Apprehended Ch. 02


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I quickly shoved my feet into the boots. "These are fine." He stopped a foot away from me. I got his scent, which matched the male musk in the room upstairs. It reminded me of the forest. Of wet dew and pine trees.

"You have my word that you will be safe, Annie. So fucking safe. Always safe with me."

I tucked some stray, wavy hair behind my ear. "These are fine, Ethan."

He froze and dropped his arms. "You said my name," he said, huskily. He licked his lower lip. I noticed that his two top fang teeth were sharper than what was considered normal. "I like that."

My heart began racing again. Once more, he noticed my fear and reluctance.

He offered me a small smile and stepped back to give me space. I was grateful. "But first let's get you warm, love. A coat. You need a coat." He moved to a small door by the fireplace. Opening it, he flicked on the overhead light and rummaged through the clothes. "Here. This coat will do." He grabbed it roughly and closed the door. He walked over to me and presented it.

I stared at it. It was huge. And brown. It reminded me of the coat my grandfather used to wear when he was alive, and I was six. " that yours too?"

"Everything in here is mine. Now that you're here, that will change. However, my stuff is now yours. Anything you want, you can have. You don't have to ask. Ever. Here."

I grabbed the coat and put it up to my nose. I sniffed it. "It smells like you," I blurted, lowly.

"Does it now?" he asked, cocking a brow.

I felt my face flush. I didn't mean to say that out loud.

"Do you like my scent, female?"

I put the coat on. It ended at my knees. I wrapped it around myself. "I guess?" The truth was, I did. So fucking much. His scent wasn't just intoxicating, it was downright obsessive. It almost felt like a lure; as if his smell alone would lead me to him and I would follow its trail willingly.

He didn't need to know that, however.

He smiled, revealing his dimples. "Interesting."

He stood staring at me, his eyes hooded and filled with...with...desire? I wasn't sure. What I did know was that it was freaking me out.

"Come," he said, breaking the awkwardness. He offered me his arm. "You have much to see."

Carefully and timidly, I wrapped an arm through his and he pulled me closer to him. I was going to pull away, but he wrapped his entire palm around my hand. "For warmth, my sweet."

I nodded, not really knowing what to do. I decided that playing along was the best option right now. For the moment, I wasn't going anywhere.

He hummed deeply in approval and led me outside via the sliding back door. Icy air blasted against my face. I shivered and inhaled sharply. It was not this cold when I left the diner. The town was warmer than the forest. Way warmer.

"Where are we?" I asked, looking around.

I didn't recognize this forest. I was too new to the area to know the layout.

"We are higher up in the mountains. The ones that overlook the bridge in town. It's safer for us here. No one will see us."

The trees were thick, and the night was filled with the sounds of animals. Owls hooted. Crickets sang. It felt eerie. The sound of our footfalls rang throughout the open expanse, reminding me of a scary movie.

I looked at Ethan, who wasn't wearing a coat.

"You'll freeze to death out here like that," I pointed out. "Where is your coat? I saw some more in the closet."

He chuckled. "Is that a hint of concern I hear in your sweet voice, female?"

I didn't answer.

"Because if it is, I can assure you that I don't need a coat. No matter how cold. I am warm." He lightly squeezed my hand and I felt the heat radiate from his skin.

Instinctively, I moved closer to him, shivering. My teeth were chattering.

A sound vibrated in his chest. It was deep...and not human. "That's it," he whispered, his golden eyes on me. "Come closer to me, love. I will keep you so warm."

A loud snap made me jump and I stopped walking. I looked around in the darkness. "What was that?"

Somewhere in the distance, I heard an animal howl. It sounded like a wolf. I looked up at Ethan who was still staring at me. "Did you hear that?" I whispered.

He nodded and quickly reached out to tuck some hair behind my ear. Instant heat tickled my skin. Along with a bolt of electricity when his flesh met mine. "I did, my sweet. But you have nothing to worry about. Dina is hunting far from here. And even if she was close, she won't harm you."

"I thought Dina was the one who let me borrow her leggings."

"She is," he said, looking down and focusing on my lips.

Another howl had me yelping. It sounded closer. "Can we go, Ethan? Please? Maybe coming out here at night wasn't such a good idea."

"You have nothing to fear in the dark. The forest. As long as I am here, you will be untouchable." He noticed how scared I was. "Be calm, bellula. I will protect you."

