Anniversary Ch. 01


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"I'm still working on it."  

"Sweetheart, I assume you know what this weekend is?"   

She gave me a quizzical look, and said. "Of course."  

I got grumpy now, it should be obvious why the quizzical look. I told her she needed to be here by 5:00 o'clock tomorrow. Or there will be no surprise. And she loves surprises.  

She argued that she had stuff to finish before the weekend. I already knew she was having Friday off so I could understand that she may have to get things wrapped up. I gave her a bit of leeway, but that leeway was quite harsh.  

I looked at her square in the eyes and said, "you will be here at 7:00 o'clock, not one minute later or you will fuck the whole years' worth of planning, I repeat not one minute late."  

"One minute, that's a bit harsh."  

"It's a simple request, you've done so much for other people in that company. Can you just not grant your husband a simple request to be at home at that time, and he will have a special dinner and a surprise for you, please, is that so hard?"  

She looked a bit worried, but as I knew she had the Friday off, she was just teasing me, the same as I was doing to her.  

She rushed off upstairs and came down a few minutes later and all she was wearing were stockings and a pair of five-inch heels. She crooked her finger at me and bless me, I followed her. She took me to the bedroom by my hand, she laid herself back on the bed and opened her legs; pointing down at lady parts, she told me I knew what to do, and I did. She has the sweetest taste down there and I loved it. Just as she was coming down, I lifted myself up. I grabbed her ankles and lifted them up, she took hold of the bed head and said, "fucking do it, fuck me, just fuck me." I did one hard long push, it didn't take long, no more than two or three more thrusts and she was coming again and I followed right after her. We cuddled all night.  

I was awoken in the morning to that lovely soft feeling of having a mouth around your cock, it was wonderful. She finished me off and swallowed. Then she said to me, "And that is just a sample of what you're going to get this weekend." As long as she hadn't booked a surprise this weekend as well, this could be good. We'd cross that bridge when we came to it.  

Thursday morning, I phoned the in-laws and double checked the arrangements we'd made earlier; they knew I had something planned, but not what. I'd arranged for them to look after the cats for a couple of days and I'd have a special meal cooked for her when she got in.  

I had a surprise call from Janice with a little snippet of information, it took a bit of dabbling into local newspaper websites in Oliver's hometown, the information I got from them would soon slow down Karen's mother hen instincts for that leach.  

I'd taken the day off on Thursday because I had stuff to do, I went through her wardrobe and packed her bags, and then mine. I placed them downstairs in the hallway, along with a suit bag with all her best clothes in it. Her favourite meal was Lancashire hot pot with lashings of HP fruity sauce, so I prepared that to be ready at about a quarter past seven. It was the sort of meal that there was a bit of leeway if she needed a shower. I didn't care if she was smelly when she got in from work, we could shower later, but if she insisted, I could be flexible. I had the big reveal to dump on her.  

Everything was set, our best tablecloth was on the dining table, candles, wine and an envelope with her surprise propped up against her wine glass.  

At about 6:30 I thought I'd do a quick check on Find My Device to see where she was. That is when things started to fall apart. She wasn't at work; she was in a smart restaurant on the other side of town. She was supposed to be at work.  

7:00 o'clock came, but nothing. Not a phone call nor a text. I purposely didn't look at my watch, but when I did it was nearly a quarter past seven. So, it appears this weekend wasn't that important to her after all. Now I was getting angry. In a fit of pique, I rushed upstairs, opened up a large suitcase and threw a whole bunch of her normal clothes into it and I dropped it by the front door.   

I sat and watched my phone to see where she was. Then at about 20 past 7, it started to move. I could tell when she was in a car. I know the area, she appeared to be going quite quickly, I hoped there were no speed checks out there especially if she'd been drinking, that would really cock up my surprise. If it wasn't already.  

It was 36 1/2 minutes past seven when she burst through the front door, she almost fell over all the suitcases that were in there, a suit bag, two medium-sized suitcases and one large one.   

"What are these for?" she asked, looking at the cases. Then she noticed the table set with our best tableware, glasses and candles. Her hand flew to her mouth, "oh shit."  

She started talking straight away as soon as she got into the living room, "I'm sorry sweetheart I had to get stuff finished at work for tomorrow. But it didn't work. I've still got to go in tomorrow, but I will be home at five. I really must, I will make it up to you. I promise I will make it up to you."  

I couldn't believe she was lying that much, a whole years' worth of planning down the tubes for a lie. I surprised myself I was so calm; I was so excited with what I had planned. I obviously couldn't see the wood for the trees. Things were starting to fall into place.  

