Android 21's Huge Hedonistic Orgy


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21's serpentine tongue slipped from her mouth and looped it around her long-haired partner's dangling scrotum, fastening just tightly enough and tugging on their sack, her eyes gleaming as her nose was flattened against her face by their lap. Her long powerful tail wrapped around one of their ass cheeks, then the other, and gave them an enthusiastic squeeze, prompting a long moan from their light pink lips. The tail moved from person to person, first wrapping itself around Tom's waist and caressing his soft stomach, then slipping behind her and tracing its fine tip through the fine divisions in Jon's abs. Finally the tail made its way over to her wife, stroking the side of her hair before sliding down into the valley of her breasts.

Kefla sat up just a little higher so she could have a little more control over her situation, her face pushed far between her towering lover's thighs. She held their twitching girth in her throat for what she figured must've been a few torturous moments—for them, that was—then slowly pulled back. The dark shaft was slimier and shinier than it had been the last time, and Kefla held it just above her face as she stuck out her short pink tongue and let their balls slide over it and into her waiting mouth. She sucked diligently at the sensitive scrotum, her lips pursed and her cheeks concave.

Holding it now a little farther away from her face, the Saiyan stroked the wet, spit caked shaft with her free hand, long, even, slow strokes that went from tip to base, the other hand placed on one dark thigh for stability. While she focused on this task, Jacob and Bruce picked up the slack, the former thrusting upwards with knees bent and toes curled, having just enough strength and energy to deliver one strong, deep penetrative blow every few seconds or so, the latter driving quickly and consistently into her ass, a little deeper each time.

Kefla moaned and drooled over the heavy pair of nuts trapped in her heated mouth, squeezing the shaft a little tighter as she jerked it more insistently. As she moved her dexterous hand up and down, moans of ever growing urgency drifted down to her ears. She slid her tongue under and over the sizable balls, nudging them gently back and forth and licking at the unstable skin. In anticipation, she raised her hand a bit higher, angling her lover's cock upwards.

With a long groan they came, white paste shooting high and falling back down on the back of her neck. Subsequent volleys landed on her toned, lightly muscled upper back, splattering over her pale skin and beginning to ooze down along her spine. Kefla remained where she was, as if nothing had changed, continuing to suck on balls that were pressing closer against her lips, longing to return to the body they came from. When Bruce witnessed these events, it pushed him over the edge, and Jacob wasn't far behind. Bruce whimpered and drove himself in deep, ejaculating even deeper into the Saiyan's powerful, muscular bowels, while Jacob let out a stifled gasp and came in her pussy, lifting his hips as high off the bed as he could manage, wanting to get the most he could out of every orgasmic thrust.

Sliding back and forth, overlapping and alternating, the two men in 18's ass busted their own nuts, ejaculating as asynchronously as they had thrusted. They grunted and groaned as excess cum spewed out on their backstrokes, neither of them slowing or stopping until their bodies betrayed their actual wants and desires and they had to. Their two counterparts, over on the other side of the bed, both thrust deeply into 21, baritone moaning in extended harmony as they unloaded their testicular reserves, Tom in particular pressing his hips as tightly as he could to 21's fat pink bottom. Then they drew back slowly and plunged in once more, thrusting right into their own mess without a care and making more of one.

The thin, brown, uncircumcised cock in 18's mouth throbbed and gushed soon after, oozing out warm, milky semen that prompted peaceful, satisfied murmurs from the android. She reached out with one hand and stroked the slender member, urging more fresh ejaculate into her closed maw; the recipient of these actions grunted and shivered, their hand gripping 18's shiny blonde hair even more tightly.

21's throating companion drew themselves back from the Majin's plump lips and unloaded a thick line of white across her face, followed by another, and another, each a little weaker and thinner in turn. 21 moaned through this erratic dressing of her face, very much distracted by the two men concurrently pumping her ass full of hot spunk, squeezing her eyes tightly shut.

When she finally opened them once more she smiled up at her panting partner and employed her tongue to slink out and lick the thickest line of white off her face, carrying it back past her lips where she swallowed it quietly. The rest would soon follow.

Eventually Kefla released the pair of balls from her mouth and sighed. It wasn't that she hadn't meant to finish off the tall, dark, and handsome stranger, but she had hoped she would've gotten to enjoy her first DP a little longer than she had. Bruce groaned and panted.

