Apocalypse Wow, Pt. 18


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"Yeah, I think so," he said with a wry chuckle, "you believe that? Fifteen years apart, attacked by the same damn bear twice. What are the odds?"

"That's fucking incredible," she said, settling back against him.

"Can I ask you something?" he said, after another comfortable silence.

"Of course."

"What... what brought that on?"

"You mean...?"


"Well..." she said slowly, her fingers started to run absent mindedly up and down the long scars on Jim's chest.

"What?" he said, noticing her reluctance.

"You won't believe me if I tell you."

"Try me."

Penny sighed heavily as she tried to decide whether to tell him but, ultimately, it wasn't really a choice at all. In her few days with him, aside from how close she felt they'd become, he had never really held back with her and sometimes talked about things she knew he hadn't mentioned in years. It didn't feel right to be anything less than totally honest with him in those circumstances, embarrassing and all as it might seem to her.

"Well..." she said, leaning up again so she could look at him, "I... I kind of... dreamed this..."

"What do you mean?"

"This... this... moment... this whole thing, I dreamed it."

"Fuck off."

"I told you you wouldn't believe me," she said with a grin, laying back again.

"No, come on," Jim said, shifting his body so he was looking at her now, "I was kidding. Come on, tell me."

"Well... when... when Luke first told me about, like, the possibility of meeting you I... I started to have these dreams..."

"About... me?"

"About this, this exact thing. I mean, it was more, you know, remote I think but, yeah. You and me would be out Scouting somewhere and something terrible would happen and... you'd save my life, or I'd save yours and then..."

"Then we'd fuck like rabbits."

"Exactly," she said with a chuckle, "every time. It was really frustrating actually," she added with a grin.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, like... we'd be fucking, like... like we just did or... or you'd be on top of me, or I'd be leaned over against a tree while you took me from behind and then just when, just before I knew I was going to cum, really fucking hard, just like I did just now, I'd wake up... all sweaty and hot and horny."

"You're shitting me," Jim said with a chuckle, but somehow Penny knew he already believed her.

"I'm telling you," she said, wide eyed, "totally fucking ravenous. A few mornings I had to, like, pull Jake into the shower with me to take care of me."

Jim laughed heartily as he lay back again and Penny found herself laughing with him until she leaned up to look over him again.

"But, isn't it like, totally fucking weird? Like unbelievable. I mean, fucking hell Jim, I dreamed this exact thing. Lots of times!"

"Sure," he said, a broad smile on his face, "it's fucking insane but, if there's one thing I've learned about the world over the years Penny it's that... well... fucking anything is possible."

Eventually, they did actually visit the First Contact monument but they took a boat back to the hydro station. Mac and the team were fairly incredulous to hear of the attack and although Jim protested, they insisted they'd send a team out to retrieve the carcass and send him the skin.

They made good time back up the river, and they both enjoyed the challenge at times where they had to work hard against the river's current to make progress. Although it was already fairly late in the day, they decided to keep going when they reached the first hydro station and the sun was well below the horizon when they finally moored their little boat at the dock where they'd first met the river.

They made camp not far away and Jim lit the fire and prepared their rations while Penny set up the tent. When she was done and he noticed she'd only set up a single tent, he looked at her with a questioning grin.

"Really?" he said.

"Yes," Penny replied forcefully. "There's like, you know, other parts of the dreams I haven't told you about yet," she said with a smirk.

"Oh yeah, like what?"

"Like, I don't know, how do you feel about eating pussy?"

"Is that a joke?"

Quite a long time and at least three orgasms later, Penny knew perfectly well what that comment had really meant. After, although it had made him chuckle, Jim didn't object when Penny insisted that he fuck her against a tree. It was always one of the strongest images from the dreams and his mouth and tongue had her so on edge, she came almost immediately as his hips crashed against hers, with her arms gripping the trunk, her body bent in half.

"So have you figured out what you're going to say to Jake," Jim asked as they lay next to each other afterwards, the warm glow of the fire flickering over their naked bodies.

"I don't know," Penny said with a heavy sigh, "I've been thinking about it but... I don't know. I think I'll just do like you said."

"Just start talking? See what comes out?"


