At The Wonderland Spa and Resort Pt. 03

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Alex meets the investors. He is examined. Secrets are bared.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/03/2022
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Alex's Adventures At The Wonderland Spa and Resort

Part Three

by The Preve

The investors were gathered in the tea garden of the Red Knight Tea House, Garden, and Restaurant. It sat next to the spa, so the walk was short.

"Uh, Ms. Hart, can I have a robe?"

"Nope," she smiled, "I've seen you naked, Hatta's seen you naked. The investors are going to see you naked. A robe is a bit redundant, don't you think?"

She has a point, in a crazy sort of way.

Still, he'd never been naked this long, before these many women. He felt awkward, but his overwhelming embarrassment had vanished, to his surprise.

Ms. Hart, Hatta, and Alex entered the tea garden. When he saw the people gathered there, his shock and embarrassment crashed back into him, with all the force of the Indian Ocean tsunami.

Fuck! Them?! Here?!

The garden display was ornate but modern. The long table piled with pastries, cookies, and cakes, plus several expensive tea sets, all varied in design. European and Asian styled teapots, saucers, and cups completed the set up of a giant tea party.

Alex concerns lay more with the people. He recognized Jenny O'Hare, dressed now in a light pink sundress. She stared at him, first in amused shock, then obvious mirth, stifling several giggles.

The lady standing next to Jenny was Harriet March, a young, slender woman with dark brown hair done in pigtails. March was Jenny's cousin and Playpet Of The Year '18. Her gentle overbite, bee-stung lips, snub nose, and nymph-like body provoked many a stroke on Alex's part.

If not for the others, the presence of the two hottest Playpet models on the planet would be highly welcome to Alex. The others being townspeople, Alex knew most of his whole life.

There was Edna Doramus, Minnie's sister, the town librarian; prim, proper, priggish, and mousy. The look on her face expressed pale shock.

Cedric Thyme, the high school gym coach, who also taught English (appropriate, as he actually was English). He oversaw the swim team, with a permanently bemused look on his face, now directed at Alex.

The couple in front of the crowd completed Alex's utter mortification. Mr. and Mrs. Derek and Doris Dee, the Double Dees' parents, viewed him with the upper class contempt they passed to their daughters.

The other investors, Alex counted nine, were women of varying ages. He didn't recognize them. The oldest looked not much older than Doris Dee, who was in her early forties. Alex dwelled upon these trivial observations to distract from his bare ass nudity.

I am seriously fucked!

The Dees were the first to speak. "Is this some kind of joke, Scarlett?" Derek sniffed.

Who's Scarlett? Alex wondered, having heard her name earlier. Then he realized, Mr. Dee was speaking to the redheaded Amazon, who'd dragged him into this insane party.

When Alex's light switched on in his brain, a connection was made. Alex shuddered in shock, in awe, and not a little fear. Later, he excused his lack of recognition, of Scarlett Josephine Hart, as distraction from the afternoon's events.

"Holy fuck!" he whispered. His head spun again. Bare fuck naked, in front of two models, the gym coach, the Dees, the Librarian, a multicolored Japanese girl, a crowd of milfs, and the fucking Red Queen herself dragged me into this crazy show. This is some crazy naked-in-class dream.

It was difficult trying not to faint.

Scarlett Hart, the Red Queen to the media (actually, she was a duchess), was rich, really rich, rich as fuck, and powerful. Her wealth, somewhere in the GDP of several countries, put together.

Partially built on her own steam, partially built from a successful series of marriages to, and lucrative divorces from, wealthy, powerful men. Their fatal mistakes were in underestimating the intelligence, and utter ruthlessness, of the Scots-descended working class girl from Bristol.

A successful marriage to a lonely old English duke (with no heirs, and all other family lines died out, who conveniently dropped dead on a golf course, a year after the nuptials) left her with his fortune, a title, and little trouble with taxes. She'd prudently paid off his debts and fixed his finances before the big event. She handled the onslaught of the estate tax with relative ease.

While not sad at his demise, Scarlett genuinely liked the old bloke. She thought he was good for another two years at least.

Scarlett made very smart investments with her money; avoiding "sure things" and "great deals". She sniffed out scams and Ponzi schemes with near psychic intuition. Her worldwide business empire encompassed everything from cosmetics, to fashion, to recreation. Her exotic spas were legendary.

"Maybe he's the entertainment," Harriet March quipped, her eyebrow cocked.

"No folks. This is the demonstration of the success of project Looking Glass, the world's most advanced hair removal technology."

"Looking Glass? So you got that bloody contraption to work then?" Cedric smirked.

"Felix Cheshire doesn't build shit tech, Cedric. It just needed refining, and he sent Maddy Hattayoshi here to do it."