"Sorry..." He apologized breathlessly. "You're very tight, and then the visual of you getting that person off..."

"Yeah, sorry," Jacob added.

"'s okay," Kefla replied, managing a small smile in spite of her disappointment. "You guys put in a good effort."


The combined Saiyan looked around, confused as to the source of the voice.

"Over here, genius."

Kefla looked towards the front of the bed and saw Android 18 smiling back at her.

"Good to see you again," She said. "Though I wouldn't have expected you to show yourself in a place like this."

"Well, Caulifla and Kale wanted to do something that neither of them could do on their own," Kefla replied. "So here I am."

18 chuckled. "That's cryptic."

"...So who's your friend, 18?" 21 asked, amused and curious. "I don't think we've been properly introduced."

"21, this is Kefla," 18 relayed. "A fusion of Kale and Caulifla. She's what happens when two incredibly impressive warriors come together. But greater than the sum of her parts and impressive in her own right."

"Hey," Kefla acknowledged, a bit awkward and a bit impatient. 21 waved back, smiling sweetly. "Hey wait, you guys said you know everyone here, right? So who the heck were these guys?" The Saiyan gestured to the three strangers who had recently joined them.

18 smiled and gestured to the lanky, long-haired one who 21 had attended to. "That one's Mary. She's a horror screenwriter."

"Starving artist," Mary interjected.

"Robin," 18 continued, turning to the tall, dark skinned one standing above Kefla. "Stand-up comedian."

"I've gotten a lot of material today," They said.

"And this is Jake," She concluded, glancing to her immediate left. "He's a weatherman."

"Don't you fucking say it, Robin," He warned. Robin smirked.

"You guys want to get something to eat?" Mary asked. Ryan and Jon, still partially squished beneath the androids, glanced at each other.

"Mind if we join you?" Ryan asked.

"Not at all," Mary replied. "In fact, anyone who wants to is free to come with us..."

And with that, everyone who had recently blown their load got together and headed off for the kitchen, exhausted, but not enough to miss out on the prospect of grub.

Kefla watched them for a moment as they headed off together as a big group, then turned her head back to the androids.

"As nice as that was, I'm not really here to catch up," She said. "I think I'm ready do that thing you guys were doing."

"Well, that might just be the first and last time I do that thing," 18 replied with a chuckle. "Not that it was entirely unpleasant, but it was...nuts. Beyond that, I think I do need a bit of a break."

Kefla's face fell. She turned to 21.

"I'm pretty tired too," The Majin agreed, still smiling, but her expression sympathetic.

"Well, I'm not," Kefla replied, frowning.

"It's not like I was going to stop entirely," 21 replied. "I can't speak for 18, but I was thinking about doing a little light grinding to get me back into the mood. And in the meantime...I could help you get prepared for it. Because it is the kind of thing you should specifically prepare for."

Kefla's expression softened, her arms falling to her sides. "...Fine."

"C'mere!" 21 encouraged emphatically, gesturing with her hands and her tail. "Come lie down with me."

Unsure but not opposed to the idea, Kefla made her way over to where 21 was lying on the bed. Cautiously, slowly, she lay down on top of the pink-skinned android, carefully lining up their bodies so that their hips were touching. Kefla stared down at her and began to blush, softly at first, then more intense. Android 21 was a very beautiful, very large woman, her massive white hair spilling over the sides of the pillow she rested her head on. It was a little intimidating, but it was mitigated somewhat by her bubbly, affable nature.

21 giggled softly and grinned up at her. "Feelin' comfy?"

"Yeah, I guess so," The Saiyan replied with a nervous grin.

"...You sure?" 21 asked, her smile replaced with a look of concern. "I hope I'm not being too overbearing..."

Kefla raised an eyebrow, then shook her head, grinning, almost insulted. "You kidding? It'd take more than that to rattle me."

"Glad to hear," 21 replied, and her eyes gleamed with something that dried the inside of Kefla's mouth momentarily. The Majin's tail crept up behind the Saiyan and pushed itself into the gap between the two women's connected bodies, emerging between their abdomens, sliding along their mirrored labias in the process.

"Mmm..." Kefla murmured, her eyes narrowing.

"Feel good?" 21 asked eagerly.

"...Yeah," The Saiyan replied.

