Baby Challenge - New Version


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"So you'd be a slut to your boss for fifty thousand. And get another fifty thousand bonus if he knocked you up." I said. Linda winced at my description but then nodded.

"And did you think about what would happen if we had a second kid?" I asked. I knew of course what they had decided. "Two kids not looking alike at all."

"Well, whoever got us pregnant the first time would do it again if we wanted another baby." Linda said, looking at her feet. Eleanor and Jill both gasped.

I explained, "So whoever is the father this time gets to be the father of any future kids as well so they resemble each other. Would you go along with that Richard? How about you Roger? What would you do?" Richard sat and shook his head, sadly. He knew there was only one course this could follow. Roger turned to look at Jill as if thinking about the same situation with her.

"So in your case, you would be Gary's slut possibly for years." I said, caustically to Linda. "He'd get to fuck you and I'd be home taking care of the first baby. Unless you decided one was enough. Would he pay another hundred thousand?" Linda shook her head and said they had not worked that out. "I bet not. He'd have milked it for all it was worth." I said. "I'd have been a cuckold while another guy got you knocked up a couple times. And I was not supposed to be any the wiser. What do you imagine I might have done if I found out? I mean if I realized you were cheating on me at any point?"

"You knew about the little contest way ahead of that weekend. You said in front of your parents you knew Gary had been tested for diseases." I said. "So what was your real motivation to go along? The money or did you just find the challenge exciting?" I asked.

"A little of both." Linda admitted. "I knew you would be a great Dad. I thought long and hard about the challenge part and decided it did not matter who the biological father was. You would be the Daddy and we would raise the baby together."

"You didn't care a bit if I was the father or if you were breaking our marriage vows. You even broke the rules of the challenge. The part about alternating every other day between me and Gary." I suddenly realized something. 'They don't know do they? You and Sue kept my leaving town quiet. They think I was just pissed that first day but you convinced me it was a one time indiscretion and we are working to get past it. You are trying to make it up to me, screwing my lights out every other day. The bet is still on. I wonder what Greg and Bill are going to say about Gary cheating. He has a better shot at the pot if I am out of the competition. You fucked Gary the whole time I was away." Linda looked down unable to meet my eyes. "You wanted the hundred K that bad huh? Or did Gary agree to share some of his winnings with you?"

"He said he'd make it worth my while. That if you were not here to play it was on you." Linda offered quietly. "He did not want to hold off until we got back together. You were never supposed to know."

"Make it worth your while!" I scoffed. "How can you be that naive? You are selling your pussy and risking everything for a hint of a promise he will do right by you on top of the regular bet." I put one more arrow in my quiver. I would definitely let the partners know of Gary's deceit at some point.

"Really?" I asked incredulously. "You didn't think I'd be smart enough to demand a paternity test? I'm betting you fell for that bullshit that I would be so invested in your pregnancy I would turn a blind eye. Or if I did find out I'd eventually come around and accept it."

"So Richard. Do you think I am being so unreasonable now? Childish or immature that I am letting my ego not let me get past the idea my wife is not only cheating on me but actively trying to have another man's child, expecting ME to be the loving Daddy and raise it?" He shook his head. I looked at Eleanor and the others. They were staring at Linda who had her head down, tears coursing down her face.

"Dave and I compared notes.' I said. "He told me how Sue would rock his boat every other day. She did exactly what you did. Giving me a blow job until I was almost ready to cum then flip over and insist I put my load up your pussy." Eleanor looked appalled at my language, which I will admit was out of character. When she began sputtering, I said. "Oh come on! I know you are fully aware about blow jobs and so is Jill. I am in no mood to be discrete here. You came here for an intervention, you need to hear it all."

"My point is Dave told me about his alternate days of wild sex with Sue and then she got pregnant. That coupled with our little discussion at the resort told us he might not be the father of Sue's baby. Linda told me Sue was having sex with her boss, Greg."

I turned to Linda. "Did you notice Sue was not at work the past two days?" Linda nodded and said Sue was not feeling well. "She is getting a paternity test. If Greg is the father, Dave is going to divorce her and dump her on Greg. If Dave is the father he might stay married to her if she quits her job and they go to counseling. He is at the point that one bit of argument on her part and their marriage is history. He also told her to not say a word of warning to anybody. One word and divorce is automatic. He is ready to deal with the fallout."

