Atsuko, the Naked Warlock Ch. 02

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Atsuko expands her limits and gets some karmic revenge.
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The Adventures of Atsuko, The Naked Warlock Chapter Two

After a good night's sleep, I awoke feeling refreshed and more confident in myself than ever before. I showered and dressed before going downstairs to eat breakfast. J.P. popped into my head, "Well, now, you look like you're feeling great after last night. So what's the plan for today?"

I replied in my head, trying not to look too unfocused as I ate, "Well, I still want to practice with my powers. I want to use them more subtly and not just reactively. When I pantsed Clarissa, that was all reflexive: I want to have control over what happens."

J.P. replied, "Well, that was certainly why I gave them to you. I want you to be able to use them freely." I nodded, "The plan is to go after the girl that pulled the fire alarm. She's Tanya's best friend, and I definitely want to make her pay."

"So, do we have a name? You certainly know her, so give me the deets," J.P. prodded.

"Her name's Carolena Perez. She's a member of the cheerleader squad and around my age. I think I give her a little taste of karma. See how she likes being exposed when a fire alarm goes off," I said with some finality. After eating, I left for school, but instead of attending class, I decided to follow Carolena and figure out her daily schedule. She went to all her classes as expected and, afterward, to the campus gym to get her cardio. Thankfully, I'm pretty invisible to people who usually don't really give me a second look, even after my humiliating day. However, one day of tailing Carolena wouldn't give me an idea of her schedule, and I couldn't miss many classes, or my grades would suffer. I was puzzled over that problem when I got home and wondered if I could use my powers to be in two places simultaneously. J.P. popped into my mind as if on cue, "Quite the conundrum you have here, my little Atsuko. If I may, I have a solution."

Do you have a way I can be in two places at once? I asked quizzically.

"Well, in a way. I can create a familiar for you that can follow Miss Perez and report to you. All you'd have to do is put a bit of your genetic material on this little summoning circle, and the pact will be set," he stated matter-of-factly.

"So you mean I have to give a drop of blood?"

"Well, you could, but I think you know what I'm about," he said mischievously.

"Umm, w-what do you mean?"

"Well, if you want me to spell it out for you, I want you to masturbate and use your cum as the reagent," he said plainly. I blushed, feeling my face heat up. I mean, yesterday was the first time I'd ever had an orgasm. It's not like I hadn't tried before, but no matter what videos I watched, I never found something that got me aroused. Until yesterday, I wondered if there was something wrong with me because I could never get myself off or even wet. I began feeling scared and unsure; my palms got sweaty, and my lips started trembling. My eyes began watering, and I was close to fully crying when I felt the sensation of a hand brushing against my cheek and wiping the tears away. "Hey, it's okay, Atsuko, I was mostly kidding. I can feel what you feel, so I know what's bothering you, and I can assure you that there's nothing wrong with you. You can just use some saliva if you're uncomfortable with it."

Despite J.P.'s words, or maybe because of the gentle encouragement, the dam broke, and tears streaked down my face. "I-I'm just not used to someone being so nice to me in this way. I want so badly to feel 'normal' like other people my age. I mean, yesterday felt so good, and I've never felt like that before, and I'm afraid I won't be able to feel that way again. I just don't want to feel...broken."

"Hey, hey, hey, you are NOT broken. You are perfect as you are. As for feeling the way you did yesterday, you just need to find what makes you feel that way, and I think you already know what that thing is," J.P. comforted.

My tears stopped as I began to think about what he just said. I thought back to yesterday and what had turned me on so much. I thought of Clarissa and her blushing face as she was punished due to me using my magic. Then I thought of Carolena; I thought of her being completely naked and humiliated in front of everyone, and my hand started moving toward my chest as my nipples began to tingle and harden. I began pinching my right nipple, and a moan escaped my lips. Unconsciously, I used my magic to shut and lock my door when I removed my top. I crawled onto my bed, and my left hand moved into my panties, brushing over my vulva and sending a shiver through my body. My hands moved faster and harder as I moved both hands to my pussy, stroking my clitoris and inserting my fingers inside myself. At some point, my shorts and panties had made their way down my legs, and I pushed my face into my pillow as I felt myself nearing my climax to muffle my moans. As my climax hit, my body rocked back and forth in ecstasy. I moaned, and as I came down in the afterglow, I gasped out, "Give me that contract."

