Amy's Stage Debut


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"I can't believe that you did all that with Mr Walsh," I said.

"Yeah," said Roxanne with a smile. "I almost never go that far with anyone."

"How did you know that he would go along with it? Weren't you worried that he would put up more of a protest?"

"Oh, that," said Roxanne. "That's easy. Your Mr Walsh has been my boyfriend for the last two years. I warned him earlier he was in for something special tonight."

"Oh my goodness!" I exclaimed. My mind reeled as I replayed the events of the evening in the light of this new information. Mr Walsh and Roxanne were actually a couple. Unbelievable! Eventually my thoughts started to come together and I found my voice again.

"So is that why you asked me not to touch him?"

"No," said Roxanne dismissively. "It's more that it would look really bad if the school found out there had been touching between him and a recent female student. He's taking a big enough risk as it is."

I thought their relationship sounded very unique, but I didn't have any opportunity to ask any more questions. Roxanne gave up waiting for a verbal answer to her initial question, so she decided just to stand up and pull me along by the arm. I found myself ignoring my fears and following her onto the stage. My appearance there was greeted by a huge cheer from the audience, and I felt my adrenalin begin to pump through my body again. I looked at Roxanne. "What now?"

"Are any of these boys worthy of any special attention from you?" she asked.


"Then I think we should get that drum major guy back up here. When in doubt we always go for someone in an important position - they're the least likely to back down in front of the others. How about you go and get him?"

My stomach was churning and my heart was pounding as I looked around the audience for Robert. Once I had spotted him I stepped down into the crowd and headed straight towards him. The look of fear on his face was priceless, and there was a huge cheer from the others when I grabbed him by the hand. He looked very reluctant, but like Roxanne had predicted there was no way he would chicken out in front of the others.

Once I had Robert back up on the stage I wasn't sure what to do with him, so I put my arms around his waist and started slow dancing with him. I allowed him to put his arms around me, and I pressed my bra-covered breasts against his bare chest. I thought I felt some movement under the front of his kilt, but it was difficult to tell for sure. I looked over at Roxanne, who had gone back to Mr Walsh and was sitting straddling his thighs. She was rubbing her hands up his chest as far as his shoulders, then back down again, flicking the waistband of his boxers as she did so as if threatening to pull them down again. As she did this I could tell that much of her attention was on Robert and me.

I could sense that Robert was feeling very nervous, and this helped my confidence to return. I leaned back slightly to free my arms and I started caressing his chest, paying close attention to his nipples. Occasionally I ran my hands down to caress his stomach, and it was at this point that I discovered he was quite ticklish. As he squirmed and winced I was suddenly inspired and came up with a plan of attack.

I disengaged myself from Robert's arms and I went around behind him. Pressing myself into his back I continued to caress his chest and stomach. Then I started to tickle him, gently at first, then with greater intensity. The effect was very amusing as he wriggled around, trying to avoid one of my hands only to end up being tickled by the other. I then put phase two of my plan into action. I quickly grabbed one of his kilt buckles and quickly undid it. Then as he tried to react to that I undid the other. Now he was completely at my mercy. I allowed him to hold the kilt in place with his hands, but now he could only attempt to fend off my tickling hands with his elbows, and he had no chance of trying to refasten his buckles. I continued to tickle him until all he could do was try to fold himself in half and collapse onto the floor in the foetal position.

At this point I stopped tickling Robert and I sat down on him. I grabbed his hands and pulled them up until I had rolled him onto his back and I was sitting on his stomach. I leaned forward until I was holding his hands on the floor above his head. In this position my bra was almost in his face. Feeling sexy in this position I impulsively leaned a bit further forward until Roberts nose disappeared into my cleavage. I could feel him kissing my sternum. I pulled back momentarily, and then I leaned in again to give him another go. I was feeling powerful again and I grinned triumphantly.

Roxanne could see my grin, and at that moment I knew that she would take things to the next level. The lesson of the evening, that I could learn if I chose to, was that the power to use men like toys came at a cost of clothes, although paying the cost was exciting in itself. I saw Roxanne stand up and leave Mr Walsh lying on the floor, still tied up hand and foot. She walked over to us and stood facing me with a foot on each side of Robert's head. In this position Robert had a clear view up at her vagina; while my face was so close to her I'm sure I faintly detected her scent. I released Robert's arms and sat up straight, and Roxanne moved in to sit on his chest, so close to his face that his chin was almost between her buttocks. Seemingly as some sort of compensation Roxanne grabbed his hands and placed them on her own breasts, giving him an opportunity to cop a good feel. She then placed her hands on my waist and leaned in towards me, and then she kissed me gently on the lips.

