Back to the Bed


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"Ok," she told me as I got up and tried to pass her, she grabbed my arm. "Call me when you can, we'll talk later." I nodded at her as I clocked out and ran to my truck. I looked up the address and sped there, risking myself as I sped across town.

I parked in the first spot I could find and spirited to the door. I rushed up to the receptionist. "I'm Dexter Asher, I'm looking for Brie Canton, she was in a car crash."

"Ok, just a second," the lady behind the counter told me. "Alright, she's on the third floor, room three fourteen."

"Thanks!" I called out as I ran to the elevator. I rode the elevator up, bouncing on the heels of my feet as it went. Once the doors opened, I sped out of the small metal box, jumping around a nurse as I saw that Brie's room was on the other side of the floor. I ignored the shouting of the nurses as I ran to the room. I threw open the door to see Brie sitting on the examining table. She wore a black halter top shirt and mid-length skirt with a bright floral pattern, cute white knee-high socks with the double red ring on the top, and sneakers. I saw the bandage on the left side of her head.

The second she saw me, she burst into tears and launched herself into my arms. I hugged her tightly, pulling her off the floor with me. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I kept repeating to her as I felt myself tear up. Brie just cried in my arms as I held her to me.

"Um, excuse me," we both heard a gruffer voice speak up. I turned to see an older-looking cop standing at the door. "I need to get your statement ma'am," he stated.

Brie broke away from me and wiped her eyes as she composed herself. "Ok, sorry," Brie replied as she sat back down. I turned my back to the cop as I wiped my own eyes before I stood next to her and rested my hand on her shoulder.

"OK ma'am, can you start at the beginning?" he asked as he brought out a pocketbook and a pen.

"I was coming down Fifth, I stopped at the light. It turned and I started to cross, then I heard a horn go off and the van slammed into me. I hit my head and I think I blacked out for a minute, then that asshole was pounding on the hood with a damn tire iron." Brie told her story and I was getting pretty angry as she went.

"Ok I got it," he explained as he wrote it down. "I'll meet with my partner and-."

"No need, I'm here," another cop came in. Another older cop holding his pocketbook. "What do you have?"

"She says he ran the light and slammed into her." The first cop explained.

"Hmm, he's saying she ran the light and tried to run so he went to stop her," the second cop replied.

"What the fuck? Did you see my car? He tore off the front of it," Brie told them her temper showing through.

"Ma'am, we're just getting both sides of the story," the first cop tried to reassure us. I squeezed her shoulder and we both took a breath.

"There's that bitch!" an infuriated voice called off from the hallway. It belonged to a short man with a bad comb-over. "That was a company vehicle, you'd better have insurance!" he shouted out from the hall. The second cop went to block him from entering.

"You almost killed her motherfucker! Insurance is going to be the least of your worries!" I shouted back taking a step forward.

Brie sprang up and hugged me around the chest. "No, relax," she started, "you can't take me home if you're arrested for fucking that guy up," Brie told me and she was right, the cop managed to get him away from the room.

"Look we'll check around and see what we can find," the first cop told us.

"Wait what was the intersection?" I asked him, suddenly thinking aloud. "Fifth and what?"

"Uh," he checked his notes. "Fifth and Baker street."

"Well there's a red light camera there, check the pictures," I told him. "I got a ticket there six months ago."

"Ok, I'll see what Traffic Control can pull up," He told me, sounding like he was blowing me off.

"Well understand that if we don't see those pictures, I'll have a lawyer on speed dial before the day is done. And another lawsuit against the city will look so good for the Chief of Police, don't you think?" I explained, hugging Brie with one arm.

"Sir don't make threats against the city," the first told me with an edge in his voice.

"I don't make threats, I make promises," I growled at him.

"Alright Charlie, I've got this," a woman in a suit told him, the cop made a face and left the room. "Sorry about that, old guard and whatnot," she told us before pulling out her badge while holding a tablet. "I'm Natalie Cole, I'm a Sergeant with Traffic and will be investigating the incident."

"Do you want her side of the story again?" I asked as Brie hugged me tighter.

"No need, I'm tapped into the Red Light Camera you mentioned Mr. Asher, was it?" She asked me.

"Just call me Dex," I responded.

"Ok Dex," she tapped at the tablet and pulled up the pictures. She scrolled through them and showed them to us. It showed the van running the red light and slamming into Brie's hatchback. "Well, this is pretty cut and dry if I do say so myself." It was the tone of her voice that told me something else was going on.

