Anything For Family Pt. 01


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Women, please note: For men, when a woman wears something that shows that 'cleft' between the legs, no matter how pronounced or faint, it represents 'X marks the Spot!' And from that point on, when looking at you, all a guy sees is that spot, and all he thinks about is what goes in that spot. So, always check yourself in the mirror before going out. If you don't want that kind of reaction from guys, then "Don't Show the Camel Toe!" with it.

Back to my wife's bikini. Behind was no better. The material was cut the same as in front, which meant the inverted triangle of material quickly disappeared between Lila's big, firm butt cheeks, essentially making the suit a thong. I cannot look at my wife's large, muscular ass without thinking about...

So, bad enough for me, but probably worse for Luke.

Worse for me, I gotta look at Attie's body. Her pale-yellow bikini was made of a thinner material and different design. Her top was shaped like a very skimpy version of a demi-bra and her big, pillowy breasts practically spilled over the cups. The tops of her brown aureoles were peaking over the top edges and the rest of her aureoles were fairly visible through the material. Her bikini's bottom was an almost non-existent thong. The narrow triangle of material that covered her vulva, barely did so and fit tighter on her, exposing her vaginal cleft even more. The back was a basic thong and talk about a world-class ass. It is not quite as full as her sister's, and a bit leaner and more muscular-looking...ughh.

You shouldn't go swimming with a full erection -- you could get a cramp and drown...or is it a full stomach? Well, a full stomach wasn't my problem right now.

Lila swam up and wrapped her body around me, which felt incredibly warm in the chill water. She immediately felt my erection, gave me a sweet smile, then swallowed my mouth in a big, wet, warm kiss.

When she broke the kiss, she moved her lips next to my ear, "My original plan was for you to get Luke to confide in you and Attie in me, compare notes, then see how we could help. But Attie isn't being forthcoming with me. I know she trusts me but, she seems reluctant to talk. I think you should talk to her and see where you get. Luke has already opened up to me a little, so maybe he feels more comfortable talking to me. What do you think?"

"Yeah, Attie approached me earlier and we're planning on a heart-to-heart, later."

"Perfect. You proceed with her. I'll talk to Luke. Now, Ian, you have to be prepared to probably deal with some very intimate and personal stuff when you talk to Attie, I mean, sex stuff."

"Ugh! Not exactly something to look forward to."

"Well, you just have to man up. My sister needs you to be there for her."

"Hey, you know I'll do what I have to."

She gave a small laugh, "Easy, I just wanted to boss you a little while I had you at a disadvantage."

"What disadvantage?"

She laughed, flashing her white teeth, then I felt her hand on my erection. She grabbed onto it hard through my swim trunks, and pulled me up against her in the water, "This advantage. See, works better than a ring in a bull's nose."

I laughed with her.

Attie and Luke had been holding each other and talking, and when they heard us laugh, Attie joked, "I don't know what's going on under the water, but I think you guys are having too much fun."

Luke added, "Hey, before you guys get X-rated on us, we oughta get out; besides, I'm freezin'."

Luke has about 0.5% bodyfat, so he does get cold more easily.

I remarked, "Good idea. Besides, I'm starving."

After preparing our deli sandwiches, each couple parked their camping chairs under different trees to get out of the sun. Lila informed me of a plan.

"When it's time to get dinner started, I'm going to ask you to take care of it. The roast is precooked and everything's in the fridge; you know what to do. I'm going to ask Attie to give you a hand, that I want to do some exploring before it gets dark and I'll take Luke with me. That'll give everybody a chance to talk."

"Got it," I answered.

"What's up, honey?" Lila asked, sensing something was bothering me.

"Um, I know I've got to talk to Attie, and about some personal and sensitive relationship stuff."


"And that's not the problem. Look, you know your sister and I have some history, and it was kind of a problem. I'm just concerned about us being...close, confiding -- how she'll feel, how I'll feel, and I just don't want any issues, or for you to...I don't know..."

"Ian, my love, I've always been so jealous of this thing between you and my sister..."

"Honey..." I started.

