Audrey & Harry Ch. 01

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Audrey & Harry face their biology teacher's 'punishment'.
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Author's note: This is a work of fiction. All characters are eighteen years or older, and were during all events referenced in this story. Enjoy.


"What the hell is a stomata? Why do plants have to be so fucking confusing?" Kate mutters beside me, tapping at the sheet of paper with a pen.

I blink, snapped out of my reverie, and glance at her, then down at the sheet of confusing plant-related bullshit on our desks. I give it a frown, finding it makes about as much sense as it all did a minute ago, then grunt and lean back against my chair, and direct my gaze back to the front of the classroom. Mr Davis sits behind his desk, an open textbook before him.

So, I have been failing biology hard, for a while now. Three months, actually, ever since Mr Davis took over our class. To be fair, I wasn't exactly the best student before he took over, but...well, that's a different matter.

Anyway, Mr Davis is, to put it simply, hot. Hot in a 'spank me harder, Daddy' kind of way I hadn't even realised I was into. We all thought he was hot, it wasn't just me, my friends and classmates had all shared in a bit of hushed and giggled gossip back when he'd first strolled into the biology classroom and introduced himself. He'd sat on the edge of the desk, speaking in his rich deep voice. He was one of those attractive guys that didn't appear to know just how attractive he was, which of course only added to the attraction. Tall, deep skinned, somewhere between burnt umber and deep caramel, with a shaven head, a friendly smile and a solidly athletic build beneath the drab professor's clothing he wears. He cant be more than thirty five, but he dresses like someone twice his age. Still, he somehow manages to pull it off. Even in tan slacks, I can tell he's got a phenomenal ass.

Like I said, I wouldn't have even thought I was that into older guys until him, now, I barely get off to anyone under thirty.

To be clear, it was just a bit of harmless daydreaming to begin with. A little naughty fantasy here and there, slipping unbidden into my mind, fantasies I'd tried to ignore at first while thinking 'what the fuck is wrong with me?'

But then I'd given in to one, and then another, and...well, let's just say lust can be a slippery slope, because now I entertain just about every dirty thought that slips into my head. I mean, I'm eighteen and horny as hell like...well, all the goddamn time. What do you expect?

It started with the dream; the hottest, most vivid sex dream I've ever had. I'd woken panting, my whole body tingling, hovering so close to an orgasm that if I'd touched my burning slit immediately I think I would have cum right then. Instead, I'd laid there shocked and reeling for a moment as I came to terms with what my subconscious brain had been imagining, only for the hazy, lust-addled state clouding me to wash all that rationality away, and I'd bit my lip, slid my hand beneath the damp fabric of my panties, and hesitantly picked up where the dream had left off, with Mr Davis' enormous ebony cock buried in my sopping teenage cunt, and rode that electrifying wave until succumbing to the most incredibly mind-numbing climax I'd ever experienced.

When I'd sobered up, I'd put it down to the high from the dream, thinking that would be it. Until I saw Mr Davis in class the next day, and that had stirred up a whole fiery well of emotions that had driven me to frantically repeat the experience in the shower that night, and then again an hour later in bed.

And pretty much every night since. Look, like I said, it's a slippery slope, okay?

It was like the more I indulged the feelings, the deeper I sank, and now I'm at the point where I sit in class with my legs squeezed together, dreaming about being fucked raw by man a good fifteen or twenty years my senior, and doing everything I can to resist the urge to sneakily stick my hand down my pants, or excuse myself and make for the nearest bathroom.

I know it's ridiculous. I try, really, I do, but I'm starting to learn that I apparently have absolutely zero self control. I can't concentrate for more than a few minutes before I start mentally removing everyone but me and Mr Davis from the classroom, during his classes at least. He'll call me up to the front of the class, and when I'm there, standing before him, he'll tell me the only way I'm going to pass biology is by dropping to my knees, opening my mouth and...

Shit, I'm doing it again.

I know it's fucked up. I know it's wrong, but lately I've just pretty much decided I'm too mature for guys my age. I barely think of anyone in our year anymore. Mr Heywood, our P.E. teacher, Sandra's older brother Greg, my neighbour Dan...

And I'm not crazy, but in all those cases, I know it's not one sided. Greg was absolutely getting flirty with me at Sandra's party a few months back. Dan's always glancing at my bedroom window when he walks past, and I'm getting more and more tempted to 'accidentally' forget to close my blinds the next time I'm getting changed. I feel Mr Heywood's eyes all over me every gym class, and I know how good my ass looks in those tight little shorts. Although in that case I'm pretty sure he checks out all of us girls. I would have called him a perv a year ago; now, though, every time I straighten from picking up a ball or something and see him look hurriedly away, I get a little rush.