"So what's the problem?" I inquired watching her reaction.

Natalie gave me a raised eyebrow and a bit of a smirk. "You're preceptive Dex," she responded.

"I was in the system till I was seventeen, I can always tell when I'm getting bad news," I explained dryly.

"The van belongs to a company being contracted through the city, so chances are they will cut you a check in hopes this disappears," Natalie dropped that on us.

"So we should get a lawyer," I responded looking at the pictures.

Natalie gave me a sly smile. "Off the record, lawyers are going to be murdering each other get a piece of this payout, so it's probably a good idea." She retrieved one of her cards from a pocket in her suit jacket and handed it to me. "Legally I can give a lawyer anything he asks, so if he asks for these pictures."

"We'd have our smoking gun," I finished while taking the card from her. "Thanks for this," I told her, still holding Brie close to me.

"You're welcome, I'm going to show this to the other driver and get him to shut up. Please let me know if you need anything else," She told us before leaving.

I held Brie for another few minutes as we both need to calm down, I pat her head softly as she pushed herself into me. Finally, she backed away and sat down wiping her eyes again. I saw a smudge of mascara on her cheek, I reached out to brush it off with my thumb. Brie sighed happily and pushed her face into my hand as I cleaned her cheek a little.

Brie looked up into my eyes as I caressed her skin softly. The look she gave me both melted my heart and rage while making my cock hard. I never wanted to kiss a woman more than I wanted to kiss her right there. I took a step forward and Brie moved to lean up.

Knock. Knock.

I turned quickly to stand next to Brie, my heart beating very fast like we were teenagers getting caught trying to sneak a kiss. The doctor was a nice-looking lady with wavy blonde hair and sharp gray eyes. She smiled at us as she came in, holding Brie's chart.

"Now that the police are gone, for the most part," she stated coming into the room. "We can finish up here, I'm Dr. Moss, you must be her Uncle Dexter right?"

"Just Dex please," I replied putting my hand back on her shoulder.

"Ok Dex, well, all things considered, you're in pretty good shape, Brie. Your CT scan came back clear, as long as you keep your cut clean and replace the bandage once a day you should be fine," Dr. Moss explained to us.

"So I'm good for my other activities?" Brie asked her.

Dr. Moss gave her a look and a smile. "Of course, you might want to rest today and tomorrow. If you feel nauseous or have a severe headache you'll want to come back, but as I said your CT was fine."

"I mean am I good for like sex?" Brie asked her flatly.

"Brie!" I caught myself shouting and giving her a look.

Dr. Moss couldn't help but giggle at us. "Are you into BDSM or breath play?" she asked Brie, who thought for a second before shaking her head. "Then you should be fine," she continued with a chuckle. "Like I said you should take it easy for the next day or two, keep an eye on your body and if something doesn't feel right, come back, please. You'll probably experience some whiplash and body aches, but if you feel shortness of breath, nausea, chest pain, promise me that you'll come back."

"I promise Dr. Moss," Brie told her with a smile.

"Alright, the nurse will have your discharge papers in a moment,

" Dr. Moss finished. We thanked her and stood in silence till the nurse came with her papers. We walked around the floor to avoid the cops and the asshole that hit her. Once we were outside Brie took my hand in hers and walked close to me. Once in the truck, Brie hugged me tightly around the neck, pressing herself close to me.

I held her in my arms and I never wanted to let her go. Brie nuzzled her nose into my cheek before planting soft kisses on my cheek and neck. I sighed happily at her efforts, my rough hands feeling the softness of her back. Brie reached up on my arm, sliding my one hand down her body to her legs, before pushing it back up to cup one of her perfect ass cheeks.

"Mmmm," Brie moaned lightly into my ear as I squeezed the tender flesh with my hand. Fuck her skin was so soft and silky, it was the perfect size for my hand, my fingers cupped the cheek. I ran my fingers over the rounded edge of her butt, right where her legs meet, god I loved that. "Take me home," Brie whispered in my ear and my cock twitched in my pants.

"As you wish," I whispered back. Brie broke away so we could get our seat belts on and I started the truck. She pushed back against me once I started to drive, her hands running up my arm again as she planted soft kisses on my arm, shoulder, neck, and cheek. It was distracting but I ignored her so I could focus on the road, which was incredibly hard as was my cock. I groaned when she slipped her hand into my open jumpsuit and pulled up my shirt so she could caress my abs.