"No, let me finish. I know you never did anything and I know you wouldn't. Ian, I witnessed the ultimatum you gave Attie. I wasn't spying. I was getting ready to come out on the patio when I heard you talking sternly, something you rarely do. I froze, then heard the whole thing. I knew then just how devoted to me you were, are, and I was so proud, so touched..."

"You never said anything, I didn't know you knew."

"Honey, I knew from the beginning, before we got married, how Attie felt about you. It was pretty obvious. What I wasn't sure about, for a long time, was how you felt about her. You're not as easy to read as Attie. I didn't think you would betray me, but honestly, there was doubt. I asked myself, "How can he resist her forever?" She's a bona fide sex goddess..." I started to protest, but she just put her hand up.

"She is. And as her sister, I am very knowledgeable of her history with men. I know she's a damn sex fiend. It was never that I didn't trust you. It was just..." She choked up a little.

"Look, I found out what you were made of, as a man, as a husband, and I've never had a moment's doubt about you since. You could come walking in with a naked blonde on each arm, and I wouldn't be concerned."

"Of course not," I joked, "It would take at least four naked blondes to even tempt me."

She smiled and shook her head, "Okay, enough of this. We have work to do. Let's break camp. You and Attie can ferry stuff back, then work on dinner. I'll take Luke hiking."


When we got situated on board, I got the oven going and started pulling dinner out of the fridge and pantry. Attie got the table set and worked on salads. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched her, and realized something.



"I need you to do me a favor."


"Go put some clothes on. Sorry, I just..."

"No, it's fine. I'm sorry. But, Ian...thank you. To know I still have that effect."

"Always, babe. But we need to talk now and there's no way I can concentrate."

"I'll go change," she said coyly.

When she returned, she had on a pair of white shorts and a deep-red blouse, obviously with no bra. I could tell by the way the girls swam around underneath.

I'd made us a couple drinks and moved us to the salon to two of the club chairs. As we got comfortable, she remarked, "You make the best margaritas I've ever had."

"I use good quality ingredients and fresh-squeezed lime and orange juice. I have a juicer and make up big batches and freeze them. Also, I like to..."

Attie blurted out, "I'd sleep with you in a heartbeat, Ian! But my sister would never forgive me, and I think you might ruin me for all other men for the rest of my life." She laughed and added, "I've got enough trouble in that department, already."

"I, um, hm hmm..." I cleared my throat, not sure what to say.

"I'm sorry, Ian. I had to get that off my chest. I work with you every day, sometimes side by side, and it's hard that Luke and I..." She stopped and shook her head.

"Don't stop, Attie. This is why you're here, we're here. And, listen, I don't feel any different than you. I just handle it differently, and of course, I have Lila...Sorry, I didn't say that to..."

"No, you do have Lila, and I 'had' Luke..."

"What's changed Attie, tell me what's going on. You know I won't judge you. Look, I love you -- you're family, my friend, the best office manager I ever had, and the only woman besides Lila that ever caused me to fall in love."

Well, fuck a duck! I didn't mean for that last to come out.

Attie leapt out of chair and threw herself on me, and I thought, "Oh shit, she took that wrong." Then I heard the sobbing. She had her face buried in my chest and the flood gates opened. I hugged her tight and waited. All the while thinking, "This is getting awkward. And I don't think I'm helping how I'm supposed to."

After a few minutes, Attie calmed down, sat up, looked me in the eyes, placed a hand on my cheek, kissed me on the lips, softly, delicately; then she got up, got a handful of tissues and returned to her chair.

Quietly she started, "I always thought you loved me, secretly hoped. I wasn't sure, but when you told me we had to change or else, I was crestfallen...and you never let on...never said how you really felt. Of course, it wasn't to be. You fell in love with Lila first."

"Attie, the whole truth, and then I want to move on. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever met, sweet, sexy, and hot as hell. But Lila's other half, the yin to my yang, and I hate the term 'soulmate', but I don't know a better word. In a different time, in a different world..."

"But not in this one, not in this time. Ian, I understand. But with how I feel about you, and knowing how you feel about me, I know I can share with you in a way that I couldn't with anyone else."