I looked up at his gleaming, golden eyes. They appeared to be moving somehow. Like something that was other-worldly. "Your eyes," I whispered. I lifted a hand to touch them and stopped an inch or so near his face. He was so tall, that I found myself tiptoeing to get a better look.

Without warning, he leaned his head into my smaller hand and closed his eyes briefly. His skin was so hot and soft. I felt the light stubble he had growing on his jaw and I inhaled sharply at how right it felt to touch touch a stranger.

A man I knew nothing about.

I was going to pull my hand away and get away from him, but he did something unexpected. He turned his head and pressed a warm, soft kiss against my open palm. It made me shiver. He chuckled and moved away to cup the back of my neck and pull my head up to him. He kissed me on my forehead.

I didn't mean to. I really didn't. But he smelled so delicious and he felt so warm and comfortable that I closed my eyes and leaned into the kiss...into him. His chest vibrated again in what I assumed was satisfaction and he pulled away slightly, moving his hand from the back of my head to my chin, where he cupped it and held me in place.

"You are beautiful, my petal. So fucking beautiful." His voice was so low, I barely heard what he had said.

My heart began to race, and I was panting, my breath coming out in short puffs. I shouldn't be this close to him. To this unknown man. The thing was, I was not scared. Not like I should have been. Not like I would have been. Which was either a good thing or a bad one. Ever since Jerry abused me, I had a hard time with the male population. I rarely talked to them. I would never be caught alone with one.

Until now.

Back in the room, I was terrified. But now? Now that felt like a distant memory. With his hands on me and his body near mine, everything else seemed to fade and disappear around us. As if the world revolved around him and I and nothing else mattered.

Ethan's eyes traveled down the length of my face and stopped on my neck. He lifted my head up a little. "Later," he whispered, softly. "I plan to kiss every single one of these bruises away. I plan to make you forget, female. To make you feel me. To make you know no one else but me. And I will do everything in my power to not only make you feel cherished, but safe, protected and loved for as long as I breathe."

Those words suddenly sobered me. It centered me. Reality came crashing full-force and I inhaled sharply, moving away from him. I suddenly felt cold without him near. I trembled again. "What?" I looked away from him, not wanting to see his powerful, potent eyes. Once glance and it felt like he was looking into my soul. My soul that was broken and ruined.

"You heard me," he said, tenderly. "Won't you look at me, bellula?"

I forced myself to look at him, which was so difficult considering the power of his eyes. They held me captive. Shackled. Just as his scent. Just as this entire fucking kidnapping.


Another man joined us. I didn't even hear him approach. Nor did I see him. I jerked at his interruption and moved further away. Ethan's eyes never strayed from me.

"Alpha," repeated another.

I looked to my right. Catching sight of a newcomer. Both were big, burly and muscular. But Ethan still towered over them. His muscles were bigger, and he looked more powerful. Either way, I was currently alone with three men who could not only kick my ass, but rape me...or worse, kill me.

I took another step back. Both men stopped in their tracks, staring at me. They wore no coats. Only tee-shirts and jeans. They were tanned, with gleaming, bronze skin that was similar to Ethan's. Their eyes weren't golden or gleaming, but they were odd, nonetheless. One had green eyes that appeared to fucking glow in the dark. The other had red ones. It reminded me of blood.

I must have made a sound because the one with the green eyes spoke. "She's scared, Ethan."

The red-eyed man laughed. "She should be."

One minute, Ethan was where I left him. The next, he was near a thick tree bark, shoving the man into it and pinning him against it with his body and a strong hand around the man's neck. "I will kill you, Jared. Know your place. Know who commands whom. Know your Luna." His voice was deadly calm. One tone that made me shiver.

Jared raised up his hands in mock surrender, his own body trembling in fear. "I mean her no harm, Alpha."

"As it should be," snapped Ethan. "If you so much as look at her wrong, I'll cut your dick off and feed it to Dina."

The green-eyed man laughed.

"And you," said Ethan, releasing Jared instantly. He landed on the snow-covered ground with a resounding thud. "I don't recall ordering you to use drugs on my female."

The man paled, his head lowering in what looked like defeat. "She wouldn't have come easily, Alpha. Forgive me."

Ethan took a step towards him, making the man cower even more. "You do as I say. As. I. Say. The next time you improvise-especially when it concerns her-" he said, pointing a finger at me, "I will banish you from the fucking clan. Which would be a gift from me because you are my brother. Otherwise, I would kill you. Without hesitation. Is that clear, Edwin?"

