Apocalypse Wow, Pt. 18


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"Alright, damn you," he said finally, standing from the table, and Penny gulped and blinked hard when he reached for the bottom of his shirt and started to pull it over his head as her dream flashed into her mind again.

As she'd expected, his chest and torso were lean, even muscular in appearance, betraying few of his more than sixty years but the eye couldn't help but be drawn to three, long, more or less straight parallel scars than ran a little diagonally from near the centre of his chest to the middle of the left side of his abdomen.

There were gasps and whistles from the team but Penny wasn't able to discern Jim's reaction because she couldn't tear her eyes from the scars.

"What... what happened?" she said, as the din finally died down and Jim put his shirt back on, sitting down and taking a long drink of his beer.

"The biggest damn bear you've ever seen," Mac answered for him.

"I heard he was ten feet tall and a thousand pounds," one of the other Simonians ventured.

"To be honest, I have no idea how big he was," Jim said, his eyes drifting to the middle distance. "I don't think it really matters, a bear's a bear. If he goes for you, well..."

The mood around the table had become somewhat solemn, and no one spoke. Penny wondered if it was because they hoped Jim would go on, continue the tale. That was certainly what she wanted.

"If Lou hadn't been so close... We were only a mile or two from the First Contact site, scouting for materials for the monument. Bastard came out of nowhere. I barely had time to turn around before he was on me. I don't remember... I don't remember the injury actually happening but I have... I have this really strong image of him, like, glaring down at me. His fur was totally black, coal black, except for a sort of diamond shaped area that was pure fucking white, right here," he said, rubbing his hand from his chin down his neck to his upper chest.

"Lou said I was screaming pretty hard. She said from where she was standing, it looked like he'd been swiping away at me over and over. She was sure I was fucked, even though it only took a few seconds for her to raise her pistol and fire. She hit him in the flank, at least she thought she did. Anyway, he jumped off me and ran. Lou fired after him but she didn't know if she hit him again.

"She could see the wound... my whole chest looked like it been just... ripped wide open... there was blood gurglin' out my mouth... I don't remember a lot of that, like right after it happened. It comes back to me sometimes. I do know they still thought I was fucked but... they wrapped me up best they could, broke out a stretcher. There wasn't much at the camp where the monument was being built and I guess I was lucky there happened to be a medic on site with some supplies. She sowed me up, best she could, but it was too dangerous to move me. The first few days, they didn't think I'd make it and it was like two weeks before they finally brought me back up to Simonia.

"They were givin' me a lot of stuff for the pain but I was mostly with it, at least, I remember it. I remember thinking how much I wanted to be home, in the house, you know? And I really wanted to see Dani, my daughter, everybody I guess but... it had only been a few years since we'd lost Dani's mom... I kept thinking how afraid she must have been..."

When he paused, it felt to Penny that the silence seemed to fill the whole space. As she glanced around the table, she could see some faces entirely focussed on Jim, utterly rapt, while others had their heads bowed. She saw Jim glance at Mac and the two shared a knowing, gentle smile.

"Anyway, they'd set me up at the Medical Center and I kept asking about Dani. I know they were really worried about infection but... eventually, they let her in. Man, I was so happy to see her and I could see she was crying. It was still pretty hard to move but I tried to sit up, I really wanted to... to put my arms around her... tell her I was OK and you know what she did? She smacked me right in the face, hard as she could. 'You fucking bastard' she said. She's her mother's daughter alright."

Jim was smiling gently and there were some little knowing chuckles around the table as Dani's feelings about Jim and Scouting finally became clear to Penny.

"Anyway..." he went on finally, "I was back on my feet in a few more days and, I guess the wounds healed up pretty good in the end but... that was it for me and Scouting. I probably wanted to get back out there but... I couldn't do that to Dani. Hell, I practically had to beg her for me and Penny to come on this little field trip."

"Well," Mac said, standing and raising his glass, a wistful expression on his face, "I know I speak for the whole team Jim when I say, we're all damn happy she let you out. We're... we're really glad to have you here, both of you."

"Thanks Mac. You're still a fucking son of a bitch though," Jim replied with a grin.