With that she started, "Ian, I love Luke. And besides you, I can say I've never loved another man. I've had sex with dozens...sometimes a bunch of sex, and sometimes, some pretty awesome sex...but, and here's the funny part, sex with Luke has become less than satisfying. Okay, let me clarify. When we were first together, we had a lot of hot sex, and I came a lot. But it was mostly because, besides having such a hot body and being better looking than any man has a right to, Luke is hung like a horse..."

I guess I looked uncomfortable.

"Ian, I'm sorry, should I not..."

"No, no, no. You go right ahead."

"Thanks. Where was I?"

"Horse dick."

She laughed, "Thanks. And so, I had a lot of orgasms. Our sex life was good, not great, but everything else was great. We really were best friends, too."

She paused, so I refreshed our drinks and pulled dinner from the oven to keep it from overcooking.

"It's no secret I like sex, enjoy sex. I'm very orgasmic. I have almost passed out from multiple orgasms, during intercourse and masturbation. So, bottom line, sex has always been crucial to any relationship for get the idea. Some women need to shop, some need to organize church socials, others need to nurture children; I need to fuck. More seriously put, I need the joy I receive when my man pleases me sexually. It makes everything right in my world." She took a breath.

"Well, it didn't take long for the shine to wear off the new penny when I discovered that Luke was a one-trick pony -- straight sex. Yep, same meal every day, every week...Attie's a bored girl. No problem. Attie will take the initiative and get Luke on board with a more varied routine; introduce him to a more exciting, satisfying repertoire of sexual techniques, tools, and talents. Attie will be a happy girl"

She dropped her head and her shoulders sagged. Then she looked up, "Wrong, way fucking wrong. That's when the wheels came off the wagon. See, I started to make suggestions about foreplay and more 'interesting' positions, toys and roleplay, you know -- the basics. Luke did not react well to anything, and the more I tried, the more he resisted. Then, he started to shut down.

I mean, in the beginning, we were banging and screaming and scaring the neighborhood children, then gradually, things deteriorated, until finally, Luke started making excuses when he got home as to why he wasn't up for sex -- too much on his mind, too tired, back hurt, etc."

"Wow," I interjected, "Hard to imagine that."

"Right," she cracked, pointing at her body, "who's gonna come home and not want to fuck this?"

"I can't think of a man on the planet, who still has a pulse, that wouldn't wrestle alligators to get a shot at 'that'," I answered, pointing at said body.

"Thank you," she laughed, tilting her chin to the side and bowing her head. "And I know it all started when I began trying to spice up our sex life."

"Okay, some specifics: Luke has never given me oral, never gone down on me, and when I tried to encourage him, he'd go zombie on me. He actually shies away from looking at my vagina. Forget about any anal play -- Jeez! You'd think I asked him to stick his finger in a blender. Toys? I tried to get him to play with me using a vibrator, he acted like I handed him a dog turd. Masturbation? Forget about it. He won't do it in front of me, and leaves if I start frigging myself. How about sexual positions? We have missionary, doggy, and cowgirl -- he likes that one. I think he likes to watch my big tits flop up and down. Oh, but no reverse-cowgirl. I have a sneaking suspicion that's because when I'm riding him that way, he can see my asshole, and he can't handle that. No anuses. And I think I have damn cute asshole!"

"Uh, I'm sure you do," I said.

"Damned straight. Oh, and 69, fuhget about it -- mouth on pussy? Hah! On whatever planet that pigs fly, politicians are honest, priests stay celibate, and porn stars can act."

She laughed and shook her head, "I could go on, but..."

"Uh, I'm getting a pretty clear picture. So has he ever explained 'why' about any of these things?"

"The most he has ever said is, 'Not comfortable with that' or 'Don't like that', and my favorite, 'That's too weird."

We talked a while longer, then heard Luke and Lila coming aboard. I got up and quickly threw the roast, potatoes and vegetables back in the oven to get them up to temp. Attie got the drinks and salads on the table.

Luke was first into the kitchen, "Your wife about wore my ass out."

"Yeah," I glibly replied, "she's a real sexual dynamo..."

"What...No, I...hiking..."

I laughed, Attie laughed. Luke groaned, "Fuck, ya got me."

I offered, "She's got long legs and can hoof it."

