April - From Teen to Street Hooker Pt. 10

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A Young Teen Gets Enticed By Her Fantasies Of Prostitution.
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Part 9 of the 10 part series

Updated 04/03/2024
Created 02/16/2024
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Chapter 10 - Established

I'm on the corner...it's spring....not the warmest, boo...but certainly not wet as it has been. Fuckin' good. Rain pisses me off...and it ruins my hair, boo!

I unzip my leather jacket a little...reach into my handbag and get my cigarettes and lighter...quickly lighting up...putting my cigarettes back in my bag...taking a big drag....cigarette between my fingers...blowing the excess smoke out, overhead, into the night air.

14 years, boo. 14 years. Over 14 years since that fateful day that I had met Martika. 14 years of being owned. 14 years of hooking. 14 happy years.

A lot of shit has gone down in that time, boo. With me? Probably not, apart from bangin' punters for my owner...being her 2nd in command and taking the money for her....oh, and I am allowed to be in a relationship. Miya, Martika's daughter, has always had a thing about me and now that she's of an age we can do our thing together. Since leaving school, that bitch has been hooking for her mum.

Martika has had her moments too, boo. To bring you up to speed....fuck, see if I can get this shit right..

So, her grandmother died - Sue - of which I hope I wrote about before. I didn't? Sorry boo. Yeah, the bitch died 'on the job' with a heart attack, fucking a punter. Hell of a way to go.

Martika was in the middle of a huge drink and drugs binge and had some medical problems...long story short, at one point she'd been given less than 9 months to live. Fuckin' scary, right boo? Too right. So the bitch has to look after herself, so off the bottle....She says she found it quite easy.

She had this fling with Mark's mate...and Mark and her split up for a while. That was fuckin' awful, boo. She's my owner, so I couldn't really say shit to her, but it was sad. When she got her shit together, he decided to teach her a lesson...and was bangin' her bestie, Emma. Martika was broken over that.

Then that bitch got preggers with Mark's child. That split Emma and Martika up. No longer best friends.

Then, Mark and Martika got back together...thank fuck...and all has been good. They have had another 2 kids together. Well, I say 'together' but Martika has been getting knocked up by her punters - again - so 2 more girls.

Martika's empire grew then broke down again. She had started her brothel, with 6 bitches (including my sister), and then street girls like myself...but also branching from Derby into Nottingham; running some bitches there too. She was running around 18 slags, y'know, over both areas. Mainly in Derby, naturally, but was starting to branch out in Nottingham.

Then, Martika got a bit...headstrong....and was bullying some of the bitches. I stood up for her, of course, as I do what she says. I have no thoughts...what Martika says, goes...right?

So, that kicked off and a bunch of the slags - Amber, Jen, Candy, Sarah and Wendy - split off and started a breakaway brothel/streetwalker thing, with Amber being their Madame.

Martika had my boo working for her - starting in the brothel and now on the streets with me - and, at one point had Jasmin, her other daughter too.

My owner is big on control and so she insisted that all her bitches did drugs. Fine with me, I'm always high, right boo...but some of the other's weren't goin' for that. Jasmin included. So she now works for Amber. Same with Emma.

The big loss has been Candy. Like myself, out on the streets, Candy had been the top earner in the brothel. Never daring to turn anyone down, male or female, and laying pipe like crazy. That bitch would do at least 20 punters a day, every day.

She's totally down on hooking and spent practically all her life in the brothel, not really wanting to leave. Afraid of going out, actually. So for her to go...the other bitches did that.

Anyways...what else? Oh, Martika had all her tubes tied and shit, only to get knocked up again...so she's had her 5th child...again, another daughter. This time she's, like, lost her desire for coke and H, so she's stopped doing drugs.

Naturally, that's not stopped me, boo...or, actually, Martika insisting that her bitches do coke. We all still bang out the lines. Oh yes.

For a few years there's been unease with Amber's lot. Lots of animosity. Amber had a fight with my owner once...Martika came away with broken ribs, bruises every fuckin' where and a couple of black eyes. Amber, like I said in earlier entries, she trains.

What I didn't say is what in. That's Jeet Kune Do, which is like that Martial arts shit. Think it was created by Bruce Lee. Y'know that cat, right? Anyways, she's very high up the food chain on that stuff.

But this bitch has been loyal to Martika. We've helped build the 'brand' back up, to where she runs 12 or 13 bitches, depending on your point of view.