"Good idea as any."

They started for home just before dawn and were strolling in the main gates of Simonia as evening arrived. They'd called in their ETA from the rest station on the way and, much to Penny's surprise, they found a small crowd waiting for them.

Dani was there, and little Tommy and several other children, as she might have expected. But Lou Brown was there too and others Penny only recognised because of their notoriety. Chloe Murphy's fiery red hair was instantly recognisable. Penny knew she'd been one of Simonia's first four residents and that she'd spent her life travelling all over the network, spearheading infrastructure and building projects. Jim had told her how close he was to Chloe but the emotion of their greeting still surprised her and she thought about what Jim had said to her, about how strong his emotional connection was to the people he loved.

She knew Dr Caroline Wong by reputation too. She'd been the first in the Network to conduct any significant research on the red-eyes, even before the Network had existed, taking the first steps to understand what had happened to the world when Simonia still only had four residents.

Dani brought the children home to get ready for bed, while Caroline and Chloe made their way out to the house, evidently a feast of some kind was being prepared. Lou accompanied Penny and Jim on their way to the Scouting Center to drop off their gear.

"So Jim," Lou said as they walked, "you gonna tell her or do I have to do it?"

"Fuck Lou, already? How the fuck-" Jim began, although Penny thought his tone sounded more amused than aggravated.

"A bear attack? That close to a main route? That's a pretty obvious security risk Jim, you really think Mac wasn't gonna call something like that in right away?"

"Son of a bitch," Jim said and Penny felt herself chuckle. "I'll tell her Lou, just... just let me figure out the right time."

"Whatever you say Jim," Lou said with a grin. "You think I should bring some armour over for dinner?"

A cart brought them back to the house outside of town when they were done, Dani too. It felt so different to Penny to be back in that space now that it was filled with people and she couldn't help wonder about those first days and weeks after the First Day, when such a small group had been there, all alone.

Dinner was about the most elaborate, and most tasty she'd ever experienced and though she realised she was very much an outsider around the table, sitting among people who'd known each other longer than she'd been alive, she recognised that they were going out of their way to ensure she felt included, even as they reminisced about the past. Sitting at one end of the table, with Jim opposite her, Dani and Caroline on one side, Lou and Chloe on the other, she sometimes felt as if the whole group's attention was directed at her.

"So Penny," Dani said, long into the evening, as several empty wine bottles cluttered the table while Penny worked on a dessert she'd never tasted before but couldn't get enough of, "you guys haven't said much about your field trip. Did you have fun? What was the best part?"

Before she could even start to think about how to respond without mentioning bears, she heard a loud snort from her right and when she glanced over she saw the Chief Scout try to cover a grin with her napkin.

"Oh... ah..." Penny tried, feeling her face grow flushed, her eyes darting to Jim who she thought had taken on a sympathetic bearing. She looked back to Lou who mouthed the word 'sorry' in her direction.

"Dad," Dani said, shifting her full attention toward Jim, "what the fuck is going on?"

"It's nothing sweetheart," Jim said, smiling sweetly at his daughter as, Penny noted, he took her hand very deliberately in his, "we just... ran into an old friend, I guess."

"What do you..."

"You know... big guy... big diamond of white fur on his chest."

"What?" Penny wasn't quite able to read what exactly she saw on Dani's face or heard in her voice.

"Fuck off," Chloe said, "seriously?!" her incredulous look far easier to read as her attention focussed on Jim. Penny's eyes drifted down to see Jim still holding Dani's hand tightly.

"Same dude," Jim said, "you believe that?"

"You fucking bastard," Dani said. Penny thought it was concern or fear she saw in her face though, more than anger, though she remembered Jim's story about his first encounter with the bear, wondering whether if the reason he was holding Dani's hand so tightly was to avoid another smack in the face. "You remember what I said before you left?"

"I know... I know, I promise Dani, there's not a scratch on me," Jim said, smiling warmly at Dani, "well... thanks to Penny that is."

Penny felt her blush deepen, as eyes from around the table drifted in her direction.

"What happened?" Caroline asked, looking at Jim.

"Tell 'em," Jim said with that warm smile, nodding to Penny, "it's your story."