Penny felt a deep warmth flow through her as laughter filled the room and glasses clinked around her, warm hands patting her shoulder.

She was a little buzzed as she climbed into a bunk at the hydro station that night but Penny knew the few beers she'd had were not the cause of the deep contentment she felt as lay back. She couldn't help but wonder whether she'd have the dream again and, a little to her surprise, found herself hoping that she would.

When she woke before dawn, she could feel the sweat on her brow and that unmistakable tingle between her legs. She instantly knew though that this time had been different though. In her dream that night, it wasn't famous Jim Sullivan, ageless Jim Sullivan, the Jim Sullivan who was product of all the stories she'd heard since childhood; it was real Jim Sullivan, the man she'd gotten to know, scars and all, who'd fucked her on the forest floor as the body of a huge black bear lay dead beside them.

It was only a few miles south to the next dam and the site of First Contact with The Glen they were aiming for. Jim suggested they take the last few miles on foot rather than taking a boat, to see a bit more of the countryside he said, and Penny saw no reason to disagree.

It was a bright morning, the sun peeking through the canopy as they walked through the forest, talking the most direct route rather than sticking to the winding riverbank. Jim was in the middle of telling Penny the story of the First Contact in some detail when he stopped quite suddenly, both speaking and moving, suddenly enough that it took Penny a moment or two to react so that she'd walked several steps ahead of him when she stopped to look back quizzically.

She didn't see it at first, only after she'd heard Jim's coarse, whispered shout.


His body was turned perpendicular to her and her eyes instinctively moved to follow his focus and she saw it, on all fours, poised, just a few feet in front of him. The bear's head seemed to swivel, shifting its focus from one of them to the other, as if, it seemed to Penny, selecting a target.

The noise of Jim shaking off his pack brought her gaze back to him, the bear's too, it's head snapping it's focus squarely on Jim as he leant down and picked up a fallen branch.

"Penny, run," he said, louder this time as he hurled the branch in the bear's direction. For a moment, Penny didn't understand what he was doing, that he surely must have known the small piece of wood would have only angered the bear more and, evidently, it did. The huge beast raised itself up on its hind legs and roared, revealing a diamond shaped pattern of white fur under its chin. The realisation came quickly then, that Jim was trying to focus the bear's attention on himself, to give her the chance to escape.

Her mind whirled as it battled between her instinct to run, to get out of harm's way and the one that was just as strong, that told her she couldn't leave Jim behind. In the end, he made the decision for her.

"Run!" he said, screamed this time, and she felt her body whirl instantly, her arms instinctively sliding in to drop her pack as she started moving away from him though she could hear him roar at the bear. "I'm still alive you big bastard. Come and fucking get me!"

She'd barely taken a handful of steps when she stopped and she had the strange sensation of the whole world seeming to stop with her. All in the same moment, while her body turned and she saw Jim's screaming face as he charged the bear, all the dreams she'd had of him flooded through her mind, all the moments he'd saved her life and she'd saved his. And she saw Dani's face, and Jim's as he told the story the night before.

She almost didn't notice her hand dropping to her side or the automatic movement to unclip the holster there. As she slid her pistol free and raised it, she saw the bear lunge at Jim, his body falling backwards onto the forest floor. And as the bear moved over him, roaring again as it leaned in for the kill, she fired, and fired, and kept firing.

The wisps of smoke from the barrel of her pistol still lingered when she started running towards him. She was only vaguely aware of the echoes of the report from the shots she'd fired and the clamour of the animals and birds who'd been sent scurrying and flying by the noise.

The bear was still, unmoving and she could see blood and brain matter seep from multiple wounds on its head but it's body had fallen almost completely on top of Jim. Not knowing whether Jim was alive or dead, she heaved her shoulder against the fallen giant, grunting hard with the effort, turning her body to shove with her back as she felt the animal start to roll. She stumbled as it turned, flopping onto its back and as she scrambled back up, she heard Jim gasp, a heavy and desperate sound. Without thinking, she clambered over him, her legs astride him as she leaned down, her hands on his chest.

"Jim! Jim! Are you hurt?"

