and she stared at me, "Amy, is this the same as yours?"

"Not quite, but it's very similar. Like it?"

"Gosh, of course, I like it, but it's too much you ...."

"Your Mum and I decided to chip in together and buy you the best."

"Thank you, thank you both. Mum, I'm proud of you."

"Why?" Meredith asked looking puzzled.

"I know you, to have allowed Amy to help with this must have been difficult for you. Thank you, both." We got hugs and my heart filled with joy. I loved Meredith a great deal, but I realised just how much I loved this young lady, obviously not in the same way, but she made me very happy.

Eric put his hand on my knee and asked, "I'm going to guess from Sarah's reaction that the gift is special and rather expensive?"

"It's very like the laptop that I use for work, not quite the same features, but she doesn't need all of that. I like her and she doesn't get all the treats some of her pals do, she impresses me with how grounded she is."

"Thank you for today and being in their lives."

"Eric, this is a nice family to be with. Now, shall I top up your glass?"

I was coming out of the bedroom when Sarah intercepted me and wrapped me in her arms. "Thanks, Amy, the laptop is amazing. You're really generous. Will you help me to set it up tomorrow?"

"Of course, I'll enjoy that." I got another hug.

We chatted all evening, talking about our lives. Eric entertained us with his stories about his work as an engineer. Some of the things he made were to very exacting standards and my respect for him grew. Because he'd made a dent in my whisky, he was a bit more liberated and very funny. Cathy talked about Meredith growing up and her pride at how she'd coped.

Cathy looked at me again, "You told us about your parents and growing up, but you've never told Eric and me much about your wife."

"Mum, that's still a bit raw." Meredith took my hand and I gave it a gentle squeeze.

"It might be raw, but it might help me and it won't do you any harm to know about the woman I loved and shared my life with," I spoke for about twenty minutes and by the time I was done most of us were using tissues.

"I wish she was still here .... but she isn't and I still have a life to live. I was very lucky to love her and now I've been lucky again to find Meredith. She's very different, but I've fallen in love with her. Very much in love and what's even more special is that I've fallen in love with Sarah too."

Cathy smiled before she asked, "You said that Dee took up painting after she retired. Do you still have any of her work?"

I pointed to the scene that hung on the wall facing the sofas. "That's my favourite."

Meredith stood up and walked towards it. "I never knew that, you never mentioned it. I think this is quite beautiful, it evokes memories of the seaside. She was very talented."

"Mer's right, that's lovely, I noticed it when we arrived," Cathy added.

"Now, enough about what's in the past. Anyone for a hot drink and a mince pie?"

It wasn't late when Cathy and Eric went to bed. Sarah was holed up on the futon in the small room chatting on the phone to her pals. Meredith and I sat on the sofa with a drink. "I think that went okay. I enjoyed it, a nice day."

"Amy, the food was great and there was plenty of it. Drink flowed all day, the conversation was fun, the gifts were great, you did well. My folks like you and Sarah may be proposing to you soon."

"She wants to marry me?" That sounded crazy.

"No, she wants me to marry you. It made me laugh, I love you, but it's still early. I'm still nervous about being in love with another woman."

"I worry about my feelings for Dee, they're still there, like a spectre hanging over me."

There were too many people in the house for wild sex, but not for lots of kissing and I fell asleep in Meredith's arms. I woke with a start, suddenly wide awake. I slipped out of bed, into a robe and wandered around the house checking that nothing was wrong. Something drew me to the photos and I stood looking at them. As I did so I thought that I felt something, it made me jump and I turned around. Nothing, I was alone. I felt something that seemed to be inside me. Suddenly, I got this overwhelming feeling that I should move on, that I could leave Dee behind, that Meredith was good for me. I struggled and wondered if I was going insane. When I got back to bed, I lay awake pondering what had happened.

The following morning, we had a nice breakfast before Meredith gathered Cathy and Eric's things together and we all hugged as they thanked me for my hospitality. Whilst Meredith was taking them home, Sarah and I tidied up, washed the dishes, before making fresh coffee.