But they're all just side-fantasies really, nothing compared to my insatiable lust for Mr Davis. He however, I can't be sure about. I mean, I think he checks me out, he's just more subtle then Mr Heywood, and there's a few times I'm convinced he's almost been a little flirty with me.

Or it's just all in my head and I'm just a pathetic, delusional mess.

No, fuck that, he's definitely checked me out before. I've certainly given him the opportunity. I get I'm not the hottest girl in our year, but I'm not exactly miles away. My face is a little long, eyes a little wide-set, my mess of dirty blonde curls a little wild, but I still look fucking good. I could be taller, I guess, my legs longer, maybe, but they're toned and smooth, just like my stomach. I've got a nice ass, firm and pronounced, and nice fucking tits, if I say so myself. Maybe not as perfect as Lisa's pert beauties or as big as Penny's, straining for everything they're worth against her uniform, but certainly the best of both worlds.

So yeah, why wouldn't he want me? What reason could he possibly have for not wanting to bend me over this desk and slapping that thick, warm cock against my...

Alright, chill, Audrey.

Just to be clear, I've never actually had sex. I've come close, done other stuff, but well...things didn't work out. And now, I want so goddamn badly for my biology teacher to be my first.

There's a rational part of me that knows it will never happen, that knows he doesn't think about students that way, that knows how fucked up the very idea is.

But I swear it's shrinking, because more and more often I've found myself putting actual consideration into just what I'd do if he ever even hinted at being into me.

Would I actually have the guts to respond? Or could I actually make a move, corner him after class and just throw myself at him, beg him take my virgin pussy right there in the classroom?

I cross one leg over the other, letting out a strained sigh. Christ, my cunt is wet. I slide my hand along my thigh, nudging the hem of my plaid skirt aside and casually trailing my fingers across the warm skin.

"Audrey, can you pay attention, please?"

Kate's voice snaps me back with a start. "What? Shit, sorry." I tug my hand back and shake my head, my mess of dark blonde hair starting to curl again since I last straightened it.

Kate's peering at me, one brow raised as she twirls her pencil between her fingers. "What's up with you?"

"Nothing, I'm just...distracted."

"Yeah?" She glances towards the front of the classroom, then leans in and drops her voice to a whisper. "Cause it seemed like you were staring at Mr Davis all googly eyed again."

"Well, I wasn't."

"You sure? It was kind of obvious."

Shit. "I wasn't, I was just...thinking."

"Kinda seemed like you were picturing him naked."


I mean, I was. Fuck, I didn't think I was being that obvious.

She giggles, leaning back and raising her hands. "Hey, I'm not judging. Did I tell you? Apparently Ashley Graham, Ryan's girlfriend in the year below us, lives near him, and she saw him mowing his lawn." She takes a breath and gives her fingers a shake. "With his shirt off."

"No she didn't."

"Just what I heard. Apparently, he's toned as fuck under all that old man shit."

I had never doubted that.

"Lucky bitch," Kate says, now also gazing at Mr Davis. "He has to have a massive dick, right? Like, all black guys do, don't they?"

"Of course he has a massive dick," I say, and Kate snorts.

"Audrey, know something I don't?" she smirks at me, then shifts her gaze past me as I roll my eyes. She nods her head. "You know, I don't think you're the only one obsessed with him. Harry's been doing an awful lot of staring lately."

"I'm not...wait, what?"

She nods again, and I shift my gaze to the side, where Harry sits across the classroom from us. He's leaning back in his chair, gaze on the front of the room, eyes dreamy and unfocused.

Shit, really? Harry? There's no way he's...well, into that, surely. He's had girlfriends before, although I guess not in the last couple of years. I actually used to have a little bit of a thing for him, a sweet little schoolgirl crush that had been responsible for some of my earliest masturbatory fantasies, well before Mr Davis ruined me for guys his age. We've actually kissed once, during a game of spin the bottle at a party a couple of years ago. It had been so hard not to read into that kiss, the electric shiver that had run through me, the surge of teenage emotions springing through me as our lips touched. God I had really wanted him that night, but of course I hadn't made a move, and he'd spent the rest of the night hanging with his friends, and that was that.