That was the permission the Majin needed. With that, 21 started pushing her tail slowly back and forth between them, sliding it back and forth between their sensitive strips. She bit her lower lip, grinding back and forth, fast and slow, speeding up and slowing down from motion to motion, until the first several thick inches of her tail was covered in a thin, translucent sheen. When she withdrew it, several thin webs of moisture came with it, tethered to their sandwiched rears.

"How about now?" 21 asked. Kefla just nodded several times, her eyes wide. The android stared behind her, her eyes scanning the room. "Hey Alan, get over here!"

Kefla heard what she had said, but the words didn't register at the moment, and the name didn't register as one she should've found familiar. Alan approached the bed and sat down on the edge of it, shirtless but still wearing a pair of shorts for the time being.

"What's up, 21?" He asked.

"Hey Alan, would you be cool grinding between me and my friend here? I wanna play with her ass a little to warm her up for something I have in mind..."

"Ooh, sounds like fun," He replied, Kefla still too distracted by 21's body for recognition to set in. "Am I invited to join in for whatever that is?"

"Of course!" 21 replied. "I wouldn't have called you over here if you weren't. What kind of host would I be if I got you to warm up my ass-fuckee but didn't let you in on the assfucking?!"

Alan chuckled and shook his head. "Hah...I don't know. A not good one?" He turned his attention towards the pale-skinned back of the woman in front of him. "Uh, ma'am, do you mind if I do the thing she just asked me to do? I'd have to grab your ass first, or your hips at least."

"Nah, go nuts," Kefla called back with a smirk.

With a broad smile, Alan prepared to do exactly that, placing both his hands on the edges of the Saiyan's rounded ass before using one of his hands to position his cock between the two womens' soft genitalia. Before he could get started however, he felt something soft and warm press against his bare back and two thin white arms draped over his shoulders and dangled down over his chest. He glanced back and saw Android 18's smirking, understated expression over his shoulder.

"Hey," She said.

Alan and 21 both regarded her with curiosity and some amusement, 21 in particular raising an eyebrow.

"What?" She asked. "Too forward? I like the view from here."

Alan laughed. "Fine by me."

Then, drawing in air, he slid his cock slowly and carefully between the women. He started pumping his hips slowly, in and out, grinding in-between sensitive Android and Saiyan pussy, giving both a mild, delicate kind of pleasure, the kind that was either soothing or made you long for something more.

"Mmmm..." Kefla sighed.

"Nice, isn't it?" 21 asked, watching the Saiyan's reactions eagerly.

Kefla nodded. "Soooo, you said you were gonna help me get ready for the thing, right?"

"Gosh, Kefla, you are impatient."

"Hey, I waited this long, didn't I?"

21 sighed disapprovingly but smiled regardless.

18 tilted Alan's bearded face back towards her, persuading unobtrusively with her hands. Her lips pressed up against his, then both softly moved past each other, faces aligning as Alan continued to pump. 18 ran one of her hands back down over his dark chest, moving slowly in broad, sweeping circles, while the other hand continued to cradle his cheek, fingers brushing against the sides of his wiry goatee.

21 moved her tail up to Kefla's face and raised an eyebrow suggestively. "Wanna help get it wet?"

Kefla grinned and opened her mouth welcomingly. The fused Saiyan closed her lips around the mobile appendage, closing her eyes soon after. She sucked it eagerly, adding in some exaggerated moans entirely for the android's benefit. After a few moments she opened her eyes and stared at the Majin before letting the tail slip from her mouth, her tongue trailing behind as 21 retracted it.

"Damn, Kefla, you don't play around, do you?" 21 asked, a bit awe-struck.

Kefla shrugged, still grinning but now somewhat sheepishly. She wasn't used to getting compliments. 21 moved her tail around to the Saiyan's backside, the one saliva coated tip organically becoming two. The two split tips secreted more translucent slime that covered their first several inches, adding to the little bit of extra lube that Kefla had contributed.

"So this should be a little easier than the real thing," 21 said. "My tail...tails? Are more flexible than a penis, so..."

"Come on," Kefla said with a smirk. "Less talking, more fucking."

21 shot her another questioning, amused look and fulfilled her request.

The two gleaming tendrils pushed themselves into Kefla's pre-lubed ass, compressing and contorting themselves until they were able to fit between the still tight clusters of muscle that lay just past her sphincter. Despite the mitigating circumstances—the flexible structure of the dual tails, the extra lubrication—this was a tighter and more taxing fit than when Bruce had been fucking her ass, the Saiyan grunting and wincing when they had first slipped in. The cock grinding against her pussy lips however made her murmur softly and made her superpowered muscles slacken just a little bit.