I was so aroused that I found myself instantly responding to Roxanne's kiss. This is just another example of something for me to think about as I try to understand my own sexuality. It's not a question I'm in a rush to answer. The more pressing issue of the moment was that Roxanne's hands were now behind my back and I could feel her undoing my bra. I felt a moment of panic, and the word "lifeboat" came close to my lips, but a surge of excitement kept the word unspoken. A loud cheer had gone up from the audience when they saw what Roxanne was doing, and I had a real sense that I didn't want to disappoint my new fans.

When I think about it, I see my bare breasts at least twice every day, including a long period of time when I'm in the shower, and I don't think anything of it. But that evening I found it completely astonishing to look down and see them there. They seemed as novel and exciting to me as they must have been to the boys that were staring at them from the audience. I wondered if the sensations that were flooding over me might cause me to faint. It didn't seem likely that I could handle such a sensory overload.

Just when I was wondering if things had reached a peak, Roxanne found new ways of heightening the experience. She grabbed Robert's hands, which were still exploring her own chest, and she placed his hands on my breasts. During all that had just occurred the only person who didn't know that my bra had been removed was Robert, who in his position on the floor could see little other that Roxanne's backside. His discovery of my naked breasts was no doubt a welcome treat, and they seemed to occupy his attention completely.

Roxanne had one more trick to perform. She gently pushed on my legs to encourage me to move myself back until I was now sitting on Robert's thighs instead of his stomach. Then, taking advantage of Robert's attention being elsewhere, she gently pulled his kilt out from under me and rearranged it so that it was now over my legs as well. She hadn't exposed him to anyone, but she had left him in a vulnerable position. I could feel the skin of his thighs against my own.

Roxanne stood up and walked away, allowing me to look Robert in the face again. His eyes in turn were glued to my naked breasts. I decided to put an end to the liberties he was taking and reassert myself. I removed his hands from the playground of my chest. I put his hands under my knees on the floor and exerted gentle pressure on them. There was no doubt that he could pull them out if he wanted to, but the symbolic nature of the restriction was enough to prevent him from doing this. I could tell that he was holding his breath in anticipation.

Having satisfied myself that Robert was under my spell, I became more daring yet. I made and held eye contact with him as my hands went to the hem of his kilt and started slowly, teasingly, pulling it up. I held eye contact with him until I had pulled his kilt up far enough that I knew I only had to shift my eyes a small distance to see his naked genitals. Robert in turn maintained his eye contact with me, with an expression of his face that appeared to be a silent plea not to look. This battle of our eyeballs seemed to go on for an extraordinarily long time until I eventually gave him a superior smile and looked down. His penis looked red and engorged but not actually erect, as though it had recently been fully erect before wilting. I surprised myself by reaching out and placing my right hand on it. He winced in a startled fashion at my touch, but not enough to pull his hands out from under my knees, thus demonstrating his willingness to remain my prisoner for a while yet.

I looked up and resumed my eye contact with Robert. I found the mixture of fear and longing in his eyes very arousing. I let go of his kilt with my left hand, allowing it to fall back down over the top of my right hand which remained on his penis. This allowed me to put on a bit of a show for him by using my left hand to fondle my breasts.

Some movement in my peripheral vision prompted me to look over at Roxanne and Mr Walsh, and Robert's gaze followed my own. Roxanne was now kneeling astride Mr Walsh's head, with her pussy just within range of his tongue. He was lifting his head up and bending his neck in a most uncomfortable angle in order to get his tongue to its target, and he could only hold it there for two or three licks at a time before the pain and discomfort forced him to have a rest. I was so turned on that I wondered how she could resist moving closer and allowing him to do the job properly.

What happened next came as a complete surprise. All of a sudden there was a large commotion in the audience, and I looked around to see Peggy dragging her boyfriend Kevin up onto the stage. The erotically charged atmosphere had obviously pushed her to her limit. She pushed Kevin down until he was lying on his back on the floor, staring up at her. Peggy pulled her singlet top off over her head and appeared to give some serious thought to removing her bra as well before deciding against it. She then reached up under her kilt and pulled down her panties before practically squatting on Kevin's face. Her kilt covered his head and hid everything from view, but the expression on her face revealed that his tongue had found its mark.