Without a word, a piece of paper with a circle of runes that I couldn't decipher appeared before me. I shakily reached my hand out, still slick with my juices, and swiped my fingers across the middle of the page. The runes glowed momentarily before the paper vanished in a small puff of smoke. In its place was a small reddish creature that had the body of a skinny, nude human with no noticeable genitalia. Two bat-like wings and a relatively long, slim tail came from its back. It looked at me with solid black eyes that seemed a little too big on its face, and it bowed to me before sitting down and curling up like a cat. J.P. spoke up, "Congratulations on what seemed like a breakthrough for you mentally as well as for your new familiar. It will follow your every command and can alter its form to your individual needs at the time, within a limited range. No making some huge creature of death or anything like that, haha!"

"Is there any way to make it less...creepy looking? Not that I'm not amazed at what just happened, but looking at it is a little unnerving," I asked tentatively. I didn't want to come off as ungrateful after all.

"Oh, of course. What were you thinking?"

"I dunno; when you said familiar, I was thinking like a witch's familiar. You know, a black cat or something, not whatever this is," I gestured at the creature curled up on my bed. It merely blinked at me, utterly nonplussed by the fact that I just insulted it.

"Ah yes, one cat is coming up!" Before the sentence finished, I was staring at a cute little tuxedo cat on my bed. "By the way, the form it was in before was an imp, which is its normal form, but as I said, this little guy can change its form to suit your needs. Before you ask anything else, I should explain what your little familiar can do. You'll, at any time, as long as you're within a mile of it, be able to telepathically communicate to it and see and hear what it does. Now, that last bit will render you blind and deaf to your surroundings while you do that, so just be careful of that part. Otherwise, you can send it out to spy on Miss Perez, and it can report anything it sees and hears. It can also turn invisible to aid in this, so the chances of it being seen are next to none. As one final bit of information, you can channel your magic through the familiar and affect things as if you were right there. By the way, do you have a name for it? Referring to this little cutie by pronouns and 'the familiar' is getting tiring."

"Hmm, I think I'll name him Shani, after the Hindu god that deals with karma. Seems fitting, seeing as setting a 'karmic balance,' as it were, is what he'll be helping me do," I explained after thinking for a good while on a name, feeling particularly proud of remembering that bit of knowledge. "Tomorrow, I'll send him out to figure out if Carolena has a pattern for her days, and then I'll be able to strike. I already have an idea forming about how exactly I want to get her and how to make it as embarrassing as possible for her, but for now, I just have to wait."

I continued my week as usual, going to classes, doing homework, and studying. Every night, I'd write down what Shani had seen and heard. I'd finally gotten a pretty clear picture of Carolena's schedule. She was remarkably on time for all her classes. She regularly used the campus gym afterward to exercise except for Tuesdays and Thursdays when she would have cheerleading practice. I decided to wait another week to solidify my plan and ensure she generally kept to her schedule. My patience was rewarded when Shani brought me an exceptionally juicy detail: Carolena seemed to have a habit of playing with herself in the showers. Excellent! I adjusted my plan and waited for Monday to arrive. While I proceeded with my day, I had Shani follow Carolena like a shadow to keep tabs on her. There's nothing quite as stealthy as an invisible cat; I occasionally would peer through his senses just to see what he saw. Thankfully, my classes were easy for me, so I could lose focus occasionally and not miss much. As Carolena's classes ended for the day, she went straight to the gym precisely on schedule. I followed and made sure to bump into her as I went to the locker room, where she was exiting. She was in the middle of apologizing before she realized it was me that she had collided with. "Oh it's just Nigiri No-Ass. You trying to get yourself a bigger ass by doing some squats or something? I wouldn't bother if I were you; you have to actually have the clay to shape into a sculpture if you know what I mean."

I blushed at her words but kept myself composed as I stared her in the eyes. As I did so, I cast a little spell I had been working on to hypnotize her. Not entirely, I should say, but just enough so she wouldn't notice certain things later. "Why are you always so mean to me? What did I ever do to you to deserve to be treated like this?" I asked. Carolena actually seemed at a loss for words for a second. She said nothing and just brushed past me, looking almost remorseful. I watched as she walked away, a little jealous of her figure. She had perky C-cup breasts, a toned tummy, smooth, tanned skin, and a perfectly shaped bubble butt. I hoped my little spell had worked, I thought to myself as I entered the locker room. The first part of the plan was to find the locker that Carolena used and, of course, steal her clothes. After searching, I found, unlocked, and emptied the locker, including her phone and purse. I actually changed into some workout clothing just to avoid raising suspicion. After hiding her clothes in my locker, I went to the treadmills and started my own cardio regimen. I kept a close eye on Carolena, sometimes on my own and sometimes with Shani, so I wouldn't look like a stalker. Eventually, she made her way to the locker rooms. Now was the moment of truth; if my spell had worked correctly, she'd walk right into the men's locker room instead of the women's. Sure enough, she went through the door, and phase two was on. I retreated to the locker room, made myself invisible, and sat out of the way while I sent Shani into the men's room.

