Bad Girl Pt. 06


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I put my arm around a laughing Juanita after gathering our clothes, "Let's go."

She leans into me as we walk to the car. Sure enough, the trunk pops open as we near the limo. In the trunk are some bottled waters and some old towels. I will dispose of them after we clean up.

Once back in the car, Juanita looks timid; oh crap, I pushed her too far.

Juanita says to me, "Phyllis and I live in different neighborhoods and our children attend different schools. My children are doing fine and have met several friends. However, Phyllis's children are quiet. They're having a difficult time adjusting. I don't know what you can do. Is there anything you can do to assist?"

I look at her, "You need a bridge blown up, a person killed, or important papers returned; I'm you, man. I don't know children. I'm completely clueless about them. I know you have a four and an eight-year-old, right?" She nods yes.

"So that means that Phyllis has a fourteen and fifteen-year-old. That's high school, right?"

Juanita is tearing, "Yes. I don't know if it's bullying, or they're being shunned. I know their awesome kids and won't talk about it."

I wipe away her tear, "I will consult a higher power and see what I can do."

I chuckle. She looks at me quizzically.

I smile, "Of all the missions I have run, this one scares me more than the others."

She hits me in the arm.

Chapter 18 -- I go to school

I can't believe I'm doing this. Every security guy we have would be better than me. My family and Phyllis won't trust anyone else. Plus, I have met each child once, at their father's funeral, which is why it must be me.

I wasn't kidding last night when I told Juanita that this scares the hell out of me. I did seek knowledge. I got mom and Sophia to give me pointers and develop a plan.

Their plan sucked, but I admit that it did inspire me, and now I have a plan we all like. What will I ever do without those two?

I'm sitting in our limo with my full Navy Seal uniform and gear. Yes, that includes my sniper rifle, handguns, and assault rifle. Typically, ten police departments and their SWAT teams would be called in if they saw a man dressed like me. Sophia solved that problem by calling the governor. I have a police escort.

I thought it was a nice touch to put mini-USA flags on the corners of the car. It looks like an official government car. As soon as I exit the car, I explain to the police officers my intentions and what I want them to do. They are entirely on board with this.

I remind them, "Look emotionless as much as possible. You're my brute squad."

They all chuckle.

I stomp into the school, making sure my boots make lots of noise. I bust into the cafeteria. Everything stopped. You could have heard a pin drop. Sure enough, I see Michael and Kelly sitting by themselves at a large, otherwise empty table.

I march to their table, stop, stamp my boots, click my heels, never once looking at them. I turn around, looking at the room. Shit, there are many kids here, and they're all staring at me. FUCK! How do I get into these situations?

I shout out, "Are there any football players here? Stand up NOW!"

About two dozen kids stand up. Perfect.

I ask with a loud voice, "Would you like new football fields, goal posts, equipment, uniforms, pads, and helmets?"

I chuckle as several of them say, "Hell yes."

I turn around and address Michael and Kelly, "Agent Silver Tongue and Agent Lightfoot, please stand up!"

I'm relaxed now. Both children look scared and shoot up to a standing position. I turn around again.

Still with a commanding voice, "I need these two protected. If you keep them happy and safe until the end of the year, I will buy you new fields and equipment. Deal?"

A teacher steps forward; he looks like a coach, "They should do that anyway. Yes, they will ensure the two new students are well taken care of. I give you, my word."

I snap him a perfect salute.

Surprisingly, he returns my salute, just as sharply. I raise my eyebrow, and he giggles. I turn back to the two children.

My voice is softer as I hand them envelopes, "There are your orders. They're signed by the governor herself. Don't mess them up, your friends will want to see them. I need you to come with me right now. I have an important mission and we NEED you two." The bell goes off to signal the end of lunch. Perfect timing.

In a soft voice, "Grab your books and follow me. We're going for a ride in my limo."

They smile and fall in behind me. The police officers are perfect; they box the children in. I march loudly out of the cafeteria, down the hall past hundreds of kids, turn at the door, and lead them outside to my limo. I open the door for them to get in and then salute the police officers. Two returned my salute and smile.

I put my weapons in the trunk, then push the children into the car. We drive off. They look at me in wonder.