We sat together to set up her laptop. "I've got lots of music on mine," I told her, "and I keep it backed up onto this hard drive. If you plug it in you can go through it and download what you want."

"Amy, that's amazing, thank you. I'm going to copy most of your stuff if you don't mind."

"Ah, but there's a price." Sarah looked puzzled, "You need to let me go through what you have. I might like some of it."

"Sure, I don't know how much you'll like, but I'll bring mine over next time I come."

"You also need to back things up, the best way is a cloud service. I could sign you up to mine if you'd like."

"That would be great. I love you, Amy, you're like my other Mum."

I had no idea how to respond to that.

Half an hour later Sarah called me over and started playing a piece of music she'd found amongst my collection, "I love this song." Whitney Houston was singing, 'I will always love you.'

I closed my eyes, it brought back some memories. "That may be one of my favourite pieces of music, but I also have another version. Do you know who wrote and first performed it?"

"No, who?"

"Check the folders for Dolly Parton." She did and played Dolly's version. "I like the Whitney version best and so did Dolly, it made her a fortune."

Sarah stood up and danced around me singing along. I laughed at her antics and said, "One day you'll find someone who will, hopefully, always love you."

When Meredith got back from dropping off her parents, she told me that they'd had a great time and liked me. I could see that their approval or at least acceptance meant a great deal to her and it pleased me as well.

After we'd eaten the three of us sat listening to more music and chatting. "The last few days have been great; I'm going to miss you when we go home tomorrow." Meredith was cuddled up beside me and held onto my arm as if she expected me to try and get away. Nothing could be further from my thoughts.

"You're right Mum, I've loved being here. Thanks, Amy."

I smiled and without thinking about the implications, replied with, "Don't go home, stay here."

"What? What do you mean?"

My words had startled me. I'd almost invited them to move in. The incident during the night came back to me. I'd found love again and needed to move forward. "I didn't mean anything specific when I said what I just did, but ..." I took a deep breath. "The two of you could move in. I'd like that, but it would have to be your decision and it's a huge step for you."

"Amy, do you mean that Mum and I could come and live here, with you?"

"That's exactly what I mean, but ..."

"Mum?" Sarah had that pleading look.

"I need to think."

We talked for another hour before we sent Sarah to bed. She was excited about the prospect and when I mentioned the issue of travelling to school she had simply said, "that would be no problem."

Meredith and I spent another hour talking, was it too soon? What would she do with her house? Those and many other questions were asked, but few were answered and we made no decisions, it was something that Meredith alone had to decide. As I lay beside her, after some pleasant kissing, she fell asleep and I lay thinking. I knew by the time that I fell asleep that I wanted the two of them to live with me, very much.

New Year

"Vivian's coming down for a couple of days at New Year. She's going to stay with Mum and Dad and wants to meet you."

I agreed I was looking forward to it. Meeting her parents had been nerve-wracking, so her sister didn't scare me.

Vivian and Meredith turned up at midday on New Year's Eve and there could be no doubt that they were sisters. When we sat down with drinks Vivian turned to Meredith, "You were right, she is rather gorgeous." Then she turned to me with a smile, "So, you're the woman who's corrupted, my little sister?"

"I'm not sure about having corrupted her, but I've fallen in love with her. Very much in love, something I didn't expect to happen to me again."

"Well Mer is old enough to look after herself and make her own decisions, but it appears that my niece is also in love with you. I asked her about you and she left me in no doubt how she feels."

"I've had no experience with kids of any age until I met her. I love her enthusiasm, her energy and ..." I paused to gather my thoughts, "I don't have anyone to compare her with, but she seems to be a remarkable young lady and I like her."

"From what she's told me, you appear to have good parental instincts and you're generous to her."

"I don't know about that, but if Meredith and I move forward, I'll need to learn fast and not shirk my part in her life, even though I'm sure I'll make mistakes."

We chatted for another hour before they headed back to their parent's home. I'd been invited to join them to 'see in' the New Year. I thought about the conversations that I'd had with the two of them and the ones that I'd had with Meredith. I loved her and wanted her to be a part of my life. I loved the idea of her and Sarah coming to live with me, but I recognised that was a major step for the two of them.