Using Shani's senses, I watched as Carolena undressed, oblivious to a couple of guys a few rows further in the locker room chatting to themselves. She lifted her sports bra over her head, and her incredible breasts bounced free from their containment. A sheen of sweat covered them as her light-brown, quarter-sized nipples hardened a bit in the air. Her tight spandex shorts came next, revealing her bouncy ass and a well-trimmed landing strip above her pussy lips. Surprisingly, she wasn't wearing panties. She shoved her clothes into a locker and moved to the showers, 'conveniently' forgetting to grab a towel. Through Shani, I watched as she sauntered and saw the two guys' eyes almost comically bulge out of their heads as they beheld the nude Latina beauty. She walked to a shower stall and again forgot to close the door. Her eyes closed, and she turned on the shower and let the hot water fall down her body. She, of course, didn't have her bathroom necessities but began moving her hands across her body as if she were lathering herself. My spell was working perfectly! She was oblivious to the fact that she was not only in the wrong location but that she didn't have any of her stuff with her. It was an unbridled success! As Carolena finished 'rinsing' herself off, her hands began moving lower as she gently rubbed her clit. The guys in the room had grabbed their phones and were excitedly filming the gorgeous girl playing with herself in the men's showers. As her breathing sped up, I knew it was time for the final phase of my plan.

I snuck invisibly into the men's room, made my way to the fire exit, and cracked it open, setting off the alarm. Carolena's eyes snapped open as the alarm broke her from her building orgasm. She screamed as soon as she realized she was being watched by two guys. Her arms shot over her tits and pussy, trying futilely to conserve her dignity as she looked around for a towel to cover with. Immediately, I felt myself get wet and was even more amazed that the two guys sprang into action without any magic on my part. Acting as if they were trying to 'save' her, they grabbed Carolena by the arms, yelling that they had to get to safety, and dragged her out of the fire exit. This, of course, prevented her from covering any part of herself. I followed, not wanting to miss the show. As soon as they got outside, the guys respectfully let go of her arms, and she turned to yank on the door handle, trying to get back into the building and to some form of cover. Naturally, a crowd began forming around the hysterical naked girl as emergency vehicles arrived, responding to the alarm being tripped. I mean, personal experience taught me that a panicked naked girl is going to draw one hell of a crowd. Eventually, they got her a blanket and cleared the building, declaring it safe to return to.

As I returned to the women's locker room, I was in bliss when J.P. popped into my head, "Well played, my little warlock. Clever spellwork, I must say. I was expecting you to just pull the fire alarm as she showered, but you went above and beyond. Of course, that being said, you do remember the tax, right?"

Groaning, I, of course, remembered. "What's the punishment this time? Are you gonna take all my underwear this time?"

"Well, since Carolena didn't finish her show, I think maybe an encore of that starring you is in order. You don't have to have any spectators, but I think you should get yourself showered off. I know you want to touch yourself right now." I couldn't even deny it at that point. My panties were soaked after seeing Carolena humiliated like that. Her body still glistened from her shower, her skin shining in the sun, and her nipples still hard from her ministrations. God, it was burning me up. I grabbed a towel, stripped off my gym clothes, carefully wrapped the towel around myself, and made my way to the showers. I hastily hung the towel on the nearby hook and made my way into the stall, turning the water on immediately. I lathered myself up and washed the sweat from my workout off. As I brushed my hands across my nipples, it felt as if a jolt of electricity went through my body. Quicker than I ever had before, I shot my hands to my pussy, rubbing my clit quickly. I kept replaying Carolena's humiliation over and over as I rubbed myself. I found myself eagerly pumping my fingers inside myself and felt my climax building. Finally, the dam burst, and I braced myself against the wall of the shower as I held my mouth shut to stifle my moans.

My legs nearly buckled from the force of it all. Finally, it subsided, and I could collect myself, dry off, and get dressed again in my regular clothes. Satisfied with my success and boldness, I grabbed my things and headed home. Before I left, I made sure to have Shani tail Carolena some more so I could find out where she lived so I could return her things to her. I wanted to humiliate her, not steal from her after all. After finally arriving home, I went to my room and immediately began playing with myself again. If getting revenge on Carolena felt this good, I couldn't wait to deal with Tanya.

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