An Innocent in Paris Pt. 05


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"It involves travelling across France delivering packages, mostly collecting from Marseilles. The work is confidential."

Chantal instantly knew what was happening.

"Sorry, I think I know what you are offering. It's best if you don't give us any more information. But thank's just not for us."

Danielle was surprised. "That's fine honey... we've never had this conversation. Absolutely not a problem - and if you ever need anything, anything, just text this number". She handed Chantal her card.

"Thank you for thinking of us." Marie wanted to stay friends with Danielle. She'd been checking the university tennis club league tables and Danielle was near the top...probably a powerful player, a worthy opponent.

Marie noticed Danielle looking at her leg. Her skirt had ridden up, completely exposing the fishnet mark inflicted by the paddle. She smoothed her skirt down.

Danielle smiled and winked conspiratorially at Marie, "You guys been having fun...?"

Marie held her gaze, "Yes, fun."

Danielle left.

They finished their drinks and left.

Walking back to the apartment, Chantal explained, "My father was telling me about a new illegal drugs delivery service based in Marseilles. His friends in the police know about it. There's a lot of money involved -- including bribes being paid to local government officials. I think Danielle and her sister may be delivering for them. Did you notice her €6,000 Cartier watch?"

"Yes. It really cost that much?"

"Yes babe. She's making money, but it's very dangerous. She could be in a lot of trouble."

"This won't affect where we get ours from?"

"No babe."

Hand in hand they walked along the south bank of the Seine back to Chantal's apartment.


They arrived back at the apartment. The girls were happy.

Chantal opened a bottle of her favourite Cristal champagne and poured two glasses. They sat together on the balcony overlooking the gardens below.

They relaxed in the warm Paris autumn evening.

After a while Chantal got up, went inside and took the bong out of the cupboard. She filled the bowl.

"Coming in, babe?"

Marie went back in and saw the loaded bong. She shut the door to the balcony. Chantal put the mouthpiece between her lips, then using her lighter lit the contents of the bowl. She sucked hard, filled her mouth with the smoke, inhaled, filling her lungs, then slowly released it. Marie eagerly took the mouthpiece, sucked as hard as she could filling her young body with the smoke, held it in...then slowly released it. How good that felt.

The highs started to build. The girls were becoming happy and getting very stoned.

"I could get addicted to this..." Marie was in a very happy place, "You've corrupted a young innocent virgin..."

"And taught her to love?"

"And be your sexy young wife?"

"Beautiful and very loved young wife."

"Will you make lots of love to me tonight?"

Chantal led her into the bedroom, quickly undressed herself, then undressed Marie. She turned off the lights and tightly strapped on her harness and vibrator.

For the next hour they were in a world of their own. Then they fell asleep tired and very happy.

The following morning Chantal was the first to wake. She looked at her babe, kissed her on her lips, and full of emotion whispered...

"I love you so much babe."

Marie opened her eyes, "Tell me I'm yours..."

"You're mine, babe, and I'm yours."

They held each other very tight, two lovers as one.


Over the next few days the girls focussed on their coursework and even found time for tennis at the University Tennis Club. They both played to an exceptionally high standard, sometimes drawing an audience. They joined the doubles league, and thanks largely to Marie's skill, easily won their first few matches.

Marie knew that they both needed regular practice to beat the better players once the less experienced were eliminated. Skill by itself would not be enough; practice, fitness and stamina were essential. She also realised that under pressure she was sometimes getting short of breath and resolved to reduce her cigarette consumption.


A text appeared on Marie's phone. "Hi it's Danielle. Jade has vanished. Have you seen her? Very worried."

Marie remembered Danielle's slightly crazy younger sister from a few weeks ago and wasn't surprised.

"No, haven't seen her. Where was she last seen? Have you reported her missing?"

"Last seen yesterday morning getting on Marseilles to Paris train. Can't involve police."

Marie guessed why. Jade was delivering.

"I'll ask Chantal. xx"

She showed the text to Chantal.

"She's in big trouble. She's either been arrested, robbed or stolen the consignment. Probably arrested. Nothing we can do babe... except keep out of it. My father was right. He knows a lot of people. Don't even reply."


Marie went back to her flat to collect some clothes. At the weekend they were to be back in Monaco entertaining the over indulged Spanish sisters. She carefully selected what she would wear. She had to look good, sexy, classy but not brash. Having a limited student wardrobe this was proving a challenge. Certainly she could borrow jewellery from Chantal. They were also the same skirt and shoe size but her full firm perfectly shaped young breasts would have burst out of Chantal's dresses.