I'd actually thought I'd caught him checking me out a few times lately, standing behind me in P.E, where I guess he had a front row view to my butt in those tiny little gym shorts. Maybe, though, I'd been imagining it. Maybe this would explain why he'd never made a move with me.

Yeah, okay, self-conceited much, Audrey?

I watch him, trying not to be obvious about it. He's got a mess of blondish hair, a slender form, a smattering of freckles and an endearingly goofy smile on a face thats just the tiniest bit androgynous, now that I think about it.

Basically, he's pretty, for a guy. And I have to admit, from the way he's got his lip pinched between his teeth, I can totally imagine he's dreaming up something along the lines of what I had just been imagining.

Fuck, was that what I had looked like? Maybe Kate was right, maybe I wasn't hiding my infatuation, like at all.

"You reckon he's..." Kate asks, obviously following a similar train of thought. "You know, into dick?"

I shrug. "He's had girlfriends before."

"Oh, yeah. But...I mean, Sally's mum was married, now she eats pussy."


"What? It's true."

"Yeah, but..."

"Maybe he's bi, just wants to suck a little dick on the side? Or a lotta dick. Can you imagine Mr Davis-"

"Kate!" I hiss, but it's too late. An image of Harry on his knees at the front of the classroom, lips wrapped around the shiny head of Mr Davis' perfect cock slips suddenly into my mind. It lingers for a moment, as an odd ripple of arousal runs through me, before I grit my teeth and force it away.

Was I actually a little jealous? Mr Davis was mine, Harry! Doesn't matter, he wouldn't be into guys.

Would he?

"Come on," I mutter, shaking my head and at least trying to return my thoughts to our work, "let's focus, yeah?"

"Oh, yeah, sure, Audrey, I'm sooo sorry for distracting you." She sniggers, and I shoot her a look, but we both return our attentions to the plant bullshit before us.

We've only got three months left until our final exams, and at this rate, it's not looking good for me. So I try, and it works, kinda, for all of five minutes.

Mr Davis stands, stretches his arms above his head, and begins pacing the classroom, glancing at our work. I keep shooting him furtive glances, and bite my lip as he wanders past me. I try to look down, fingers tightening around my pencil.

He stops a few paces ahead, beside Cameron's desk, and bends over to examine the page of work.

Oh, come on! Don't do this too me...

God he's got a nice ass. His weekend must be squat city. I could just walk over there, couldn't I, give them a squeeze? Maybe even a little nibble...

Something makes me pull my gaze away, just a little, eyes shifting just enough to catch Harry, his eyes fixed in the exact same place mine had been. Mine widen a little. Alright, that's pretty undeniable. Before I can look away, Harry shakes himself out of his little stupor, and catches my eye. He freezes, and for a brief moment we stare at each other, before a blush creeps across his face and he looks away.

I feel the flush in my own cheeks, my lip curling in a smile. Well, shit, Harry...

I jump a little as there's movement directly in front of me. Mr Davis leans over me, eyes fixed on my work. Or lack of it. My heart pounds in my chest, but I manage a tentative smile, leaning back in my chair. I've only got one button undone, but there's a hint of cleavage. He doesn't smile back, but I swear his eyes linger on my chest for the briefest of seconds, before darting back to my work. He frowns at it, then at me, full lips pursed and radiating disappointment, before walking on.

I won't lie, my heart sinks a little.

"Ouch, that was not a good look," Kate mutters.

"Shut up."

I watch him check a few more students. When he gets to Harry, he pauses just like he did with me, and walks away with a remarkably similar frown.

"Maybe," Kate leans in again, "you'll have to go round to his house after school for some 'private tutoring'..."

"Didn't I tell you to shut up?"

"Maybe you could-"

"Girls," Mr Davis commands in his deep, smooth voice, "quiet, please."

We both nod, dropping our heads and snickering quietly.

It feels like an age before the bell finally rings, and we all start shoving our shit into our bags and rising to our feet. Mr Davis looks up from his desk. "Harry, Audrey, a word, please."

Oh, shit...

"Hah!" Kate shoves me, slinging her backpack over her shoulder. "Maybe it's about that private tuition."

She pokes her tongue against the inside of her cheek, miming a blowjob, and I flash her a sardonic smile.

"God I wish I was as funny as you."

"Oh, I know, catcha in history."

She files out of the classroom with everyone else, everyone but me and Harry, who are left standing awkwardly where we'd been. I sling my backpack over my shoulder and shuffle for the front, Harry not far behind. I stop before the desk and manage a hopeful smile. "Yes, sir?"