"I am telling you the same thing." I said, glaring. "One word of warning from you to ANY of the others, and NOTHING you or anyone else here says will make one iota of difference in what happens. I'll go scorched Earth. I'm not gonna make threats, but just accept I am angry enough to NOT be discreet. I'll make ALL of this VERY public." Linda nodded. The others looked stricken. They had never seen me this irate and determined.

"Of course, I AM telling Steve, Judy and Evelyn about this whole arrangement." I said. I did not mention I already had.

Linda squealed. "You can't do that. It will ruin their families!" I just looked at her and shrugged.

"Oh, so you want to protect them but not us?" I offered with a slight smile. I glanced at the other family members. "Are you more concerned with THEIR well being than our own?"

To give her credit she shook her head and said she wanted us to stay married and have a family."No! I'll do anything!" she said. "What if I quit my job like Sue and never see Gary again..." Linda began when I laughed out loud.

"Do you really think I could get past the disrespect that easily?" I asked, Linda. She mumbled something to the negative. "You knew how I'd react. I told you that night at the resort but you went along with it anyway."

"Can't we talk to a counselor?" Linda asked. "We have fourteen years together and I want to stay married and have your children. Can't we go back?"

I could not help myself. "Seriously? You don't want MY children. You don't care whose baby you have. I'd be the "Daddy" while somebody else got to be the sire."

"I wasn't thinking about it that way!" she wailed. "I just wanted a baby and this way got us a bunch of money. They said you'd still be the father on record and would have to pay child support if you left me. But more likely you would be invested in being the kid's Daddy and would not do a thing." Linda mumbled. "You are a good man. I knew they were right." she offered hopefully.

"A good enough man to be a Dad but not good enough to be the sire, huh? The biological father." I said. "And either way, Gary would have been wanting his time fucking you wouldn't he? Or you sucking him." I said. "He'd demand to continue getting sex. wouldn't he? And you'd have gone along with it. Just like the others are prepared to do.The cheating is not supposed to stop. They want those regular bonuses." Linda's reaction was priceless."I have that on tape." I looked for the file and played it.

I asked her if she wanted to go to Ron's office to sign the divorce papers or wanted me to have her served. I told her to decide by noon tomorrow. She began to cry.

I told Eleanor and Jill Linda was going to need a place to stay soon and hoped one of them would put her up. She could stay here for now as long as she did not get in my way. I needed to work and my office was down the hall. I wanted to sell the house as soon as possible and asked Eleanor if she wanted the listing. I knew she was a real estate broker and would get her daughter the best price she could. Linda wailed she did not want to lose the house. I told her she could not afford to buy me out unless she collected on her pregnancy before the others caught on to her cheating.

I stood up and left the five of them sitting there. I got in my car and drove off. When I returned a few hours later, Linda was sitting alone, waiting in the same spot. She had obviously been crying most of the time. The floor next to her chair was littered with tissues. "You didn't tell any of that to your family today before you all showed up." I said.

"NO! They would never have understood." she exclaimed.

"But once I found out, I was supposed to not only understand but go along with the nonsense. Nobody cared about my feelings." I said succinctly.

"I'm going to bed. Where did you decide I will sleep? Well, before I ask that. Did you ever fuck Gary in our bed?" Linda shook her head and said Gary wanted to but she would not allow it. I stifled my retort that she thought enough of me to not screw him in our marital bed but not enough to not cheat in the first place. I told her she could stay in that room for now so she did not have to move her clothes. I took my bag to the spare room.

I was in Ron's law office the next morning to give them the contract I had found. Sue had turned her copy over to Dave hoping to garner a small bit of forgiveness. His threats to divorce her regardless of who fathered her baby rocked her to the core. Having the bank account numbers of all the accounts proved to be crucial. The accounts were immediately locked.

All the parties at the law office were served at once. Well all except Sue who was still at home awaiting the results of her paternity test. Dave was holding off for now. The same day two investigators from the IRS arrived to announce their investigation into the firm's finances. Records were confiscated.

Knowing that and with Cheryl's reluctant permission, Dave and I went to the law office to meet with Greg and Bob. I wanted them to know we were fully aware of the challenge. That is was more than just casual cheating. They had the audacity to smirk and told us 'big deal'. It was a family matter and they would bury us in court if we tried to sue. "Oh we have no intention of suing." I said agreeably. "I wanted to play this recording for you." It was the end of my conversation with Linda about how she and Gary were cheating on the challenge. Bill and Greg got angry. "No honor among thieves, cheaters, or lawyers." I laughed.