Having worn jeans for the last few days she decided to dress to tempt her lover. She put on a blue lacy Victoria's Secret thong, but no bra, under her tight blue dress. The shape of her nipples was unmistakable under her short dress, faithfully following the curves of her perfect teen body. Light grey sheer tights completed the picture.

She looked in the full height mirror. She looked good, very good. She lit a cigarette; still looking in the mirror she ran her free hand up the smooth tights. The feeling was starting to turn her on; as her hand continued upwards under her dress she felt the familiar wetness between her legs. Holding the cigarette tightly between her lips her other hand found the shape of an erect nipple through the fabric of her dress. She could feel something building inside her body...

Stroking her clit, squeezing her nipple very hard, inhaling the addictive smoke, she could feel a climax building. She started coughing...but recovered. The smoke was making her feel light headed but the feeling was so good. Another look in the mirror and the unstoppable happened...still standing she cried out with happiness as she experienced a long and very satisfying orgasm.

She sat down on the settee to collect herself. Putting the cigarette to her moist lips she inhaled deeply, then again, holding the addictive smoke in her body for as long as she could. She started to feel lightheaded...

What was happening to her? A month ago she was a naïve inexperienced 18 year old tennis playing virgin. And now...


Chantal's father was slightly concerned by the news that Danielle's sister had vanished. Danielle probably had Chantal or Marie's phone number on her cellphone. Although a small risk, the had to take precautions. He phoned Chantal.

"Come to the restaurant for dinner tonight."

"Ok papa, 7.00 ok? x."

As she finished texting Marie arrived. She looked amazing. Chantal felt a surge of pure happiness build within her. Her partner and lover was stunning, an example of pure, gorgeous beauty. They kissed and held each other tight.

"Love you babe."

Marie loved to hear those words,

"Love you too." She paused..."and I want your horny body tonight."

"Dinner first at the restaurant with papa."

"And then?"

"My body is yours, beautiful, much loved babe."

Chantal put on a figure hugging little black dress, tights and her favourite Jimmy Choo shoes. Learning from Marie she wore just a little makeup giving her a softer more natural look. As always her long blonde hair looked stunning.

The girls caught a taxi to the restaurant and hand in hand they entered the restaurant. Laurent was happy for his daughter; Marie was almost the second daughter he never had. He didn't have a problem with their unconventional lifestyle. As long as they were happy and safe it was ok -- after all in his youth he had a very unconventional lifestyle! He stood up and in the true French style kissed them on both cheeks.

After the meal he asked Marie to excuse him and Chantal and they went into his office.

"Just in case Danielle's sister is in trouble and your or Marie's cellphone number is on her phone as a precaution I've arranged for all the boxes to be removed from the safe. Nothing to get concerned about but it's better to be cautious."

"That's fine papa. When are you taking them?"

"Tomorrow morning, 9.00."

"That's ok. What shall I tell Marie?"

"That I'm putting some old paperwork and family heirlooms into storage."

"That's understood papa."

"I've got something here for you and Marie. Go out and buy some nice clothes for yourself and Marie for the weekend... She is very beautiful... chose carefully. Don't try and compete with the extravagantly dressed Russian girls. You don't need to. That's why Dmitri, George and his friends appreciate you.

"Thank you, papa". She kissed him on the cheek.

"One other makes me very happy to see you and Marie together. Look after her, value her, love her, she is very precious."

"Thank you papa, thank you." Overtaken by emotion she put her arms tightly around her father and hugged him. There were times when she felt more like a child than a young woman; this was one of them.

Laurent drove them back to the apartment.

"Time for some smoke babe." Chantal ground some marijuana and filled the bong. She bought the lighter to the bowl and sucked hard, filling her mouth and lungs with the cool intoxicating smoke. She relaxed as she started to feel the happy calming effect throughout her body. Marie took the bong, sucked hard, inhaling deeply. She was feeling very good...

All evening she had been unsettled, lusting after her lover's body. Where would she start -- at her lover's perfect firm breasts or get her lips inside those so, so sexy thighs? Should she give her lover just a little pain? She may like it...

She looked down at the fishnet pattern still on her upper thigh... her imagination was in full swing. She went, ostensibly, to relieve herself in the en-suite bathroom, but she also opened the drawer where Chantal kept her toys, took out the paddle and the blindfold and hid them under her pillow. She flushed the toilet and washed her hands.