Alan thrusted at an easy, regular pace, slow enough that he could focus on the heat of Android 18's lips and tongue as she explored his mouth and he mostly let her lead.

21's tails pushed slowly, shallowly and simultaneously into Kefla's tight anal passage, the Saiyan breathing a little heavier and slower than she had been as a result.

"Hey Kefla," 21 asked. "You ever kiss a girl before?"

Kefla started to answer, then stopped, frowning. "I'm...not sure. I guess not?"

"Well then, come here..." 21 trailed off, gesturing with her finger. "Let me show you."

Kefla's face turned a shade redder and then she leaned forward, until her and the android's face mirrored each other as closely as their two bed-mates.

18 slid her tongue slowly over Alan's, letting it rest over his and holding his face gently while her free hand moved over his chest, fingers brushing over his nipples and running down the subtle indent between his less pronounced pectorals. Every once in a while they would break the kiss just to ease back into it at a different angle, sometimes with 18's tongue on top, sometimes with Alan's.

18 gave up her hand on her friend's face so that she could slide a second down his body, this one sinking farther and curling under to cup his testicles. She gripped them, both fitting into the palm of her hand and squeezed as firmly as she could without it being painful, which she understood was a delicate line to walk. Alan groaned drunkenly into her mouth and began to thrust between her wife and their house guest faster.

18 let go of his balls and moved her hands over Alan's solid shoulders. She ran them down his arms slowly, over his elbows, then over his wrists...then she slipped them under his hands—which were still on the edges of Kefla's ass. She squeezed the Saiyan woman's soft cheeks, pressing into the plump fat with her thumbs and shaking the pudge of flesh between her fingers for emphasis.

Kefla let out a low, muffled moan.

18 moved her hand to the back of Alan's, lacing her fingers between his. Then she lifted his slightly larger palm up off the Saiyan's flesh. Gripping his hand firmly from the back, she brought it down on an undefended buttock with a loud smack.

"Mmm...!" Kefla muttered.

Then, letting his hand rest there once more, 18 moved hers again, giving some attention to the bottom part of the sandwich the two other women formed and giving her own wife's ass a hearty squeeze. This prompted a differently toned, similarly muffled moan that only lowered in pitch when she slipped her fingers around the base of her spouse's tail.

Android 21 breathed and laughed and moaned into Kefla's mouth, curling around the Saiyan's tongue with loops of her own. At the same time, she slowly penetrated Kefla's bottom with her twin tails, the appendages moving back and forth alternatingly and staying shallow for the most part. The Saiyan's body was soft, warm, and heavy against her own, pinning her to the bed while Alan ground against her labia and her wife lovingly stroked the most sensitive part of her tail.

It seemed like everyone was having a good time: 18, Alan, Kefla, and everyone else in the room that 21 could see from her position. Opening just one of her eyes in the midst of a deeply passionate kiss with her new friend, she could see at least a half-dozen groups of people, fully nude or partially clothed, tangled in all sorts of configurations. She closed the eye again and lost herself in the kiss. Kefla in particular was fitting in perfectly here, plenty enthusiastic and flexible enough to change her plans to join in with her and her spouse.

Two of those individuals, possessing two strapping masculine bodies, made their way over to the bed, closer to 21 herself.

"Hey 21," One of them said. "Room for two more?"

The Android smirked and broke her and Kefla's kiss momentarily. Her tails paused their penetrative duties but remained inside. "Always."

The two climbed onto the bed, crawling on their knees, and made their way over to 21 and her Saiyan friend. When 21 saw their erect cocks she grinned broadly. As they drew nearer to her face, the Android asked:

"Do you trust me?"

A look was exchanged between the two, and then one of them nodded. Kefla looked back and forth between them and 21, as in the dark as the newcomers were. As the two strangers—to Kefla, at least—lay down on either side of 21 and flanked her face, the android reached out to grasp their thick members and placed them side-by-side, so they were parallel and touching. She finished looking back at both of them excitedly, then turned her attention to Kefla across the phallic obstacle.

"Now, Kefla, why don't we get back to our kiss?" 21 slyly smiled.