Bad Girl Pt. 04


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They have done so much to ensure I'm happy. We all knew Vickie screwed up, and she has suffered the most. OK, who am I kidding? After three hospital visits, I got hurt the most physically and mentally.

I can't help that I love this woman. I have checked with her therapist, and she is working hard and tells the therapist darkest secrets. Her urges are still there, and the club death penalty was the best thing that ever happened to her.

Ooooops, I was lost in thought, and mom has already orgasmed.

Mom is still recovering from Jane and Sophia. She's lying on her haunches, enjoying the overtime tremendously. I pull out and use an arm to roll her over. I grab her body and deposit it in doggie position. Vickie is full of energy again. I continue where I left off with mom, fucking as fast as possible.

Of all these women, Vickie is the worst fuck. Her verbal and facial feedback is outstanding; however, she has a loose pussy. I am big, but wow, she must have been stuffed many times with three at a time. I still enjoy sex with her and will always pick her first.

It's not her ability to please me that makes her unique; it's the way she makes me feel. No other woman will stand up to me and yet give herself to me 100%. I can't walk over her, which is rare from my experience. I have never doubted her love for me, only her ability to not fuck hundreds of other men. Even now, I still worry she might go back to her old ways. I suppose that will never die; she wounded me too severely.

She is playful and willing to experiment with just about anything. I was shocked when Jane and mom ate pussy, wherewith Vickie, I expected it. I lost track again and just realized that I had found a new speed.

Vickie is going crazy; she's doing what sounds like a Buddhist monk chant. This is crazy stuff. It's only moments before she too has a powerful orgasm and falls to her haunches breathing deeply and giggling hysterically at the same time. I have no clue what's in her mind right now.

I use my hand to roll her away, and I drag Sophia to me.

I caught her off guard, expecting Jane to be next. In contrast to Vickie, her mother is the best fuck. She has the experience of anticipating every action and time perfectly ... except tonight. I am using that new gear that Vickie found and tearing up Sophia, leaving just a husk as her body burns crisp. She is on fire and screams from almost the beginning. She wasn't expecting this much fun and excitement; she thought the night was winding down.

Our next cart just arrived. Mom put on a robe to get the door.

Meanwhile, I am at lightspeed fucking Sophia. She is screaming and trying to catch enough air.

It's starting to catch up with me. I feel the beginning of cramps and the energy leaving me. I am slowing down; my batteries are running low. Vickie grabs Jane and makes her sit with one leg bent and one leg straight out, in a sitting position. Fuck me, no way. Oh yes, Vickie sits down with a smile on her face while Jane looks confused. What do two women do when facing each other? How is that fun? Vickie pushes Jane away a bit, then inches closer, trying to get above.

Her body slides down from all the sweat Vickie has on her body. Both sets of pussy lips run across each other.

Jane screams out, "Yeowwwwwww! DAMN, that's good. MORE! MORE! YES! YES! MORE!"

On and on, it went with pussies rubbing each other. They're having a wonderful time. I am re-energized; my batteries are bursting with energy as my cock bursts with power and speed now. I am a machine.

Sophia isn't up to resist that much pleasure. She held out a respectable twenty minutes. Even she has her limits. Sophia is laid out on the bed. She tried to help me by rolling over, but the ankle caught me in the face.

Her arms are above her head; she is sleeping like a baby. It's so adorable that both daughters take pictures and videos. Mom and Jane take turns sucking nipples while Vickie records the event.

I pick up Jane and throw her down on her hands and knees.

She has as much energy as I do.

She is ready for me as I go right back to that astonishing speed. Jane remains the tightest and almost the best fuck. She has improved. If I didn't know better, I would say she is talking to Sophia or some other more experienced woman to improve. She's learning to squeeze my cock. That's a feeling that is out of this world. It's also why Sophia is the best.

I have just rated all four from best to worst. The problem with saying that is even the worst is still mighty fine. They can't all be the best. However, the difference is splitting hairs. I don't want to share any of them. I believe Jane is most likely to leave. I will marry Vickie, and she will get most of my time. That may not be enough for Jane. If she does find a guy, I support her in anything and everything she does.