Marie took her lover's hand and led her into the bedroom. She carefully unzipped Chantal's dress. It fell in a heap on the floor. Next her silky bra, hiding her sexy firm breasts, fell to the floor.

"What are you doing bad babe?"

Marie pulled down her lover's panties. She stepped out of them.

"Undress me lover."

As she did Chantal saw the red marks from a few days ago. She kissed each one

"My poor babe, I'm sorry...

Chantal, starting to get stoned, lost her balance and fell on the bed. Marie climbed on top of her, arms and legs astride her. Marie loved her partner's full and sensual lips. As she lowered herself to kiss them their nipples touched. Both girls felt the powerful unique physical bond between them.

"This is so good babe,"

She ran her tongue tantalisingly around Chantal's warm moist lips, then deep into her mouth.

"About to get even better..." She carefully slid the blindfold out from under her pillow, "Close your eyes, lover... something different..."

Chantal felt the blindfold against her eyes. Marie lifted Chantal's head and tightened it. Chantal felt an excitement. What was happening? She had no control...what was happening? She started to feel uneasy, then slightly panicky. Her breathing got heavier.

"Calm down lover... it's ok". Marie was surprised at her reaction. She kissed her tenderly on the lips, then moved down to her lover's neck, kissing softly then harder. Chantal relaxed and squirmed with pleasure -- this was one of her most sensitive areas. She was starting to enjoy the excitement of the erotic vulnerability of being blindfolded.

As her lips pleasured her lover's neck she slowly moved her hand down her body to her carefully trimmed mound, and gently stroked it. Chantal was now in her own paradise. Totally stoned, being made love to by her babe, the sensations were amazing...

Marie had always been attracted by her lover's perfect, skilfully manicured feet, set off by her carefully painted opalescent blue nails. She turned round to the 69 position, but her lips just above Chantal's so very tempting feet. As she lowered her head her lips touched the toes of her lover's left foot. Aroused, Chantal sighed. This felt good...

Separating it with her fingers Marie tenderly carefully wrapped her lips around her big toe and sucked...and sucked, in out, in out, as if her lips were making a strange erotic love. It tasted sooo good as she ran her tongue across the top and down between the gap next to her second toe.

In her dark blindfolded world Chantal was confused by the strong sensations filling her body. She felt Marie's tongue moving along the underside of her toes. Every sensation felt amplified. Now her babe was sucking her toes, and she was loving the feeling; she could feel the moistness relentlessly growing between her legs. Then it stopped.

She felt Marie's moist tongue licking the inside of her warm thighs, slowly working its way up between her legs. She squealed with pure pleasure. Opening her legs wider apart, she was willing her babe's tongue to reach her clit, but it stopped short, moving down her leg again.

"Lick me, babe, pleeese..." But she didn't. Tormenting her lover, she kept running her tongue moved up Chantal's inner leg, stopping short each time, licking just below her moist clit.

"Please, please, please finish me babe..."

Marie was on a roll. There would be no mercy. "No! Turn over lover, on all fours... now!"

Chantal rolled over and raised herself, doggie style onto all fours.

"What are you doing to me?"

Marie was hugely turned on by her lovers beautifully shaped firm ass. One hand on each cheek, she parted them so that she could see Chantal's hole. This was too much temptation; she licked all around her lover's hole. Then she drove her tongue as far as she could deep into Chantal's ass. Chantal cried out; Marie was in another world as her tongue made a very different kind of love to Chantal's perfect body.

As Marie sensed Chantal was about to explode in an uncontrollable orgasm...she stopped.

Chantal was desperate, "Don't stop, babe..." But she did.

Sliding her hand under the pillow, she pulled out the paddle. She admired its fishnet pattern.

"Now lover, something different..."

She ran the paddle gently up the back of her lover's legs, inside her thighs, missing her clit, over her ass.

Chantal knew what Marie had in her hand. She was stoned, confused and scared.

"Oh my god, what are you doing babe...don't hurt me...pleeeese." Inexplicably she could feel a strange orgasm building

Chantal knew what was coming and started crying. Marie raised the paddle and softly made contact with her butt. She raised it further and struck harder. Chantal howled. She raised the paddle higher... it impacted hard. Chantal screamed in shock and pain... as she exploded in a huge, long and beautiful orgasm.

She lay on her back, still blindfolded, weeping.

Marie lit two cigarettes and put one between her lover's trembling lips. She removed the blindfold... and waited.

Chantal opened her tear filled eyes. Marie wiped the tears away.