I say depending 'cos she runs this bitch called Terri....or Chastity...and I give out two names 'cos, like this bitch works as a Bank Manageress, right? High up the food chain. But, every month, she's dropped off by her fella and works a shift at the brothel. She's totally into the prostitute lifestyle and drinks, drugs, dresses (obviously!), talks and acts like a seasoned ho bag...and she'll fuck all her punters, however they want her to, and gives all the cash to Martika.

Twisted, right? She's subservient, I think, to her hubby and he wants the bitch put out. Simple. Martika don't mind 'cos she gets all the cash, so it's a win win for her, boo.

Samantha left around 10 years ago, living with her wife, and they had a daughter together. That's cute, right? She's still ballin' punters and enjoying the hooker lifestyle...just moved down to Surrey, that's all.

My Miya is cool. Well into drugs and getting shitfaced. Bitch has calmed down a bit. She was eager to put out. First in her mum's brothel, but just being stoned a bit, y'know? Martika don't care what the fuck you do as long as you are professional, and Miya wasn't always that professional at first. Bitch got slapped by her mum a lot of times...

Like...a lot of times, boo!

She wanted to work the streets, so Martika put her out. She's as happy as fuck now.

Bitch got some tattoos to celebrate. She's got these, like, bows towards the tops of the back of her thighs, with the wording 'Fuck' and 'Toy' above them. She loves 'em!

So that's about bringing us up to speed, boo. I get to look after Martika's other children. Her youngest, Amidala, being just over 2 years old. I hook and take care of her business and I'm in a relationship with her eldest.

Got that? Cool. Let's move along...

Miya's next to me, talking shit as per normal. She's just lighting up after having finished her punter and being dropped off.

"He was good.." she says, blowing the smoke out into the night air.

Up the road I see Sofia getting into a punter's car and driving off.

Me and Miya chat a little...put on a show for the cars driving past...y'know? Kiss each other passionately. That kinda fun shit.

I'm stopped by this guy on foot...me and Miya break off our kiss...and he wants a fuck, I reel off the prices....get the cash in my handbag...then take him down the alleyway.. past Elena, who's fucking against the wall...to my own part of the alley.

My man is up against the wall and I'm just unzipping his jeans...and he's trying to negotiate.

"How much for bareback?" He asks.

"Oh no, boo. No bareback. My owner would kill me.."

I see his penis throb in the outline of his boxer shorts.

"'Owner'?" he again asks.

"Yeah, boo. My pimp will kick the shit out of me. You need to use a rubber."

"I'll pay more..." he retorts.

"Don't give a shit, boo. I'll still get the shit kicked out of me if you do. So let me put on a rubber.."

Time stands still for a moment or two....but he accepts....so I reach into his boxers, pull out his cock, give it a little stroke and it becomes hard before my very eyes....and I blow on a rubber.

I get up....give it a stroke...then exchange places with him. Me up against the wall and him gently, at first, easing himself inside me. Then...we're off.

Elena is just pulling down her skirt, on my right, and then heading back...arm in arm...with her punter back onto the street.

Slow strokes...then harder...then faster...feeling the heat in my vagina....and then...he cums...and shudders to a climax....out he pops....rubber thrown to the floor...flaccid and now spent penis back in pants and jeans zipped up....and we head back to the street.

Elena is taking a drag of her cigarette some 10 metre's away. We exchange nods.

I see Amber across the road. Bitch. I sneer in her general direction.

I light up, walking to and fro...intermittent drags as I walk that 10 metre path that I have walked for the last 14 years now. I need to get picked up again.

'Fuck, where is everyone?' I mumble under my breath.

I put my heel on the spent cigarette butt, blowing the excess smoke out...overhead...I'm stopped by a guy in a car. A Ford. He winds down the window. We shoot the shit. White guy, around his 40's I'd say. Got a tattoo on his forearm. He wants a blowjob. He pays, out the window, and I get in the passenger's side. Seatbelt buckled up and away we go to the car park.

We park up, I unbuckle and my fuck partner leans back to unbuckle his jeans and pull them, and his boxer's, down. He's semi hard. I lean over, stroke his member into full attention.

There's just my breath between me and the tip of his cock. I lick....then engulf... sucking and slurpling. Making an 'O', keeping it fairly tight. He has got quite the big, thick cock. I'm bouncing up and down to the sound of sighs and moans...and then he shoots his load...in 3 powerful spurts.

I swallow everything. Years of training.

Satisfaction guaranteed.

Whatever makes my owner proud, right boo?

We drive back, I get out. Thank the punter...and there's Martika just getting out of a car herself, lighting up a cigarette and coming over to see me. We shoot the shit for a while - she wants to know how I'm earning.