With all that was going on, Robert had become incredibly erect in my hand. I was so turned on at this point that my body seemed to be begging for relief. I knew I didn't want to climb on Robert's face, but it was easy enough under the cover of Robert's kilt to remove my right hand from his penis and begin using it on myself.

Maybe it was because of the time, or maybe it was because things had gotten so wild, but Roxanne started to bring the events to a close. Walking away from Mr Walsh yet again she came over to where I sitting on Robert, grabbed me by my left hand, and gently pulled me to my feet. Speaking softly so that only I could hear her she said "No orgasms on stage, or at least not unless they've been negotiated and paid for in advance. That's a whole different job description."

Roxanne had led me in a daze to the front of the stage and had positioned me to face the audience. The fog in my brain began to clear slightly and I began to realise what her final challenge was to be. Through everything that had happened I was still wearing my panties, and now was the time to see if I had it in me to remove them. The song that was playing was Open Your Eyes by Snow Patrol. It's hardly a sexy song; maybe Wayne chose it because of its title, but the boys hardly needed the advice. Every eye was definitely open and focused on me. I sensed that even Peggy was watching me. It's a song with a definite climax near the end, and we both knew that would be the big moment for something to happen. Roxanne stood at my side. There was no need for her to explain what we were there for. Instead, she gave me some simple reassurance.

"You've been incredibly brave so far. You've been amazing. So if you decide not to do this I'll still make sure you look good in front of all these people. When the song ends we'll both bow and it will all be over. Do you understand?"


"Are you going to go through with it?"

I nibbled on my lower lip for a moment. "Yes," I replied.

With that reply Roxanne moved behind me and put her hands on my hips, hooking her thumbs into the waistband of my panties. I reflected on this momentarily before speaking to her again. "I think I'm going to do this on my own."

Roxanne looked at me, and then gave me a proud smile. "Good for you!" she exclaimed.

Roxanne moved a step away. I could hear Peggy give a few moans and gasps, but I didn't turn around to look. The song was nearing its climax, and the boys in the crowd seemed to be holding their breath in anticipation. The song reached the right spot, but my arms were momentarily paralysed. Finally, a second or two after the perfect moment, I grabbed the waistband of my panties and pushed them down.

Again, when I think about it, I pull down my panties several times every day, what with going to the toilet and changing my clothes and so on. But nothing compared to that moment when I removed my panties on the stage in front of the St Andrew's College Pipe Band. It was like every nerve ending in the area of my panties cried out when the contact with my panties was broken, and then the same nerve endings overwhelmed me again with reports of air molecules bombarding my naked skin. Apart from my stockings, shoes and tie, which I was still wearing, I was naked. I almost had a momentary crisis when I recalled that my bush was overdue for a trim, but the whistling and applause from the boys reassured me that the view was perfect in their eyes. I stood there in all my glory before them.

Once the song was finished Wayne got on the microphone and encouraged the boys to give us one final round of applause, which they did with enthusiasm mingled with obvious disappointment that the show was ending. Roxanne took one of my hands in hers and we bowed together. Then, with her free hand, Roxanne yanked Peggy to her feet, leaving a flushed Kevin lying on the floor with the used remains of Robert and Mr Walsh. Peggy gave a small whine of complaint; the song had climaxed before she had gotten the opportunity herself. Wayne came up to the stage, looking once again like a fearsome bodyguard, and he ushered all three of us girls down the two flights of stairs to the lower deck. He ushered us through the door marked "Crew Only" before turning around to head upstairs again.

Once Wayne had left us, Peggy resumed complaining about how turned on and unsatisfied she was, and I was certainly feeling the same way. "I know," sympathised Roxanne. "I often feel the same way myself. Come with me in here." With that she opened a door through into a cabin which was obviously hers for the evening. It contained two single beds and a few chairs. She pushed Peggy onto one of the beds and me onto the other. Then she sat herself down on an easy chair beside the door before reaching up and turning out the light. The room was plunged into pitch darkness, and instinct immediately took over.

I lay back on the bed and opened my legs wide. My hand flew to my genitals and worked at seeking my relief. I was self-conscious about noise at first, but Roxanne was a lot less inhibited, and her moans only heightened the excitement. The orgasm that resulted came quickly and was the most powerful I had ever experienced, and I then relaxed into the afterglow as I listened to Peggy reach hers, followed finally by Roxanne.