Penny shifted in her chair as all eyes trained on her and she took a deep breath before she told the story. She was as detailed as she could be but in the retelling of it she came to realise just how quickly everything had happened, although she stopped short of describing the immediate aftermath.

"Fuck," Chloe said, breaking the short silence that ensured when Penny was done.

"You confirmed the kill?" Louise asked and, although Penny didn't sense any tone of dissatisfaction in her voice, the question still made her nervous, but Jim answered before she could.

"He wasn't getting back up Lou," he said with a grin, "not with six holes in his head."

"Six?" Lou asked, her attention returning to Penny who didn't know what else to do but shrug, "to the head?"

"You oughta give the marksmanship instructors over in Haven some kind of medal Lou. I've never seen anything like it," Jim said.

"I'll say," Dani agreed as she stood and moved down the table. It took Penny a moment to realise what was happening as Dani approached her, but she was able to stand just in time as she was taken into a very close, hard embrace.

"Thank you Penny," Dani said, her voice soft. She eased back, holding Penny by the shoulders and looking deeply into her eyes. "You know when I... when I met Luke, when he came here to Service me, I thought, you know, it was just gonna be another..." She sighed deeply and smiled. "Guess it's just the gift that keeps on giving," she went on, smiling and putting her arm around Penny as she turned. "As for you dad," she said in mock warning, "you are never going outside those gates again, not without a whole fucking army or something."

"Yes ma'am," Jim replied and Penny joined in the ripple of laughter around the table that died out as Louise rose from her seat, her glass in her hand.

"Penny, as the Chief Scout, what you did makes me incredibly proud and I know you have an amazing career ahead of you," she said and Penny felt Dani's hand squeeze her a little tighter as murmurs of agreement spread around the table, "but... well... the people around this table Penny, really everyone who's called this old place home at one time or another, we're... we're family... so, on behalf of this family, I'd like to raise a toast to you, for bringing this crazy bastard... this man we love very much... home to us..."

Penny breathed hard as she felt tears fill her eyes. Dani squeezed her tightly as the others stood, smiling in her direction, and they raised their glasses, Jim too.

"To Penny," they said in unison.


There was still more wine, and plenty more stories before they finally retired that night and Penny was more than a little groggy the next morning when she got up to use the bathroom. On her way towards the stairs, she paused as a door opened and first Chloe, followed by Caroline and then Lou filed out, all wishing her good morning, with Jim bringing up the rear. Without intending to, Penny realised she must have been looking at him funny.

"What?" he said with smirk.

"You are a crazy bastard."

Both Lou and Chloe were on their way to Haven anyway so there was no need for her to wait for another convoy and they were at the gates, ready to depart by mid-morning. She smiled a little sheepishly as she turned to say goodbye to Jim but he pulled her in close before she could say anything.

"Thanks Jim," was all she could think of to say and she could feel his body ripple as he laughed.

"Fucking hell Pen, don't you think I should be the one thanking you?"

"Still... it's... I was really excited about coming here and... and meeting you but, fuck Jim, I never imagined anything like this!"

"Worth the trip, huh?"

"Are you kidding?" she said and pulled him in for another hug.

"Good luck Penny," he said, nodding with a knowing smile.


They took a fairly leisurely pace and Penny had the benefit of yet more stories of the past, including more than a couple of tales of Jim's exploits as a younger man, both in the field and, well, around the house.

But the closer they got to Haven, the more Penny's mind fixated on Jake, sometimes to the point where she'd start to walk faster and Lou had to tell her to slow down.

They arrived in the early afternoon the following day and, after saying her goodbyes to Lou and Chloe, Penny made her way straight to the Free House and booked an overnight room. She still didn't know exactly what she'd say to Jake but she felt the Free House the best venue to allow them the privacy and intimacy that she thought would be required for the conversation she was desperate to have.

She did her best to avoid him for the remainder of the day. She took a long shower and then went to the Meeting Place to chat with Anh and Rosa and Danny and Sam, knowing how excited they'd be to hear about her trip, and she visited Luke at work, building houses on New Street. Dani had given her a photo of little Tommy to pass on to him and besides, he'd been so instrumental in making her trip happen, she really didn't want to wait another day to thank him, to tell him how amazing it had been. She'd dropped into the school on her way and left a note with Maggie for Jake:

"I'm back!