He was breathing heavily but his eyes sprang open and she felt his hands on her shoulders as he nodded at last.

"I'm OK... I'm OK," he said, his breathing beginning to slow, "he was pretty heavy," he went on with a chuckle and Penny laughed with him, despite herself. But her smile faded as his eyes glared into hers. "I told you to fucking run Penny..." he said.

"Yeah but... if I did that... I wouldn't have been here to save your fucking life," she said, trying her best to affect a grin although Jim's face remained serious as he tried to lean up and look at the bear.

"Are you sure it's-"

"Relax Jim," she said, easing him back down, "he got at least six to the head. He's not getting back up."

"Six to the head?" he said, turning his head in the bear's direction again. "How the fuck..."

"They give us training..." Penny said, feeling her smirk widen.

She felt his grip on her shoulders tighten and she tensed her back so he could use her strength to lever himself up until his upper body pressed against hers where she still sat astride his lap.

His face had an odd, solemn look that she found hard to place and the seconds that past as they sat there like that seemed to stretch and slow. Penny's smile slowly faded as the images from her dreams flowed through her mind again. Surely, she thought, I've dreamed this exact moment. Even still, when he leaned forward quickly and planted his lips against hers it was shocking, completely unexpected. It lasted only a moment or two before he pulled back, something like fear on his face.

"Shit," he said, "fuck... I'm really sor-"

She stopped him with her own lips, surging against him, forcing her tongue into his mouth as her arms wrapped around his head and, for a moment, she felt him give in to her, his arms sliding down her back, his tongue lacing into hers, but just as quickly she felt the pressure of his hands as he tried to gently push her back.

"Penny, come on..." he said, as she looked at him hungrily, "we... we're not... I mean, we can't..."

"Oh yes we can," she said quickly, launching her lips back at him and he didn't resist as she leaned forward, easing his back down to the ground. She kissed him hard but she could feel he'd need more convincing if her dream was finally to become a reality.

She was practically giddy as she lifted her upper body slowly, pulling at the bottom of her tank top and discarding it quickly, revealing her black sports bra.

"Penny... seriously..." he started to say but she could see his eyes wander along her toned, hard body and she recognised the desire in them. "Holy fuck..." he breathed and Penny giggled as she made short work of her bra, feeling her nipples harden in the breeze, as she threw it to one side.

She smirked down at him as he seemed about to try to protest further until she started to grind her hips slowly against him. She'd wondered if his age might present some challenges when it came to his ability to get hard but she was able to dismiss that particular concern almost immediately as she felt him grow beneath her and she giggled as his attempted protest turned into a deep groan.

"Penny... this is... this is crazy," he said, leaning up onto his elbows as she stood quickly, unhooking her holster and her belt and tossing them aside before shoving her shorts and panties down quickly and stepping out of them, leaving her in only her hiking boots.

"Pants," she said, ordered really, as she stood above him, her hands on her hips, that eager grin still on her face.

"Penny..." he began again before she cut him off.

"Seriously?" she said, her grin widening. "You're gonna make me do that too? Even after I saved your damn life?"

She saw the first hints of a smile break onto his face, although he continued to protest even as he leaned back and reached for the buckle on his belt.

He was too slow for Penny's liking though and she was quickly on her knees, her practised hands making light work of his belt and his shorts. He lifted his ass instinctively as she heaved them down, just low enough to free his cock. Although it was clearly not yet fully hard, she knew fairly immediately that it was going to be one of the largest she'd ever had and the thought only spurred her on further. Jim groaned again as she leaned forward, sliding the fingers of one hand around his length and bringing him quickly into her mouth without ceremony while her other hand slid between her own legs to find herself already moistening quickly.

"Fuck me!" Jim said as he felt the wet heat of her mouth engulf his cock and Penny giggled, lifting her head for a moment.

"That's kind of the idea, Jim," she said with a smirk, although her expression softened as Jim leaned up again, looking at her hard, his face set evenly, while Penny continued to stroke him slowly, his cock hardening noticeably as she did.

"Are you sure about this?" he said, softly, gently and Penny felt her wide smile return.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" She didn't wait for a response before she she plunged her mouth around him again and grinned to herself as she heard him groan even louder, his body falling back against the forest floor. Penny worked him skilfully and he was quickly completely hard, as long and as thick as her first impression had told her he would be.