I am now fucking my fourth woman without a break and without spewing a load. I think I have worn out the old factory. I got more with Sophia, but that was over a much longer timespan and was a lot less taxing on my body.

I realize I have a significant problem. I am only five minutes into fucking Jane, and I am straining to hold back my orgasm. I've had such a fantastic evening that my body is betraying me. My body wants to orgasm and not hold off until Jane is good and ready. Looking at all these incredibly stunning women that want me is a mind-blowing experience. For Jane, it is a cum blowing experience. I got distracted and stopped holding back as hard. MY cum shot through my body and landed up inside of my sister.

Jane has a happy scream. It wasn't one of those "I'm going to die" screams; no, this told everyone that she had a blast being fucked by ME. I am on top of the world right now. I have energy and am shooting cum into my sister. I have joy and electricity running through my body, making me smile like a moron. Then I finish. The cum has stopped shooting. The pleasure has ceased. I can remember it, but it fades quickly. It's relaced with the sapping of my energy and the ability to stay standing on my knees.

Even worse, my eyesight is caving in, and I am scared. This isn't normal; this is different. Did I hurt myself again? I have a hitch in my scream that changed it from joy to pain. Soon, I am consumed by the darkness.

Jane freaks out, "OM MY! Did I hurt him? Is he OK?"

Jane can't move; her body's orgasm slams her harshly. She is crying at seeing me passed out. Mom is her fierce protector. At the speed of light, she has Jane in her arms and has Jane's hand on my chest where she can feel the freight train that's my heartbeat. She can feel me breathing as well, my chest rising and falling. Her tense body relaxes; she knows I am safe.

Vickie laughs at Jane, "What did you expect? You saw the way he quick fucked four women after what he did earlier. His love for you forced him to last until you came. He is one dedicated man. I ... we sure are lucky."

Sophia comments, "YOU sure are. You almost lost that man due to your actions. I hope to God that you have learned your lesson and never go stupid again."

Jane asks, "Can we do a timed blowjob where we only have a few minutes to get him off before we lose our place to next in line?"

Mom smiles at her, "I like the idea, but first, we need more coffee, soda, juice, and snacks. Let's give the boy some time to rest. I can tell he is worn out; he really labored towards the end."

Sophia comments, "I agree. He's worn out. I'm not saying he's done, but we need to slow down the pace for our man. I don't want him having a stroke or heart attack; we need him healthy. Speaking of which, Connie, how's his arm?"

Mom flops my limp arm over and then examines it for traces of blood.

Mom shares her analysis, "It looks great, and I don't see even a drop of blood."

Sophia snickers, "Any of us, and we're in the hospital with a plastic surgeon to hide the scar. He seems to wear them like medals of a job well done, and we love the death out of him."

Mom smiles, "My baby is unique."

Sophia smiles, "That he is. That he is."

Vickie shows her self-awareness, "Most men would have tossed me out permanently for what I did. I wonder what makes a man give a woman like me a second chance. Lord knows I didn't deserve one, and I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth. I do love that man more than my own life."

Vickie moves Bill's arm and crawls up into his arms and on his chest, where she settles down and closes her eyes. They both have a content and peaceful look on their faces.

Sophia stands up, "How about we drink and eat out on the sofa, so we can turn off the lights for a while. They both need some rest."

Now that we are sitting down, a nervous Jane asks Sophia, "Will it last? Can she control herself?"

A nervous-looking Sophia answers with a shaky voice, "She must. The club enabled her. To get that same high, she would have to walk into a bar, strip, and fuck them all. Even then, most will be older, ugly, and have small cocks. The therapy has helped, and your brother around her is amazing for her.

"She was genuinely miserable without him and the club. Right now, if they allowed her back, no way she goes. Right now, she's smart. I fear five and ten years down the line when the sex gets routine."