Free House, 7 o'clock.

Don't be late!"

As she lay on the bed in the room she'd booked, waiting for him, she knew she'd never been as nervous about anything in her life and she was still trying to play the conversation out in her head when she heard the door.

"Pen, you in here already?" he called as she moved to the edge of the bed, noticing a strange grin on his face as he rounded the corner.


"Nothing," he said, "just... never seen you in one of these rooms with clothes on before! Welcome ho-"

When she kissed him, she felt herself sigh heavily as her body melted against his, his arms wrapping slowly around her as his surprise gave way, their mouths opening to each other.

Not for the first time, when, finally, she felt Jake pull back from her slowly, she felt a familiar disappointment and laughed internally at just how natural it felt to be in his arms, to have his lips against hers. She opened her eyes and she could see, clearly, plainly, a strange look on his face, fear, regret even and a kind of panic gripped her quickly, her heart starting to race.

"I'm sorry Pen," he said softly, his forehead resting gently against hers, "I'm so fucking sorry... I can't... I just can't... I have to... I... I..."

"I love you Jake," she said quickly, moving her head back, burning her eyes into his and she felt her mouth widen into a broad smile as she took in the look on his face, a kind of shocked amazement, his eyes widening. "I know... I know I've told you that a thousand times but not... not like this... I... I love you Jake... I'm in love with you." She leaned forward and kissed him, quickly, softly.

"Did you-" she started to ask when he didn't say anything, but she didn't get to finish. The strength with which Jake kissed her took her breath away and she felt his hands move up to cup her face. She nearly stumbled as she felt him press against her, moving them backwards towards the bed and she was giggling when she finally fell back against it as Jake followed with her, kissing her hard again, his body resting on top of her. Their hands came together, fingers lacing, and Penny felt Jake draw her arms over her head.

"Say it again," he said softly, moving his mouth to kiss along her face, down her neck as Penny continued to giggle at his almost frantic movement.

"You first," she said, her laughter petering out as Jake lifted his head and she could see the intensity in his eyes.

"I love you Penny. I love you more than anything else in the world. I love you..."

Penny felt a tear fall from the side of her eye as a wide smile finally broke on Jake's face.

"How long have you been waiting to say that?" she said.

"You have no idea," he said with a chuckle and Penny freed her hands and brought them down to hold his face.

"How long?" she asked, her face even and serious as the smile waned from Jake's face again.

"Penny... I..." he said, his eyes lowering for a moment before meeting hers again, "I've always loved you..."

For a moment, Penny felt her breath catch in her throat as her mind started to race through he entire relationship with Jake, all the years growing up side by side, all the positivity and kindness and happiness he'd brought to her life and then it was her turn to be frantic as a kind of wave of regret passed over her.

She pushed hard against him, turning them over and encouraged him to slide further up the bed until his whole body lay against it, scrambling with him, her knees coming to rest either side of his hips and she kissed him hungrily.

"Why..." she said, her breath heavy as she leaned down over him, "why didn't you tell me?"

"You said it yourself Pen," he replied with a gentle smile, his hands moving up to cup her face as her mind went back to their last night together in the Free House, "you weren't ready... but I guess... I guess you're about done?"

"Yeah," she said, the wave of regret giving way to an almost overwhelming relief and her eyes closed tightly as she felt herself smile, "I'm ready. I love you Jake."

There was real hunger, real need in them both when their mouths came together then. The urgency of it surprised Penny a little. It felt as if her whole body was a spring, coiled up far too long, bursting out as she was finally released. She only noticed the gyrating movement of her hips long after it had started and she groaned into Jake's mouth as she felt the tingle between her legs, feeling him grow hard through his shorts as she pressed herself against him.

She didn't wear dresses very often and, despite her frantic need, she chuckled as she thought how fortunate it was that she'd done so today. It took very little movement for her to unbuckle Jake's shorts and as soon as his cock sprang free, she gripping him tightly with one hand as with the other she reached under her dress and reefed her panties to the side before lining him up and plunging herself onto him in one, rapid, shocking movement.