Finally the room was silent, with nobody feeling the need to say anything. Eventually we were disturbed by a knock at the door. I closed my legs and sat up, but made no other attempt to cover myself. Roxanne opened the door without turning on the light, and we saw Wayne standing there with a dim light from the corridor coming in over his shoulders. He was holding our clothes, which he passed in one bundle to Roxanne. "I think it's all there," he said. Wayne peered into the darkened room until he spotted me, then he continued to give his report. "I couldn't find any of your underwear at first, so I had to threaten some violence until it all reappeared." The idea of some boy trying to souvenir my underwear, only to be scared out of the plan by the security, made me laugh with delight.

Wayne had one final piece of news for Roxanne. "That teacher guy suggested that you drive these girls home in the Mustang. He says he'll keep the boys upstairs until we're off the boat." Having said all he had to say Wayne closed the door, Roxanne turned on the light, and we quickly got dressed. Mr Walsh was true to his word, and we got off the boat as soon as it was tied up to the wharf and we climbed into the Mustang. Roxanne dropped Wayne off first at an address in Woolston before continuing on to Peggy's and then my house.

As she drove Roxanne did most of the talking, giving us information about her life and her work. She talked about working in one of the strip clubs before the earthquake and doing a few private parties on the side. Then following the earthquake, when many of the other strippers moved to Auckland, she stayed behind doing only private parties. She talked about how much she earned in a good week, and how much she earned in a bad week. She talked about how much money she spent on her hair and grooming and costumes. She talked about the other strippers she had worked with, and how lots of the girls were studying and planning their future after stripping. Naturally she said that there were also some who appeared to have dismal futures, and she suspected that some might be on drugs.

I knew as I listened to Roxanne talk about herself that she was really talking to me about my future options, and she wasn't wrong. Aunty Eileen, I really need your advice as well. It seems impossible to go ahead with my original plan of continuing to live with my parents and going to university here in Christchurch. I know my parents can't afford for me to go to university anywhere else, but if I can make even a small fraction of the money Roxanne makes I should be able to support myself as well as paying my own university costs.

The enclosed photos, including the nude ones, were taken by Peggy so you can see what I look like. I have given you a detailed account of what I've experienced so you can try to gauge whether or not I can do this for a living. I know I don't know anything about pole dancing, but I'm fit and strong and eager to learn. I just need someone to help me out at the start. Please consider letting me come and stay with you, or at least help me to find some accommodation and support me until I can start paying my way.

Please contact me soon. I am desperate to hear from you.

Love Amy.

The End

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GlennOGlennOabout 1 year ago

Brilliant approach to the power of clothing. I was recently hospitalized for two weeks. The mostly female nurses seemed to be impressed that I recognized how little value there was for a patient to make any attempt at modesty!

My greatest fear was that some of the obviously gay male nurses might make a grab for my goodies!!!

plumber4276plumber4276about 1 year ago

Nicely paced well developed story. Well done. The author shows much talent.

Look forward to more of the author's stories. Has a great future.

JackoKJackoKalmost 2 years ago

Great writing, thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Great story

Very well written. I like the way you could describe what was happening and your feelings as it happened. You kept me on the edge of my seat. I hope your career took off the way you hoped. And I hope you continue to write.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Sounds familiar

Loved your story! Sounds like you are a real STAC girl? I know the band has a special place in the college but this was unexpected! Very enjoyable story! Hope it was from real life?

DashaboutDashaboutover 5 years ago
The Power of Control

It is an awesome feeling. Having been an exhibitionist since an early age, I've know how boys and men will react for many years but nothing brought it fully out till I stepped on a stage for my first amateur night.

JeanCFNMJeanCFNMalmost 6 years ago
Really good story

Paced just right to not bore but give complete background.

I will try to learn from you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
This is one of the best I’ve ever read

Hope you continue writing, I love the realism.

TheMadHatter52TheMadHatter52almost 7 years ago
I remevber this

I remember this story from the ASN storyboard years ago! It was possibly the best story to ever grace the board in all the years of its existence. PLEASE tell me you're going to write more.

FASfanFASfanalmost 7 years ago
A most enjoyable and well-written story

Thank you for bringing it to Literotica for us. Very well done -- five stars.

curiouscarolecuriouscarolealmost 7 years ago
Great fun!

As a rather shy person I loved the way she gained confidence as the story progressed.

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