"Babe, why did you do this?"

"Sorry..." Marie was getting very worried.

Was this the end of their relationship?

Would her lover ever forgive her or trust her again?

She took her clothes out of the bedroom and sat on the settee in the living room. Realising the enormity of her mistake, she put her head on her knees and started quietly crying.

After a while she found a notepad and pen

"I'm so sorry. I made a bad mistake. xxxxxxx your babe

She put her clothes on. This was the worst day of her life. She left the note on the table and walked to the door.

As in a daze she slowly walked back to her flat she realised how great her loss would be. It was all because of her foolish mistake. She had lost her lover, friend, soulmate...

Her cellphone rang, it was Chantal. She ignored it. She couldn't face the inevitable conversation..

After a few minutes it rang again. She ignored it. Tears streaming down her cheeks she continued the long walk to her flat.

Then a text message...

"Come back babe.. it's ok. Please don't go away, ever... XXXXX."

Marie texted immediately, "OMG, CU in 20 mins. XXXXX ".

When Marie got back to the apartment Chantal hugged her.

"Please stay. Don't go away...ever."

Marie started crying again. This time with happiness and relief. Chantal kissed her tears.

They went to bed, exhausted, and fell asleep, as one, holding each other tight.

The following morning at 7.30 Marie was the first up, ground some fresh coffee beans, made double expressos and bought them back to bed.

"Wake up lover, it's morning."

Chantal smelt the coffee and opened her eyes, "Thanks babe".

Then she remembered, her father was coming at 9.00.

"My father is coming at 9.00 to collect some storage boxes".

"I'll get some fresh bread and croissants from the bakery".

"Thanks babe. We'll make him breakfast."

At 9.00 Laurent arrived.

"Breakfast Papa?"

Laurent sat at the table with his two girls, his daughter and Marie, her lover. He also had some interesting news.

"Did you notice that when you were playing the tennis match with Jen and Talia, somebody was videoing you?"

The girls looked at each other, "No papa. Why would anyone want to video us playing tennis?"

"Because you were playing important celebrities. Jen is very high profile. Talia is very famous in her own country. You'll see it on the tennis club's web site."

The girls started giggling. "But they lost the match. Papa!"

"That doesn't come over in the video! Remember, they are the celebs!"

Laurent and Chantal went into the bedroom, opened the wardrobe door, opened the concealed safe and put the boxes into a large sports bag. The locked the now empty safe.

Laurent kissed the girls goodbye and left.

"Let's hit the shops babe! Papa has given us both some clothes money. He wasn't us to look good when we're entertaining the Spanish girls."

Aware of the limitations of her student wardrobe, Marie was relieved, but she wasn't sure if she should accept the money. Chantal saw the discomfort in her eyes. She held both hands, looked straight into her deep brown eyes,

"My father thinks of you as his daughter, the second daughter he never had. Take it babe...he only means well."

Marie was momentarily overcome, then kissed her lover gently on the lips.

"I'm so happy."

"Let's go shopping babe!"


But, all was not as it appeared to be.

Why was Laurent so concerned when he heard that Jade had disappeared? He obviously knew something about the syndicate she and Danielle were working for.

What had happened to Jade? Had she been arrested by the police? Could she have been kidnapped or even robbed by a rival network. For sure, she was in big trouble.

Was it a just a coincidence that Laurent was so quick to remove the storage boxes from Chantal's apartment?

What business was he doing with Dmitri?

Chantal didn't want to worry Marie unnecessarily, but she knew that they had to be careful. She would make sure that the love of her life, her partner and soulmate was safe, happy.

After all, one day her babe would be her wife.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Loving this story, can't stop reading it and catching up.

Chantel and Marie need to move in together. Save on rent. Love the direction. Less smoking and cocaine for them.

Thank you. Looking forward to reading the entertaining 2 Spanish teens chapter next.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What is so good about this story is not just that it is so erotic but that it potentially creates a whole range of alternative plot lines. The characters are well portrayed and are there for follow up stories if needed.

bcc1871bcc1871over 2 years ago

Keep up the surprises. Always a hint of the dark side beckoning and tempting.

JoannexxJoannexxover 2 years agoAuthor

Marie says “Thank you, Anonymous x”. The girls had a busy weekend with the Spanish sisters, full of surprises. She’s not sure if she should tell the whole story…. 😀😀


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

wow!!! your stories are the best! I hope the next episode will be posted here asap

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Another great chapter. Some unexpected directions. Roll on Monaco.

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