Mom has an epiphany, "There is four of us, that's four days, then Jane and Vickie get an extra day each. That's six days. How about we do an all-hands-on-deck role play on Friday or Saturday nights? Not as intense as tonight, but possibly road trips, hotels, restaurants, clubs, beaches, an adventure, or just creative sexual situations."

Sophia laughs as she suggests, "We have more than enough money; we can hire writers to set the stage for us and buy props if needed. We set aside a room for them to decorate all week, they give us our instructions, and then we play. I bet they come up will all kinds of ways to keep it interesting."

Jane's thinking, "Why just one night? How about random threesomes or date nights? We could do all kinds of things to keep our sex lives going for years to come. If they run down, we hire new ones."

Sophia comments, "I like the idea a lot. A sex room would be awesome. Not a dungeon, but a sex room that changed a lot to play with the story. Historically correct costumes, sets, and situations would be awesome. They would need a large warehouse to store our props. Yes, this is fantastic."

The talk continued for a full hour.


I had weird dreams while I slept. Aliens, ice cream, and scooters. Weird. Everything dissolves as I feel my cock being pulled. I'm on the cusp of waking up. My dream moved to mom sucking my cock. I have four cocks, and each woman is sucking one now. Oh yes! Wait, four cocks, it's a dream. They all fold into one, it's dark, and someone is definitely sucking on my cock.

The haze of sleep is wearing off; I feel the heat in my groin. I feel a pulse in my groin. I'm hard. Ding, nothing. I'm fading off again. Ouch! Something grabbed my cock and pulled. OH NO! A tree shredder is pulling me in, cock first. NO! NO! HELP ME! NO! NO!

I am shaken awake by everyone. They have a look of confusion on their faces.

My head falls back with relief, "Cool." I pause. "I thought a three shredder was sucking me in, and I was going to die!"

They all laugh, but mom explains, "Vickie was just sucking on your cock while Jane was making a lawnmower sound, and Vickie added some wicked suction."

Ding. Vickie hops off my cock. Almost immediately, Jane is aggressively sucking my cock. She is a jackhammer. That had to cause a headache, moving so fast as she did. I was getting worried. That two minutes went quick. Sophia is next; she takes her time, enjoying and playing with my cock. She doesn't seem hell-bent on making me cum.

This is purely for fun, for my enjoyment. I turn teary-eyed at her loving gesture.

Mom is next and is even slower and more sexual as she keeps her eyes on me, ignoring my cock. Damn, that is sexy. After another round, I see a trend. Mom and Sophia are holding back. They're teasing me more than trying to get the prize, and they're deferring to their daughters. After Jane swallows my cum, each bolt up and kiss their mothers. How cool, they recognized what their mothers did.

We slowed down the fucking from then on. They each got fucked three more times until 7:00 AM, and we fell asleep.


Connie's point of view:

Sophia and I are up at 2:00 PM. We take a shower, dress, and go down for breakfast. They are serving lunch and prepping for dinner. They made us breakfast and left us alone in the corner of the large, almost empty room. Both of us are worn out from the long night and almost constant sex between us, our daughters, or our man. Neither of us feels like talking much.

After eating and having two cups of coffee, I am curious enough to ask, "So. Where did you find those two from last night?"

Sophia giggles, "We do own an advertising agency now, right?

Bill set them up with a studio, and they have access to actors and actresses. I told Sandy what I was looking for. They came to my office, and I explained how everything was supposed to work and how to handle several issues. They understood the basic premise and said they would fall back on that if needed."

I am shocked, "They could not have been any better. It looked real. Jane had no clue they were actors; she bought it all as she watched the scene play out. The hostesses deserve a bonus; they were excellent as well. Tony taped everything. The pictures and sound were perfect, and the results were spectacular.

We really outdid ourselves. Deep down, I'm glad it worked out for them. I think they make a good couple, and all of us have fun together."

Sophia giggles, "I don't care what the rest of you look like; as long as your son is such a stud, I am all in. I have never been treated so lovingly or had as much fun in bed as I have with him. My husband wasn't half the man he is."

I laugh hard, "No man is!"