Edwin nodded, not looking at Ethan. "Yes, Alpha."

What was with that word? And the word clan?

"Look at me when I'm talking to you, boy."

Edwin's eyes found Ethan's. "Yes, Alpha."

"Good." He looked at Jared. "Why are you still here, Jared? Leave!"

Jared bowed and high-tailed it out, leaving us alone with Edwin. I suddenly felt uncomfortable and out of my element. This was not what I was expecting. Though-to be honest-I didn't know what to expect. This whole thing was beyond odd.

"Edwin, this is Annie. Annie, this is my brother, Edwin."

I now noticed that they resembled each other a little. Ethan had the good looks though. Edwin however, looked way younger. Like he was in his early twenties. I stared at Ethan, not really thinking about his possible age until now. He had to be in his late thirties or early forties. I wasn't sure.

Edwin inclined his head, bowing deeply. "Sol Luna. I apologize for the way I treated you upon apprehending you. I offer my apologies."

Ethan's lips curved up in a smile and he crossed his big arms over his chest. He looked over at me and winked.

I stuttered for a few seconds before clearing my throat and getting my thoughts in order. "Ummm...okay? But my name is Annie."

Ethan laughed. Edwin didn't. "What's so funny?" he asked Ethan.

Ethan shrugged and walked over to him. "Nothing. Come on." He turned his head and offered me his hand. "Come to me, Annie."

I took his hand and he engulfed mine with his warm fingers. He pulled me closer to him and guided me as we walked through the darkness. They seemed to know where they were going. They also saw clearly, with no apparent trouble finding their way around. I made a mental note of it.

I stumbled over a tree root and almost fell forward. Ethan grabbed me and held me in place while talking to his brother. He steadied me. "You okay?"

I nodded. "Mmhmm."

He nodded too. "Hold onto me, alright? I don't want you getting hurt."

I felt my face flush in embarrassment and moved on. This time, I walked a little closer to Ethan and held onto his arm instead of his hand. I stumbled a bit more as we continued. Each time, Ethan caught me and kept me upright.

By the time we made it to a clearing filled with rows of cabins, I was breathing heavily and shivering.

"There is a fire there, bellula. Go get warm and I will introduce you to the clan."

The prospect of heat from a blazing bonfire in the middle of a cold forest made me walk faster. A few people were gathered around, talking and listening to music. Benches, blankets and chairs were around the fire.

I approached hesitantly and stopped when the heat licked my icy skin. I reached out, letting my hands get warmth. They tingled and felt numb. I sighed in contentment, not realizing that it was now quiet.

I looked up, noticing that everyone was staring at me.

"Hello there," said a man to my right. He was just as huge as the other men around the fire. His skin was as light as snow. As was his hair, which was platinum blonde. His eyes were the palest of blue. "I am Richen. And you are?"

I took a step away from him.

He smiled and I saw similar, sharp teeth to Ethan's. He grabbed my hand swiftly and pulled me into him, making me shriek. He lowered his head to press a kiss on my knuckles. He inhaled sharply. " smell of nectar, decadent flower." He released my hand and looked me over, his eyes freezing on my thighs. "Thick and delicious. I can only imagine getting my head squeezed when I'm in between your legs...tasting you."

Ethan growled. "Richen!"

Richen looked at Ethan immediately and lowered his head; showing the same form of submission that Edwin and Jared did. I wondered why. "Alpha?"

Ethan's arm wheeled back, and he punched Richen. Square in the jaw. I gasped and jumped back, covering my mouth with my hands. The others all lowered their heads in unison. Like some unified mind.

"Sol Luna!" shouted Ethan. Richen was now on the ground, nursing a bruised and swollen face.

"Forgive me, Alpha. I did not know."

"You do now! One more out of you and you're dead!"

He lowered his head deeper. "Yes, Alpha."

"Good." Ethan looked at the rest of the people here, ignoring Richen. "That goes for the rest of you. Sol Luna," he repeated. "You already know why she is here. I don't need to explain it to you. But you will not disrespect her. Nor will harm come to her. At all. You will protect her with your very fucking life. Understood?"

Everyone bowed lowly and agreed. Though they didn't look too pleased.

"She is human," snarled a woman I didn't notice before.

I gasped. She was completely naked.

"Aye," said Ethan, his eyes holding her steadily.

"Why should I defend a weakling? She shouldn't even be here, Alpha."

"That is not your place," said Ethan, his tone icy and stern. "Nor are you in any position to decline an order from me, Dina. You know this. Unless you wish to challenge me?"