She released him slowly and slid her body forward and this time there was no hesitation in his mouth as he kissed her long and deep while Penny settled her hips either side of him. She reached for the bottom of his t-shirt, tugging it hard until he leaned up to allow her to pull it over his head. Her head felt like it was swimming and it was an effort to pull away from kissing him, but the need to have him inside her was just too strong.

She lifted herself and took his cock in one of her hands, lining him up and she could feel his hands slide around under her ass, helping to support her weight as she eased herself down. With her lips pressed together, she made a long, low, satisfied sound as his length slowly filled her, her knees settling comfortably either side of him.

"Jesus Penny," he said softly, his eyes burning into hers, "you're fucking incredible."

She felt her hips start to rock gently as she adjusted to his size and she giggled as she felt her legs quiver. She was really wet now, she could hear it with the movement of her hips.

"Jim... I'm... I'm really fucking turned on... I'm gonna cum really fast," she said, her breath already heavy, and she felt his hands pull on her hips

"Do me one favour," he said and she noticed an odd smile on his face.

"What?" she breathed, her hips moving ever faster.

"Tell me," he said, "tell me when you cum."

"I think you're gonna feel it," she said with a breathy chuckle, as the familiar tide rose inside her at an exponential rate.

"Yeah but... I want you to tell me..."

"OK... fuck," she said, whimpered really, her body leaning forward, and she planted her hands on his chest for purchase as she ground herself against him hard, feeling the lines of his huge scars under her fingers.

"Fuck... Jim... I'm gonna cum..." she groaned, the movement of her hips growing desperate, fevered.

"You feel so fucking good Penny," he said, the grip of his hands on her hips tightening, "tell me..."

"Yeah... fuck... fuck!" The pitch of her voice rose and she felt her body shudder. Her upper body moved back again and her head lifted until all she could see was the blue of the sky sneaking through the canopy, her legs shaking and trembling and she screamed to the heavens, realising that the moment her dreams had repeatedly denied her had finally arrived. "Fuck... yes! I'm cumming! I'm cumming!"

She thought she heard Jim grunt as her movement slowed, almost stilled, her body jerking and shuddering as the wave of pleasure rippled through her.

"Holy fuck..." she said softly, laughing as her body slowly came down from its high, her muscles relaxing, "that... that was a big one..."

"You're telling me," Jim said, his hands sliding slowly, rubbing gently along her strong thighs and up her hard body, "jesus Penny, you looked... you looked so beautiful..."

She smiled warmly and leaned down to kiss him, her awareness returning that he was still buried inside her.

"Are you... OK?"

"You mean...?"

"Yeah," she said, giggling as she raised her upper body again and noticed that his hands had returned to her hips, ensuring they remained still.

"To be honest Penny, I don't think Science could explain how I haven't fucking exploded already," he said and Penny noticed the familiar look of determination as she realised that he was probably holding on for dear life. She laughed as she moved to dismount him and she saw him close his eyes and grit his teeth as he slid slowly free of her. She slid down and took him in her mouth again quickly, gripping him tightly and pumping until, in only a few seconds, she felt him shudder as he came, and kept cumming. Such was the volume that it was a noticeable effort for Penny to take it all - she'd always disliked the idea of letting any cum escape when she'd taken it in her mouth - and she was grinning at that thought as she licked her lips and slid herself up along Jim's body to lie next to him.

"Holy fucking shit," he said, breathing hard and Penny was still laughing when he turned around, his soft, lingering kiss taking her a little by surprise. "Thank you Penny... that was... I mean, fuck... that was..."

He flopped onto his back and Penny leaned into him, resting a hand on his chest.

"Sure was," she said, grinning.

She'd completely forgotten about the bear until, after a few quiet minutes laying together as they recovered, she noticed a few of the forest's other inhabitants start to take an interest in its corpse and it was only then that she remembered the diamond shaped pattern of white fur.

"Holy shit," she said urgently, sitting up to look at Jim and then over at the bear. "Was that...?"