I picked up my phone, opened up the Find My Device app, faced it towards her, and said. "You lying fucking bitch, at 7:00 o'clock when you were supposed to be here, you were in Mario's. This is the third time you dumped me for that twat. I told you 7:00 o'clock for something special and you can't be fucking bothered.  

"So, I suppose you were with Oliver?"  

"Yes, I'm sorry he just needs help. His confidence is so shot after his wife left him."  

I went into the kitchen, and she followed me. I opened the oven door, pulled out the hotpot and poured it straight into the bin. I looked at her and said, "It's fucking ruined whilst you're out with that twat." It wasn't ruined but I was making a point, anyway, I wasn't hungry now.  

I went back into the living room.  

I still surprised myself with how calm I was. "Right, here's my problem, you just told me that you haven't got tomorrow off. Yet two weeks ago, Janice told me you had leave booked, not flexi-time. So, who's lying here."  

I carried on, "there's something not really quite right here. You know me, I like lists. You've been working an hour overtime twice a week, yet you have no flexi-time.  

"You've just told me you've got to work tomorrow yet Janice tells me you've got tomorrow off.  

"So where are you going tomorrow?  

"And I'm worried about the phone thing."  

"What phone thing," she said.  

"The extra phone you've got, the one that looks exactly like your phone." I was taking a guess here.  

I went to her handbag and turned it upside down onto the floor, out fell 2 phones that looked exactly the same, and amongst all the other rubbish that ladies carried in their handbag was a large envelope, very similar to the one that I had propped against her wine glass.  

"So why have you got two phones, one is for him isn't it. So, you're fucking him aren't you?  

"No, I'm not." She shouted at me.  

"You've got tomorrow off but not for me So what the fuck are you doing"  

My eyes fell on the envelope, I picked it up and opened it.  

It was a spa reservation in our name.  

I looked at her and said, "What the fuck is this. I hate spas, a waste of time and effort. And you've got one booked in our name."  

She looked at me and tried to put on a hard face. "Sweetheart this is for us, I just need to rest, it's been a hard couple of weeks I just need this." She was looking desperate.  

I had her there, "will you just stop fucking lying to me. So, if this is for us, you and me; why haven't you asked me to have tomorrow off. As far as you know I'm working as normal tomorrow. So just stop the bollocks, tell me what's happening. One more lie and I throw you out that door and you can go to your boyfriend."  

She's crying openly now, "he's not my boyfriend. it was a last-ditch attempt to build his confidence, it's something he always wanted to do with his wife, but she would never let him, it was something he and I could do together to let him know he wasn't a reject."  

"But you have a room booked for all day."  

"But I was going to be home by five, you wouldn't have noticed."  

I shouted at her, "but you've been late three times already. How can I believe you, three times you ignored me over him."  

A thought just struck me, "who's paying for this."  

"I am."  

"Where did you get the money?"  

"I took it out of our building society."  

"How much did it cost?"  

"Just under £700."  

"No, we, that includes me, are paying for this, so you're using our money to sort out Oliver's problems."  

"He hasn't got any money."  

"So why is he driving that expensive electric car?"  

I felt surprisingly calm at this stage of the game, "so you're going to a spa, you booked a single room, what did you think was going to happen next?"  

"I was just going to tell him to be a confident man and he can look after himself any woman will be happy to have him, his wife was silly."  

"And were you going to tell him this in the room, when you're alone with him?"  

I took the opened bottle of wine that was on the table and I poured myself a large glass, it was all becoming clear now.  

"You were going to let him seduce you, weren't you?"  

"No, no it's not like that  

"But you knew it might happen."  

"Well, yes, he might try."  

"And you'd give in just to build his confidence."  

"No, no that wasn't my intention."  

"Bollocks, I know you well enough now after all these years, you realised it might happen, he might try to seduce you, and you were going to let him just to build his confidence."  

I stared at her hard. "Look at me in the eyes and tell me that wasn't a scenario you thought might happen."  

She did look me in the eye. "Yes, I realised it might happen, I might give in to help him. it wouldn't hurt you; you'd never know."  

"So, admit you might have shagged him."  

She looked into her hands, took a few breaths and looked at me and said, "yes, I realised it might happen, it wasn't the plan, but it would just be sex, to build his confidence. I would be here for you for the rest of your life."  

The crash from the front door made us both turn and look, Karen's parents were stood in the doorway and David was trying to hold Miriam up, probably from what she'd just heard.   

Miriam picked herself up and rushed across to Karen. "So you were thinking of letting another man seduce you on your 10th wedding anniversary."  

Karen looked aghast all colour drained from her face, "10th wedding anniversary1"  

Her mother replied, "Yes, tomorrow is your 10th wedding anniversary, and you were planning to let another man have sex with you."  

There was an almighty slap and Karen fell over, Miriam was rubbing her hand.  