I smile, "Juanita mentioned that the transition to a new school wasn't spectacular for you two. I'm responsible for your father's death. I'm also responsible for you moving and changing schools. I can't guarantee you anything, but I tried to make the adjustment bearable. The signature really is from the governor; the orders are fake. I wanted to make everyone else jealous of you two.

"I gave you mother the day off. She's at my house with your bathing suits. I have a tropical and lap pool. If you tire of that, most of the second floor is full of games that you might enjoy. It won't be long before we get home. Once we do, either before or after gaming and swimming, I will give the two of you a chance to ask me any question you want about your father, the type of man he was, and what we did."

They look at me like I'm a big deal. My jaw drops.

Kelly says to me, "Mom told us everything. You did not kill my father. Bad people did. She told us the type of work he did and why it was important to him. I want to hear only the good and funny stories; that's how I choose to remember my father. Mom's right; you need to forgive yourself unless you shot him. You didn't shoot him, did you?"

I sit stunned, "No."

Michael says, "Can we see the game room first?"

I laugh at him, "Sorry, Michael, your mother outranks me in that area. If she says yes, then no problem."


As we pull up to the house, Phyllis, Juanita, and Juanita's children are waiting for us. All four children already know each other well.

After checking with Phyllis, I take them all up to the second floor.

Every light and game are already turned on. Music is playing, and ... the children all run off. Juanita and Phyllis run to go bowling. There is a wall of bowling balls and shoes. Four shoes of ever men's and women's size.

At the end of the room are a few recliners for parents watching children. That's my destination. My nerves are frayed from the emotional day. I'm sapped of all energy. I may even fall asleep. That is not in store for me today. Michael is making his way to me.

"Can you show me how to play that game with all the handles," says the shy child?

I grunt as I get up. My bones ache today. Michael and I play Foosball. I got suckered; he knew how to play and was very skilled. The little shit beat me four straight times before Kelly saved me. She takes me by the hand and drags me back to the recliner. I sit down, and then she sits on the armrest with her legs over my lap.

All my alarms go off in my head; I know she isn't eighteen. She laughs at me.

With a giggle, "My, you are so easy to read. I won't do anything ... yet; I need to be eighteen. I'll make you a deal. You tell me a funny story about my dad that I don't know, and I will tell you a story you don't know. That means no 'One shoe Daddy' story."

I sit and think of a story I CAN tell her. There are so many.

I ask her, "Did you know your father was a poet?"

She looks at me with astonishment in her eyes.

Instead of thinking it, I say, "Should I be telling her this story?"

Realizing my mistake and her eagerness, I start my story, "This is all the way back in boot camp.

We're all eighteen, straight out of high school, and I just met your father the day before. We soon become fast friends. In Basic, we do a lot of marching and running to fatigue our bodies.

They break us down and then build us up with their control, attempting to make copies of the perfect soldier.

"While marching the very long distances, the commander would break out into a song. I'm sure you've heard them in movies. They punctuate several words, slur words, and it's got a memorable beat that rhymes. It's usually about how great we are or how bad our enemies will be defeated. The line then gets repeated by the whole group.

It helps us get used to barking out orders while physically under stress.

"Mile after mile after mile, day after day, they soon become annoying. They only know a few songs. Imagine listening to just three songs on the radio. I remember the day vividly still. It was a Friday afternoon. It's raining, we're cold, and the whole day has been running and marching. We're miserable and tired. We ate a soggy lunch, and that about broke us."

I'm smiling now, "So, here we are. The rain is as hard as it's been in weeks; we're miserable, marching through a soggy field with long grass. Visibility is diminished, our paper maps are long gone, and our commander is even looking glum. Perfect time for him to start a song. He fails. I know he just failed us. I look at your father. He smiles, and we quickly move to the front of the group.

"Your dad knows I will get us home. He does his part. He starts a song we all know so fucking well. He shouts out the line. We all start to reply and stop. What the hell did he just say? The correct line is 'I don't know, but it's been said.' Follow Me is the most basic Navy Marching Cadence. Yet your father says, 'She don't know, but It's been saidddd.'

"They all repeat the words. Next is not, 'Air force wings are made of lead.' Oh no, not your dad, 'Pretty woman gonna give me headdddd.' The rest of the song gets much more graphic. Sorry, I can still hear the song, but it is wayyyy to sexual for you two. Just know, it was epic.