"Well, Gary and your wife are both going to be fired for cheating!" Greg gritted. I told him he could do what he wanted to Gary, but Linda had no choice and if she was fired, she would sue both Gary and the firm for sexual harassment. Dave nodded and said Sue was going to join in and sue as well. Both women had been bribed and coerced to have sex.

"Plus there is nothing in that contract that says any of the women had to obey the rules. They were paid to either have a baby by the lawyer or her husband. Your bet was between you three lawyers. The fact that neither Sue nor Linda reported to you that I was out of town for those two weeks is not a problem. Of course we can make this go public. Even take it to the bar association." I said. Dave stood nodding. Both men looked at each other.

"Well, they are both damn good paralegals." Bob said. "I guess they can keep their jobs."

"And health insurance." Dave added. Greg nodded and said "Of course."

Gary did not fare so well. His cheating meant his three hundred thirty thousand plus part of the challenge was forfeit per the contract. He knew he did not have legal leg to stand on. I found out he was about to be named a partner but that went south as well. Since he was still an associate he was fired. I'd heard he was now working in New Orleans as a junior associate. A little birdie told me his bosses heard all about why he left his prior firm. His career was likely to not go far.

When all was said and done, we won as far as monetary compensation was concerned.

Judy and Evelyn were happy their part of that secret account went up substantially when Gary forfeited his share. Now, since their husbands were both on the account, their share went up to half million so each woman got a quarter million dollars. They also not only got half equity in their homes but in the building the law firm was located. The firm now had to pay 'rent' to the building owners at the same rate as the other tenants.

Steve, Dave and I got half of the hundred thousand dollars in our respective wives' accounts. Their protests that they were only entitled to fifty thousand of that amount was disregarded by the judge. He went by the balances held in the women's names. I wondered if the women would have to pay their remaining fifty thousand back to the firm or not. Actually, I did not care.

The IRS inquiry into the source of the money the men used for the bet revealed they were cooking the books and shuffling money into hidden accounts. Judy and Evelyn got most of it. The whole scandal was made public.

To avoid going to jail for fraud, Bob and Greg's accountant had to declare all the money they had used for the bet. All the proceeds paid to each woman was entered as a 'bonus". That meant not only did us husbands get our half without a problem, the women were now responsible for the income taxes. Us husbands got our share long before the taxes were due. The higher income brackets meant a very solid hit for each. By the time Bob and Greg paid the taxes and penalties they owed, they were almost broke. Because their previous two years income had been increased by a half million dollars, they had to pay a very large monthly alimony to their exes.

Gary had to pay full tax on money he did not even have.

The quarterly bonuses each woman had got also increased their incomes so high they had to pay alimony to us husbands for the next ten years. Steve's alimony more than covered the small amount he was ordered to pay for child support. He shared custody with Julie with her being the custodial parent. I knew he would wind up back in the sack with her eventually, but doubted he would remarry her. He had set up a fund with his alimony which he invested with me. He did not want to lose that source of income. His kids were listed as beneficiaries but Julie would never get the money as it would revert to a trust in the kid's names and would be given to them only after the age of majority or to pay for college in the event of Steve's death.

I knew this because while he was not only a client now, he had joined Dave and I going to the range. After their divorce Steve insisted Julie resign or he would not even consider any reconciliation. She went to work at another firm for a similar salary but no big bonuses. She was still on the hook for the full alimony however so money was tight. Steve would help a little on occasion but made her 'work' for it. I heard they were still trying to work things out but I seriously doubted they would. He smiled when he said that line about reconciling. He laughed about how he frequently stayed over at Julie's house after seeing his kids. It was almost a 'friends with benefits' arrangement and without any financial obligation on his part. Anything he provided was on him. Dave and I chided him about Julie getting pregnant again.

The paternity of Sue's baby was rendered moot when she miscarried. Dave immediately filed for divorce. Because keeping her health insurance was no longer an issue she quit. Linda helped her get a job at the same firm she now worked for. Linda fortunately did not get pregnant. She skipped her next expected period which caused some major consternation for a while but her physician laid the reason to stress.

Greg and Bob continued with their legal practice but they were struggling. Despite working long hours they could not manage their former number of cases. For some reason they could not keep a paralegal for long. Nor a secretary. Every one would quit after a very short time after being hired. The married ones particularly, when their husbands insisted. It seemed almost like somebody was telling husbands and boyfriends a wild story about a challenge.

Dave, Steve and I laughed all the way to the bank. At least that is how we portrayed it to each other. Dave and I are happy to be single for now.