The moms wake us up. We have twenty minutes to check out before they throw us out. We rush to dress. OK, we run to find our clothes, dress and then rush to check out. I am tired. My feet are dragging, my shirttail is out, my hair is a mess, and I smell of sex. I can't even say I want to check out. I lift my arm just enough to land my hand on the counter. The card falls out of my hand.

It's the same lady that checked us in. She looks at me with contempt, and I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open.

The old lady asks me, "Room service on your card?"

I say with a tired voice, "Room what?"

Mom answers, "Yes, put it is all on my card including the room service."

She asks again, "Both rooms?"

Sophia answers, "They each have a card, keep them on each card."

I stand with drooping eyes.

The manager two registers over, claps his hands twice, waking me up. He points over my shoulder.

I say, "We have no luggage."

The lady in front of me mumbles, "No shit, you homeless bum."

Vickie is reaching back, so she can slug the lady in the face. She's pissed. No, they're all pissed and mad as hell. They're knocking me out of the way, so they can kick her ass.

The manager smartly pulls the old land back, away from the counter and the swinging fists.

He is pissed at his employee, "You will first apologize, then you can go home for the day. Do you not read the paper or any magazine in the city? Do you not know who he is? That man's family has donated enough to charity this year to buy this building. Do you see those two young happy women? That grin on their face? He fucked them at least four times last night. The two mature women are not easily impressed, and they have seen it all.

"The look on their faces tells me he fucked them four times as well. Do you have that much sex in a night? With as sour as your attitude is, I doubt it. Now, look real close at that man. He can barely walk. He gave those women everything he had and then some to please them. That is true love there. Now get OUT OF MY FACE!"

Two guys ram something into the back of my legs, causing me to fall. Swell, they hit me with a wheelchair. I can't even walk out of here. I chuckle, which confuses everyone. I just realized what a sight I must be. I fall asleep again within moments of sitting in the car.


I wake up as they're at the foot of the stairs. I assist walking up the stairs. Only Vickie and Jane are with me now that I am in bed.

Jane asks me, "How did you know about yesterday?"

Vickie stops to listen to me, "They were actors. Sophia had Sandy hire several actors to have weird dates with us, so we would get together again. You know how Sandy feels about me. If our mothers play games with me, Sandy is still real protective. The actors told Sandy our mother's plans; Sandy tells me, I told you."

Jane is confused, "So why go along with it?"

I give her my shocked face, "To get Vickie back."

Jane isn't buying that, "You had her when she was a slave. You could have done anything, including forcing her to marry you."

I look at Vickie, "Please explain."

Vickie rolls her eyes, "He wanted me only if I was all for it. I was so depressed; I would not have taken him back. I wasn't worthy of him. He allowed all of this, without telling me until the end, so that I could see that he still loved me. You knew he knew, our parents knew, yet I doubted myself. My self-esteem was shattered. The mothers knew this would work, and it did. I saw the love he has for me still, and it touched my heart.

"I know mom worries about me and my issues still. With what I have been through and knowing I will never get another chance, there is zero chance I will do anything to hurt this man again. I can see a good-looking man walking down the street and appreciate him; however, nothing comes close to Bill."

Jane asks, "Do we let the moms know that we know?"

I take that one, "I don't think so. Right now, they're feeling good because they got what they wanted. Let them have their victory and enjoy it."


Back in the living room:

Sophia and I are watching the security camera and sound from Bill's room on my cell phone.

My exact words are, "Damn him."

Sophia has an evil look on her face and is biting her tongue, "We will get even with them this Saturday. It's the wild, wild west, and Bill is a wanted man in our town. He and his two whores need to be in our jail. We are going to have so much fun."

The two of us laugh hard.

To be continued ...

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FseriesFseries6 months ago

So the two dates were set up by the moms and he gets cut during this? WOW.

MarkT63MarkT63over 1 year ago

I hope he gets a cheater loses all pre nup!!! Vickie is a gutter slut, with a VERY loose pussy!!!

Bills big dick isn't big enough for Vickie...