"Fuck, I've wanted to do this to you for so long. You're so strong Uncle Dex," she whispered to me, her amazingly soft hands running over my stomach. Her fingernails teasing my flesh caused a shiver to run up my spine and through my hard dick.

Thank whoever, we didn't crash before we got back to the apartment. I parked while Brie readjusted my clothes before we got out of the vehicle. I was shaking when we reached the door to the stairway, Brie smiled at me but this was a sinister sexy smile. She reached out and took my hand, leading me up to the apartment; I couldn't help but stare at her ass swaying in her skirt as we walked up the stairs. I fumbled with my keys, I was barely able to open the door before she pushed me inside, kicking the door close once we passed the threshold. Her hands were all over me as she pushed me to the couch. She unzipped my jumpsuit the rest of the way and peeled it off of me along with my boots. I flopped down and Brie climbed up to straddle my lap, and panic hit me hard.

I put my hands on her shoulders to stop her from attacking me, she looked at me confused. "What's wrong?" Brie whispered her question to me, her lips looking so good.

"I uh, I'm still not sure," I mumbled out, her warm body on mine was distracting, to say the least. My cock was screaming to be unleashed and my hands wanted to explore her beautiful body. "Brie are you sure you want to be with me, I'm so broken," I asked and confessed to her at the same time.

Brie looked me in the eyes and smiled softly, she ran her fingers over my forehead and down my cheek. "Oh Uncle Dex, I know, but that doesn't matter to me."

"I'm a drunk," I whispered to her.

"We can work on that," she replied.

"You could do so much better than me..."

"I don't care, I want you," Brie told me leaning down. I turned away as my heart beat faster, I wanted to rip off her clothes and pound her into the floor, but my mind kept me in check.

"Why did you want me to go out with Katie?" I asked her and Brie leaned back to look at my whole face.

She took a long, deep breath before responding to me. "Fuck Uncle Dex," she paused, this looked hard for her. "I've had a crush on you for years," she started to explain starring into my eyes. "Once I started to develop and understood more about my body and sex and everything, I wanted you more. I was worried that it was a silly, girly, crush as I got older, when you couldn't come to my birthday and Christmas, I was crushed, I cried myself to sleep that night. I only wanted to see you, I didn't care about anything else.

"When I got accepted to school out here, I gave up going to a few better ones because I wanted to be near you. But when I was planning on what to do those doubts crept into my mind again and I wanted to see if it was just a crush. So once I got talking with Alex, the thought popped in my head that maybe you didn't want me like I wanted you. Alex told me about her cousin and I thought that if I put you two together maybe I'd feel hurt, or betrayed, or jealous. Then you came here and regretted my decision but I was too invested to stop, you had your date and came home." Brie paused again, taking another long breath.

"You smelled like her and I was sure I'd feeling something, but I just wanted you more. I know it doesn't make sense, but I was jealous because I wanted to be her so I could be with you. That night you were hard and poking against me and I couldn't help but play with you Uncle Dex."

"Fuck," I hissed out loud, I must have removed my own underwear and pushed against her.

"God Uncle Dex, it was so hot. I just wanted to get you off, and we had a great day out. That next morning you had your cock in my butt and I couldn't help but touch myself, then you started rubbing your cock against me. I so wanted you to roll me on my back and just fuck me, but you came and I came and you left the bed." Brie was just rambling now, I cupped her cheek softly, she stopped to push her face into my hand. "Why did you try to push me away?" She asked me suddenly, her eyes tearing up.

"You shouldn't have to take care of me, Brie, I didn't want to ruin your life," I answered her honestly. "I couldn't take you being near me, I just... I fucked up," I finally confessed.

"Well I'm here now, I didn't mean to scare you like that." Tears fell from her eyes, I reached up to wipe them dry. "Please tell me you want me, Uncle Dex," she whispered.

"I do, but I can't let you destroy your life for me," I whispered back.

Brie looked shocked then pissed, like how Lisa used to get pissed at me. "It's my life and I'll fuck it up however I want!" she growled at me. "Goddamn it Uncle Dex, I don't just love you, I'm in love with you, you shit for brains man." Tears continued but she looked more frustrated than sad. "Fuck everything and fuck everyone else, as long as it's you and me I don't give two fucks about anything else."

"Brie," I tried to sound reassuring to her, but she cut me off.