Privately we were not so happy. Only Steve kept any relationship with his now ex. And he claimed it was for the kids. Dave and I both confided in each other there are no winners in a divorce not even when we came out ahead financially like this.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 days ago

Interesting story, enjoyed it, new , out of the box premise. 4*-s. thanks for sharing. rk

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal196917 days ago

Enjoyed it but would have liked the story to wrap up with a final "good riddance" conversation between John and Linda... maybe with her admitting her family had abandoned her or something like that.

willyk1212willyk121223 days ago

i read it and kinda liked it in some ares but you could have gotten away with 2 to 3 pages instead of 5

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

A Perry Mason in court story!

All these girls had borderline sociopathic personalities. Not one evidenced any remorse over their actions; only that they got caught and were made to pay for it.

I also doubt that the husband's "grieved for long. One the fully considered the nukes that nearly hit them the likely thanked God for only a near miss. Once past the initial sadness they all had a boat load of money to restart their lives.

Parenthetically, given today's "New Womans" nearly complete lack of any moral structure regarding men, that ANY MAN contemplating proposing INVEST the necessary capital to tear the girls life apart. Consider it a counterintelligence operation. Anything necessary, legal or not-it's not going to court-to find out how she has worked relationships in the past and anything she is currently hiding,; my bet few, if any, would come off well. Unfair? Entrusting? Consider what will happen to you in a divorce, or behind your back while married. Also EVERY baby gets a paternity check and a Pre-nup is mandatory. Given what we see woman doing to us today any measures less vigorous are likely to wreck us should the woman dump us.

Last, is this too far out there?

I know of four men, one used to work for the NSA!, who did precisely as suggested. Every last woman was a liar, cheat. Yes, all the men were badly hurt but, later, thanked God for their escape. So clever were these woman-when you have no conscience it's easy to lie and deceive the man and even justify it to yourself. In each case these women's Cadre of friends supported the cheaters action!

Tru stories gentlemen. Think thrice.

bacchant2bacchant23 months ago

I really liked the story, just felt you rushed the ending. Your characters prevaricated too much which meant it didnt flow as much as it could and it felt like you kept changing direction.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

How fucking stupid!! Fucking stupidly written too. Waste of time reading

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

5 pages too long of the cheating bitches and cuck husbands

ChuckyLaFongChuckyLaFong4 months ago

Huh? Way too boring and convoluted.

WargamerWargamer5 months ago

A bit convoluted but l still enjoyed this updated version


AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Sexual Harrasment does not apply here.

The women agreed to the affairs for money and were dedicated, by their own admission, there desire to continue. This actually constitutes prostitution. Also, attempt to defraud comes into play. So, a serious misdemeanor and a Felony Charge.

The results if the IRS investigation fraud and tax evasion.A FEDERAL FELONY. ALSO, conspiracy to fraud lying force the husband's into fatherhood; conspiracy also a FELONY.

The women, being a willing participant in that plan, are also guilty of criminal conspiracy. So, maybe 20yrs + Federal and 5 State Prison time. The women would probably plea ou as witnesses for the prosecution. The woman with kids would lose them owing to here criminal history.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Really lame. Reads like a creative writing essay from high school.

Far fetched scenario is putting it mildly.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman7 months ago

started out good, then got to be way too much with the "challenge" and all the $

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

What an overly detailed account of just about nothing that couldn’t have been adequately handled in about a page and a half. Why do these authors insist on regurgitating in excruciating detail the financial steps one takes in preparing for a divorce? Is it a rule that Lit requires it when posting a story?

Frankly this “story” read more like a business report than anything else. 2*

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Jesus Christ. I feel like the husbands in this story did not treat what their wives did with the gravity warranted. What Linda and the other wives did is pure evil. Cheating and then happily making their husbands raise babies that were not their own. How did her parents not lose their minds once hearing the depth of their daughter's cruelty. LW has a lot of evil wives but Linda is near the top of the list. She didn't get punished nearly as much as she deserves. What she did is unforgivable.

Great story, man

jott50jott509 months ago

What a clusterfuck!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Not a very satisfying ending though the rest of the story was interesting and kept you engaged... it seems that a lot of writers on this site put all their efforts in the beginning and middle but, then at the end, they just seem to run out of steam, get sloppy, and just finish as quickly as possible.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Way too long. Story was told and retold. Finally got bored.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Shirt if a 5. It needs either more payback or more of a life well lived.

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