Madeleine "Maddy" Hattayoshi, took off her multicolored ball cap, exposing her multicolored dyed hair, stepped forward, and bowed.

Cedric turned to Alex, "So Alex, how did Ms. Hart talk you out of your clothes? You always struck me as fairly shy."

"He was naked when I found him in the parking lot," Jenny smiled at Cedric, "He was trying to sneak home." She glanced at the Dees, "Apparently a couple of girls, twins I believe, stole his clothes while he was swimming."

The Dees' scowls told Alex they'd missed nothing.

"I took pity on the poor boy, brought him to the spa, and sent him to the locker room to freshen up, while we found him some clothes. I didn't know he'd run into Scarlett."

"Fabrizia Testudo bailed, so I had to improvise. He was there, he was naked, he was available. I'm paying him over a thou."

Alex, ordinarily, resented adults talking around him, like he was invisible. His current predicament overloaded his mind, so he felt no other emotion. It took several moments before his brain registered someone addressing him.

"Um, what?" he blinked.

"I asked, how was it in the chamber?" Cedric asked, slightly annoyed.

"Er... um... uh... weird."

"No discomfort? Hair removal is a painful process," Cedric's observation earned a nod from Mr. Dee.

What's that about? "It didn't hurt much. They put, well, the machine sprayed some anesthetic stuff on me. My skin tingles a little."

"We took him through all the levels of hair removal; chemical, laser, and electrolysis," Ms. Hart said.

"So then, you're sure he won't scar from the electrolysis?" Harriet asked. "I heard it happens if it's not done correctly."

Alex looked quickly at Scarlett. "Scarring?!" etched in worry on his face.

Scarlett, though, was highly confident. "No scarring at all. The machine knows the precise amount of electricity for each cell. It's designed to kill only hair cells. There will be no scarring."

Maddy agreed with a reassuring nod cast at Alex. He relaxed a little, but was unsure how far to trust them.

"Hmmm," Jenny O'Hare stepped forward, "I want to take a closer look. May I?"

"Be my guest," Scarlett stepped aside.

"Uh, Ms. Hart...?" Alex didn't quite know what to do.

"Just stand still, Alex."

Jenny walked, actually more like slinked, up to Alex, who smiled nervously.

Jenny returned an amused and mischievous smile.

"I don't see why you're nervous, Alex. You really have nothing to be ashamed about."

"I'm naked. There's people I know here. They're seeing everything, and Jenny O'Hare is standing in front of me. It's like a weird dream."

"Maybe it is," she giggled, "Really though, I like the hairless look. It makes your muscle tone stand out." She looked down, "And enhances the package."

Alex blushed; he never thought of himself as toned.

"Really Alex. Nudity is not that big a deal. I've appeared nude dozens of times. I'm always naked at home. You get used to it, believe me."

Her words were mildly comforting.

"So, can I examine your arm?"

Alex, wordlessly, held out his right arm. Jenny ran her hand along it.

"Smooth, I don't feel anything but skin. How does my hand feel, Alex?"

"Um... soft?"

"Your skin feels soft too. Can you raise your arm? I want to see your underarm."

"Here Alex," Scarlett said. "Cross your arms behind your head. Let Jenny see more of you."

Alex did as she asked, "Like this?"

"Good," said Scarlett. She liked that pose. It made Alex stand straighter, and put his muscle tone in better relief.

Hmmm, not an athlete really, but toned enough. He's actually a nice looking young man.

Jenny ran her hand along the underside of his arm. Alex giggled when her hand glanced along his pit.

"Sensitive there?"

"Sorry, I'm ticklish."

"Now I'm tempted. Scarlett, I've never felt skin this smooth." She ran her hands down his chest and belly, "This machine did excellent work." Her eyes fell upon Alex's groin, "Well, you've confirmed my suspicions. You're a grower."

"What?" Alex glanced down, "Oh fuck!" His cock was three quarters, looking all the more conspicuous, jutting from his hairless groin.

"Stop blushing Alex and keep that pose," Scarlett smiled.

"But Ms. Hart..."

"You heard the lady, young man," Cedric said, amused, "You're doing fine."

"I'm certainly enjoying the view," Harriet chuckled.

Alex, warm with embarrassment, mortification, and not a little arousal, looked around the room. Jenny had moved to his back, and was tracing her hands down his spine.

He knew, technically, the model was examining him, but deep down, it seemed like a feel up.

Moreover, with her body no longer partially obscuring his front, his swollen cock was on full display. He kept his pose but conflicting emotions swirled around his head.

Cedric Thyme still wore a bemused expression, but with a new intensity Alex found... unnerving.

Harriet March's amused look was accompanied by a lustful gaze, that stunned Alex.