"From that day, your dad and I were always together. I did get us home. We made double time because of the renewed energy, and we're first back to base. That night I got my first promotion. Our commander was not as inept as we suspected. He had a hunch about us, and he was testing me."

As I look up from my story, nobody is playing games. Everyone has a tear in their eye and is hanging on every word. The two smaller children go back to playing with the games.

Both mothers, Kelly, and Michael stay to hear as I end up telling three stories about each husband. When I am done, both Jane and Vickie are standing next to a mother.

Kelly hugs me and kisses me on the cheek. She looks shy as she lowers herself to my lap.

Kelly looks up at me, "I owe you a story now. It was my eighth birthday. Daddy came into my room and tucked me in, which was expected. He then sits on the edge of the bed. This is new; it's been years since he read to me at night. I didn't realize it at the time, but this is when you all became more active overseas. I also later found out, mom, and Michael got the same talk.

"Daddy tells me precisely what he does, how dangerous it is, and then spends a lot of time explaining why it's important to him. His father and grandfather served in wars, WW II, and Vietnam. More important to him was making the world better and safer for his family and every other family worldwide, not just the USA.

"He then breaks my heart when he tells me that he will most likely get killed at some point. I'm crying like a baby. He wipes my tears away and then tells me that his team's work is that important. You stop very bad men from hurting the world or becoming powerful. He made me make some promises. One. I wasn't to mourn him. He did what he knew was right. He knew the risks and stopping evil was important enough that it would be OK."

She has tears flowing down her face as she continues, "He assured me that he would try to avoid death; he was in no rush and wanted to walk me down the aisle. Two. I would support mom if anything happened to him. She would be hit hard, but she would be OK. In the end, mom, Michael, and I were the reasons he did what he did. He wanted to keep us safe.

"Three. If I ever met you or anyone from his team, tell them how proud he served with them. I almost feel like I know you. Between the stories from my mother and father, they both love you very much."

She looks at Vickie and Jane, "We know he loves you four. Even I could tell the difference between Navy Seal widows and others. I always suspected Bill. To me, he was the kindest man besides my father. Nothing has been easy, but it was much easier coping and not worrying about money."

She looks at me harshly, "You need to deal with my father's death. You're stressing your family, Juanita, mom, Sandy, Kim, and Libby."

How does she even know those names?

She openly laughs at me, "Get used to it. Women can't help but talk about you. You can't wallow in this pity you have for yourself. You were a US Navy Seal to help save the world. I think it's time you save yourself now. When you finish, deal with your own father's death."

Everyone but Michael gasped. Tears are falling down my face at an alarming rate.

She screams out, "Ah ha, I was right. This stems back to your dad!"

I never think about dad. The more I think, the more obvious it is. I hid those feelings. Woah, this is heavy.

Kelly shakes me, "Hey! Earth to Bill. Let's play air hockey."

She stands up, takes my hand, and leads me to the air hockey game.

I hear Phyllis laugh as we walk away, "She will be back when she turns eighteen. I'm warning you now."

The interesting thing is nobody said no. Well, that's a bit off still. We shall see.

Unlike her brother, she isn't an air-hockey queen. They stop us with her up three to two games. I was winning the last game. It seems the party is moving outside. Juanita and Phyllis each have a guest room to change in. We all meet at the pool. Well, other than Kelly. She's waiting for me by the stairs.

As we walk down the stairs, I comment to Kelly, "You do realize you're risking your life being so close to me. My family is very protective."

She looks up at me lovingly, "Your wife shares her man very well. Don't worry, I'm only fifteen. Mom is older, and I'm from a previous husband. I'm not going to get you in trouble. This is fair warning, though; in three years, I'll be back on a Saturday night."

As we reach the pool, I kneel to check the water. Kelly pushes her leg to my back and presses forward, pushing me into the pool.

Of course, the whole family is there to see that. I am quick to exit the pool, grab Vickie, and throw her in. Now she's mad until Jane follows her in. Mom, Sophia, Juanita, and Phyllis all jump in before getting tossed.

Michael yells at winning, "Yeah! Men win!"