"Yeah, and I'm trying to keep up and she wants to talk and for me to talk, and I'm just trying to breathe! I thought I was in better shape than that."

Lila, who had stopped at the restroom, quipped, "Is he still whining?"

We all laughed again. I announced, "Chow's ready, let's eat."

After dinner, Lila and I went top side to talk and took a pitcher of margaritas with us.

*** Side trip to Margaritaville. If not interested, skip to next asterisks***

Some tequila drinkers are what I call 'Tequila Snobs' and don't approve of using good tequila to make mixed drinks, that it should only be sipped neat, and anything under $60 a bottle is mouthwash, so on and so on.

I consider myself a serious tequila guy, but I'm not that rigid about it. I like premium sipping tequila, I like a good mixed drink made with a decent tequila, and yes, some of the 'cheap' tequilas are mouthwash; but there are some good mixers out there in the $20 to $30 range, and some decent sippers for as low as $40. Of course, there are some real ambrosias when you get in the $60-$100 range. Yes, you can pay over $7,000 for one 750 ml. bottle -- but that's just 'statement' stuff for the SRP's (Silly

Rich People). I guarantee you 99.99% of 'Tequila Snobs' couldn't pick the $7-K stuff out of a line-up of high-end premiums. However, in the $200 to $500 range, there are some amazing tequilas that offer one-of-a-kind sipping experiences.

As for margaritas, I do have rules: On the rocks, never frozen; no off-the-shelf mixes -- bottled or frozen; fresh-squeezed juices only -- no bottled or from concentrate; and Grand Marnier (mixed in or floated), not triple sec.

My personal recipe for a Cadillac 'Eldorado', 20 oz. Margarita:

5 oz. Tequila -- a good quality Reposado, Herradura or comparable (I don't recommend 'Silvers' or below -- flavor issues, nor Anejos or above -- unnecessary)

3 oz. Lime juice -- fresh squeezed

1 oz. Orange, Tangerine, or Tangelo juice -- fresh squeezed

2 oz. Simple syrup (lightly boiled sugar water, or you can buy it)

3 oz. Grand Marnier floater (When making a pitcher, I just mix in the Grand Marnier)

Pour tequila, juices and simple syrup over ice in shaker -- shake to chill and mix.

Fill a large margarita or drink glass (20 oz. or larger) half way with ice.

Strain tequila mix into glass.

Add Grand Marnier floater.

Option: Prep your glass with coarse salt (rub rim in lime juice; dip in salt). You can also garnish with an orange wedge or lime wedge.

***Back to the story***

As we sat in the cool night air, listening to the hushed sounds of the night denizens, and looking out at the dark water with a reflection of moonlight dancing across the ripples, it was easy to forget for a moment that we weren't out here enjoying our private vacation.

Lila broke the silence, "Who goes first? I got Luke to open up a bit and I've got a good idea what is at the root of things..."

"Sex," I stated, bluntly, "lack of it, incompatibility, and so on."

"Um, okay, you start."

I recounted everything Attie told me. Lila alternated from nodding her head to raising her eyebrows to shaking her head.

"Wow. Okay, a bit different than what I got, but the same basic problem you stated, 'Sexual incompatibility, et cetera...' but I have to add another possibility -- infidelity."

I didn't buy that, "What, by whom? Not Attie and no way Luke."

"Are you sure? We both know her obsession, or at least, preoccupation with sex, and Luke made it clear, they haven't been having sex, which Attie confirmed. He thinks she's turned to someone else."

I was adamant, "The only one Attie's cheating with is her vibrator."

"Okay. I believe you, just help me get why you're so certain."

"If Attie was ever going to turn to someone else for sex, she would have come to me first, and she never did."

"Got it. You're right. Attie hasn't cheated. You would have been first, and probably last, on her list."

She sat and thought. I sat and watched her think. I didn't know what to think -- outside my area of expertise.

"Okay, well the problem is clear. Luke has some sexual hang ups you wouldn't think an apparent stud like him would have. Those hang ups, Attie's dissatisfaction, her attempts to fix things, and Luke's bruised ego have all led to a sexual meltdown for the two of them and that has led to a meltdown in their relationship, threatening their marriage. That all sounds pretty bad, but we have one big positive..."