Holy fuck! She's hot for me!

One Playpet model was feeling him up, another openly lusted for him. It went beyond any fantasy dreamed up by his classmates. The locker room talk of the best jocks in school could never come close to this experience. That revelation made Alex stand a little straighter. His embarrassment ebbed just a bit.

Edna Doramus' face was blank, but not her eyes, wide and fiercely attentive behind her horn rims.

The Dees scowled, but not with the disdain or contempt of earlier. Nor did Alex detect any annoyance. It was more the scowl his biology teacher, Mr. Gryphon, gave to a specimen in lab; an intense interest Alex couldn't read.

The other investors crowded close. Alex felt more the male stripper. He didn't wiggle his hips like one. He never saw himself as an exhibitionist, but he wasn't sure he didn't like the attention.

All of them, looking at me. Is Miss March licking her lips?

Socially, and especially in regards to adults, Alex was not exactly a non-entity, nor a golden boy. Some people liked him, some didn't. Some, like the Double Dees, bullied him. Others left him alone, or became friends.

He was a short, pudgy redhead as a child, until he turned fourteen and gained another foot in height. A bit of exercise, work, and fat distribution, toned his muscles, and brought him to his current slender state.

Some of the girls, later in high school, started to come on to him. Alex, shy, quiet, and well-behaved as taught by his mother, exercised caution. He found it actually a little disconcerting that the girls were sincere.

He dated a few but never took things past a peck on the cheek. He heard from his friends, the girls thought he was nice and cute, but maybe too shy for his own good.

What would they say now?

The current scrutiny was far more intense than he'd ever experienced.

Jenny's hands reached his buttocks. He tensed.

"You know? Your ass is firmer than I expected. Do you go to the gym?"

"Uh, no!"

She ran her hands around the curve of his glutes, and his inner thighs.

"Brilliant work from your machine, Scarlett. This is the smoothest ass I ever laid hands on."

Jenny then did something, something that finally tipped Alex down the rabbit hole. She leaned close and...

"Geep!" gasped Alex.

Jenny O'Hare, drop dead gorgeous Playpet model, celebrity, and walking sex fantasy, grabbed and cradled the balls of Alex Kingsley, the nude, moderately cute, and extremely shocked eighteen year old.

"Just checking how the machine did your balls," she whispered in his ear, "Unless you want me not to."

Here was where, Alex knew, he should run. Just leave this crazy tea party, with its voyeurs and pervert townspeople. Screw the police, arrest him for indecent exposure, and all that crap.

It wasn't just what Jenny currently did. That was a fantasy fulfilled. It was doing it openly, in front of a crowd, in a garden; a crowd from which no gasps of shock, surprise, or outrage issued, just intense scrutiny. And lust. Something was seriously wrong here, and Alex was caught in the middle of it.

Yesterday, this morning, even an hour ago, Alex would have ran, naked, embarrassed, violated, with the shock of the most intimate secrets, of the town's most prominent citizens, scarred in his brain.

Now, in this moment, no matter how hard he tried, no outrage came to him. His only thought: one of the world's most beautiful women cradled and stroked his balls, and he didn't care who watched. He didn't want to ask what it meant for him. He just wanted to see where it would go.

In years to come, Alex would look back on this moment, and realize it was where things really changed for him.

"N-n-no," he gasped.

Jenny now permitted, snaked her hand around his thigh, and encircled his rock hard cock.

"Well, you really are a grower, aren't you?"


"And your balls are smooth, like plums."


Alex looked, with a slightly open mouth, at Jenny's expert hands stroking his cock.

He looked at the crowd. Mr. Thyme and Mr. Dee's pants sported distinct bumps. Miss Doramus' hand was in her blouse, fondling her breast. Harriet licked her lips, the lust on her face dark and almost predatory. Some of the investors had hands in pants, some of them their own.

He looked down again. It felt so, so good. He was so very close but... cumming? In front of witnesses?

"Let it go, Alex," Jenny whispered, "They've seen everything. It's not a big deal. Give them a show."

So Alex let go. He raised his head, leaned back into his crossed hands, and closed his eyes.


His cock spasmed; streams of silvery white cum erupted, splattering upon red roses near the table.

Jenny held him until his spasms stopped. "See, that wasn't so bad, was it?" she whispered, then let him go.

The garden was quiet, a not uncomfortable or embarrassed silence, but a soft atmosphere of heat and anticipation.

Alex stood, trembling slightly, cock dripping, taking in the moment, processing what he'd done. I just came in front of everyone. He didn't feel mortified. So what happens now?

He gazed, first at Jenny, then at Scarlett and Maddy, curiosity written on his face.

To Be Continued.

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