Oh no, we're not doing that. Yup, he too is tossed in the pool, much to the delight of all the women. I jump in, splashing everyone. The adults and Kelly stay by the side of the pool and talk. Much of the talk is about me not dealing with dad.

They're quite impressed with Kelly. She will get a degree in Psychiatry but will help the company with training and management rather than working with patients.

Ninety minutes later and Marcene sends us to shower and dress for dinner. With family, guests, and staff, several leaves are used on the table. That's a first.

We have a shrimp feast. There are four different appetizers for us to try. We then have a choice of breaded fried shrimp or a shrimp stir-fry with shrimp eggrolls. They did make me some Crab Rangoon. They made some milkshakes for the children, and we enjoyed a lovely wine. They top it off with still-warm apple pie with cinnamon ice cream.

It's hard to eat dinner with four fresh apple pies baking in the oven. The cinnamon smell is fantastic. After dinner, Ronnie takes the children up to the game room. Pat takes Phyllis to a bedroom. What do I do?

Juanita leaves, and a few minutes later, comes back with scripts. We're each given a script.

Juanita's excited as she says, "I know Phyllis the best. I've been working with Pat for a few days, and this is the script we worked out.

Phyllis has been dropping hints for a week now. I think she suspected this would happen. I did change some things. As you read, I think you will see that Vickie was a valuable asset with this script.

As I read the script, "Fuck me" slipped from my lips accidentally. If I didn't know these women, I would stop this now. I don't care if this is what she wants. The basic premise is wrong on too many levels. With this group, I can see how this will be fun.

Juanita explains, "In your rooms are your costumes. We will meet down in the basement. We can't walk through the game room without alerting your children. We can use the dedicated elevator to sneak into the room. Once we are in position, I will text Pat, and he will bring her up here. He will play with the children and make sure they get to sleep while we have fun. Any questions?"

I ask, "What's her safe word?"

Juanita is bashful, "Pat will tell her pineapple. However, she told me she wouldn't use it. HOLD IT! Before you stop it. She has been a wimp in the past. If given a choice, she won't do anything. She wants to have a life-altering experience. She really wants us to play our parts.

"BILL! No objections, LET ME FINISH! She has faith in you. She knows you will stop anything if it gets dangerous. Otherwise, she wants to let loose without herself getting in the way. Does this make sense?"

Mom spoke first, "I can see it. She's a 'good' girl. She would never do this. That's exactly why, in a safe environment, with Bill here, that she can let loose and try to experience this. The question is, can Bill let her do that?"

They're all looking at me with fire in their eyes. They want an answer.

I reply softly, "If she isn't having fun. If she doesn't leak fluids. If she looks scared. We're going to plan 'B,' OK?"

Jane asks with a shrug of her shoulders, "What's plan 'B?'"

I smile at her, "I fuck her silly until tomorrow."

Sophia shouts, "I vote Plan' B' is permanent for every Saturday night. If all goes to shit, let the fucking begin!"

They all shout in agreement. I can't help but chuckle at their cheering.

I suggest, "How about we go get dressed. I'm looking forward to tonight."

Vickie laughs, "I bet you are. Come with me stud, I'm dressing you tonight. We can't trust you on your own. Start with a shower; I want you squeaky clean for tonight."

As we're walking up the steps to the bedrooms, mom offers a cute story, "You all know that tonight is set at NSA. The two married craftsmen and artists who built and painted the room went to NSA to look around. They took their wives there, and it seems they all got quite the eye full. The wives went topless, and they stripped their husbands naked.

"Each man got sucked at least once and fondled a dozen times. Each wife allowed other women to tease their breasts and finger them. They did a lot of watching to get a feel for the types of things people do. Let's say they found it very educational, and their sex lives have been off the charts since then. They would like to rotate renting out the room on Sunday nights with their wives.

I'm thinking out loud, "If we had a second building, they could transfer whatever we did on Saturday, and they could use it all week. A new 'benefit' for the employees. We even let them use our scripts or an abbreviated script that Pat makes for only a couple. We could let couples or groups from work use it as well."

I laugh, "That would make for some really motivated employees. I love the idea. There's almost no cost as we're just recycling the set from our night. They can do groups or just a couple. Yes, we need to do that."