Dina bit her lower lip and tried to lift her chin in defiance. Ethan took a step closer to her, towering over her. I could tell she was fighting the urge to argue. But something more was going on here. With a whimper, she lowered her head and her shoulders sagged. What the fuck?

"Yes, Alpha."

"I thought so," snarled Ethan.

I watched in complete silence. Not only was this strange, but Dina being naked was completely normal here. She wasn't even shivering. I had clothing on and I was still shivering.

Dina was a little thick too, but not as big as I was. In fact, the three women that were here were all thick. I took the cake though. No pun intended.

"Sit," ordered Ethan.

Dina sat. Someone offered her clothes and she put them on quietly, throwing me glares as she dressed. Awkwardly, I moved closer to the fire and warmed up as everyone began talking again.

I exhaled in relief, feeling so out of place, that I wanted to leave even more than I originally did.

This people were insane!

Especially when I was here against my fucking will. I looked at Ethan, who was talking to a group of three men. Everyone else seemed to be occupied except Dina, who was still scowling at me.

I focused on my left. An easy run. I could escape. They would be caught off-guard. The tree line wasn't far from here. About thirty or forty feet. Once I made it into the trees, I'm sure I could get lost in them. These were the mountains after all.

I stole another glance at Ethan, who was still talking. I didn't want to lose my nerve, so I made the decision. I quickly kicked off Ethan's big boots. They were too clumsy to run with. I would trip and be caught for sure.

Once they were off, I bolted, feeling the cold snow bite at my feet. Sharp rocks and roots dug into my soles, cutting me and making me wince. But I didn't give a shit.

"She's running!" Dina screamed.

I didn't bother looking back. I heard them moving behind me. The sound of Ethan screaming in anger made me move faster. I hit the tree line, my shoulder colliding into a thick branch as I ran. I cried out but kept moving. The pain made my arm go numb, but I was too filled with adrenaline to focus on it.

I quickly looked back, seeing a few shadows as I moved. I heard a growl and a howl.



I didn't think I'd run into any this close to the cabins. I moved faster and turned to look ahead, screaming as I lost my footing and fell forward...

Straight into a ditch.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

I, finally, got that it wasn't a human story but this would be better in a different category maybe non-human or fantasy. There hasn't been much reluctancy or cnc. Being "taken" is but this could easily be fixed by having her break her leg or finding out some secret that he can't risk her telling. Most of this is consensual (at least so far) most readers will forgive the being taken if there is good reason for him to be doing so. I understand why you put it in this section but you may have some people that are unhappy because it isn't human and there is a lot less drama than expected within the category you've selected. Thanks for the great read!

MickaHollowayMickaHollowayalmost 5 years ago
Can't wait to keep reading!

I didnt expect to be reading non human in the non consent section but im a fan of both so it was actually a pleasent surprise. Im very eager to see where this goes! Also thank you for making Annie a thicker girl, you're the first ive read to do that and it makes it more relatable in that sense. Im enjoying it thus far.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
This story needs to be published

This story needs to be on sites like Wattpad or radish where you can earn followers and money... And maybe catch the eye of a publisher

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Thank you for writing this!

Your story is very interesting to read and grabs my attention! Thank you for writing! Love it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Have to Agree

The story would be better received in Non Human or Sci-fi. On reading chapter 1 I thought this was a run of the mill kidnapping of an abused woman potentially kidnapped by her ex or the sheriff.

I’m relieved it’s not that but it will be interesting to see if she can adapt to the situation, most shifter stories tend to have the female protagonist being.

Tess (UK)

AnnieBaebeeAnnieBaebeealmost 5 years agoAuthor

Very true!! I did not think of that. Thank you for this!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Please fix...

If you can edit or rewrite...

If he is so dominant... when he undressed her into his shirt he would have seen all of the bruising and scars (if not all mental). He would have asked her immediately or stated when he was saying he wouldn't hurt her like someone else already did. If he is who or what you are claiming him to be he would have picked up on all of her imperfections from battling her ex. It would have driven him insane that she was mistreated, I feel that he would not have casually asked were did you get that bruise from on her collar bone if he knew of others. You should probably tweak that if you do more with this story. Also it is non-con as it is kidnapping even if she agrees to stay as she is an abuse victim and the whole Stockholm syndrome thing can likely come into play. But you might want to continue this in SciFi. You might have a more loyal audience there.

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