"Fuck you, Uncle Dex, I pour my heart out and, and! ARGH! Fucking kiss me," she growled at me.

"What?" I was confused, but couldn't help but smile at her. This was absurd and I was starting to lose sight of what exactly was happening.

"Look, here's the deal," Brie started to growl at me as she wiped her eyes again. "If you kiss me and don't feel a slight spark between us. I'll drop it, all of it. I'll sleep on the couch till I can move into the dorms and I won't press the issue further. But if you feel the way I feel, you have to admit it to me. That's the deal, now fucking kiss me already," she finished, watching me closely.

I couldn't help but chuckle, this had gone from nothing to everything so quickly. The look Brie was giving me told me to get serious. I took a deep breath and composed myself, looking into her eyes. We both leaned forward, I tasted her breath as the space between us closed. My eyes closed as our lips touched, it wasn't a spark. A goddamn bomb went off, Brie knew this was going to happen, I almost didn't want this to happen. I wanted to wallow in my self-pity, but Brie was here to save me. It was about time for me to start letting her.

Her soft lips pressed against mine, I could smell the sweet scent of her skin as I took in a breath as I didn't want this kiss to ever end. Our lips pressed gently together, then she pressed harder, scooting her body closer and pushing me back against the back of the couch. Brie's arms wrapped around my neck as my hands came to her waist. Fuck her body felt amazing and erotic pressed into mine.

Brie's mouth opened and mine followed suit within microseconds, and she took the opportunity to shove her tongue into my mouth. "MMMMM!" she moaned as she tasted my mouth. Brie flexed her legs and ground her mound on top of my cock over my jeans. I moved with her, Brie riding my lap as our kiss went well into making out.

"Ugh!" I groaned into her mouth as our kiss ignited something in me I hadn't felt in so long. It was a forest fire, but I knew this could get out of control quickly. Brie had moved so her panty-covered cunt was sliding along my jean-covered cock and she ground her lap into mine. I had to break the kiss, I was getting close to cumming and I wasn't sure if I wanted that right now. Brie latched onto my neck, licking and sucking, moaning softly into my skin, speeding up her efforts on top of me. "Wait, wait," I half moaned out loud.

"What?" Brie asked me out of breath, not stopping as she pulled me into more, pushing her incredible chest near my face.

"Argh! I don't know if this is how I want to start this," I groaned to her. The pressure was building and it was getting to the point of no return.

"Fuck, this is what I want!" Brie panted to me, grinding herself harder on me. "The fact we haven't torn off our clothes and are fucking madly is a crime against sex." Brie cried out.

"This is fast," I stated, but I couldn't stop anymore, even if I wanted to.

"Not for me," she moaned grinding as hard as she could. "Fuck!" Brie cried out her back arching as her orgasm rocked her. I gave out an animalish grunt as I started cumming with her, making a mess in my pants, again. Brie moaned and yelped, moan and yelped, moan and yelped as her body shuddered against me. Fuck my cock was throbbing as we finished together, Brie collapsed in my arms.

Did we both just cum with our clothes on? I'm in so much trouble...

We cuddle together, Brie mewing gently her head resting on my shoulder. I caressed her back, I couldn't believe that just happened. Also, this was the most I'd cum in my underwear in quite a few years, fuck we'll have to laundry again soon if this keeps up. Brie gave me a soft kiss on the cheek.

"Wow," Brie whispered, "I hadn't cum that hard in, fuck ever honestly."

"What do we do now?" I asked her when I could speak again.

"Well, we get changed because my panties are soaked through," Brie told me with a giggle.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her, but once I finished I knew we had to talk. "I'm serious Brie," I grumbled to her.

She took a deep breath and nodded on my shoulder. "I know, but also seriously we should clean up." Brie leaned back before sliding off my lap. She stretched and rubbed her neck. "Also, I think that wasn't exactly what the doctor meant when she said to take it easy." I stood up, turned her around, and started to rub her neck. "Mmm that's nice, but come on," Brie turned back to smile at me.

"I think we need to slow down Brie," I told her with a confused look. "Go change and I'll change and we'll talk when we're out." Brie shot me a look but nodded, leaned forward to kiss me softly and quickly before heading into the bedroom.

She came out after a minute, turning she pulled one of my chairs over and sat in front of the couch. "OK I'll be right here when you come," she couldn't suppress her giggle. "When you get back."