Mr Davis leans back in his chair, steepling his fingers as he regards the two of us with those intense brown eyes. He's silent for a moment, then lets out a sigh and spreads his hands as he leans forwards. "What's going on with you two?"

Me and Harry glance at each other. "Ugh, Sir?" Harry asks.

"I know you two are bright students." He gestures to the papers on the desk before him. "Ms Teagues records of your grades show that, but in the last few months," he frowns, pursing those beautiful dark lips, "since I've taken over the class at least, both of your work has been...lacking. Actually, you're both bottom of the class." He studies us both, deep hazel eyes boring into us. "Is everything okay? Do we have a problem?"

My mouth feels a little dry, but I manage to shake my head. Harry does the same. "No, Sir."

"Then, what is it?"

I swallow, because even now, my brain's busy trying to turn this interaction into some filthy fantasy, as my eyes keep darting towards his crotch, to where that thick cock is hidden.

Luckily, Harry comes to my rescue, blurting, "I'm sorry, Sir, I've just been...distracted, lately."

I nod. "Yeah, me too. Distracted."

Mr Davis, sweeps his gaze between us, then lets out another sigh. "You've only got a few more months until your final exams, guys, and if you don't apply yourselves a little harder, well, I just can't see you passing in the state you're in now. So, here's what I suggest, do either of you have free periods today?"

"Now, actually," I say tentatively.

"Yeah, me too," Harry adds.

Mr Davis smiles, and I feel genuinely pleased, even though I have no idea what I'm agreeing to. "Alright, well, how about you both stay back and I'll give you a couple of revision sheets to go over, yeah? And any issues, I'll walk you through it. How's that sound?"

More time with Mr Davis, with an even smaller audience. That's both exactly what I want and quite possibly the last thing I need, but I nod. So does Harry.

"Excellent, well," he holds up two stacks of paper, "here you go, back to your seats. I've got some grading to do but don't hesitate to speak up if you struggle with anything." He gives us both a warm smile, one that sends a little flutter through my stomach. "I really know you two can do better. I believe in you."

Why can't he just be a dick? Why does he have to be so goddamn nice, and supportive. It only makes me want him more. Fuck, this is why I want him to be my first; he'd be so considerate, so gentle, tender at the right times and rough when it counts...

Nope, not doing that right now. I nod a little spasm-y nod and manage a smile. "Thanks, Sir, I really appreciate it." I take the papers.

Harry grabs his. "Me too, Sir."

We return to our seats, although halfway there, I pivot and sit next to Harry. He glances at me, and smiles sheepishly. Mr Davis starts humming as he shuffles papers. I sigh, gaze at him for a moment, then try to apply myself. Now that I know he believes in me, I actually kind of feel bad that I'm failing.

I get stuck on the second question, but I work through it. After about five minutes, Mr Davis gets up and leaves the room. I lean back, stretching, and turn to find Harry glancing at me. We sit here for an awkward moment, and in a decisive moment I put on a slightly mischievous smile and lean against my desk.

"So, you've been distracted too, hey?"

He actually blushes a little, this guy that always seemed so confident and carefree. "Yeah," he rubs the back of his head, "I guess."

"Mmhmm, so, be honest, what's got you so distracted?"

"Oh, just...things I've got going on."

I raise a brow. "Harry..."


I raise my hands, cocking my head. "I saw you staring at his ass."

He goes still, eyes a little frantic. "Oh, well, I...I mean, no, I was just looking at..." His voice tightens, and he pivots, jabbing a finger at me. "You were staring at it too."

"Yeah, cause he's got a really nice ass."

Harry's silent a moment, thrown by this, and there's a nervousness in him as he looks at me. I grin, meeting his eyes, trying to implore that he can trust me. It takes a few moments, but a little grin tugs at the corner of his mouth. "Yeah, he totally does."

"Yes!" I almost giggle, and scoot closer, scraping my chair across the floor. "I know! Fuck, he's so hot!" I point a finger at him, playful. "You totally think so too, right?"

He looks down, then shrugs. "I mean..."

"Harry, I won't tell anyone."


"Only if you promise the same."

He considers this, then grins. "He's so hot."

"I knew it!" I didn't, until like fifteen minutes ago, but he doesn't need to know that.

"I had no idea that you were..."


"You know, gay."

"Oh, I'm not," he looks away shyly, "I mean..."