Karen was rubbing her face, she said, "I was just trying to help, he's suicidal with the stress with the divorce."  

I said, "Bollocks." I went and got my tablet and opening it up, I showed Karen the page, "I found this today," and read it out to her, "Cheryl Wright, the youngest executive officer at Harwell and Sons thanks her husband Oliver for support and love he has given her to help her achieve her aims." I expanded the page to show a picture of a pretty dark-haired lady with her arms wrapped around Oliver.   

Karen was crying so many tears I'm not sure she should see the picture clearly, I swiped the tablet, and showed her a Facebook page from last weekend, "lovely weekend at the zoo with my bonny children and my wonderful husband." The picture was of Oliver, the dark-haired lady and two young children. All with huge grins on their faces.  

I didn't need to say anything. Karen had collapsed on the floor.  

I helped her up and put her on the settee, her mother slid in beside her and put her arms around her. I felt a nudge in my arm and there was David with a bottle of beer. There was only the sound of crying from both the women for the next couple of minutes. I needed time to think. The big reveal was not going to happen now. And then it suddenly came to me. I would have some revenge for now.    

I took up the envelope off the table and opened it, I took out the tickets, and I said, "Miriam, David I've been planning this for a year. I don't want to waste it, will you do me the extreme favour of taking these tickets." Karen just looked at me, but I didn't give them a chance to respond, "two first-class return train tickets to London, it's the 11:05 from the station. There is a room booked in the Savoy for two nights. There's a table booked for tomorrow night at 7:30 for dinner.   

"David right next to the Savoy is the Institution of Electrical Engineers, and they have a lecture on Saturday morning about automotive electrics which I was planning to go to. I know it's not your bag, but you might enjoy it." I looked at Miriam, "whilst David is at the lecture, I had booked a Spa treatment for Karen," the irony struck me, and everybody else, the look I gave Karen made her flinch. I carried on. "Please feel free to use the ticket. There is afternoon tea arranged at four." I paused; because this was the big bit. "Two tickets for 'Cats, the musical' you may want to get a taxi. and finally, a debit card with £750 on it. The PIN is our wedding day.  

"You'll need a cat sitter, best you take Karen home with you."  

There was a stunned silence in the room until David spoke. "No son, you take her to London."  

"I can't, I need to be alone to think."  

Miriam stood up and took Karen by the arm and led her to the front door, she looked at David, "I'll take her to our place, you try and talk some sense into him."  

I pointed to the suitcases by the door, "Take the large suitcase, I packed it in a fit of pique, there is no underwear in there," now I was really nasty, "of course, all your nice underwear is in the small bag so you can always take that to wear for your boyfriend tomorrow."  

Miriam gave me a withering look and David said, "That wasn't fair son."  

"You're right it wasn't," then I said quietly. "And by the way Miriam, will you ask her where her wedding ring is; because it is not on her finger." Karen burst into tears again as her mother took her out. 

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

No trust, no marriage

pummel187pummel1873 months ago

Yeah, fuck that

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I loathe stories where the husband has no pride or self worth. Everytime he's upset she just throws pussy at him and most times he just goes along with it. This is simp behavior.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos3 months ago

@Anonymous 2 months ago - He obviously DIDN'T believe her excuses and he had it all pretty much sorted out by the final confrontation and before the finish line. The wife is just an idiot - a people pleasing idiot that falls for sob stories, hell that's why she married her husband in the first place, he was having a hard time with his divorce and she started to comfort him. It's her weakness, her flaw, and Oliver exploited it masterfully. The way she is written she's not out for hot sex, she's convinced herself that she's saving a poor lost man from suicide. She's a moron of course and there's probably an element of self deception here because she does find him attractive, but this still all goes back to her being a stupid cow that is easily manipulated (which if this was a crime, most women would be in jail). Sucks she destroyed her marriage here, but thems the breaks.

4/5 for this chappie. I thought it was great even though I was certain I knew what was going to happen.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

No man could possibly be as intentionally delusional as to believe all the BS reasons she kept coming up with. That she was going to fuck this guy and deceive her husband means, AT BEST she's disconnected from reality and is simply using her husband. Sex? Many cheating woman use hot sex as a distraction to keep the man in the dark.

Any guy woukd have, long ago, demanded, at least marriage counseling. This story has a good plot but is just not believable.

Chimo1961Chimo19616 months ago

What a whore. , you wrote her perfectly, not a shred of likeability.

26thNC26thNC7 months ago

He needs to cut her out of his life completely. She’s dumb as well as a cheater.

Chimo1961Chimo19617 months ago

Slap the cunt silly as you divorce her

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Cruel, cruel beauty. Love it

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Damn, the last few paragraphs were brutal. End the story and the marriage right now?

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