Radomir1Radomir1over 2 years ago

All the previous parts of the main character's name was Billy. Now Tim?

I think it would have been more interesting if Vicky had come on the date pregnant with a small but noticeable belly. The result of having sex with Billy in the shower. Or in the hotel room she asked to be gentle because she was pregnant.

Jane could also use a round belly to meet her brother.

Also, Vicky would have to make a condition - she doesn't just share Bill with Mamai, his mother and his sister. And she and Jane become his regular partners and share a bed with him. And if he misbehaves, the two of them will sleep together and him in the hallway on the mat.

I don't understand why he writes that Vicky's cunt is growing. At the beginning of the story, he says that Vicky couldn't take the intense sex for long. She was tight and after intense sex she was sore the next day. ( How did she then go to a sex club twice a week and take in 10-12 dicks? Yeah, that was only the last two months of the six months she was dating Billy. But that means she could only fuck him 5-6 times a month, not 12-15 like the previous months. I think that should have put him on his guard.)

Lovingcpl327Lovingcpl327over 2 years ago

This chapter to me is just continued ramblings. I gave other chapters high ratings, even if a 6’6 giant would never be a seal, I like the military hero theme. Over kill on going on and on with his sexual prowess, and his name changing. It ended as a bomb for me, sorry

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 2 years ago

It feels like the end is nigh approaching to this series. Couple things - For all the reasons you have demonstrated, 6'6" Navy SEALS don't happen. You'd be surprised what the average size of a SEAL is in real life. While aI appreciate you managing the reality of PTSD our hero has experienced/dealt with from his service, the intermixing of his current life drama dilutes the reality that many who served must overcome. Good story overall and I've rated most sections 5*, but as you draw this tale down, try to make a soft landing instead of the now reptitios wanton sex scenes. 4* this time out.

BigMadStorkBigMadStorkover 2 years agoAuthor

Yup, I screwed up. It's like the say goes, you get what you paid for.

Fear not everyone, I have used my search and replace button to rid all of the Tim's and replace them with Bill's. I left Time alone. It's incredible the number of times I used time in this story. I have verified that the following two parts have not used Tim, the main character's name, in my next story.

RanDog025RanDog025over 2 years ago

Great story! No I'm not going to harp at you for mistakes or who he should choose. With that said I rate it again at 5 BIG FAT STARS!

Fuzzy_KbearFuzzy_Kbearover 2 years ago

I Must continue with the other comments the MC's name change halfway through caught me by surprise and caused the story to stumble. It should be fixed, give this chapter an edit and resubmit it. At first I thought the name change was due to the 'Blind Dates' but it soon became apparent the it was just a mistake by the Author. BMS is usually better than that, I've been a fan for years, but this should be fixed IMHO.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Have to give you 4 not 5. You changed his name to Tim halfway thru.

MorbidromanticMorbidromanticover 2 years ago

Does the end of this chapter mean that the mothers are just other Melissas? That they are that kind of woman who hates men? Will we find out that Bill's/Tim's father was killed by his mother? Is she even his mother? Does this author hate the MC? I wouldn't treat my worst enemy the way the author is treating him. And what an eye the MC has to choose girlfriends... Does anyone else think that he seems stupid?

muskyboymuskyboyover 2 years ago

Whether Bill or Tim, he should have ended up with Jane, NOT Vickie. Way, way too damaged goods. He is a fool to think she can/will change. Kids also seem like a really bad idea......

linnearlinnearover 2 years ago

Another good chapter, I hope Bill survives all the sex😁

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Only issue I have is his name has changed from Bill to Tim. Otherwise, a good read as usual.

MilehisexfunMilehisexfunover 2 years ago

Stork, you got some issues with the main character, in the first chapter you say he was a navy seal, and his name is Bill, this chapter you switch his name out with Tim multiple times and reference he is in the army and back to the navy. Kind a hard to finish reading with these errors. This gives me the impression this chapter was rushed.

kingdozerkingdozerover 2 years ago

so far like the story and so far this is my least fav chaper i hope to see more fights and fun soon tho

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