"We do? I don't see it..."

"Yes. They 'had' a great relationship. That's a big deal. We fix the sex problem, which in this case, means fixing Luke, and we get them back to that great relationship."

"How do we 'fix' Luke?" I asked.

"No idea. Especially since I don't really know why he's so screwed up in the first place."

I floated an idea, "Hey babe, why don't we call it a night, go downstairs and do a little sex therapy of our own?"

Lila promptly sunk it, "Really honey? You know you can hear an ant fart from one bedroom to the other on this tub. How is that going to work, us screwing our brains out while..."

"Got it, sorry, got it. Well, crap. I'm gonna need more tequila."

I don't think anybody slept all that well. But the next morning, everybody seemed to be in a better mood. Thank goodness. I'd hit threshold on drama.








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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Why it is always a man that needs to be "fixed"

GabbyDHGabbyDHover 1 year ago

I am reminded why I seldom read reviews. If those wannabe authors have actually written anything, then please dump the anonymous tag and and step up for critiques of their work.

Otherwise request a refund for what you paid this author. I for one, appreciate the effort SirAuthor puts into his stories.

nixroxnixroxalmost 2 years ago

3 stars - so far - I am not optimistic about which way the rest of this story is going to go.

Davester37Davester37almost 2 years ago

I for one, really enjoy we’ll-described actual settings, and stories filled with details. Likewise, I like to read about well-developed, interesting characters. This bunch seem like very strange people, but I’m interested to see where this goes.

Thank you for writing and thank you for sharing your work. Don’t worry too much about anonymous comments complaining about things. Please yourself with your writing!

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 2 years ago

Thanks to the author for the clue in at the first allowing me to skip this shit.

Anon are you trying appears to be another lemming.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well, short of Lila giving Luke personal lessons on sex, I don't see a bright future for him. Too many hang-ups. LP

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Should be titled 'Anything for a Cheap Thrill' 1☆ - TANSTAAFL

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is fucking horrible.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Loved your side topics. Enjoyed reading your story.

Lovingcpl327Lovingcpl327over 2 years ago

Great story line, and we are from Georgia and can so relate to their surroundings

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Going against the trend of others comments. There were parts that had my crying with laughter, your use of the English language to build an image is great. Look forward to the next installment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very tedious verging on obnoxious writing style. Don't give a fuck about the brands of whiskey, the type of boats, the colors and size of the clothing, the seasoning on the god damned fucking asparagus(!), or how big Luke's dick is. You took 4-plus paragraphs just to tell us what two of the characters look like, then go into all this Amazon Cherokee Indian esoterica and it means fuck all to the plot. Or are you going to tell us that swapping squaws is an ancient American Indian marriage therapy?

And how and why is Luke going to become Mr. Donkey Dick Fuckmaster for the semi-attractive Lila when he can't get aroused by his yearning learning no limits younger hotter Sex Goddess wife? Oh, wait, Luke's really yearning for Ian!! Got it.

What these people need to swap is brains, with someone who has some. But fermented cactus piss will do that to you. At least its not like they'll be killing a lot of brain cells. Just plow on full speed ahead. Can't wait for you to describe Lila fucking Luke and Ian fucking Attie. I'm going to compare those encounters with what you've already written about Lila and Ian fucking, which supposedly generated a new galaxy. I hope you're having fun with it. Wish I could join you. Thanks for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I think your catching a lot of negative comments here when you clearly laid out in the beginning that was what your intentions were . You know the old adage ‘ you can please some of the people all of the time , all of the people some of the time , but not all of the people all of the time ‘ Doesn’t it make sense to completely read a story , or in this case all of a part of a story before you make comments about it ? How can someone read the tags then skip to the last page read it and then make a critical comment on the whole story , not even reading it entirely ? He probably goes from a kiss to tossing the used rubber in the wastebasket without enjoying the journey between !

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Worst I ever read to saying about nothing to much info no story line of mean . It's good to write stories but you dont have to define each person or thought. No one cares.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

As every commenter thinks u r setting up a swap here then I suggest you dont go down that road. Find another remedy. SURPRISE US......Points will tumble if u have them swapping


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