"I'm doin' alright, boo.." I answer.

It never gets old. The insistent talk from Martika. The fear of upsetting her. The striving of doing your best and earning for her. It's still the thrill for me. I still have to calm myself down when I'm getting ready at night, boo. It's a bigger high than any drugs that I have took.

When I am on my back, getting cock in me, being shunted around the backseat of a car my mind still does imagine me giving all my money to my owner...and it still helps to make me cum.

She has a hold over me....and, honestly, I don't give a fuck. I get pleasure from it. She gets coin from it. It's win, win on both sides.

I leave her briefly, just to do a couple of lines of coke down the alleyway, and when I get back she's gone...she must have pulled. It's not long before I pull again....again, another car driver...again, in that car park.....I see Felicity, one of Amber's stable, and her punter parked up right next door to ours.

Whatever. I get down to business, taking him up my arse, to the strains of the Smooth FM on the radio. It doesn't quite go, but whatever, boo. I'm out here earning for my owner...whatever the soundtrack.

He's happy as he grunts his cum into that rubber sheath....we clear up....we drive back...I get out and go down the alleyway....I need a piss, boo...

Jenny is getting fucked down there and she pulls a face, over the shoulder of her fuck partner, as she sees me squatting to relieve myself. I don't fuckin' care. I need to wee, boo!

Wee over. I stand and pull my leather skirt down, grab a cigarette and light up as I walk past.

Martika is just getting picked up again and I quickly follow suite with another car driver. This on in another Ford. I think it's red. The guy's name is Carl. I only know this 'cos he tells me. I don't care...all I care for is the coin, right?

Anyways....another fuck in the car park....driven back...out....pull again....this time a blow job in the alley....finish up....get to my spot...picked up again...another car... another fuck.

By the end of my night out....and waiting for my boo to finish fucking her punter...I've made good coin for my owner - 3 oral, 2 anal and 9 vaginal - and I find Martika and dutifully hand over the £640 I have earned. She smiles. "Well done, April" she mutters. The other bitches do likewise, only they get a cut right? Miya's done good too. Around £600. She gets her cut - £150 - for her night's work and we leave the other bitches. There's a few hugs and 'stay safe' and all that shit.

We head, together with Martika, over to the brothel and the bitches have finished up. Martika does the money thing with those slags. They've earned well for her tonight. Martika is happy. I am happy that she's happy. We leave Julie, the front-of-house, to lock up and shit as we head home.

I'm walking hand in hand with my boo, we're smoking as we do so. Martika is a little bit in front. We get in, drop off our coats and Martika fixes me and Miya with our customary pints of vodka as she makes a cup of tea.

Mark is snoozing on the sofa and then Martika gently taps him to awaken. He's been up a little with Ami tonight. We shoot the shit on punters that me and Miya have done. Martika rarely chats in front of Mark about the punters that she has fucked. I think they talk about it, a little, when she and him are getting jiggy with it, boo.

Anyways, Mark is down with all that shit. He's certainly proud of Miya and, I think, glad that she's under my wing.

Anyways, they head to bed and me and Miya finish off our drinks....then a couple of lines - each - of coke...then we go to bed. Martika's bed is creaking....she's getting another bonking from Mark...as me and Miya get into her bed and make love.

I like this. It's not fucking for coin. It's not quick and fast. It's pleasuring each other...and then falling asleep in each other's arms.

End of Pt 10

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AprilTwentiesAprilTwenties4 months agoAuthor

Thanks boo..

A x

LeBaronSamediLeBaronSamedi4 months ago

This is my favourite episode in this series. I love the natural flow of the language and how everyday life and total depravity are intertwined.

Calley1Calley15 months ago

I hope you do keep writing, am interested in if Martika was ever resistant to you getting together with Miya - were you “good enough”? And how it developed, what was Mark’s attitude? You’ve got a great writing talent, please keep using it.

AprilTwentiesAprilTwenties6 months agoAuthor

Thanks Boo. Oh, everything that this bitch does, does have some effect. I think that I have seen quite a lot of things in the last 14 years, some that has been written about briefly, and some that I have wrote at length. Not sure where to go next...

There's a lot that's happened between Chapter's 8 to 9 to 10 that I might just write and explore.

Glad you enjoyed it. A x

AmbulAmbul6 months ago

I love this series, and I really like the story as told by the now very experienced street whore, April. I am impressed that she snorts coke regularly and also drinks quite a bit but it does seem to have affected her much. Interesting. I look forward to the next chapter in this whore’s life.

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